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2024-06-03 11:29:39 -05:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <skywalk/core/skywalk_var.h>
#include <skywalk/os_nexus_private.h>
* Segment types.
typedef enum {
SKSEG_TYPE_ALLOC, /* segment is in skr_hash_table */
SKSEG_TYPE_FREE, /* segment is in skr_segfree */
SKSEG_TYPE_DESTROYED /* in process of being destroyed */
} sksegment_type_t;
* Segment memory states.
typedef enum {
SKSEG_STATE_DETACHED, /* not backed by a IOBMD */
SKSEG_STATE_MAPPED, /* mapped (IOBMD non-volatile) */
SKSEG_STATE_MAPPED_WIRED, /* mapped (IOBMD non-volatile+wired) */
} sksegment_state_t;
struct skmem_region;
* Segment.
* Segments that are available for use can be found in the doubly-linked
* list (skr_seg_free) as well as the red-black tree (skr_seg_tfree).
* The latter is used to faciliate finding a segment by its index, which
* is required when allocating a segment from a mirrored region.
* Allocated segments are inserted into the allocated-address hash chain;
* they don't exist in any tree at that point.
struct sksegment {
TAILQ_ENTRY(sksegment) sg_link; /* sksegment linkage */
RB_ENTRY(sksegment) sg_node; /* sksegment node in tree */
struct skmem_region *sg_region; /* controlling region */
* If attached to a IOBMD, sg_{start,end} will be valid.
IOSKMemoryBufferRef sg_md; /* backing IOBMD */
mach_vm_address_t sg_start; /* start address (inclusive) */
mach_vm_address_t sg_end; /* end address (exclusive) */
uint32_t sg_index; /* index in skr_seg[] */
sksegment_type_t sg_type; /* segment type */
sksegment_state_t sg_state; /* segment state */
((_sg)->sg_link.tqe_next != NULL || \
(_sg)->sg_link.tqe_prev != NULL)
* Segment hash bucket.
struct sksegment_bkt {
TAILQ_HEAD(, sksegment) sgb_head; /* sksegment allocated list */
* Region IDs.
* When adding or removing regions, adjust the templates in skmem.c
* accordingly. Do not reorder regions without making the appropriate
* changes in the code that relies on the existing arena layout.
typedef enum {
* The following are user task mappable.
* XXX: When adding new ones, ensure that they get added before
* SKMEM_REGION_GUARD_TAIL, and make the appropriate changes in
* skmem_region_init().
SKMEM_REGION_GUARD_HEAD = 0, /* leading guard page(s) */
SKMEM_REGION_SCHEMA, /* channel layout */
SKMEM_REGION_RING, /* rings */
SKMEM_REGION_BUF_DEF, /* Default rx/tx buffer */
SKMEM_REGION_BUF_LARGE, /* Large rx/tx buffer */
SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_DEF, /* Default rx only buffers */
SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_LARGE, /* Large rx only buffers */
SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_DEF, /* Default tx only buffers */
SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_LARGE, /* Large tx only buffers */
SKMEM_REGION_UMD, /* userland metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_TXAUSD, /* tx/alloc/event user slot descriptors */
SKMEM_REGION_RXFUSD, /* rx/free user slot descriptors */
SKMEM_REGION_UBFT, /* userland buflet metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_USTATS, /* statistics */
SKMEM_REGION_FLOWADV, /* flow advisories */
SKMEM_REGION_NEXUSADV, /* nexus advisories */
SKMEM_REGION_GUARD_TAIL, /* trailing guard page(s) */
* The following are NOT user task mappable.
SKMEM_REGION_KMD, /* rx/tx kernel metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_RXKMD, /* rx only kernel metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_TXKMD, /* tx only kernel metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_KBFT, /* rx/tx kernel buflet metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_RXKBFT, /* rx only kernel buflet metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_TXKBFT, /* tx only kernel buflet metadata */
SKMEM_REGION_TXAKSD, /* tx/alloc/event kernel slot descriptors */
SKMEM_REGION_RXFKSD, /* rx/free kernel slot descriptors */
SKMEM_REGION_KSTATS, /* kernel statistics snapshot */
SKMEM_REGION_INTRINSIC, /* intrinsic objects */
} skmem_region_id_t;
extern const skmem_region_id_t skmem_pp_region_ids[SKMEM_PP_REGIONS];
* Region parameters structure. Based on requested object parameters,
* skmem_region_params_config() will compute the segment parameters as
* well as the configured object parameters.
struct skmem_region_params {
* Region parameters.
const char *srp_name; /* (i) region name */
skmem_region_id_t srp_id; /* (i) region identifier */
uint32_t srp_cflags; /* (i) region creation flags */
uint32_t srp_r_seg_size; /* (i) requested seg size */
uint32_t srp_c_seg_size; /* (o) configured seg size */
uint32_t srp_seg_cnt; /* (o) number of segments */
* Object parameters.
uint32_t srp_r_obj_size; /* (i) requested obj size */
uint32_t srp_r_obj_cnt; /* (i) requested obj count */
uint32_t srp_c_obj_size; /* (o) configured obj size */
uint32_t srp_c_obj_cnt; /* (o) configured obj count */
size_t srp_align; /* (i) object alignment */
* SKMEM_REGION_{UMD,KMD} specific parameters.
nexus_meta_type_t srp_md_type; /* (i) metadata type */
nexus_meta_subtype_t srp_md_subtype; /* (i) metadata subtype */
uint16_t srp_max_frags; /* (i) max frags per packet */
typedef void (*sksegment_ctor_fn_t)(struct sksegment *,
IOSKMemoryBufferRef, void *);
typedef void (*sksegment_dtor_fn_t)(struct sksegment *,
IOSKMemoryBufferRef, void *);
* Region.
#define SKR_MAX_CACHES 2 /* max # of caches allowed on a region */
struct skmem_region {
decl_lck_mtx_data(, skr_lock); /* region lock */
* Statistics.
uint64_t skr_meminuse; /* memory in use */
uint64_t skr_w_meminuse; /* wired memory in use */
uint64_t skr_memtotal; /* total memory in region */
uint64_t skr_alloc; /* number of allocations */
uint64_t skr_free; /* number of frees */
uint32_t skr_seginuse; /* total unfreed segments */
uint32_t skr_rescale; /* # of hash table rescales */
* Region properties.
struct skmem_region_params skr_params; /* region parameters */
#define skr_id skr_params.srp_id /* region ID */
#define skr_cflags skr_params.srp_cflags /* creation flags */
TAILQ_ENTRY(skmem_region) skr_link; /* skmem_region linkage */
char skr_name[64]; /* region name */
uuid_t skr_uuid; /* region uuid */
uint32_t skr_mode; /* skmem_region mode flags */
uint32_t skr_size; /* total region size */
IOSKMemoryBufferSpec skr_bufspec; /* IOSKMemoryBuffer spec */
IOSKRegionSpec skr_regspec; /* IOSKRegion spec */
IOSKRegionRef skr_reg; /* backing IOSKRegion */
struct zone *skr_zreg; /* backing zone (pseudo mode) */
void *skr_private; /* opaque arg to callbacks */
struct skmem_cache *skr_cache[SKR_MAX_CACHES]; /* client slab/cache layer */
* Objects.
#define skr_r_obj_size skr_params.srp_r_obj_size /* requested obj size */
#define skr_r_obj_cnt skr_params.srp_r_obj_cnt /* requested obj count */
#define skr_c_obj_size skr_params.srp_c_obj_size /* configured obj size */
#define skr_c_obj_cnt skr_params.srp_c_obj_cnt /* configured obj count */
#define skr_align skr_params.srp_align /* object alignment */
#define skr_md_type skr_params.srp_md_type /* metadata type */
#define skr_md_subtype skr_params.srp_md_subtype /* metadata subtype */
#define skr_max_frags skr_params.srp_max_frags /* max number of buflets */
* Segment.
sksegment_ctor_fn_t skr_seg_ctor; /* segment constructor */
sksegment_dtor_fn_t skr_seg_dtor; /* segment destructor */
uint32_t skr_seg_objs; /* # of objects per segment */
#define skr_seg_size skr_params.srp_c_seg_size /* configured segment size */
#define skr_seg_max_cnt skr_params.srp_seg_cnt /* max # of segments */
uint32_t skr_seg_bmap_len; /* # of skr_seg_bmap */
bitmap_t *skr_seg_bmap; /* segment bitmaps */
uint32_t skr_seg_free_cnt; /* # of free segments */
uint32_t skr_hash_initial; /* initial hash table size */
uint32_t skr_hash_limit; /* hash table size limit */
uint32_t skr_hash_shift; /* get to interesting bits */
uint32_t skr_hash_mask; /* hash table mask */
struct sksegment_bkt *skr_hash_table; /* alloc'd segment htable */
TAILQ_HEAD(segfreehead, sksegment) skr_seg_free; /* free segment list */
RB_HEAD(segtfreehead, sksegment) skr_seg_tfree; /* free tree */
uint32_t skr_seg_waiters; /* # of waiter threads */
* Region.
uint32_t skr_refcnt; /* reference count */
* Mirror.
struct skmem_region *skr_mirror;
#define SKR_LOCK(_skr) \
#define SKR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_skr) \
#define SKR_UNLOCK(_skr) \
/* valid values for skr_mode */
#define SKR_MODE_NOREDIRECT 0x1 /* unaffect by defunct */
#define SKR_MODE_MMAPOK 0x2 /* can be mapped to user task */
#define SKR_MODE_KREADONLY 0x4 /* kernel read only */
#define SKR_MODE_UREADONLY 0x8 /* if user map, map it read-only */
#define SKR_MODE_PERSISTENT 0x10 /* memory stays non-volatile */
#define SKR_MODE_MONOLITHIC 0x20 /* monolithic region */
#define SKR_MODE_NOMAGAZINES 0x40 /* disable magazines layer */
#define SKR_MODE_NOCACHE 0x80 /* caching-inhibited */
#define SKR_MODE_SEGPHYSCONTIG 0x100 /* phys. contiguous segment */
#define SKR_MODE_SHAREOK 0x200 /* allow object sharing */
#define SKR_MODE_IODIR_IN 0x400 /* I/O direction In */
#define SKR_MODE_IODIR_OUT 0x800 /* I/O direction Out */
#define SKR_MODE_GUARD 0x1000 /* guard pages region */
#define SKR_MODE_PUREDATA 0x2000 /* purely data; no pointers */
#define SKR_MODE_PSEUDO 0x4000 /* external backing store */
#define SKR_MODE_THREADSAFE 0x8000 /* thread safe */
#define SKR_MODE_MEMTAG 0x10000 /* enable memory tagging in this region */
#define SKR_MODE_SLAB (1U << 30) /* backend for slab layer */
#define SKR_MODE_MIRRORED (1U << 31) /* controlled by another region */
#define SKR_MODE_BITS \
/* valid values for skmem_region_create() */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOREDIRECT 0x1 /* unaffected by defunct */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK 0x2 /* can be mapped to user task */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_KREADONLY 0x4 /* kernel space readonly */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY 0x8 /* if user map, map it RO */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_PERSISTENT 0x10 /* memory stays non-volatile */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC 0x20 /* monolithic region */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES 0x40 /* disable magazines layer */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOCACHE 0x80 /* caching-inhibited */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_SEGPHYSCONTIG 0x100 /* phys. contiguous segment */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK 0x200 /* allow object sharing */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_IN 0x400 /* I/O direction in */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_OUT 0x800 /* I/O direction out */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_GUARD 0x1000 /* guard pages region */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA 0x2000 /* purely data; no pointers */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_PSEUDO 0x4000 /* external backing store */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_THREADSAFE 0x8000 /* thread safe */
#define SKMEM_REGION_CR_MEMTAG 0x10000 /* enable memory tagging in this region */
extern void skmem_region_init(void);
extern void skmem_region_fini(void);
extern void skmem_region_reap_caches(boolean_t);
extern void skmem_region_params_config(struct skmem_region_params *);
extern struct skmem_region *skmem_region_create(const char *,
struct skmem_region_params *, sksegment_ctor_fn_t, sksegment_dtor_fn_t,
void *);
extern void skmem_region_mirror(struct skmem_region *, struct skmem_region *);
extern void skmem_region_slab_config(struct skmem_region *,
struct skmem_cache *, bool);
extern void *skmem_region_alloc(struct skmem_region *, void **,
struct sksegment **, struct sksegment **, uint32_t);
extern void skmem_region_free(struct skmem_region *, void *, void *);
extern void skmem_region_retain(struct skmem_region *);
extern boolean_t skmem_region_release(struct skmem_region *);
extern mach_vm_address_t skmem_region_obj_lookup(struct skmem_region *,
extern int skmem_region_get_info(struct skmem_region *, uint32_t *,
struct sksegment **);
extern boolean_t skmem_region_for_pp(skmem_region_id_t);
extern void skmem_region_get_stats(struct skmem_region *,
struct sk_stats_region *);
extern uint64_t skmem_region_get_mtbf(void);
* Reasonable boundaries for MTBF that would make sense for testing,
* in milliseconds; why not pick a couple of Mersenne p numbers?
#define SKMEM_REGION_MTBF_MIN 2 /* almost 2 msec */
#define SKMEM_REGION_MTBF_MAX 3021377 /* almost 1 hour */
extern void skmem_region_set_mtbf(uint64_t);
#endif /* (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) */
#if SK_LOG
extern const char *skmem_region_id2name(skmem_region_id_t);
#endif /* SK_LOG */