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2024-06-03 16:29:39 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _NETINET_IN_ARP_H_
#define _NETINET_IN_ARP_H_
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <sys/kernel_types.h>
struct sockaddr;
struct sockaddr_dl;
struct sockaddr_in;
* @function inet_arp_lookup
* @discussion This function will check the routing table for a cached
* arp entry or trigger an arp query to resolve the ip address to a
* link-layer address.
* Arp entries are stored in the routing table. This function will
* lookup the ip destination in the routing table. If the
* destination requires forwarding to a gateway, the route of the
* gateway will be looked up. The route entry is inspected to
* determine if the link layer destination address is known. If
* unknown, the arp generation function for IP attached to the
* interface is called to create an arp request packet.
* @param interface The interface the packet is being sent on.
* @param ip_dest The ip destination of the packet.
* @param ll_dest On output, the link-layer destination.
* @param ll_dest_len The length of the buffer for ll_dest.
* @param hint Any routing hint passed down from the protocol.
* @param packet The packet being transmitted.
* @result May return an error such as EHOSTDOWN or ENETUNREACH. If
* this function returns EJUSTRETURN, the packet has been queued
* and will be sent when an arp response is received. If any other
* value is returned, the caller is responsible for disposing of
* the packet.
extern boolean_t arp_is_entry_probing(route_t p_route);
extern errno_t arp_lookup_ip(ifnet_t interface,
const struct sockaddr_in *ip_dest, struct sockaddr_dl *ll_dest,
size_t ll_dest_len, route_t hint, mbuf_t packet);
#define inet_arp_lookup arp_lookup_ip
extern errno_t inet_arp_lookup(ifnet_t interface,
const struct sockaddr_in *ip_dest, struct sockaddr_dl *ll_dest,
size_t ll_dest_len, route_t hint, mbuf_t packet);
#endif /* !BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
* @function inet_arp_handle_input
* @discussion This function should be called by code that handles
* inbound arp packets. The caller should parse the ARP packet to
* pull out the operation and the relevant addresses. If a response
* is required, the proto_media_send_arp function will be called.
* This function will lookup the sender in the routing table and
* add an arp entry if necessary. Any queued packets waiting for
* the arp resolution will also be transmitted.
* @param interface The interface the packet was received on.
* @param arp_op The arp operation, ARPOP_REQUEST or ARPOP_REPLY
* @param sender_hw The sender hardware address from the arp payload.
* @param sender_ip The sender IP address from the arp payload.
* @param target_ip The target IP address from the arp payload.
* @result 0 on success or an errno error value on failure.
extern errno_t arp_ip_handle_input(ifnet_t ifp, u_int16_t arpop,
const struct sockaddr_dl *sender_hw, const struct sockaddr_in *sender_ip,
const struct sockaddr_in *target_ip);
#define inet_arp_handle_input arp_ip_handle_input
extern errno_t inet_arp_handle_input(ifnet_t ifp, u_int16_t arpop,
const struct sockaddr_dl *sender_hw, const struct sockaddr_in *sender_ip,
const struct sockaddr_in *target_ip);
#endif /* !BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
* @function inet_arp_init_ifaddr
* @discussion This function should be called in two places, when an IP
* address is added and when the hardware address changes. This
* function will setup the ifaddr_t for use with the IP ARP
* functions. This function will also trigger the transmission of a
* gratuitous ARP packet.
* When the SIOCSIFADDR ioctl is handled, the data parameter will
* be an ifaddr_t. If this is an IP address, inet_arp_init_ifaddr
* should be called. This is usually performed in the protocol
* attachment's ioctl handler.
* When the event handler for the protocol attachment receives a
* KEV_DL_LINK_ADDRESS_CHANGED event, the event handler should call
* inet_arp_init_ifaddr for each interface ip address.
* For an example, see bsd/net/ether_inet_pr_module.c in xnu.
* Search for inet_arp_init_ifaddr.
* @param interface The interface the packet was received on.
* @param ipaddr The ip interface address.
/* inet_arp_init_ifaddr is aliased to arp_ifinit (if_ether.h) */
#define inet_arp_init_ifaddr arp_ifinit
extern void inet_arp_init_ifaddr(ifnet_t interface, ifaddr_t ipaddr);
#endif /* !BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
extern void arp_init(void);
extern void in_arpdrain(void *);
extern void arp_llreach_set_reachable(struct ifnet *, void *, unsigned int);
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* _NETINET_IN_ARP_H_ */