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2024-06-03 16:29:39 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* Contains memorystatus subsystem definitions that are not
* exported outside of the memorystatus subsystem.
* For example, all of the mechanisms used by kern_memorystatus_policy.c
* should be defined in this header.
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <os/base.h>
#include <os/log.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <sys/kern_memorystatus_freeze.h>
#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
* memorystatus subsystem globals
extern unsigned int memorystatus_available_pages;
extern unsigned int memorystatus_available_pages_pressure;
extern unsigned int memorystatus_available_pages_critical;
extern uint32_t jetsam_kill_on_low_swap;
#else /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
extern uint64_t memorystatus_available_pages;
extern uint64_t memorystatus_available_pages_pressure;
extern uint64_t memorystatus_available_pages_critical;
#endif /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
extern int block_corpses; /* counter to block new corpses if jetsam purges them */
extern int system_procs_aging_band;
extern int applications_aging_band;
* TODO(jason): This should really be calculated dynamically by the zalloc
* subsystem before we do a zone map exhaustion kill. But the zone_gc
* logic is non-trivial, so for now it just sets this global.
extern _Atomic bool memorystatus_zone_map_is_exhausted;
* TODO(jason): We should get rid of this global
* and have the memorystatus thread check for compressor space shortages
* itself. However, there are 3 async call sites remaining that require more work to get us there:
* 2 of them are in vm_swap_defragment. When it's about to swap in a segment, it checks if that
* will cause a compressor space shortage & pre-emptively triggers jetsam. vm_compressor_backing_store
* needs to keep track of in-flight swapins due to defrag so we can perform those checks
* in the memorystatus thread.
* The other is in no_paging_space_action. This is only on macOS right now, but will
* be needed on iPad when we run out of swap space. This should be a new kill
* reason and we need to add a new health check for it.
* We need to maintain the macOS behavior though that we kill no more than 1 process
* every 5 seconds.
extern _Atomic bool memorystatus_compressor_space_shortage;
* TODO(jason): We should also get rid of this global
* and check for phantom cache pressure from the memorystatus
* thread. But first we need to fix the syncronization in
* vm_phantom_cache_check_pressure
extern _Atomic bool memorystatus_phantom_cache_pressure;
extern _Atomic bool memorystatus_pageout_starved;
* The actions that the memorystatus thread can perform
* when we're low on memory.
* See memorystatus_pick_action to see when each action is deployed.
OS_CLOSED_ENUM(memorystatus_action, uint32_t,
MEMORYSTATUS_KILL_HIWATER, // Kill 1 highwatermark process
MEMORYSTATUS_KILL_TOP_PROCESS, // Kill based on jetsam priority
MEMORYSTATUS_WAKE_SWAPPER, // Wake up the swap thread
MEMORYSTATUS_PROCESS_SWAPIN_QUEUE, // Compact the swapin queue and move segments to the swapout queue
MEMORYSTATUS_KILL_SUSPENDED_SWAPPABLE, // Kill a suspended swap-eligible processes based on jetsam priority
MEMORYSTATUS_KILL_SWAPPABLE, // Kill a swap-eligible process (even if it's running) based on jetsam priority
* Structure to hold state for a jetsam thread.
* Typically there should be a single jetsam thread
* unless parallel jetsam is enabled.
typedef struct jetsam_thread_state {
uint8_t inited; /* boolean - if the thread is initialized */
uint8_t limit_to_low_bands; /* boolean */
int index; /* jetsam thread index */
thread_t thread; /* jetsam thread pointer */
int jld_idle_kills; /* idle jetsam kill counter for this session */
uint32_t errors; /* Error accumulator */
bool sort_flag; /* Sort the fg band (idle on macOS) before killing? */
bool corpse_list_purged; /* Has the corpse list been purged? */
bool post_snapshot; /* Do we need to post a jetsam snapshot after this session? */
uint64_t memory_reclaimed; /* Amount of memory that was just reclaimed */
uint32_t hwm_kills; /* hwm kill counter for this session */
sched_cond_atomic_t jt_wakeup_cond; /* condition var used to synchronize wake/sleep operations for this jetsam thread */
} jetsam_thread_state_t;
* The memorystatus thread monitors these conditions
* and will continue to act until the system is considered
* healthy.
typedef struct memorystatus_system_health {
bool msh_available_pages_below_pressure;
bool msh_available_pages_below_critical;
bool msh_compressor_needs_to_swap;
bool msh_compressor_is_low_on_space;
bool msh_compressor_is_thrashing;
bool msh_compressed_pages_nearing_limit;
bool msh_filecache_is_thrashing;
bool msh_phantom_cache_pressure;
bool msh_swappable_compressor_segments_over_limit;
bool msh_swapin_queue_over_limit;
bool msh_swap_low_on_space;
bool msh_swap_out_of_space;
bool msh_pageout_starved;
#endif /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
bool msh_zone_map_is_exhausted;
} memorystatus_system_health_t;
void memorystatus_log_system_health(const memorystatus_system_health_t *health);
bool memorystatus_is_system_healthy(const memorystatus_system_health_t *status);
/* Picks a kill cause given an unhealthy system status */
uint32_t memorystatus_pick_kill_cause(const memorystatus_system_health_t *status);
* Agressive jetsam tunables
#define kJetsamAgingPolicyNone (0)
#define kJetsamAgingPolicyLegacy (1)
#define kJetsamAgingPolicySysProcsReclaimedFirst (2)
#define kJetsamAgingPolicyAppsReclaimedFirst (3)
#define kJetsamAgingPolicyMax kJetsamAgingPolicyAppsReclaimedFirst
extern boolean_t memorystatus_jld_enabled; /* Enable jetsam loop detection */
extern uint32_t memorystatus_jld_eval_period_msecs; /* Init pass sets this based on device memory size */
extern int memorystatus_jld_eval_aggressive_count; /* Raise the priority max after 'n' aggressive loops */
extern int memorystatus_jld_eval_aggressive_priority_band_max; /* Kill aggressively up through this band */
extern int memorystatus_jld_max_kill_loops; /* How many times should we try and kill up to the target band */
extern unsigned int memorystatus_sysproc_aging_aggr_pages; /* Aggressive jetsam pages threshold for sysproc aging policy */
extern int jld_eval_aggressive_count;
extern int32_t jld_priority_band_max;
extern uint64_t jld_timestamp_msecs;
extern int jld_idle_kill_candidates;
* VM globals read by the memorystatus subsystem
extern unsigned int vm_page_free_count;
extern unsigned int vm_page_active_count;
extern unsigned int vm_page_inactive_count;
extern unsigned int vm_page_throttled_count;
extern unsigned int vm_page_purgeable_count;
extern unsigned int vm_page_wire_count;
extern unsigned int vm_page_speculative_count;
extern uint32_t c_late_swapout_count, c_late_swappedin_count;
extern uint32_t c_seg_allocsize;
extern bool vm_swapout_thread_running;
extern _Atomic bool vm_swapout_wake_pending;
extern uint32_t vm_page_donate_mode;
void vm_swapout_thread(void);
void vm_compressor_process_special_swapped_in_segments(void);
#define MEMORYSTATUS_LOG_AVAILABLE_PAGES memorystatus_available_pages
#else /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
#define MEMORYSTATUS_LOG_AVAILABLE_PAGES (vm_page_active_count + vm_page_inactive_count + vm_page_free_count + vm_page_speculative_count)
#endif /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
bool memorystatus_avail_pages_below_pressure(void);
bool memorystatus_avail_pages_below_critical(void);
bool memorystatus_swap_over_trigger(uint64_t adjustment_factor);
bool memorystatus_swapin_over_trigger(void);
#endif /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
/* Does cause indicate vm or fc thrashing? */
bool is_reason_thrashing(unsigned cause);
/* Is the zone map almost full? */
bool is_reason_zone_map_exhaustion(unsigned cause);
memorystatus_action_t memorystatus_pick_action(struct jetsam_thread_state *jetsam_thread,
uint32_t *kill_cause, bool highwater_remaining,
bool suspended_swappable_apps_remaining,
bool swappable_apps_remaining, int *jld_idle_kills);
#define MEMSTAT_PERCENT_TOTAL_PAGES(p) (p * atop_64(max_mem) / 100)
#pragma mark Logging Utilities
__enum_decl(memorystatus_log_level_t, unsigned int, {
extern os_log_t memorystatus_log_handle;
extern memorystatus_log_level_t memorystatus_log_level;
* NB: Critical memorystatus logs (e.g. jetsam kills) are load-bearing for OS
* performance testing infrastructure. Be careful when modifying the log-level for
* important system events.
* Memorystatus logs are interpreted by a wide audience. To avoid logging information
* that could lead to false diagnoses, INFO and DEBUG messages are only logged if the
* system has been configured to do so via `kern.memorystatus_log_level` (sysctl) or
* `memorystatus_log_level` (boot-arg).
* os_log supports a mechanism for configuring these properties dynamically; however,
* this mechanism is currently unsupported in XNU.
* TODO (JC) Deprecate sysctl/boot-arg and move to subsystem preferences pending:
* - rdar://27006343 (Custom kernel log handles)
* - rdar://80958044 (Kernel Logging Configuration)
#define _memorystatus_log_with_type(type, format, ...) os_log_with_type(memorystatus_log_handle, type, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define memorystatus_log(format, ...) _memorystatus_log_with_type(OS_LOG_TYPE_DEFAULT, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define memorystatus_log_info(format, ...) if (memorystatus_log_level >= MEMORYSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) { _memorystatus_log_with_type(OS_LOG_TYPE_INFO, format, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define memorystatus_log_debug(format, ...) if (memorystatus_log_level >= MEMORYSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { _memorystatus_log_with_type(OS_LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define memorystatus_log_error(format, ...) _memorystatus_log_with_type(OS_LOG_TYPE_ERROR, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define memorystatus_log_fault(format, ...) _memorystatus_log_with_type(OS_LOG_TYPE_FAULT, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#pragma mark Freezer
* Freezer data types
/* An ordered list of freeze or demotion candidates */
struct memorystatus_freezer_candidate_list {
memorystatus_properties_freeze_entry_v1 *mfcl_list;
size_t mfcl_length;
struct memorystatus_freeze_list_iterator {
bool refreeze_only;
proc_t last_p;
size_t global_freeze_list_index;
* Freezer globals
extern struct memorystatus_freezer_stats_t memorystatus_freezer_stats;
extern int memorystatus_freezer_use_ordered_list;
extern struct memorystatus_freezer_candidate_list memorystatus_global_freeze_list;
extern struct memorystatus_freezer_candidate_list memorystatus_global_demote_list;
extern uint64_t memorystatus_freezer_thread_next_run_ts;
bool memorystatus_is_process_eligible_for_freeze(proc_t p);
bool memorystatus_freeze_proc_is_refreeze_eligible(proc_t p);
proc_t memorystatus_freezer_candidate_list_get_proc(
struct memorystatus_freezer_candidate_list *list,
size_t index,
uint64_t *pid_mismatch_counter);
* Returns the leader of the p's jetsam coalition
* and the role of p in that coalition.
proc_t memorystatus_get_coalition_leader_and_role(proc_t p, int *role_in_coalition);
bool memorystatus_freeze_process_is_recommended(const proc_t p);
* Ordered iterator over all freeze candidates.
* The iterator should initially be zeroed out by the caller and
* can be zeroed out whenever the caller wishes to start from the beginning
* of the list again.
* Returns PROC_NULL when all candidates have been iterated over.
proc_t memorystatus_freeze_pick_process(struct memorystatus_freeze_list_iterator *iterator);
* Returns the number of processes that the freezer thread should try to freeze
* on this wakeup.
size_t memorystatus_pick_freeze_count_for_wakeup(void);
* Configure the freezer for app-based swap mode.
* Should be called at boot.
void memorystatus_freeze_configure_for_swap(void);
* Undo memorystatus_freeze_configure_for_swap
void memorystatus_freeze_disable_swap(void);
#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */