"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.BufferLoader = void 0; const env_1 = require("@langchain/core/utils/env"); const base_js_1 = require("../base.cjs"); /** * Abstract class that extends the `BaseDocumentLoader` class. It * represents a document loader that loads documents from a buffer. The * `load()` method is implemented to read the buffer contents and metadata * based on the type of `filePathOrBlob`, and then calls the `parse()` * method to parse the buffer and return the documents. */ class BufferLoader extends base_js_1.BaseDocumentLoader { constructor(filePathOrBlob) { super(); Object.defineProperty(this, "filePathOrBlob", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: filePathOrBlob }); } /** * Method that reads the buffer contents and metadata based on the type of * `filePathOrBlob`, and then calls the `parse()` method to parse the * buffer and return the documents. * @returns Promise that resolves with an array of `Document` objects. */ async load() { let buffer; let metadata; if (typeof this.filePathOrBlob === "string") { const { readFile } = await BufferLoader.imports(); buffer = await readFile(this.filePathOrBlob); metadata = { source: this.filePathOrBlob }; } else { buffer = await this.filePathOrBlob .arrayBuffer() .then((ab) => Buffer.from(ab)); metadata = { source: "blob", blobType: this.filePathOrBlob.type }; } return this.parse(buffer, metadata); } /** * Static method that imports the `readFile` function from the * `fs/promises` module in Node.js. It is used to dynamically import the * function when needed. If the import fails, it throws an error * indicating that the `fs/promises` module is not available in the * current environment. * @returns Promise that resolves with an object containing the `readFile` function. */ static async imports() { try { const { readFile } = await import("node:fs/promises"); return { readFile }; } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new Error(`Failed to load fs/promises. TextLoader available only on environment 'node'. It appears you are running environment '${(0, env_1.getEnv)()}'. See https:// for alternatives.`); } } } exports.BufferLoader = BufferLoader;