195 lines
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195 lines
8.5 KiB
import { v4 as uuid4, validate } from "uuid";
import { Client } from "../index.js";
import { shuffle } from "../utils/shuffle.js";
import { AsyncCaller } from "../utils/async_caller.js";
import pRetry from "p-retry";
import { getCurrentRunTree, traceable } from "../traceable.js";
function isExperimentResultsList(value) {
return value.some((x) => typeof x !== "string");
async function loadExperiment(client, experiment) {
const value = typeof experiment === "string" ? experiment : experiment.experimentName;
return client.readProject(validate(value) ? { projectId: value } : { projectName: value });
async function loadTraces(client, experiment, options) {
const executionOrder = options.loadNested ? undefined : 1;
const runs = await client.listRuns(validate(experiment)
? { projectId: experiment, executionOrder }
: { projectName: experiment, executionOrder });
const treeMap = {};
const runIdMap = {};
const results = [];
for await (const run of runs) {
if (run.parent_run_id != null) {
treeMap[run.parent_run_id] ??= [];
else {
runIdMap[run.id] = run;
for (const [parentRunId, childRuns] of Object.entries(treeMap)) {
const parentRun = runIdMap[parentRunId];
parentRun.child_runs = childRuns.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.dotted_order == null || b.dotted_order == null)
return 0;
return a.dotted_order.localeCompare(b.dotted_order);
return results;
export async function evaluateComparative(experiments, options) {
if (experiments.length < 2) {
throw new Error("Comparative evaluation requires at least 2 experiments.");
if (!options.evaluators.length) {
throw new Error("At least one evaluator is required for comparative evaluation.");
if (options.maxConcurrency && options.maxConcurrency < 0) {
throw new Error("maxConcurrency must be a positive number.");
const client = options.client ?? new Client();
const resolvedExperiments = await Promise.all(experiments);
const projects = await (() => {
if (!isExperimentResultsList(resolvedExperiments)) {
return Promise.all(resolvedExperiments.map((experiment) => loadExperiment(client, experiment)));
// if we know the number of runs beforehand, check if the
// number of runs in the project matches the expected number of runs
return Promise.all(resolvedExperiments.map((experiment) => pRetry(async () => {
const project = await loadExperiment(client, experiment);
if (project.run_count !== experiment?.results.length) {
throw new Error("Experiment is missing runs. Retrying.");
return project;
}, { factor: 2, minTimeout: 1000, retries: 10 })));
if (new Set(projects.map((p) => p.reference_dataset_id)).size > 1) {
throw new Error("All experiments must have the same reference dataset.");
const referenceDatasetId = projects.at(0)?.reference_dataset_id;
if (!referenceDatasetId) {
throw new Error("Reference dataset is required for comparative evaluation.");
if (new Set(projects.map((p) => p.extra?.metadata?.dataset_version)).size > 1) {
console.warn("Detected multiple dataset versions used by experiments, which may lead to inaccurate results.");
const datasetVersion = projects.at(0)?.extra?.metadata?.dataset_version;
const id = uuid4();
const experimentName = (() => {
if (!options.experimentPrefix) {
const names = projects
.map((p) => p.name)
.join(" vs. ");
return `${names}-${uuid4().slice(0, 4)}`;
return `${options.experimentPrefix}-${uuid4().slice(0, 4)}`;
// TODO: add URL to the comparative experiment
console.log(`Starting pairwise evaluation of: ${experimentName}`);
const comparativeExperiment = await client.createComparativeExperiment({
name: experimentName,
experimentIds: projects.map((p) => p.id),
description: options.description,
metadata: options.metadata,
referenceDatasetId: projects.at(0)?.reference_dataset_id,
const viewUrl = await (async () => {
const projectId = projects.at(0)?.id ?? projects.at(1)?.id;
const datasetId = comparativeExperiment?.reference_dataset_id;
if (projectId && datasetId) {
const hostUrl = (await client.getProjectUrl({ projectId }))
const result = new URL(`${hostUrl}/datasets/${datasetId}/compare`);
result.searchParams.set("selectedSessions", projects.map((p) => p.id).join(","));
result.searchParams.set("comparativeExperiment", comparativeExperiment.id);
return result.toString();
return null;
if (viewUrl != null) {
console.log(`View results at: ${viewUrl}`);
const experimentRuns = await Promise.all(projects.map((p) => loadTraces(client, p.id, { loadNested: !!options.loadNested })));
let exampleIdsIntersect;
for (const runs of experimentRuns) {
const exampleIdsSet = new Set(runs
.map((r) => r.reference_example_id)
.filter((x) => x != null));
if (!exampleIdsIntersect) {
exampleIdsIntersect = exampleIdsSet;
else {
exampleIdsIntersect = new Set([...exampleIdsIntersect].filter((x) => exampleIdsSet.has(x)));
const exampleIds = [...(exampleIdsIntersect ?? [])];
if (!exampleIds.length) {
throw new Error("No examples found in common between experiments.");
const exampleMap = {};
for (let start = 0; start < exampleIds.length; start += 99) {
const exampleIdsChunk = exampleIds.slice(start, start + 99);
for await (const example of client.listExamples({
datasetId: referenceDatasetId,
exampleIds: exampleIdsChunk,
asOf: datasetVersion,
})) {
exampleMap[example.id] = example;
const runMapByExampleId = {};
for (const runs of experimentRuns) {
for (const run of runs) {
if (run.reference_example_id == null ||
!exampleIds.includes(run.reference_example_id)) {
runMapByExampleId[run.reference_example_id] ??= [];
const caller = new AsyncCaller({ maxConcurrency: options.maxConcurrency });
async function evaluateAndSubmitFeedback(runs, example, evaluator) {
const expectedRunIds = new Set(runs.map((r) => r.id));
const result = await evaluator(options.randomizeOrder ? shuffle(runs) : runs, example);
for (const [runId, score] of Object.entries(result.scores)) {
// validate if the run id
if (!expectedRunIds.has(runId)) {
throw new Error(`Returning an invalid run id ${runId} from evaluator.`);
await client.createFeedback(runId, result.key, {
sourceRunId: result.source_run_id,
comparativeExperimentId: comparativeExperiment.id,
return result;
const tracedEvaluators = options.evaluators.map((evaluator) => traceable(async (runs, example) => {
const evaluatorRun = getCurrentRunTree();
const result = await evaluator(runs, example);
// sanitise the payload before sending to LangSmith
evaluatorRun.inputs = { runs: runs, example: example };
evaluatorRun.outputs = result;
return {
source_run_id: result.source_run_id ?? evaluatorRun.id,
}, {
project_name: "evaluators",
name: evaluator.name || "evaluator",
const promises = Object.entries(runMapByExampleId).flatMap(([exampleId, runs]) => {
const example = exampleMap[exampleId];
if (!example)
throw new Error(`Example ${exampleId} not found.`);
return tracedEvaluators.map((evaluator) => caller.call(evaluateAndSubmitFeedback, runs, exampleMap[exampleId], evaluator));
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
return { experimentName, results };