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2024-06-03 16:29:39 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#if defined(PRIVATE) || defined(BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE)
#include <skywalk/os_channel.h>
#include <skywalk/os_nexus_private.h>
#include <skywalk/os_packet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/in_private.h>
#include <netinet/in_stat.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_var_private.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
* [Intro]
* This file defines new statistics infrastructure using enum and uin64_t array
* for skywalk. BSD network stack statistics definition would be kept for
* backward compatibility.
* This new scheme has several advantages over legacy statistics definition.
* 1. Using array based data structure allows efficient folding with vector
* instructions.
* 2. It also allows simple indexing of statistics field using enum value
* rather than struct field name.
* 3. Coupled with descriptive string per statistics enum, it allows convenient
* printing.
* The new statistics enum and data structure follows naming convention as:
* 1. It should resemble legacy names to make transition easy.
* 2. It should be easily distinguishable from legacy data structure.
* [Naming]
* The new data structures are named with suffix _stats (plural) v.s legacy stat
* and are always in snake case, e.g.
* New | Legacy
* -------------------------+--------------------------
* ip_stats | ipstat
* ip6_stats | ip6stat
* tcp_stats | tcpstat
* if_tcp_ecn_stats | if_tcp_ecn_stat
* if_tcp_ecn_perf_stats | if_tcp_ecn_perf_stat
* udp_stats | udpstat
* Enums are named as <stats_family>_<type>, e.g.
* New | Legacy
* -------------------------+--------------------------
* IP_STATS_TOTAL | ipstat.ips_total
* TCP_STATS_CONNATTEMPT | tcpstat.tcps_connattempt
* [Usage]
* Declare a statistics data structure:
* struct ip_stats sample_ip_stats;
* To increment a statistics value by one:
* STATS_INC(&sample_ip_stats, IP_STATS_TOTAL);
* To add to a statistics value by a certain value:
* STATS_ADD(&sample_ip_stats, IP_STATS_TOTAL, n_pkts);
* To fold one statistics data structure into another one:
* ip_stats_fold(&sample_ip_stats, &another_ip_stats);
* To reset statistics:
* ip_stats_reset(&sample_ip_stats);
* [Note]
* Some legacy stats member has been removed for convenience reason, e.g.
* ip6stat.ip6s_nxthist[256]
* ip6stat.ip6s_sources_sameif[SCOPE6_ID_MAX];
* are removed, as they don't have easy mapping into array based statistics
* scheme and doesn't have explicit usage within the kernel.
* That's been said, those are treated as exceptions and could be reconsidered
* if they are needed in the future.
* [Adding Stats]
* To add new stats definition, a X-Macro table and STATS_REGISTER is needed.
* #define NEW_STATS_TABLE(X)\
* X(sub_type_1, "sub_type_1_short_name", "sub_type_1_fmt_string")\
* X(sub_type_2, "sub_type_2_short_name", "sub_type_2_fmt_string")\
* X(__NEW_STATS_MAX, "", "")
* where new_stats is the lower case name, and NEW_STATS is its upper case.
* The following would be generated by STATS_REGISTER Macro:
* enum _new_stats {
* sub_type_1,
* sub_type_2,
* };
* struct new_stats {
* uint64_t _arr[__NEW_STATS_NEW];
* }
* static inline const char* new_stats_str(enum _new_stats);
* static inline const char* new_stats_fmt(enum _new_stats);
* static inline void __attribute__((always_inline))
* new_stats_fold(struct new_stats *dst, struct new_stats *src);
* static inline void __attribute__((always_inline))
* new_stats_reset(struct new_stats *s);
* The fmt_string should conform to printf convention. Note here as uint64_t is
* used to store stats value, `%llu` is used to format the print value (PRIu64
* could be used but since long long is guaranteed to be 64bit long, casting
* to llu should work well without introducing definitions from `inttypes.h`.
/* ip stats definitions */
#define IP_STATS_TABLE(X) \
/* Input stats */ \
X(IP_STATS_TOTAL, "TotalRcvd", "\t%llu total packet received\n") \
X(IP_STATS_BADSUM, "BadCsum", "\t\t%llu bad header checksum\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RCV_SWCSUM, "RcvSWCsumPkt", "\t\t%llu header checksummed in software") \
X(IP_STATS_RCV_SWCSUM_BYTES, "RcvSWCsumByte"," (%llu byte)\n") \
X(IP_STATS_TOOSMALL, "DataTooSmall", "\t\t%llu with size smaller than minimum\n")\
X(IP_STATS_TOOSHORT, "PktTooShort", "\t\t%llu with data size < data length\n") \
X(IP_STATS_ADJ, "TotalAdj", "\t\t%llu with data size > data length\n") \
X(IP_STATS_ADJ_HWCSUM_CLR, "HWCsumDisc", "\t\t\t%llu packet forced to software checksum\n") \
X(IP_STATS_TOOLONG, "TooLong", "\t\t%llu with ip length > max ip packet size\n") \
X(IP_STATS_BADHLEN, "BadHdrLen", "\t\t%llu with header length < data size\n") \
X(IP_STATS_BADLEN, "BadLen", "\t\t%llu with data length < header length\n") \
X(IP_STATS_BADOPTIONS, "BadOptions", "\t\t%llu with bad options\n") \
X(IP_STATS_BADVERS, "BadVer", "\t\t%llu with incorrect version number\n") \
X(IP_STATS_FRAGMENTS, "FragRcvd", "\t\t%llu fragment received\n") \
X(IP_STATS_FRAGDROPPED, "FragDrop", "\t\t\t%llu dropped (dup or out of space)\n") \
X(IP_STATS_FRAGTIMEOUT, "FragTimeO", "\t\t\t%llu dropped after timeout\n") \
X(IP_STATS_REASSEMBLED, "Reassembled", "\t\t\t%llu reassembled ok\n") \
X(IP_STATS_DELIVERED, "Delivered", "\t\t%llu packet for this host\n") \
X(IP_STATS_NOPROTO, "UnkwnProto", "\t\t%llu packet for unknown/unsupported protocol\n") \
X(IP_STATS_FORWARD, "Fwd", "\t\t%llu packet forwarded") \
X(IP_STATS_FASTFORWARD, "FastFwd", " (%llu packet fast forwarded)\n") \
X(IP_STATS_CANTFORWARD, "CantFwd", "\t\t%llu packet not forwardable\n") \
X(IP_STATS_NOTMEMBER, "UnRegGroup", "\t\t%llu packet received for unknown multicast group\n") \
X(IP_STATS_REDIRECTSENT, "FwdSameNet", "\t\t%llu redirect sent\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RXC_COLLISIONS, "RxChnColl", "\t\t%llu input packet not chained due to collision\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RXC_CHAINED, "RxChn", "\t\t%llu input packet processed in a chain\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RXC_NOTCHAIN, "RxBypChn", "\t\t%llu input packet unable to chain\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RXC_CHAINSZ_GT2, "RxChnGT2", "\t\t%llu input packet chain processed with length greater than 2\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RXC_CHAINSZ_GT4, "RxChnGT4", "\t\t%llu input packet chain processed with length greater than 4\n") \
/* Output stats */ \
X(IP_STATS_LOCALOUT, "LocalOut", "\t%llu packet sent from this host\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RAWOUT, "RawPktOut", "\t\t%llu packet sent with fabricated ip header\n") \
X(IP_STATS_ODROPPED, "DropNoBuf", "\t\t%llu output packet dropped due to no bufs, etc.\n") \
X(IP_STATS_NOROUTE, "NoRoute", "\t\t%llu output packet discarded due to no route\n") \
X(IP_STATS_FRAGMENTED, "Fragmented", "\t\t%llu output datagram fragmented\n") \
X(IP_STATS_OFRAGMENTS, "OutFraged", "\t\t%llu fragment created\n") \
X(IP_STATS_CANTFRAG, "CantFrag", "\t\t%llu datagram that can't be fragmented\n") \
X(IP_STATS_NOGIF, "NoGif", "\t\t%llu tunneling packet that can't find gif\n") \
X(IP_STATS_BADADDR, "BadAddr", "\t\t%llu datagram with bad address in header\n") \
X(IP_STATS_PKTDROPCNTRL, "DropNoCtl", "\t\t%llu packet dropped due to no bufs for control data\n") \
X(IP_STATS_SND_SWCSUM, "SndSWCsumPkt", "\t\t%llu header checksummed in software") \
X(IP_STATS_SND_SWCSUM_BYTES, "SndSWCsumByte"," (%llu byte)\n") \
X(IP_STATS_RXC_NOTLIST, "IPInPkt", "\t\t%llu input packet did not go through list processing path\n") \
X(__IP_STATS_MAX, "", "end of ip stats")
/* ipv6 stats definitions */
#define IP6_STATS_TABLE(X) \
/* Input Stats */ \
X(IP6_STATS_TOTAL, "TotalRcvd", "\t%llu total packet received\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_TOOSMALL, "DataTooSmall", "\t\t%llu with size smaller than minimum\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_TOOSHORT, "PktTooShort", "\t\t%llu with data size < data length\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_ADJ, "TotalAdj", "\t\t%llu with data size > data length\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_ADJ_HWCSUM_CLR, "HWCsumDisc", "\t\t\t%llu packet forced to software checksum\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_BADOPTIONS, "BadOptions", "\t\t%llu with bad options\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_BADVERS, "BadVer", "\t\t%llu with incorrect version number\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FRAGMENTS, "FrafRcvd", "\t\t%llu fragment received\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FRAGDROPPED, "FragDrop", "\t\t\t%llu dropped (dup or out of space)\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FRAGTIMEOUT, "FragTimeO", "\t\t\t%llu dropped after timeout\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FRAGOVERFLOW, "FragOverFlow", "\t\t\t%llu exceeded limit\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_REASSEMBLED, "FragReassembled","\t\t\t%llu reassembled ok\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_ATMFRAG_RCVD, "RAtomicFrag", "\t\t\t%llu atomic fragments received\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_DELIVERED, "Delivered", "\t\t%llu packet for this host\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FORWARD, "Fwd", "\t\t%llu packet forwarded\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_CANTFORWARD, "CantFwd", "\t\t%llu packet not forwardable\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_REDIRECTSENT, "RedirectSent", "\t\t%llu redirect sent\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_NOTMEMBER, "NoMCGrp", "\t\t%llu multicast packet which we don't join\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_EXTHDRTOOLONG, "ExtHdrNotCont","\t\t\t%llu packet whose headers are not continuous\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_NOGIF, "NoGif", "\t\t%llu tunneling packet that can't find gif\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_TOOMANYHDR, "TooManyHdr", "\t\t%llu packet discarded due to too may headers\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FORWARD_CACHEHIT, "FwdCacheHit", "\t\t%llu forward cache hit\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FORWARD_CACHEMISS, "FwdCacheMiss", "\t\t%llu forward cache miss\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_PKTDROPCNTRL, "DropNoCtl", "\t\t%llu packet dropped due to no bufs for control data\n") \
/* Output stats */ \
X(IP6_STATS_LOCALOUT, "LocalOut", "\t%llu packet sent from this host\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_RAWOUT, "RawPktOut", "\t\t%llu packet sent with fabricated ip header\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_ODROPPED, "DropNoBuf", "\t\t%llu output packet dropped due to no bufs, etc.\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_NOROUTE, "NoRoute", "\t\t%llu output packet discarded due to no route\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_FRAGMENTED, "Fragmented", "\t\t%llu output datagram fragmented\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_OFRAGMENTS, "OutFraged", "\t\t%llu fragment created\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_CANTFRAG, "CantFrag", "\t\t%llu datagram that can't be fragmented\n")\
X(IP6_STATS_BADSCOPE, "BadScope", "\t\t%llu packet that violated scope rules\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_SOURCES_NONE, "AddrSelFail", "\t\t%llu failure of source address selection\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_DAD_COLLIDE, "DADColl", "\t\t%llu duplicate address detection collision\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_DAD_LOOPCOUNT, "DADLoop", "\t\t%llu duplicate address detection NS loop\n") \
X(IP6_STATS_SOURCES_SKIP6_EXPENSIVE_SECONDARY_IF,"Ign2ndIf", "\t\t%llu time ignored source on secondary expensive I/F\n") \
X(__IP6_STATS_MAX, "", "end of ipv6 stats")
/* tcp stats definitions */
#define TCP_STATS_TABLE(X) \
/* Output stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDTOTAL, "SndTotalPkt", "\t%llu packet sent\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDPACK, "SndTotalDP", "\t\t%llu data packet") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDBYTE, "SndDataByte", " (%llu byte)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDREXMITPACK, "SndDPktReXmt", "\t\t%llu data packet retransmitted") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDREXMITBYTE, "SndDByteReXmt"," (%llu byte)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MTURESENT, "MTUReSnd", "\t\t%llu resend initiated by MTU discovery\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDACKS, "SndAck", "\t\t%llu ack-only packet") \
X(TCP_STATS_DELACK, "DelayAck", " (%llu delayed)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDURG, "SndURG", "\t\t%llu URG only packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDPROBE, "SndWinProb", "\t\t%llu window probe packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDWINUP, "SndWinUpd", "\t\t%llu window update packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDCTRL, "SndCtlPkt", "\t\t%llu control packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_FCHOLDPACKET, "FlowCtlWh", "\t\t%llu data packet sent after flow control\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SYNCHALLENGE, "SYNChallenge", "\t\t%llu challenge ACK sent due to unexpected SYN\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RSTCHALLENGE, "RSTChallenge", "\t\t%llu challenge ACK sent due to unexpected RST\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SND_SWCSUM, "SndSWCsumPkt", "\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(TCP_STATS_SND_SWCSUM_BYTES, "SndSWCsumByte"," (%llu byte) over IPv4\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SND6_SWCSUM, "SndSWCsumPkt6","\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(TCP_STATS_SND6_SWCSUM_BYTES, "SndSWCsumByte6"," (%llu byte) over IPv6\n") \
/* Input stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVTOTAL, "RcvTotalPkt", "\t%llu packet received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVACKPACK, "RcvAckPkt", "\t\t%llu ack") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVACKBYTE, "RcvAckByte", " (for %llu byte)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVDUPACK, "RcvDupAck", "\t\t%llu duplicate ack\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVACKTOOMUCH, "RcvAckUnSnd", "\t\t%llu ack for unsent data\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVPACK, "RcvPktInSeq", "\t\t%llu packet received in-sequence") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVBYTE, "RcvBInSeq", " (%llu byte)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVDUPPACK, "RcvDupPkt", "\t\t%llu completely duplicate packet") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVDUPBYTE, "RcvDupByte", " (%llu byte)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PAWSDROP, "PAWSDrop", "\t\t%llu old duplicate packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVMEMDROP, "RcvMemDrop", "\t\t%llu received packet dropped due to low memory\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVPARTDUPPACK, "RcvDupData", "\t\t%llu packet with some dup. data") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVPARTDUPBYTE, "RcvPDupByte", " (%llu byte duped)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVOOPACK, "RcvOOPkt", "\t\t%llu out-of-order packet") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVOOBYTE, "RcvOOByte", " (%llu byte)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVPACKAFTERWIN, "RcvAftWinPkt", "\t\t%llu packet of data after window") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVBYTEAFTERWIN, "RcvAftWinByte"," (%llu byte)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVWINPROBE, "RcvWinProbPkt","\t\t%llu window probe\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVWINUPD, "RcvWinUpdPkt", "\t\t%llu window update packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVAFTERCLOSE, "RcvAftCloPkt", "\t\t%llu packet received after close\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_BADRST, "BadRST", "\t\t%llu bad reset\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVBADSUM, "RcvBadCsum", "\t\t%llu discarded for bad checksum\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCV_SWCSUM, "RcvSWCsumPkt", "\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCV_SWCSUM_BYTES, "RcvSWCsumByte"," (%llu byte) over IPv4\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCV6_SWCSUM, "RcvSWCsumPkt6","\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCV6_SWCSUM_BYTES, "RcvSWCsumByte6"," (%llu byte) over IPv6\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVBADOFF, "RcvBadOff", "\t\t%llu discarded for bad header offset field\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RCVSHORT, "RcvTooShort", "\t\t%llu discarded because packet too short\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_CONNATTEMPT, "ConnInit", "\t\t%llu discarded because packet too short\n") \
/* Connection stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_ACCEPTS, "ConnAcpt", "\t%llu connection accept\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_BADSYN, "BadSYN", "\t%llu bad connection attempt\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_LISTENDROP, "ListenDrop", "\t%llu listen queue overflow\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_CONNECTS, "ConnEst", "\t%llu connection established (including accepts)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_CLOSED, "ConnClosed", "\t%llu connection closed") \
X(TCP_STATS_DROPS, "ConnDrop", " (including %llu drop)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_CACHEDRTT, "RTTCacheUpd", "\t\t%llu connection updated cached RTT on close\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_CACHEDRTTVAR, "RTTVarCacheUpd","\t\t%llu connection updated cached RTT variance on close\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_CACHEDSSTHRESH, "SSTholdCacheUpd","\t\t%llu connection updated cached ssthresh on close\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_CONNDROPS, "EConnDrop", "\t%llu embryonic connection dropped\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RTTUPDATED, "RTTUpdated", "\t%llu segment updated rtt") \
X(TCP_STATS_SEGSTIMED, "RTTTimed", " (of %llu attempt)\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_REXMTTIMEO, "ReXmtTO", "\t%llu retransmit timeout\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMEOUTDROP, "DropTO", "\t\t%llu connection dropped by rexmit timeout\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RXTFINDROP, "ReXmtFINDrop", "\t\t%llu connection dropped after retransmitting FIN\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PERSISTTIMEO, "PersistTO", "\t%llu persist timeout\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PERSISTDROP, "PersisStateTO","\t\t%llu connection dropped by persist timeout\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_KEEPTIMEO, "KATO", "\t%llu keepalive timeout\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_KEEPPROBE, "KAProbe", "\t\t%llu keepalive probe sent\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_KEEPDROPS, "KADrop", "\t\t%llu connection dropped by keepalive\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PREDACK, "PredAck", "\t%llu correct ACK header prediction\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PREDDAT, "PredData", "\t%llu correct data packet header prediction\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PCBCACHEMISS, "Pcb$Miss", "\t%llu times pcb cahce miss") \
/* SACK related stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_SACK_RECOVERY_EPISODE, "SACKRecEpi", "\t%llu SACK recovery episode\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SACK_REXMITS, "SACKReXmt", "\t%llu segment rexmit in SACK recovery episodes\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SACK_REXMIT_BYTES, "SACKReXmtB", "\t%llu byte rexmit in SACK recovery episodes\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SACK_RCV_BLOCKS, "SACKRcvBlk", "\t%llu SACK option (SACK blocks) received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SACK_SEND_BLOCKS, "SACKSntBlk", "\t%llu SACK option (SACK blocks) sent\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SACK_SBOVERFLOW, "SACKSndBlkOF", "\t%llu SACK scoreboard overflow\n") \
/* LRO related stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_COALESCED_PACK, "CoalPkt", "\t%llu LRO coalesced packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_FLOWTBL_FULL, "FlowTblFull", "\t\t%llu time LRO flow table was full\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_FLOWTBL_COLLISION, "FlowTblColl", "\t\t%llu collision in LRO flow table\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_LRO_TWOPACK, "LRO2Pkt", "\t\t%llu time LRO coalesced 2 packets\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_LRO_MULTPACK, "LROMultiPkt", "\t\t%llu time LRO coalesced 3 or 4 packets\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_LRO_LARGEPACK, "LROLargePkt", "\t\t%llu time LRO coalesced 5 or more packets\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_LIMITED_TXT, "LimitedXmt", "\t%llu limited transmit done\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_EARLY_REXMT, "EarlyReXmt", "\t%llu early retransmit done\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SACK_ACKADV, "SACKAdvAck", "\t%llu time cumulative ack advanced along with SACK\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PTO, "ProbTO", "\t%llu probe timeout\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RTO_AFTER_PTO, "RTOAfProb", "\t\t%llu time retransmit timeout triggered after probe\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PROBE_IF, "ProbeIF", "\t\t%llu time probe packets were sent for an interface\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PROBE_IF_CONFLICT, "ProbeIFConfl", "\t\t%llu time couldn't send probe packets for an interface\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TLP_RECOVERY, "TLPFastRecvr", "\t\t%llu time fast recovery after tail loss\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TLP_RECOVERLASTPKT, "TLPRecvrLPkt", "\t\t%llu time recovered last packet \n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PTO_IN_RECOVERY, "PTOInRecvr", "\t\t%llu SACK based rescue retransmit\n") \
/* ECN related stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_CLIENT_SETUP, "ECNCliSetup", "\t%llu client connection attempted to negotiate ECN\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_CLIENT_SUCCESS, "ECNNegoSucc", "\t\t%llu client connection successfully negotiated ECN\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_NOT_SUPPORTED, "ECNSvrNoSupt", "\t\t%llu time graceful fallback to Non-ECN connection\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_LOST_SYN, "ECNLOSSSYN", "\t\t%llu time lost ECN negotiating SYN, followed by retransmission\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_SERVER_SETUP, "ECNSvrSetup", "\t\t%llu server connection attempted to negotiate ECN\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_SERVER_SUCCESS, "ECNSvrSucc", "\t\t%llu server connection successfully negotiate ECN\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_ACE_SYN_NOT_ECT, "ACESynNotECT", "\t\t%llu received AccECN SYN packet with Not-ECT\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_ACE_SYN_ECT1, "ACESynECT1", "\t\t%llu received AccECN SYN packet with ECT1\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_ACE_SYN_ECT0, "ACESynECT0", "\t\t%llu received AccECN SYN packet with ECT0\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_ACE_SYN_CE, "ACESynCE", "\t\t%llu received AccECN SYN packet with CE\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_LOST_SYNACK, "ECNLossSYNACK","\t\t%llu time lost ECN negotiating SYN-ACK, followed by retransmission\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_RECV_CE, "ECNRcv", "\t\t%llu time received congestion experienced (CE) notification\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_RECV_ECE, "ECNRcvECE", "\t\t%llu time CWR was sent in response to ECE\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_SENT_ECE, "ECNSndECE", "\t\t%llu time sent ECE notification\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_ACE_RECV_CE, "ACERcvECE", "\t\t%llu CE count received in ACE field\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_CONN_RECV_CE, "ECNConnRcvCE", "\t\t%llu connection received CE atleast once\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_CONN_RECV_ECE, "ECNConnRcvECE","\t\t%llu connection received ECE atleast once\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_CONN_PLNOCE, "ECNConnPLNoCE","\t\t%llu connection using ECN have seen packet loss but no CE\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_CONN_PL_CE, "ECNConnPLCE", "\t\t%llu connection using ECN have seen packet loss and CE\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_CONN_NOPL_CE, "ECNConnNoPLCE","\t\t%llu connection using ECN received CE but no packet loss\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_FALLBACK_SYNLOSS, "ECNFbSYNLoss", "\t\t%llu connection fell back to non-ECN due to SYN-loss\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_FALLBACK_REORDER, "ECNFbReOrd", "\t\t%llu connection fell back to non-ECN due to reordering\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_FALLBACK_CE, "ECNFbCE", "\t\t%llu connection fell back to non-ECN due to excessive CE-markings\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_FALLBACK_DROPRST, "ECNFbDrpRST", "\t\t%llu ECN fallback caused by connection drop due to RST\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ECN_FALLBACK_DROPRXMT, "ECNFbDrpReXmt","\t\t%llu ECN fallback due to drop after multiple retransmits\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DETECT_REORDERING, "ReOrdDetect", "\t%llu time packet reordering was detected on a connection\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_REORDERED_PKTS, "ReOrdPkt", "\t\t%llu time transmitted packets were reordered\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DELAY_RECOVERY, "DlyFastRecvr", "\t\t%llu time fast recovery was delayed to handle reordering\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_AVOID_RXMT, "AvoidReXmt", "\t\t%llu time retransmission was avoided by delaying recovery\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_UNNECESSARY_RXMT, "UnNeedReXmt", "\t\t%llu retransmission not needed\n")\
/* DSACK related statistics */ \
X(TCP_STATS_DSACK_SENT, "DSACKSnd", "\t%llu time DSACK option was sent\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DSACK_RECVD, "DSACKRcv", "\t\t%llu time DSACK option was received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DSACK_DISABLE, "DSACKDisable", "\t\t%llu time DSACK was disabled on a connection\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DSACK_BADREXMT, "DSACKBadReXmt","\t\t%llu time recovered from bad retransmission using DSACK\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DSACK_ACKLOSS, "DSACKAckLoss", "\t\t%llu time ignored DSACK due to ack loss\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DSACK_RECVD_OLD, "DSACKRcvOld", "\t\t%llu time ignored old DSACK options\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_PMTUDBH_REVERTED, "PMTUDBHRevert","\t%llu time PMTU Blackhole detection, size reverted\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_DROP_AFTER_SLEEP, "DropAPSleep", "\t%llu connection were dropped after long sleep\n") \
/* TFO-related statistics */ \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_COOKIE_SENT, "TFOCkSnd", "\t%llu time a TFO-cookie has been announced\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_SYN_DATA_RCV, "TFOSYNDataRcv","\t%llu SYN with data and a valid TFO-cookie have been received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_COOKIE_REQ_RCV, "TFOCkReqRcv", "\t%llu SYN with TFO-cookie-request received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_COOKIE_INVALID, "TFOCkInv", "\t%llu time an invalid TFO-cookie has been received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_COOKIE_REQ, "TFOCkReq", "\t%llu time we requested a TFO-cookie\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_COOKIE_RCV, "TFOCkRcv", "\t\t%llu time the peer announced a TFO-cookie\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_SYN_DATA_SENT, "TFOSYNDataSnd","\t%llu time we combined SYN with data and a TFO-cookie\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_SYN_DATA_ACKED, "TDOSYNDataAck","\t\t%llu time our SYN with data has been acknowledged\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_SYN_LOSS, "TFOSYNLoss", "\t%llu time a connection-attempt with TFO fell back to regular TCP\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_BLACKHOLE, "TFOBlackhole", "\t%llu time a TFO-connection blackhole'd\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_COOKIE_WRONG, "TFOCkWrong", "\t%llu time TFO-cookie we sent was wrong\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_NO_COOKIE_RCV, "TFONoCkRcv", "\t%llu time ee asked for a cookie but didn't get one\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_HEURISTICS_DISABLE, "TFOHeuDisable","\t%llu time TFO got disabled due to heuristics\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TFO_SNDBLACKHOLE, "TFOSndBH", "\t%llu time TFO got blackholed in the sending direction\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MSS_TO_DEFAULT, "MSSToDefault", "\t%llu time maximum segment size was changed to default\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MSS_TO_MEDIUM, "MSSToMedium", "\t%llu time maximum segment size was changed to medium\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MSS_TO_LOW, "MSSToLow", "\t%llu time maximum segment size was changed to low\n") \
/* TCP timer statistics */ \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_1_MS, "TmrDriftLE1Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 1 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_10_MS, "TmrDriftLE10Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 10 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_20_MS, "TmrDriftLE20Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 20 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_50_MS, "TmrDriftLE50Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 50 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_100_MS, "TmrDriftLE100Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 100 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_200_MS, "TmrDriftLE200Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 200 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_500_MS, "TmrDriftLE500Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 500 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_LE_1000_MS, "TmrDriftLE1000Ms", "\t%llu timer drift less or equal to 1000 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TIMER_DRIFT_GT_1000_MS, "TmrDriftGT1000Ms", "\t%llu timer drift greater than 1000 ms\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_USEDRTT, "RTTUsed", "\t%llu times RTT initialized from route\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_USEDRTTVAR, "RTTVarUsed", "\t%llu times RTTVAR initialized from rt\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_USEDSSTHRESH, "SSTholdUsed", "\t%llu times ssthresh initialized from rt\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MINMSSDROPS, "MinMssDrop", "\t%llu average minmss too low drops\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SNDREXMITBAD, "BadReXmt", "\t%llu unnecessary packet retransmissions\n") \
/* SYN Cache relaetd stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_ADDED, "SCAdded", "\t%llu entry added to syncache\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_RETRANSMITTED, "SCReXmt", "\t%llu syncache entry was retransmitted\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_DUPSYN, "SCDupSYN", "\t%llu duplicate SYN packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_DROPPED, "SCDrop", "\t%llu could not reply to packet\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_COMPLETED, "SCCompl", "\t%llu successful extraction of entry\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_BUCKETOVERFLOW, "SCBktOF", "\t%llu syncache per-bucket limit hit\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_CACHEOVERFLOW, "SCOF", "\t%llu syncache cache limit hit\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_RESET, "SCReset", "\t%llu RST removed entry from syncache\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_STALE, "SCStale", "\t%llu timed out or listen socket gone\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_ABORTED, "SCAbrt", "\t%llu syncache entry aborted\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_BADACK, "SCBadAck", "\t%llu removed due to bad ACK\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_UNREACH, "SCUnReach", "\t%llu ICMP unreachable received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_ZONEFAIL, "SCZoneFail", "\t%llu zalloc() failed\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_SENDCOOKIE, "SCSndCookie", "\t%llu SYN cookie sent\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_SC_RECVCOOKIE, "SCRvcCookie", "\t%llu SYN cookie received\n") \
/* Host Cache related stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_HC_ADDED, "HCAdd", "\t%llu entry added to hostcache\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_HC_BUCKETOVERFLOW, "HCBktOF", "\t%llu hostcache per bucket limit hit\n") \
/* Misc. */ \
X(TCP_STATS_BG_RCVTOTAL, "RcvBkgrdPkt", "\t%llu total background packets received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MSG_UNOPKTS, "MsgUnOrdPkt", "\t%llu unordered packet on TCP msg stream\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MSG_UNOAPPENDFAIL, "MsgUnOrdFail", "\t%llu failed to append unordered pkt\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MSG_SNDWAITHIPRI, "MsgSndW8HPrio","\t%llu send waiting for high priority data\n") \
/* MPTCP Related stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_SNDPACKS, "MPSndPkt", "\t%llu data packet sent\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_SNDBYTES, "MPSndByte", "\t%llu data byte sent\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_RCVTOTAL, "MPRcvTotal", "\t%llu data packet received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_RCVBYTES, "MPRcvByte", "\t%llu data byte received\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_INVALID_MPCAP, "InvMPCap", "\t%llu packet with an invalid MPCAP option\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_INVALID_JOINS, "InvMPJoin", "\t%llu packet with an invalid MPJOIN option\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MPCAP_FALLBACK, "MPCapFail", "\t%llu time primary subflow fell back to TCP\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_JOIN_FALLBACK, "MPJoinFallBk", "\t%llu time secondary subflow fell back to TCP\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_ESTAB_FALLBACK, "EstFallBk", "\t%llu DSS option drop\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_INVALID_OPT, "InvOpt", "\t%llu other invalid MPTCP option\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_REDUCEDWIN, "MPReducedWin", "\t%llu time the MPTCP subflow window was reduced\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_BADCSUM, "MPBadCSum", "\t%llu bad DSS checksum\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_OODATA, "MPOOData", "\t%llu time received out of order data\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_OUTOFWIN, "MPOutOfWin", "\t%llu Packet lies outside the shared recv window\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_JOIN_RXMTS, "JoinAckReXmt", "\t%llu join ack retransmits\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_TAILLOSS_RTO, "TailLossTRO", "\t%llu RTO due to tail loss\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RECOVERED_PKTS, "RecoveryPkt", "\t%llu recovered after loss\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_NOSTRETCHACK, "NoStrechAck", "\t%llu disabled stretch ack algorithm on a connection\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_RESCUE_RXMT, "SACKRsqReXmt", "\t%llu SACK rescue retransmit\n") \
/* MPTCP Subflow selection stats */ \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_SWITCHES, "MPSwitches", "\t%llu subflow switch\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_SEL_SYMTOMSD, "MPSelSymp", "\t%llu subflow switch due to advisory\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_SEL_RTT, "MPSelRTT", "\t%llu subflow switch due to rtt\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_SEL_RTO, "MPSelRTO", "\t%llu subflow switch due to rto\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_SEL_PEER, "MPSelPeer", "\t%llu subflow switch due to peer\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_NUM_PROBES, "MPProbe", "\t%llu number of subflow probe\n") \
X(TCP_STATS_MP_VERDOWNGRADE, "MPVerDowngrd", "\t%llu times MPTCP version downgrade\n") \
/* Miscellaneous statistics */ \
X(TCP_STATS_TW_PCBCOUNT, "TWPcbCount", "\t%llu pcbs in time-wait state\n") \
X(__TCP_STATS_MAX, "", "end of tcp stats")
#define UDP_STATS_TABLE(X) \
/* Input stats */ \
X(UDP_STATS_IPACKETS, "RcvPkt", "\t%llu datagram received\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_HDROPS, "HdrDrop", "\t\t%llu with incomplete header\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_BADSUM, "BadCsum", "\t\t%llu with bad data length field\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_BADLEN, "BadLen", "\t\t%llu with bad checksum\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_NOSUM, "NoCsum", "\t\t%llu with no checksum\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_RCV_SWCSUM, "RcvSWCsum", "\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(UDP_STATS_RCV_SWCSUM_BYTES, "RcvSWCsumBytes", " (%llu bytes) over IPv4\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_RCV6_SWCSUM, "RcvSWCsum", "\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(UDP_STATS_RCV6_SWCSUM_BYTES, "RcvSWCsumBytes", " (%llu bytes) over IPv6\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_NOPORT, "NoPort", "\t\t%llu dropped due to no socket\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_NOPORTBCAST, "NoPortBCast", "\t\t%llu broadcast/multicast datagram undelivered\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_FILTERMCAST, "FilterMCast", "\t\t%llu time multicast source filter matched\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_FULLSOCK, "FullSock", "\t\t%llu dropped due to full socket buffers\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_PCBCACHEMISS, "PCBCacheMiss", "\t\t%llu not for hashed pcb\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_PCBHASHMISS, "PCBHashMiss", "\t\t%llu input packets not for hashed pcb") \
/* Output stats */ \
X(UDP_STATS_OPACKETS, "SndPkt", "\t%llu datagram output\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_SND_SWCSUM, "SndSWCsum", "\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(UDP_STATS_SND_SWCSUM_BYTES, "SndSWCsumBytes", " (%llu bytes) over IPv4\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_SND6_SWCSUM, "SndSWCsum6", "\t\t%llu checksummed in software") \
X(UDP_STATS_SND6_SWCSUM_BYTES, "SndSWCsumBytes6", " (%llu bytes) over IPv6\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_FASTOUT, "SndFastPath", "\t\t%llu output packets on fast path\n") \
X(UDP_STATS_NOPORTMCAST, "SndNoPortMCast", "\t\t%llu output no socket on port, multicast\n") \
X(__UDP_STATS_MAX, "", "end of UDP stats")
/* Tx */ \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDPKT, "SndTotalPkt", "\t%llu packets sent") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDBYTE, "SndTotalByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
/* Tx Stream */ \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDSTREAMFRAME, "SndStreamFrame", "\t\tSTREAM\n\t\t\t%llu stream frames sent") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDSTREAMBYTE, "SndStreamByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDSTREAMRESET, "SndStreamReset", "\t\t\t%llu RESET_STREAM frames sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDSTOPSENDING, "SndStopSending", "\t\t\t%llu STOP_SENDING frames sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDSTREAMBLKFRAME, "SndStreamBlockedFrame","\t\t\t%llu STREAM_BLOCKED frames sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDSTMDATABLKFRAME, "SndStreamDataBlocked", "\t\t\t%llu STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frames sent\n") \
/* Tx CRYPTO */ \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDINITCRYPTOFRAME, "SndInitCryptoFrame", "\t\tCRYPTO\n\t\t\t%llu initial CRYPTO frames sent") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDINITCRYPTOBYTE, "SndInitCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDHDSHKCRYPTOFRAME, "SndHdShkCryptoFrame", "\t\t\t%llu handshake CRYPTO frames sent") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDHDSHKCRYPTOBYTE, "SndHdShkCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SND1RTTCRYPTOFRAME, "Snd1RttCryptoFrame", "\t\t\t%llu 1-RTT CRYPTO frames sent") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SND1RTTCRYPTOBYTE, "Snd1RttCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SND0RTTCRYPTOFRAME, "Snd1RttCryptoFrame", "\t\t\t%llu 0-RTT CRYPTO frames sent") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SND0RTTCRYPTOBYTE, "Snd1RttCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDCRYPTOREXMTFRAME, "SndReXmtCryptoFrame", "\t\t\t%llu CRYPTO frames retransmitted") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDCRYPTOREXMTBYTE, "SndReXmtCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDDATABLKFRAME, "SndDataBlockedFrame", "\t\t%llu DATA_BLOCKED frames sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDREXMTPKT, "SndReXmtPkt", "\t\t%llu packets retransmitted") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDREXMTBYTE, "SndReXmtByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDLOSTPKT, "SndLostPkt", "\t\t%llu packets lost") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDLOSTBYTE, "SndLostByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
/* End of Tx */ \
/* Rx */ \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVPKT, "RcvTotalPkt", "\t%llu packets received") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RECVBYTE, "RcvTotalByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
/* Rx Stream */ \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVSTREAMFRAME, "RcvStreamFrame", "\t\tSTREAM\n\t\t\t%llu stream frames received") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVSTREAMBYTE, "RcvStreamByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVSTREAMRESET, "RcvStreamReset", "\t\t\t%llu RESET_STREAM frames received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVSTOPSENDING, "RcvStopSending", "\t\t\t%llu STOP_SENDING frames received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVSTREAMBLKFRAME, "RcvStreamBlockedFrame","\t\t\t%llu STREAM_BLOCKED frames received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVSTMDATABLKFRAME, "RcvStreamDataBlocked", "\t\t\t%llu STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frames received\n") \
/* Rx CRYPTO */ \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVINITCRYPTOFRAME, "RcvInitCryptoFrame", "\t\tCRYPTO\n\t\t\t%llu initial CRYPTO frames received") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVINITCRYPTOBYTE, "RcvInitCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVHDSHKCRYPTOFRAME, "RcvHdShkCryptoFrame", "\t\t\t%llu handshake CRYPTO frames received") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVHDSHKCRYPTOBYTE, "RcvHdShkCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCV1RTTCRYPTOFRAME, "Rcv1RttCryptoFrame", "\t\t\t%llu 1-RTT CRYPTO frames received") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCV1RTTCRYPTOBYTE, "Rcv1RttCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCV0RTTCRYPTOFRAME, "Rcv0RttCryptoFrame", "\t\t\t%llu 0-RTT CRYPTO frames received") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCV0RTTCRYPTOBYTE, "Rcv0RttCryptoByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVDATABLKFRAME, "RcvDataBlockedFrame", "\t\t%llu DATA_BLOCKED frames received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVREORDERPKT, "RcvReorderedPkt", "\t\t%llu packets received reordered") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVREORDERBYTE, "RcvReorderedByte", " (%llu bytes)\n") \
/* Connections */ \
X(QUIC_STATS_CONNECTS, "ConnEst", "\t%llu connections established\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDCCR, "SndCCR", "\t\t%llu connection close reasons sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDCCRINTERROR, "SndCCRInternalError", "\t\t\t%llu INTERNAL_ERROR sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDCCRSVRBUSY, "SndCCRSererBusy", "\t\t\t%llu SERVER_BUSY sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDCCRCRYPTO, "SndCCRCryptoError", "\t\t\t%llu CRYPTO_ERROR sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVCCR, "RcvCCR", "\t\t%llu connection close reasons received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVCCRINTERROR, "RcvCCRInternalError", "\t\t\t%llu INTERNAL_ERROR received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVCCRSVRBUSY, "RcvCCRSererBusy", "\t\t\t%llu SERVER_BUSY received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVCCRSTREAMLIMIT, "RcvCCRStreamLimit", "\t\t\t%llu STREAM_LIMIT_ERROR received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVCCRSTREAMSTATE, "RcvCCRStreamState", "\t\t\t%llu STREAM_STATE_ERROR received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVCCRFINALOFFSET, "RcvCCRFinalOffset", "\t\t\t%llu FINAL_SIZE_ERROR received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVCCRCRYPTO, "RcvCCRCryptoError", "\t\t\t%llu CRYPTO_ERROR received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDECT0, "SndECT0", "\t%llu ECT0 sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVECT0, "RcvECT0", "\t%llu ECT0 received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDECT1, "SndECT1", "\t%llu ECT1 sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVECT1, "RcvECT1", "\t%llu ECT1 received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_SNDECTCE, "SndECTCE", "\t%llu ECT-CE sent\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_RCVECTCE, "RcvECTCE", "\t%llu ECT-CE received\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_REXMTTIMEOUT, "ReXmtTimeOut", "\t%llu retransmit timeout\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_KEEPALIVETTIMEOUT, "KeepAliveTimeOut", "\t%llu keepalive timeout\n") \
X(QUIC_STATS_PTO, "ProbeTimeOut", "\t%llu probe timeout\n") \
X(__QUIC_STATS_MAX, "", "end of quic stats\n")
/* Rx stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_PACKETS, "RxPackets", "\t%llu total Rx packets\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_IRQ, "RxIRQ", "\t\t%llu interrupts\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_IRQ_MIT, "RxIRQMIT", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt mitigation thread wakeup\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_IRQ_BUSY, "RxIRQBusy", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt notify return busy\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_IRQ_AGAIN, "RxIRQAgain", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt notify return retry again\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_IRQ_ERR, "RxIRQErr", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt notify return error\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_COPY_SUM, "RxCopySum", "\t\t%llu copy+checksumed\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_COPY_DIRECT, "RxCopyDirect", "\t\t%llu copy from pkt\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_COPY_MBUF, "RxCopyMbuf", "\t\t%llu copy from mbuf\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_COPY_ATTACH, "RxCopyAttach", "\t\t%llu copy by attaching mbuf under pkt\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_RX_SYNC, "RxSYNC", "\t\t%llu sync\n") \
/* Tx stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_PACKETS, "TxPkt", "\t%llu total Tx packets\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_IRQ, "TxIRQ", "\t\t%llu interupts\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_IRQ_MIT, "TxIRQMIT", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt mitigation thread wakeup\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_IRQ_BUSY, "TxIRQBusy", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt notify return busy\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_IRQ_AGAIN, "TxIRQAgain", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt notify return retry again\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_IRQ_ERR, "TxIRQErr", "\t\t\t%llu interrupt notify return error\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_COPY_SUM, "TxCopySum", "\t\t%llu copy+checksumed\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_COPY_DIRECT, "TxCopyDirect", "\t\t%llu copy from pkt\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_COPY_MBUF, "TxCopyMbuf", "\t\t%llu copy from mbuf\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_SYNC, "TxSYNC", "\t\t%llu sync\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_REPL, "TxRepl", "\t\t%llu pool replenished\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_TX_DROP_ENQ_AQM, "TxDropEnqueueAQM", "\t\t%llu dropped due to AQM enqueue failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_GSO_SEG, "GSOSegments", "\t\t%llu GSO segments created\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_GSO_PKT, "GSOPackets", "\t\t%llu GSO packets \n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_GSO_PKT_DROP_NOMEM, "GSODropNoMem", "\t\t%llu GSO packet dropped due to allocation failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_GSO_PKT_DROP_NA_INACTIVE, "GSODropNaInactive", "\t\t%llu GSO packet dropped due to inactive netif\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_GSO_PKT_DROP_BADLEN, "GSODropBadLen", "\t\t%llu GSO packet dropped due to bad packet length\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_GSO_PKT_DROP_NONTCP, "GSODropNonTcp", "\t\t%llu GSO packet dropped as it is not a TCP packet\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP, "Drop", "\t%llu dropped\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_NOMEM_BUF, "DropNoMemBuf", "\t\t%llu dropped due to packet alloc failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_NOMEM_PKT, "DropNoMemPkt", "\t\t%llu dropped due to buflet alloc failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_NOMEM_MBUF, "DropNoMemMbuf", "\t\t%llu dropped due to mbuf alloc failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_BADLEN, "DropBadLen", "\t\t%llu dropped due to bad packet length\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_NA_INACTIVE, "DropNaInactive", "\t\t%llu dropped due to dst na inactive\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_KRDROP_MODE, "DropKrDropMode", "\t\t%llu dropped due to dst kring in drop mode\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_RXQ_OVFL, "DropRxqOverflow", "\t\t%llu dropped due to RX Queue overflow\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_NO_RX_CB, "DropNoRxCallback", "\t\t%llu dropped due to missing RX callback\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_DROP_NO_DELEGATE, "DropNoDelegate", "\t\t%llu dropped due to missing delegate interface\n") \
/* Channel event stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_RECV, "EvRecv", "\t%llu channel event received\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_RECV_TX_STATUS, "EvRecvTxStatus", "\t\t%llu channel event received, TX status\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_RECV_TX_EXPIRED, "EvRecvTxExpired", "\t\t%llu channel event received, TX expired\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_SENT, "EvSent", "\t%llu channel event delivered\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP, "EvDrop", "\t%llu channel event dropped\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_NOMEM_PKT, "EvDropNoMemPkt", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to packet alloc failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_NA_INACTIVE, "EvDropNaInactive", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to na inactive\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_NA_DEFUNCT, "EvDropNaDefunct", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to na defunct\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_KRDROP_MODE, "EvDropKrDropMode", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to dst kring in drop mode\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_KEVENT_INACTIVE, "EvDropKevInactive", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to kevent not registered on channel\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_KRSPACE, "EvDropKrSpaceDrop", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to lack of space in user channel ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_DEMUX_ERR, "EvDropDemuxErr", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to demux error\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_EV_VPNA_NOTSUP, "EvDropVpnaEvNotSup", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to vpna not having event ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_EV_DROP_NO_VPNA, "EvDropNoVpna", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to no vpna ports\n") \
/* Interface advisory update stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_IF_ADV_UPD_RECV, "IfAdvUpdRecv", "\t%llu interface advisory update received\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_IF_ADV_UPD_SENT, "IfAdvUpdSent", "\t%llu interface advisory update event sent\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_IF_ADV_UPD_DROP, "IfAdvUpdDrop", "\t%llu interface advisory update event dropped\n") \
/* Interface filter stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_NO_RX_CB, "FilterDropNoRxCB", "\t%llu dropped due to missing RX callback\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_DISABLED, "FilterDropDisabled", "\t%llu dropped due to disabled filter\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_REMOVED, "FilterDropRemoved", "\t%llu dropped due to removed filter\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_PKTQ_FULL, "FilterDropPktqFull", "\t%llu dropped due to packet queue full\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_MBQ_FULL, "FilterDropMbqFull", "\t%llu dropped due to mbuf queue full\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_DISABLED_RING,"FilterDropDisabledRing","\t%llu dropped due to disabled ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_NO_SPACE, "FilterDropNoSpace", "\t%llu dropped due to lack of space in RX ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_INTERNALIZE, "FilterDropInternalize","\t%llu dropped due to internalize failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_PKT_ALLOC_FAIL,"FilterDropPktAllocFail","\t%llu dropped due to packet allocation failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_DROP_DEFAULT, "FilterDropDefault", "\t%llu dropped due to default drop policy\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_PKT_TRUNCATED, "FilterPktTruncated", "\t%llu inbound packets truncated\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_TX_DELIVER, "FilterTxDeliver", "\t%llu outbound packets delivered to filter\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_RX_DELIVER, "FilterRxDeliver", "\t%llu inbound packets delivered to filter\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_TX_INJECT, "FilterTxInject", "\t%llu outbound packets injected by filter\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_RX_INJECT, "FilterRxInject", "\t%llu inbound packets injected by filter\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_TX_ENTER, "FilterTxEnter", "\t%llu outbound packets entered the filter chain\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_RX_ENTER, "FilterRxEnter", "\t%llu inbound packets entered the filter chain\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_TX_EXIT, "FilterTxExit", "\t%llu outbound packets exited the filter chain\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_RX_EXIT, "FilterRxExit", "\t%llu inbound packets exited the filter chain\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_SYNC_NO_PKTS, "FilterSyncNoPkts", "\t%llu filter syncs called with an empty ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_ADD, "FilterAdd", "\t%llu filters added\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_REMOVE, "FilterRemove", "\t%llu filters removed\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_TX_FLUSH, "FilterTxFlush", "\t%llu TX packets flushed due to closing filters\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_RX_NOT_FILTERABLE, "FilterRxNotFilterable","\t%llu RX packets not filterable\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_FILTER_BAD_PKT_LEN, "FilterBadPktLen", "\t%llu invalid packet length\n") \
/* Custom ether and sidecar stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_USER_RING_DISABLED,"VPDropUserRingDisabled","\t%llu dropped due to disabled user ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_DEV_RING_DISABLED,"VPDropDevRingDisabled","\t%llu dropped due to disabled device ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_USER_RING_NO_SPACE,"VPDropUserRingNoSpace","\t%llu dropped due to lack of user ring space\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_DEV_RING_NO_SPACE,"VPDropDevRingNoSpace", "\t%llu dropped due to lack of device ring space\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_RX_ALLOC_FAIL, "VPDropRxAllocFail", "\t%llu dropped due to RX allocation failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_TX_ALLOC_FAIL, "VPDropTxAllocFail", "\t%llu dropped due to TX allocation failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_PKT_TOO_BIG, "VPDropPktTooBig", "\t%llu dropped due to packet being too big\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_INTERNALIZE_FAIL, "VPDropInternalizeFail","\t%llu dropped due to internalize failure\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DROP_UNEXPECTED_ERR, "VPDropUnexpectedErr", "\t%llu dropped due to unexpected TX sync error\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_BAD_MADDR_LEN, "VPBadMaddrLen", "\t%llu packets with invalid mac address length\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_BAD_MADDR, "VPBadMaddr", "\t%llu packets with invalid mac address\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_BAD_PKT_LEN, "VPBadPktLen", "\t%llu packets invalid packet length\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_INFO_ERR, "VPFlowInfoErr", "\t%llu packets cannot be classified due to flow info error\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_NOT_MATCH, "VPFlowNotMatch", "\t%llu packets not matching flow description\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_KR_ENTER_FAIL, "VPKrEnterFail", "\t%llu failed attempts to acquire RX ring lock\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DEV_RING_DISABLED, "VPDevRingDisabled", "\t%llu failed attempts to get packets due to disabled dev ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_SYNC_UNKNOWN_ERR, "VPSyncUnknownErr", "\t%llu unknown errors returned by RX sync\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_SYNC_NO_PKTS, "VPSyncNoPkts", "\t%llu syncs called with an empty ring\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_SPURIOUS_NOTIFY, "VPSpuriousNotify", "\t%llu spurious notifies delivered\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_ENQUEUE_FAILED, "VPEnqueueFailed", "\t%llu packets failed to enqueue\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_ENQUEUED, "VPEnqueued", "\t%llu packets enqueued\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_LL_ENQUEUED, "VPLLEnqueued", "\t%llu low latency packets enqueued\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_LL_SENT, "VPLLSent", "\t%llu low latency packets sent\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_LL_DELIVERED, "VPLLDelivered", "\t%llu low latency packets delivered\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_DELIVERED, "VPDelivered", "\t%llu packets delivered\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_FOUND, "VPFlowFound", "\t%llu packets found a matching flow\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_NOT_FOUND, "VPFlowNotFound", "\t%llu packets found no matching flow\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_DISABLED, "VPFlowDisabled", "\t%llu lookup failures due to disabled flow\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_EMPTY_TABLE, "VPFlowEmptyTable", "\t%llu lookup failures due to empty flow table\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_TABLE_INIT_FAIL, "VPFlowTableInitFail", "\t%llu failed attempts to initialize flow table\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_INSERT_FAIL, "VPFlowInsertFail", "\t%llu failed attempts to insert flow\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_ADD, "VPFlowAdd", "\t%llu flows added\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_VP_FLOW_REMOVE, "VPFlowRemove", "\t%llu flows removed\n") \
/* Netif agent stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_AGENT_BAD_ETHERTYPE, "AgentBadEthertype", "\t%llu flow add failures due to invalid ethertype\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_AGENT_BAD_IPV6_ADDR, "AgentBadIPv6Addr", "\t%llu flow add failures due to invalid IPv6 address\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_AGENT_DUP_FLOW, "AgentDupFlow", "\t%llu duplicate flows added\n") \
/* Netif llink stats */ \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_ADD, "LLinkAdd", "\t%llu logical links added\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_REMOVE, "LLinkRemove", "\t%llu logical links removed\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_DEF_QSET_USED, "LLinkDefQSetUsed", "\t%llu uses of the default qset\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_NONDEF_QSET_USED, "LLinkNonDefQSetUsed", "\t%llu uses of a non-default qset\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_HINT_NOT_USEFUL, "LLinkHintNotUseful", "\t%llu hints specified but qset not found\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_DUP_INT_ID_GENERATED, "LLinkDupIntIDGenerated", "\t%llu duplicate internal llink IDs generated\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_DUP_ID_GIVEN, "LLinkDupIDGiven", "\t%llu duplicate llink IDs given by the provider\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_QSET_INIT_FAIL, "LLinkQSetInitFail", "\t%llu queue set initialization failures\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_RXQ_INIT_FAIL, "LLinkRXQInitFail", "\t%llu RX queue initialization failures\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_TXQ_INIT_FAIL, "LLinkTXQInitFail", "\t%llu TX queue initialization failures\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_NOT_FOUND_REMOVE, "LLinkNotFoundRemove", "\t%llu not found during remove\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_TX_DROP_BAD_STATE, "LLinkTxDroppedBadState", "\t%llu TX packets dropped due to bad llink state\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_RX_DROP_BAD_STATE, "LLinkRxDroppedBadState", "\t%llu RX packets dropped due to bad llink state\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_AQM_QFULL, "LLinkAQMQFull", "\t%llu occurances of the queue full condition\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_AQM_DROPPED, "LLinkAQMDropped", "\t%llu packets dropped due to AQM\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_AQM_DEQ_BAD_STATE, "LLinkAQMDeqBadState", "\t%llu dequeues occurred while llink is in a bad state\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_QSET_BAD_STATE, "LLinkQSetAccessBadState", "\t%llu attempts to access a queue set while in bad llink state\n") \
X(NETIF_STATS_LLINK_ADD_BAD_PARAMS, "LLinkAddBadParams", "\t%llu attempts to add an llink with bad parameters\n") \
X(__NETIF_STATS_MAX, "", "end of netif stats")
#define FSW_FPD_STATS(X) \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_0, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_1, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_2, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_3, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_4, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_5, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_6, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_7, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_8, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_9, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_10, "", "\t%llu") \
X(FSW_STATS_FPD_11, "", "\t%llu")
#define FSW_STATS_TABLE(X) \
/* Rx stats */ \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_PACKETS, "RxPackets", "\t%llu total Rx packet\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_DEMUX_ERR, "RxDemuxErr", "\t\t%llu demux error (passed to BSD)\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_DEMUX_UNSPEC, "RxDemuxUnspec", "\t\t%llu demux AF unkown (passed to BSD)\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_DEMUX_PROMISC, "RxDemuxPromisc", "\t\t%llu promiscuous packets (passed to BSD)\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FLOW_EXTRACT_ERR, "RxFlowExtractErr", "\t\t%llu flow extract error (passed to BSD)\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_PKT_NOT_FINALIZED, "RxPktNotFinalized", "\t\t%llu packet not finalized\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FLOW_NOT_FOUND, "RxFlowNotFound", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow lookup failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FLOW_TRACK_ERR, "RxFlowTrackErr", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow tracker error\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FLOW_NONVIABLE, "RxFlowNonviable", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow already nonviable\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FLOW_TORNDOWN, "RxFlowTornDown", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow already torndown\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_DST_RING_FULL, "RxDstRingFull", "\t\t%llu dropped, destination ring full\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_COPY_PKT2PKT, "RxCopyPktToPkt", "\t\t%llu copied pkt -> pkt\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_COPY_PKT2MBUF, "RxCopyPktToMbuf", "\t\t%llu copied pkt -> mbuf\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_COPY_MBUF2PKT, "RxCopyMbufToPkt", "\t\t%llu copied mbuf -> pkt\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_COPY_SUM, "RxCopySum", "\t\t%llu copy+checksumed\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_COPY_BAD_LEN, "RxCopyBadLen", "\t\t%llu dropped, bad packet length\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_DROP_NOMEM_BUF, "RxDropNoMemBuf", "\t\t%llu dropped due to mbuf alloc failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_DEMUX_SHORT_ERR, "RxDemuxShortErr", "\t\t%llu demux failed, classify length short\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_WASTED_16KMBUF, "RxWasted16KMbuf", "\t\t%llu wasted an entire pre-allocated 16K mbuf\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_PKT_NOT_LISTENER, "RxPktNotListener", "\t\t%llu packet not for listener\n") \
/* Rx frag stats (fsw doesn't manage fragments on Tx) */ \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_V4, "RxFragV4", "\t\t%llu total received ipv4 fragments\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_V6, "RxFragV6", "\t\t%llu total received ipv6 fragments\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_REASSED, "RxFragReassed", "\t\t\t%llu frag successfully reassembled\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_DROP_NOSLOT, "RxFragDropNoSlot", "\t\t\t%llu dropped no slot in dring\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_BAD, "RxFragBad", "\t\t\t%llu dropped due to bad fragments\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_DROP_BAD_LEN, "RxFragBadLen", "\t\t\t%llu dropped due to bad fragment length\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_DROP_NOMEM, "RxFragNoMem", "\t\t\t%llu dropped due to no memory\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_DROP_TIMEOUT, "RxFragTimeOut", "\t\t\t%llu dropped due to time out\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_DROP_FRAG_LIMIT, "RxFragHitFragLimit", "\t\t\t%llu dropped due to ipf max limit\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_DROP_REAPED, "RxFragDrained", "\t\t\t%llu dropped due to draining\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_FRAG_DROP_PER_QUEUE_LIMIT,"RxFragHitPerQueueLimit","\t\t\t%llu dropped due to ipf max per queue limit\n") \
/* Rx aggregation stats */ \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_PKT2PKT, "RxAggPktToPkt", "\t\t%llu aggregated pkt -> super pkt\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_PKT2MBUF, "RxAggPktToMbuf", "\t\t%llu aggregated pkt -> super mbuf\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_MBUF2PKT, "RxAggMbufToPkt", "\t\t%llu aggregated mbuf -> super pkt\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_MBUF2MBUF, "RxAggMbufToMbuf", "\t\t%llu aggregated mbuf -> super mbuf\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_LIMIT, "RxAggHitAggLimit", "\t\t%llu reached aggregation limit\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_HLEN_IP, "RxAggNoHdrLenIP", "\t\t%llu IP header length compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_TTL_IP, "RxAggNoTTLIP", "\t\t%llu IP TTL compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_TOS_IP, "RxAggNoTOSIP", "\t\t%llu IP TOS compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_OFF_IP, "RxAggNoOffsetIP", "\t\t%llu IP offset compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_OPT_IP, "RxAggNoOptionIP", "\t\t%llu IP option compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_MERGE_FASTPATH_IP, "RxAggMergeFastpathIP", "\t\t%llu IP header merge via fastpath\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_MERGE_SLOWPATH_IP, "RxAggMergeSlowpathIP", "\t\t%llu IP header merge via slowpath\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_MERGE_FASTPATH_TCP, "RxAggMergeFastpathTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP header merge via fastpath\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_MERGE_SLOWPATH_TCP, "RxAggMergeSlowpathTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP header merge via slowpath\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_OK_FASTPATH_TCP, "RxAggFastpathTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP aggregation via fastpath\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_OK_SLOWPATH_TCP, "RxAggSlowpathTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP aggregation via slowpath\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_SHORT_TCP, "RxAggNoShortTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP packet too short for mask compare\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_MASK_TCP, "RxAggNoMaskTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP mask compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_HLEN_TCP, "RxAggNoHdrLenTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP header length compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_ULEN_TCP, "RxAggNoULenTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP ulength compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_SEQN_TCP, "RxAggNoSeqNTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP sequence number compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_ACKWIN_TCP, "RxAggNoAckWinTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP ACK or window compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_FLAGS_TCP, "RxAggNoFlagsTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP flags compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_EXOPT_TCP, "RxAggNoExtraOptionTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP extra option compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_OPTTS_TCP, "RxAggNoOptionTStampTCP", "\t\t%llu TCP timestamp option compare mismatch\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_BAD_CSUM, "RxAggIncorrectChecksum", "\t\t%llu Incorrect TCP/IP checksum\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_AGG_NO_SHORT_MBUF, "RxAggNoShortMbuf", "\t\t%llu mbuf too short for mask compare\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_WASTED_MBUF, "RxAggWastedMbuf", "\t\t%llu wasted pre-allocate mbufs\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_RX_WASTED_BFLT, "RxAggWastedBflt", "\t\t%llu wasted pre-allocate buflets\n") \
/* Tx stats */ \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_PACKETS, "TXPackets", "\t%llu total Tx packets\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_DEMUX_ERR, "TxDemuxErr", "\t\t%llu dropped, demux error\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FLOW_EXTRACT_ERR, "TxFlowExtractErr", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow extract error\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FRAG_BAD_ID, "TxFragID", "\t\t%llu dropped, invalid fragment ID\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FRAG_BAD_CONT, "TxContFrag", "\t\t%llu dropped, invalid continuation fragment\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FLOW_NOT_FOUND, "TxFlowNotFound", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow lookup failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FLOW_TRACK_ERR, "TxFlowTrackErr", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow tracker error\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FLOW_BAD_ID, "TxFLowBadID", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow id invalid\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FLOW_NONVIABLE, "TxFlowNonviable", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow already nonviable\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_FLOW_TORNDOWN, "TxFlowTornDown", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow already torndown\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_BAD_LISTENER, "TxBadListener", "\t\t%llu dropped, flow as listener only\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_AQM_DROP, "TxAQMDrop", "\t\t%llu dropped, AQM enqueue failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_RESOLV_PENDING, "TxResolvePending", "\t\t%llu pending resolve\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_RESOLV_FAIL, "TxResolveFail", "\t\t%llu dropped due to resolution failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_RESOLV_STALE, "TxResolveStale", "\t\t%llu resolved using existing info\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_COPY_PKT2PKT, "TxCopyPktToPkt", "\t\t%llu copied pkt -> pkt\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_COPY_PKT2MBUF, "TxCopyPktToMbuf", "\t\t%llu copied pkt -> mbuf\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_COPY_SUM, "TxCopySum", "\t\t%llu copy+checksumed\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_TX_COPY_BAD_LEN, "TxCopyBadLen", "\t\t%llu dropped, bad packet length\n") \
/* Drop stats (generic bidirectional) */ \
X(FSW_STATS_DROP, "Drop", "\t%llu total dropped\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_DROP_NOMEM_PKT, "DropNoMemPkt", "\t\t%llu dropped, packet alloc failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_DROP_NOMEM_MBUF, "DropNoMemMbuf", "\t\t%llu dropped, mbuf alloc failure\n") \
/* Channel event stats */ \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_RECV, "EvRecv", "\t%llu channel event received\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_RECV_TX_STATUS, "EvRecvTxStatus", "\t\t%llu channel event received, TX status\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_RECV_TX_EXPIRED, "EvRecvTxExpired", "\t\t%llu channel event received, TX expired\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_SENT, "EvSent", "\t%llu channel event delivered\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP, "EvDrop", "\t%llu channel event dropped\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_NOMEM_PKT, "EvDropNoMemPkt", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to packet alloc failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_NA_INACTIVE, "EvDropNaInactive", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to na inactive\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_NA_DEFUNCT, "EvDropNaDefunct", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to na defunct\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_KRDROP_MODE, "EvDropKrDropMode", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to dst kring in drop mode\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_KEVENT_INACTIVE, "EvDropKevInactive", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to kevent not registered on channel\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_KRSPACE, "EvDropKrSpaceDrop", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to lack of space in user channel ring\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_DEMUX_ERR, "EvDropDemuxErr", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to demux error\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_EV_DROP_EV_VPNA_NOTSUP, "EvDropVpnaEvNotSup", "\t%llu channel event dropped due to vpna not having event ring\n") \
/* Misc. stats */ \
X(FSW_STATS_FLOWS_ABORTED, "FlowsAborted", "\t%llu flow aborted\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_DST_NXPORT_INVALID, "DestNexusPortInvalid", "\t%llu times dst nexus port invalid\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_DST_NXPORT_INACTIVE, "DestNexusPortInactive","\t%llu times dst nexus port inactive\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_DST_NXPORT_DEFUNCT, "DestNexusPortDefunct", "\t%llu times dst nexus port defunct\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_DST_RING_DROPMODE, "DestRingDropMode", "\t\t%llu dropped, dst kring in drop mode\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_CHAN_ERR_UPP_ALLOC, "ChanErrUppAlloc", "\t%llu user packet pool alloc failure\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_CHAN_DEFUNCT_SKIP, "ChanDefunctSkipped", "\t%llu defunct skipped due to outstanding packets\n") \
X(_FSW_STATS_ERROR_INJECTIONS, "_ErrorInjections", "(\t%llu errors injected)\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_IF_ADV_UPD_SENT, "IfAdvUpdSent", "\t%llu interface advisory update event sent\n") \
X(FSW_STATS_IF_ADV_UPD_DROP, "IfAdvUpdDrop", "\t%llu interface advisory update event dropped\n") \
/* FPD stats */ \
X(__FSW_STATS_MAX, "", "end of flowswitch stats")
* Common stats operation and macro
#define EXPAND_TO_ENUMERATION(a, b, c) a,
#define EXPAND_TO_STRING(a, b, c) b,
#define EXPAND_TO_FORMAT(a, b, c) c,
#define DEFINE_STATS_STR_FUNC(type, table) \
__attribute__((always_inline)) \
static inline const char * \
type##_str(enum _##type value) \
{ \
static const char *table[] = { \
}; \
return (table[value]); \
#define DEFINE_STATS_FMT_FUNC(type, table) \
__attribute__((always_inline)) \
static inline const char * \
type##_fmt(enum _##type value) \
{ \
static const char *table[] = { \
}; \
return (table[value]); \
#define STATS_VAL(s_ptr, t) ((s_ptr)->_arr[(t)])
#define STATS_INC(s_ptr, t) ((s_ptr)->_arr[(t)]++)
#define STATS_DEC(s_ptr, t) ((s_ptr)->_arr[(t)]--)
#define STATS_ADD(s_ptr, t, v) ((s_ptr)->_arr[(t)] += (v))
static inline void __attribute__((always_inline))
__stats_fold(uint64_t *__counted_by(len)dst, uint64_t *__counted_by(len)src, size_t len)
// TODO replace with vector instruction once veclib is ready for xnu
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
dst[i] += src[i];
#define DEFINE_STATS_FOLD_FUNC(type, len) \
static inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) \
type##_fold(struct type *dst, struct type *src) \
{ \
__stats_fold(dst->_arr, src->_arr, len); \
static inline void __attribute__((always_inline))
__stats_reset(uint64_t *__counted_by(len)_arr, size_t len)
// TODO replace with vector instruction once veclib is ready for xnu
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
_arr[i] = 0;
#define DEFINE_STATS_RESET_FUNC(type, len) \
static inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) \
type##_reset(struct type *s) \
{ \
__stats_reset(s->_arr, len); \
#define STATS_ALIGN 16 /* align for vector instruction */
#define STATS_REGISTER(name, NAME) \
struct name { \
uint64_t _arr[__##NAME##_MAX]; \
} __attribute__((aligned(STATS_ALIGN))); \
/* Stats registration stub */
* Channel/Ring stats
typedef struct {
uint32_t cres_pkt_alloc_failures;
uint32_t __cres_reserved[1];
} channel_ring_error_stats, *channel_ring_error_stats_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t crsu_total_slots_transferred;
uint64_t crsu_total_bytes_transferred;
uint64_t crsu_number_of_syncs;
uint32_t crsu_min_slots_transferred;
uint32_t crsu_max_slots_transferred;
uint32_t crsu_slots_per_sync;
uint32_t crsu_slots_per_sync_ma;
uint64_t crsu_bytes_per_sync;
uint64_t crsu_bytes_per_sync_ma;
uint32_t __crsu_reserved[2];
} channel_ring_user_stats, *channel_ring_user_stats_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t crs_total_slots_transferred;
uint64_t crs_total_bytes_transferred;
uint64_t crs_number_of_transfers;
uint32_t crs_min_slots_transferred;
uint32_t crs_max_slots_transferred;
uint32_t crs_slots_per_second;
uint32_t crs_slots_per_second_ma;
uint64_t crs_bytes_per_second;
uint64_t crs_bytes_per_second_ma;
uint32_t __crs_reserved[2];
} channel_ring_stats, *channel_ring_stats_t;
struct netif_qstats {
uint64_t nq_total_pkts; /* total pkts transferred */
uint64_t nq_total_bytes; /* total bytes transferred */
uint64_t nq_num_xfers; /* number of transfers */
uint32_t nq_min_pkts; /* min pkts transferred */
uint32_t nq_max_pkts; /* max pkts transferred */
uint32_t nq_pkts_ps; /* pkts transferred per second */
uint32_t nq_pkts_ps_ma; /* moving avg of pkts transferred per second */
uint64_t nq_bytes_ps; /* bytes transferred per second */
uint64_t nq_bytes_ps_ma; /* moving avg of bytes transferred per second */
* Netif queue set queue stats
* Output: An array of netif_qstats_info struct
#define SK_STATS_NETIF_QUEUE_SYSCTL "kern.skywalk.stats.netif_queue"
/* Valid value for nqi_queue_flag */
#define NQI_QUEUE_FLAG_IS_RX 0x00000001
struct netif_qstats_info {
uint64_t nqi_qset_id;
uint16_t nqi_queue_flag;
uint16_t nqi_queue_idx;
packet_svc_class_t nqi_svc;
struct netif_qstats nqi_stats;
* Nexus provider information.
* Provides information about the provider including any registered instances.
* Used with "kern.skywalk.nexus_provider_list" sysctl.
#define NEXUS_PROVIDER_LIST_SYSCTL "kern.skywalk.nexus_provider_list"
typedef struct {
uuid_t npi_prov_uuid; /* nexus provider UUID */
struct nxprov_params npi_prov_params; /* nexus provider parameters */
uint32_t npi_instance_uuids_count;
uint32_t __npi_align_reserved;
uuid_t npi_instance_uuids[0]; /* nexus instance UUIDs */
} nexus_provider_info, *nexus_provider_info_t;
offsetof(nexus_provider_info, npi_instance_uuids[a])
* Nexus channel information.
* Provides information about every channel in the system.
* Used with "kern.skywalk.nexus_channel_list" sysctl.
#define NEXUS_CHANNEL_LIST_SYSCTL "kern.skywalk.nexus_channel_list"
/* Enable/Disable channel ring stats collection */
#define NEXUS_CHANNEL_RING_STAT_ENABLE_SYSCTL "kern.skywalk.ring_stat_enable"
typedef struct {
ring_id_t ncre_ring_id;
uint32_t __ncre_align_reserved;
channel_ring_stats ncre_stats;
channel_ring_user_stats ncre_user_stats;
channel_ring_error_stats ncre_error_stats;
} nexus_channel_ring_entry, *nexus_channel_ring_entry_t;
typedef struct {
uuid_t nce_uuid; /* channel uuid */
uint32_t nce_flags; /* SCHF_* */
pid_t nce_pid; /* channel owner pid */
int nce_fd; /* channel pid */
nexus_port_t nce_port; /* connected nexus port */
uint32_t nce_tx_rings; /* num of tx rings */
uint32_t nce_rx_rings; /* num of rx rings */
uint32_t __nce_align_reserved;
nexus_channel_ring_entry nce_ring_entries[0]; /* tx followed by rx */
} nexus_channel_entry, *nexus_channel_entry_t;
#define SCHF_MONITOR_TX 0x00000001
#define SCHF_MONITOR_RX 0x00000002
#define SCHF_MONITOR_NO_COPY 0x00000004
#define SCHF_USER_PACKET_POOL 0x00000008
#define SCHF_DEFUNCT_OK 0x00000010
#define SCHF_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000020
#define SCHF_FILTER 0x00000040
#define SCHF_EVENT_RING 0x00000080
#define SCHF_IF_ADV 0x00000100
#define SCHF_DEFUNCT_SKIP 0x00000200
#define SCHF_LOW_LATENCY 0x00000400
#define SCHF_CLOSING 0x40000000
#define SCHF_DEFUNCT 0x80000000
#define SCHF_BITS \
#define NEXUS_CHANNEL_ENTRY_SIZE(n_rings) \
offsetof(nexus_channel_entry, nce_ring_entries[n_rings])
typedef struct {
uuid_t nci_instance_uuid; /* nexus instance UUID */
uint32_t nci_channel_entries_count;
uint32_t __nci_align_reserved;
nexus_channel_entry nci_channel_entries[0]; /* variable length */
} nexus_channel_info, *nexus_channel_info_t;
* Nexus statistics types.
typedef enum {
NEXUS_STATS_TYPE_INVALID = 0, /* invalid type */
NEXUS_STATS_TYPE_FSW, /* flowswitch */
NEXUS_STATS_TYPE_CHAN_ERRORS, /* Channel error stats */
} nexus_stats_type_t;
* Flowswitch statistics (NEXUS_STATS_TYPE_FSW).
struct __nx_stats_fsw {
struct ip_stats nxs_ipstat;
struct ip6_stats nxs_ip6stat;
struct tcp_stats nxs_tcpstat;
struct udp_stats nxs_udpstat;
struct quic_stats nxs_quicstat;
* Channel error statistics
struct __nx_stats_channel_errors {
channel_ring_error_stats_t nxs_cres;
* Nexus advisories.
#define NX_INTF_ADV_SIZE (sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(struct ifnet_interface_advisory))
* Nexus advisory region types.
typedef enum {
NEXUS_ADVISORY_TYPE_FLOWSWITCH = 1, /* struct sk_nexusadv */
NEXUS_ADVISORY_TYPE_NETIF, /* struct netif_nexus_advisory */
} nexus_advisory_type_t;
* The metadata object is placed at the begining of nexus advisory region.
struct __kern_nexus_adv_metadata {
uint16_t knam_version;
uint16_t __reserved;
nexus_advisory_type_t knam_type;
struct __kern_netif_intf_advisory {
uint32_t cksum;
uint32_t _reserved;
struct ifnet_interface_advisory adv;
} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(uint64_t))));
* Netif nexus advisory.
* currently this structure is not exposed to the user, but in future we
* can expose it via os_channel_get_advisory_region() API.
struct netif_nexus_advisory {
uint64_t nna_version;
* __nna_intf_adv has been defined as an opaque blob here as the
* atomicity of the data can be guaranteed only if accessed using
* the os_channel_get_interface_advisory() API.
union {
struct __kern_netif_intf_advisory __kern_intf_adv;
uint8_t __nna_intf_adv[NX_INTF_ADV_SIZE];
} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(uint64_t))));
/* Netif nexus advisory version */
* Flowswitch nexus advisory.
* Note: add new field members at the bottom; if layout changes in the
* middle, bump up NX_ADVISORY_VERSION and recompile userland clients
* accessing this structure.
* Timestamps are stored in nanoseconds, based on microuptime().
* Use mach_timebase_info() to acquire numerator and denominator,
* and then compute current time using the following:
* uint64_t now = (mach_absolute_time() * tb_info.numer) / tb_info.denom;
* Comparisons can then be done against that current time.
struct sk_nexusadv {
uint64_t nxadv_ver; /* see NX_ADVISORY_VERSION */
uint64_t nxadv_fg_sendts; /* foreground traffic timestamp */
uint64_t nxadv_rt_sendts; /* realtime traffic timestamp */
union {
struct __kern_netif_intf_advisory _nxadv_intf_adv;
uint8_t _nxadv_reserved[NX_INTF_ADV_SIZE];
} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(uint64_t))));
/* Flowswitch nexus advisory version */
typedef enum {
* TCP states.
SFT_STATE_CLOSED = 0, /* closed */
SFT_STATE_LISTEN, /* listening for connection */
SFT_STATE_SYN_SENT, /* active, have sent SYN */
SFT_STATE_SYN_RECEIVED, /* have sent and rcvd SYN */
SFT_STATE_ESTABLISHED, /* established */
SFT_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT, /* rcvd FIN, waiting close */
SFT_STATE_FIN_WAIT_1, /* have sent FIN */
SFT_STATE_CLOSING, /* exchanged FINs, waiting FIN|ACK */
SFT_STATE_LAST_ACK, /* rcvd FIN, closed, waiting FIN|ACK */
SFT_STATE_FIN_WAIT_2, /* closed, FIN is ACK'd */
SFT_STATE_TIME_WAIT, /* quiet wait after close */
* UDP states.
SFT_STATE_NO_TRAFFIC = 20, /* no packet observed */
SFT_STATE_SINGLE, /* single packet */
SFT_STATE_MULTIPLE, /* multiple packets */
} sk_stats_flow_track_state_t;
struct sk_stats_flow_track {
uint64_t sft_bytes; /* bytes */
uint64_t sft_packets; /* packets */
uint64_t sft_spackets; /* super packets */
sk_stats_flow_track_state_t sft_state; /* SFT_STATE_* */
uint32_t sft_rtt; /* avg ack rtt at flowswith */
uint32_t sft_seq; /* max sequence number sent */
uint16_t sft_max_win; /* largest window (pre scaling) */
uint8_t sft_wscale; /* window scaling factor */
#define FLOW_STATS_IN_ADD(fe, stat, cnt) { \
volatile struct sk_stats_flow_track *fst; \
fst = &(fe)->fe_stats->fs_rtrack; \
fst->sft_##stat += (cnt); \
#define FLOW_STATS_OUT_ADD(fe, stat, cnt) { \
volatile struct sk_stats_flow_track *fst; \
fst = &(fe)->fe_stats->fs_ltrack; \
fst->sft_##stat += (cnt); \
* Skywalk flow (in kernel), equivalent of "net.inet.*.pcblist_n".
* Output: Array of struct sk_stats_flow (per flow).
#define SK_STATS_FLOW "kern.skywalk.stats.flow"
struct sk_stats_flow {
uuid_t sf_nx_uuid; /* nexus instance uuid */
uuid_t sf_uuid; /* flow uuid */
char sf_if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* interface name */
uint32_t sf_if_index; /* interface index */
uint32_t sf_bucket_idx; /* flow bucket index */
pid_t sf_pid; /* flow pid */
pid_t sf_epid; /* flow effective pid */
char sf_proc_name[32]; /* flow proc name */
char sf_eproc_name[32]; /* flow effecitve proc name */
uint32_t sf_flags; /* SFLOWF_* */
nexus_port_t sf_nx_port; /* nexus port */
uint8_t sf_protocol; /* effective protocol */
packet_svc_class_t sf_svc_class; /* service class */
flowadv_idx_t sf_adv_idx; /* flow advistory table index */
struct flow_key sf_key __attribute__((__aligned__(16)));
volatile struct sk_stats_flow_track sf_ltrack; /* local states */
volatile struct sk_stats_flow_track sf_rtrack; /* remote states */
#define sf_obytes sf_ltrack.sft_bytes
#define sf_opackets sf_ltrack.sft_packets
#define sf_ospackets sf_ltrack.sft_spackets
#define sf_ibytes sf_rtrack.sft_bytes
#define sf_ipackets sf_rtrack.sft_packets
#define sf_ispackets sf_rtrack.sft_spackets
#define sf_lrtt sf_ltrack.sft_rtt
#define sf_rrtt sf_rtrack.sft_rtt
#define sf_lseq sf_ltrack.sft_seq
#define sf_rseq sf_rtrack.sft_seq
#define sf_lmax_win sf_ltrack.sft_max_win
#define sf_rmax_win sf_rtrack.sft_max_win
#define sf_lwscale sf_ltrack.sft_wscale
#define sf_rwscale sf_rtrack.sft_wscale
activity_bitmap_t sf_activity; /* flow activity bitmap */
/* valid values for sf_flags */
#define SFLOWF_TRACK 0x00000010 /* flow is tracked */
#define SFLOWF_CONNECTED 0x00000020 /* connected mode */
#define SFLOWF_LISTENER 0x00000040 /* listener mode */
#define SFLOWF_QOS_MARKING 0x00000100 /* flow can have qos marking */
#define SFLOWF_BOUND_IP 0x00000200 /* src addr explicity bound */
#define SFLOWF_ONLINK 0x00000400 /* dst directly on the link */
#define SFLOWF_LOW_LATENCY 0x00000800 /* low latency flow */
#define SFLOWF_WAIT_CLOSE 0x00001000 /* defer free after close */
#define SFLOWF_CLOSE_NOTIFY 0x00002000 /* notify NECP upon tear down */
#define SFLOWF_NOWAKEFROMSLEEP 0x00004000 /* don't wake for this flow */
#define SFLOWF_ABORTED 0x01000000 /* has sent RST to peer */
#define SFLOWF_NONVIABLE 0x02000000 /* disabled; to be torn down */
#define SFLOWF_WITHDRAWN 0x04000000 /* flow has been withdrawn */
#define SFLOWF_TORN_DOWN 0x08000000 /* torn down, to be destroyed */
#define SFLOWF_PARENT 0x10000000 /* parent flow */
#define SFLOWF_CHILD 0x20000000 /* child flow */
#define SFLOWF_DESTROYED 0x40000000 /* not in RB trees anymore */
#define SFLOWF_LINGERING 0x80000000 /* destroyed and lingering */
#define SFLOW_BUCKET_NONE ((uint32_t)-1)
#include <os/refcnt.h>
* flow_stats is the kernel stats object that serves as efficient conduit
* between stats producer (the Skywalk flowswitch) and consumers
* (e.g. necp_client/ntstat). It embeds the sk_stats_flow along with a
* reference count. The flow_stats object would be freed when released and
* refcnt reaches 0. There must be only one producer and/or multiple consumers.
* There is no lock protecting the stats object as inconsistent intermediate
* state data is tolerable for stats consumers and most fields, e.g. integer
* counters, are updated atomically. Synchronization of producer/consumer
* should be done via other means, e.g. necp/ntstat events, rather than on the
* flow_stats itself.
* Fields in flow_stats.fs_stats are published in different phases:
* - Descriptor fields
* ID, names, address, etc. which are immutable during flow lifetime,
* which are initialized during creation time.
* - State fields
* Flow state, track state, etc. which are mutable. They are
* initialized during flow creation time, but lazily updated during
* runtime and upon synchronous retrieval.
* - Runtime fields
* Counters (packets in/out, bytes in/out, rtt, etc.), which are
* mutable and updated in real-time.
* Note the reduced alignment for sk_stats_flow and sk_stats_flow_track to
* reduce the allocation size.
struct flow_stats {
struct sk_stats_flow fs_stats;
#define fs_ltrack fs_stats.sf_ltrack
#define fs_rtrack fs_stats.sf_rtrack
#define fs_activity fs_stats.sf_activity
#define fs_lrtt fs_stats.sf_lrtt
#define fs_rrtt fs_stats.sf_rrtt
os_refcnt_t fs_refcnt;
extern void flow_stats_free(struct flow_stats *fs);
static inline void
flow_stats_retain(struct flow_stats *fs)
static inline void
flow_stats_release(struct flow_stats *fs)
if (__improbable(os_ref_release(&fs->fs_refcnt) == 0)) {
static inline os_ref_count_t
flow_stats_refcnt(struct flow_stats *fs)
return os_ref_get_count(&fs->fs_refcnt);
#define SK_STATS_FLOW_OWNER "kern.skywalk.stats.flow_owner"
struct sk_stats_flow_owner {
uuid_t sfo_nx_uuid; /* nexus instance uuid */
char sfo_if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* attached interface name */
uint32_t sfo_bucket_idx; /* flow owner bucket index */
char sfo_name[32]; /* flow owner name */
pid_t sfo_pid; /* flow owner pid */
nexus_port_t sfo_nx_port; /* flow owner nexus port */
boolean_t sfo_nx_port_pid_bound; /* flow owner port pid bound */
boolean_t sfo_nx_port_destroyed; /* flow owner port destroyed */
} __attribute__((aligned(64)));
#define SK_STATS_FLOW_ROUTE "kern.skywalk.stats.flow_route"
struct sk_stats_flow_route {
uuid_t sfr_nx_uuid; /* nexus instance UUID */
uuid_t sfr_uuid; /* flow route UUID */
char sfr_if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* interface name */
uint32_t sfr_bucket_idx; /* flow route bucket index */
uint32_t sfr_id_bucket_idx; /* flow route id bucket index */
uint32_t sfr_flags; /* SFLOWRTF_* */
uint32_t sfr_usecnt; /* flow route usecnt */
int64_t sfr_expire; /* seconds left to expire */
union sockaddr_in_4_6 sfr_laddr; /* local address */
union sockaddr_in_4_6 sfr_faddr; /* foreign address */
union sockaddr_in_4_6 sfr_gaddr; /* gateway address */
uint8_t sfr_ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]
/* valid values for sfr_flags */
#define SFLOWRTF_ATTACHED 0x00000001 /* attached to RB trees */
#define SFLOWRTF_ONLINK 0x00000010 /* dst directly on the link */
#define SFLOWRTF_GATEWAY 0x00000020 /* gw IP address is valid */
#define SFLOWRTF_RESOLVED 0x00000040 /* flow route is resolved */
#define SFLOWRTF_HAS_LLINFO 0x00000080 /* has dst link-layer address */
#define SFLOWRTF_DELETED 0x00000100 /* route has been deleted */
#define SFLOWRTF_DST_LL_MCAST 0x00000200 /* dst is link layer multicast */
#define SFLOWRTF_DST_LL_BCAST 0x00000400 /* dst is link layer broadcast */
* Skywalk netif stats
* Output: Array of struct sk_stats_net_if entry (per netif nexus instance).
#define SK_STATS_NET_IF "kern.skywalk.stats.net_if"
struct sk_stats_net_if {
uuid_t sns_nx_uuid; /* nexus netif instance uuid */
char sns_if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* attached interface name */
struct netif_stats sns_nifs; /* netif stats */
} __attribute__((aligned(64)));
* Skywalk flowswitch stats
* Output: Array of struct sk_stats_flow_switch entry (per fsw nexus instance).
#define SK_STATS_FLOW_SWITCH "kern.skywalk.stats.flow_switch"
struct sk_stats_flow_switch {
uuid_t sfs_nx_uuid; /* nexus fsw instance uuid */
char sfs_if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* attached interface name */
struct fsw_stats sfs_fsws; /* flowswitch stats */
} __attribute__((aligned(64)));
* Skywalkuserstack stats
* With Skywalk, traditional kernel space stacks like tcp/udp/ip/ip6 are now
* moved to userspace process. Together with this, stack statistics are now kept
* per process via shared memory described by skywalk channel, which is in a
* memory mapped region from a kernel nexus to a userspace process.
* Output: Array of struct sk_stats_userstack (per process, per nexus
* instance) Entries with nts_owner_pid == 0 are reserved for nexus
* stats collected from closed nexus ports.
#define SK_STATS_USERSTACK "kern.skywalk.stats.userstack"
struct sk_stats_userstack {
uuid_t sus_nx_uuid; /* nexus instance uuid */
char sus_if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* attached interface name */
pid_t sus_owner_pid; /* owner process */
struct ip_stats sus_ip; /* process ip stats */
struct ip6_stats sus_ip6; /* process ip6 stats */
struct tcp_stats sus_tcp; /* process tcp stats */
struct udp_stats sus_udp; /* process udp stats */
struct quic_stats sus_quic; /* process quic stats */
} __attribute__((aligned(64)));
* Skywalk flow advisory table dump
struct sk_stats_flow_adv_ent {
uuid_t sfae_flow_id; /* flow ID */
uint32_t sfae_flags; /* flags, FLOWADVF_* */
#define SK_STATS_FLOW_ADV "kern.skywalk.stats.flow_adv"
struct sk_stats_flow_adv {
uuid_t sfa_nx_uuid; /* nexus instance uuid */
char sfa_if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* attached interface name */
pid_t sfa_owner_pid; /* owner process */
uint32_t sfa_entries_count; /* number of flow adv entries */
struct sk_stats_flow_adv_ent sfa_entries[0]; /* flow adv entries */
* struct netns_ctl_dump_header is used for sysctl 'kern.skywalk.stats.netns'
* which returns a buffer containing the contents of every netns namespace.
* The buffer is formatted as a series headers, each immediately followed by
* some number of records:
* { struct netns_ctl_dump_header h,
* struct netns_ctl_dump_record r[h->ncdh_n_records] } * total_namespaces
#define SK_STATS_NETNS "kern.skywalk.stats.netns"
struct netns_ctl_dump_header {
union {
uint32_t ncdh_addr[4];
struct in_addr ncdh_inaddr;
struct in6_addr ncdh_in6addr;
uint8_t ncdh_addr_len;
uint8_t ncdh_proto;
uint32_t ncdh_n_records;
* In a 'kern.skywalk.stats.netns' response, followed by
* {ncdh_n_records} struct netns_ctl_dump_records
} __attribute__((aligned(32)));
struct netns_ctl_dump_record {
in_port_t ncdr_port;
in_port_t ncdr_port_end;
uint32_t ncdr_skywalk_refs;
uint32_t ncdr_bsd_refs;
uint32_t ncdr_pf_refs;
uint32_t ncdr_listener_refs;
} __attribute__((aligned(32)));
#define NS_DUMP_SIZE(records) (sizeof (struct netns_ctl_dump_header) + \
records * sizeof (struct netns_ctl_dump_record))
#define SK_STATS_PROTONS "kern.skywalk.stats.protons"
struct sk_stats_protons_token {
uint8_t spt_protocol;
uint32_t spt_refcnt;
pid_t spt_pid;
pid_t spt_epid;
* struct sk_stats_flowidns_header is used for
* sysctl 'kern.skywalk.stats.flowidns' * which returns a buffer containing
* the contents of every flowid.
* The buffer is formatted as a series headers, each immediately followed by
* some number of records:
* { struct sk_stats_flowidns_header h,
* struct sk_stats_flowidns_record r[h->sfh_nrecords] } * num_flow_domains
#define SK_STATS_FLOWIDNS "kern.skywalk.stats.flowidns"
struct sk_stats_flowidns_header {
uint64_t sfh_nallocs;
uint64_t sfh_nreleases;
uint64_t sfh_ncollisions;
uint32_t sfh_domain;
uint32_t sfh_nrecords;
* In a 'kern.skywalk.stats.flowidns' response, followed by
* {sfh_n_records} struct sk_stats_flowidns_record
} __attribute__((aligned(32)));
/* valid values for sfh_domain */
#define SFH_DOMAIN_PF 3
struct sk_stats_flowidns_record {
union {
uint32_t _addr[4];
struct in_addr _v4;
struct in6_addr _v6;
} sfr_laddr;
union {
uint32_t _addr[4];
struct in_addr _v4;
struct in6_addr _v6;
} sfr_raddr;
union {
struct {
uint16_t _lport;
uint16_t _rport;
} sfr_ports;
uint32_t sfr_spi;
uint32_t sfr_protoid;
uint32_t sfr_flowid;
uint8_t sfr_ipproto;
uint8_t sfr_af;
} __attribute__((aligned(32)));
#define sfr_laddr_v4 sfr_laddr._v4
#define sfr_laddr_v6 sfr_laddr._v6
#define sfr_raddr_v4 sfr_raddr._v4
#define sfr_raddr_v6 sfr_raddr._v6
#define sfr_lport sfr_ports._lport
#define sfr_rport sfr_ports._rport
#define FLOWIDNS_BUFFER_SIZE(_records) \
(sizeof (struct sk_stats_flowidns_header) + \
_records * sizeof (struct sk_stats_flowidns_record))
typedef enum {
* The following are user task mappable.
SREG_GUARD_HEAD = 0, /* leading guard page(s) */
SREG_SCHEMA, /* channel layout */
SREG_RING, /* rings */
SREG_BUF_DEF, /* Default rx/tx buffers */
SREG_BUF_LARGE, /* Large rx/tx buffers */
SREG_RXBUF_DEF, /* Default rx only buffers */
SREG_RXBUF_LARGE, /* Large rx only buffers */
SREG_TXBUF_DEF, /* Default tx only buffers */
SREG_TXBUF_LARGE, /* Large tx only buffers */
SREG_UMD, /* userland metadata */
SREG_TXAUSD, /* tx/alloc user slot descriptors */
SREG_RXFUSD, /* rx/free user slot descriptors */
SREG_UBFT, /* userland buflet metadata */
SREG_USTATS, /* statistics */
SREG_FLOWADV, /* flow advisories */
SREG_NEXUSADV, /* nexus advisories */
SREG_SYSCTLS, /* sysctl */
SREG_GUARD_TAIL, /* trailing guard page(s) */
* The following are NOT user task mappable.
SREG_KMD, /* rx/tx kernel metadata */
SREG_RXKMD, /* rx only kernel metadata */
SREG_TXKMD, /* tx only kernel metadata */
SREG_KBFT, /* rx/tx kernel buflet metadata */
SREG_RXKBFT, /* rx only kernel buflet metadata */
SREG_TXKBFT, /* tx only kernel buflet metadata */
SREG_TXAKSD, /* tx/alloc kernel slot descriptors */
SREG_RXFKSD, /* rx/free kernel slot descriptors */
SREG_KSTATS, /* kernel statistics snapshot */
SREG_INSTRINSIC, /* intrinsic objects */
SREG_MAX /* max */
} sk_stats_region_id_t;
#define SK_STATS_REGION "kern.skywalk.stats.region"
struct sk_stats_region {
* Region properties.
char sreg_name[64]; /* region name */
uuid_t sreg_uuid; /* region uuid */
sk_stats_region_id_t sreg_id; /* region ID */
uint32_t sreg_mode; /* region mode flags */
* Region parameters.
uint64_t sreg_r_seg_size; /* requested seg size */
uint64_t sreg_c_seg_size; /* configured seg size */
uint64_t sreg_seg_cnt; /* number of segments */
uint64_t sreg_seg_objs; /* # of objects per segment */
uint64_t sreg_r_obj_size; /* requested obj size */
uint64_t sreg_r_obj_cnt; /* requested obj count */
uint64_t sreg_c_obj_size; /* configured obj size */
uint64_t sreg_c_obj_cnt; /* configured obj count */
uint64_t sreg_align; /* object alignment */
uint64_t sreg_max_frags; /* max number of buflets */
* Region statistics.
uint64_t sreg_meminuse; /* memory in use */
uint64_t sreg_w_meminuse; /* wired memory in use */
uint64_t sreg_memtotal; /* total memory in region */
uint64_t sreg_seginuse; /* total unfreed segments */
uint64_t sreg_rescale; /* # of hash table rescales */
uint64_t sreg_hash_size; /* size of hash table */
uint64_t sreg_alloc; /* number of allocations */
uint64_t sreg_free; /* number of frees */
/* valid values for sreg_mode */
#define SREG_MODE_NOREDIRECT 0x1 /* unaffected by defunct */
#define SREG_MODE_MMAPOK 0x2 /* can be mapped to user task */
#define SREG_MODE_KREADONLY 0x4 /* kernel read-only */
#define SREG_MODE_UREADONLY 0x8 /* if user map, map it read-only */
#define SREG_MODE_PERSISTENT 0x10 /* memory stays non-volatile */
#define SREG_MODE_MONOLITHIC 0x20 /* monolithic region */
#define SREG_MODE_NOMAGAZINES 0x40 /* disable magazines layer */
#define SREG_MODE_NOCACHE 0x80 /* caching-inhibited */
#define SREG_MODE_SEGPHYSCONTIG 0x100 /* phys. contiguous segment */
#define SREG_MODE_SHAREOK 0x200 /* allow object sharing */
#define SREG_MODE_IODIR_IN 0x400 /* I/O direction In */
#define SREG_MODE_IODIR_OUT 0x800 /* I/O direction Out */
#define SREG_MODE_GUARD 0x1000 /* guard pages region */
#define SREG_MODE_PUREDATA 0x2000 /* purely data; no pointers */
#define SREG_MODE_PSEUDO 0x4000 /* external backing store */
#define SREG_MODE_THREADSAFE 0x8000 /* external backing store */
#define SREG_MODE_SLAB (1U << 30) /* backend for slab layer */
#define SREG_MODE_MIRRORED (1U << 31) /* controlled by another region */
#define SREG_MODE_BITS \
typedef enum {
} sk_stats_arena_type_t;
#define SK_STATS_ARENA "kern.skywalk.stats.arena"
struct sk_stats_arena {
char sar_name[64];
sk_stats_arena_type_t sar_type;
uint64_t sar_mapsize;
uuid_t sar_regions_uuid[SREG_MAX];
pid_t sar_mapped_pids[SK_STATS_ARENA_MAPPED_PID_MAX];
#define SK_STATS_CACHE "kern.skywalk.stats.cache"
struct sk_stats_cache {
* Cache parameters.
char sca_name[64]; /* cache name */
uuid_t sca_uuid; /* cache uuid */
uuid_t sca_ruuid; /* backing region uuid */
uint32_t sca_mode; /* cache mode flags */
uint64_t sca_bufsize; /* object size */
uint64_t sca_objsize; /* actual obj size in slab */
uint64_t sca_chunksize; /* bufsize + alignment */
uint64_t sca_slabsize; /* size of a slab */
uint64_t sca_bufalign; /* buffer alignment */
uint64_t sca_objalign; /* object alignment */
* Per-CPU caches statistics.
uint64_t sca_cpu_mag_size; /* current magazine size */
uint64_t sca_cpu_mag_resize; /* # of magazine resizes */
uint64_t sca_cpu_mag_purge; /* # of magazine purges */
uint64_t sca_cpu_mag_reap; /* # of magazine reaps */
uint64_t sca_depot_full; /* # of full magazines */
uint64_t sca_depot_empty; /* # of empty magazines */
uint64_t sca_depot_ws_zero; /* # of working set flushes */
uint64_t sca_depot_contention_factor; /* contention factor */
uint64_t sca_cpu_rounds; /* current rounds in all cpu */
uint64_t sca_cpu_prounds;
* Slab statistics.
uint64_t sca_sl_create; /* slab creates */
uint64_t sca_sl_destroy; /* slab destroys */
uint64_t sca_sl_alloc; /* slab layer allocations */
uint64_t sca_sl_free; /* slab layer frees */
uint64_t sca_sl_alloc_fail; /* total failed allocations */
uint64_t sca_sl_partial; /* # of partial slabs */
uint64_t sca_sl_empty; /* # of empty slabs */
uint64_t sca_sl_bufinuse; /* total unfreed buffers */
uint64_t sca_sl_rescale; /* # of hash table rescales */
uint64_t sca_sl_hash_size; /* size of hash table */
/* valid values for sca_mode */
#define SCA_MODE_NOMAGAZINES 0x00000001 /* disable magazines layer */
#define SCA_MODE_AUDIT 0x00000002 /* audit transactions */
#define SCA_MODE_NOREDIRECT 0x00000004 /* unaffected by defunct */
#define SCA_MODE_BATCH 0x00000008 /* supports batch alloc/free */
#define SCA_MODE_DYNAMIC 0x00000010 /* enable magazine resizing */
#define SCA_MODE_CLEARONFREE 0x00000020 /* zero-out upon slab free */
#define SCA_MODE_PSEUDO 0x00000040 /* external backing store */
#define SCA_MODE_RECLAIM 0x00000080 /* aggressive memory reclaim */
#define SCA_MODE_BITS \
#endif /* !_SKYWALK_OS_STATS_H_ */