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2024-06-03 11:29:39 -05:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <skywalk/core/skywalk_var.h>
#include <skywalk/os_packet_private.h>
* Kernel variant of __user_buflet.
* The main difference here is the support for shared buffers, where
* multiple buflets may point to the same buffer object at different
* data span within it, each holding a reference to the buffer object,
* i.e. the "use" count. The buf_addr therefore points to the beginning
* of the data span; the buf_len describes the length of the span; and
* the buf_doff describes the offset relative to the beginning of the
* span as noted by buf_addr. The buffer object is stored in buf_objaddr.
struct __kern_buflet {
* Common area between user and kernel variants.
struct __buflet buf_com;
* Kernel specific.
/* buffer control of the buffer object */
const struct skmem_bufctl *buf_ctl;
#define buf_objaddr buf_ctl->bc_addr
#define buf_objlim buf_ctl->bc_lim
} __attribute((packed));
struct __kern_buflet_ext {
* This is an overlay structure on __kern_buflet.
struct __kern_buflet kbe_overlay;
* extended variant specific.
/* mirrored user buflet */
struct __user_buflet const *kbe_buf_user;
/* buflet user packet pool hash bucket linkage */
SLIST_ENTRY(__kern_buflet_ext) kbe_buf_upp_link;
/* pid of the process using the buflet */
pid_t kbe_buf_pid;
} __attribute((packed));
#define KBUF_CTOR(_kbuf, _baddr, _bidxreg, _bc, _pp, _large) do { \
_CASSERT(sizeof ((_kbuf)->buf_addr) == sizeof (mach_vm_address_t));\
/* kernel variant (deconst) */ \
BUF_CTOR(_kbuf, _baddr, _bidxreg, (_large) ? PP_BUF_SIZE_LARGE(_pp) :\
PP_BUF_SIZE_DEF(_pp), 0, 0, (_kbuf)->buf_nbft_addr, \
(_kbuf)->buf_nbft_idx, (_kbuf)->buf_flag); \
*(struct skmem_bufctl **)(uintptr_t)&(_kbuf)->buf_ctl = (_bc); \
/* this may be called to initialize unused buflets */ \
if (__probable((_bc) != NULL)) { \
skmem_bufctl_use(_bc); \
} \
/* no need to construct user variant as it is done in externalize */ \
} while (0)
#define KBUF_EXT_CTOR(_kbuf, _ubuf, _baddr, _bidxreg, _bc, \
_bft_idx_reg, _pp, _large) do { \
ASSERT(_bft_idx_reg != OBJ_IDX_NONE); \
_CASSERT(sizeof((_kbuf)->buf_flag) == sizeof(uint16_t)); \
/* we don't set buf_nbft_addr here as during construction it */ \
/* is used by skmem batch alloc logic */ \
*__DECONST(uint16_t *, &(_kbuf)->buf_flag) = BUFLET_FLAG_EXTERNAL;\
if (_large) { \
*__DECONST(uint16_t *, &(_kbuf)->buf_flag) |= \
} \
BUF_BFT_IDX_REG(_kbuf, _bft_idx_reg); \
*__DECONST(struct __user_buflet **, \
&((struct __kern_buflet_ext *)(_kbuf))->kbe_buf_user) = (_ubuf);\
KBUF_CTOR(_kbuf, _baddr, _bidxreg, _bc, _pp, _large); \
} while (0)
#define KBUF_INIT(_kbuf) do { \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_ctl != NULL); \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_addr != 0); \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_dlim != 0); \
/* kernel variant (deconst) */ \
BUF_INIT(_kbuf, 0, 0); \
} while (0)
#define KBUF_EXT_INIT(_kbuf, _pp) do { \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_ctl != NULL); \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_flag & BUFLET_FLAG_EXTERNAL); \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_bft_idx_reg != OBJ_IDX_NONE); \
BUF_BADDR(_kbuf, (_kbuf)->buf_ctl->bc_addr); \
BUF_NBFT_ADDR(_kbuf, 0); \
*__DECONST(uint32_t *, &(_kbuf)->buf_dlim) = \
PP_BUF_SIZE_DEF((_pp)); \
(_kbuf)->buf_dlen = 0; \
(_kbuf)->buf_doff = 0; \
((struct __kern_buflet_ext *__unsafe_indexable)(_kbuf))->kbe_buf_pid = (pid_t)-1; \
((struct __kern_buflet_ext *__unsafe_indexable)(_kbuf))->kbe_buf_upp_link.sle_next = NULL;\
} while (0)
/* initialize struct __user_buflet from struct __kern_buflet */
#define UBUF_INIT(_kbuf, _ubuf) do { \
BUF_CTOR(_ubuf, 0, (_kbuf)->buf_idx, (_kbuf)->buf_dlim, \
(_kbuf)->buf_dlen, (_kbuf)->buf_doff, (_kbuf)->buf_nbft_addr,\
(_kbuf)->buf_nbft_idx, (_kbuf)->buf_flag); \
BUF_BFT_IDX_REG(_ubuf, (_kbuf)->buf_bft_idx_reg); \
} while (0)
#define KBUF_EXTERNALIZE(_kbuf, _ubuf, _pp) do { \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_dlim == BUFLET_HAS_LARGE_BUF(_kbuf) ? \
PP_BUF_SIZE_LARGE((_pp)) : PP_BUF_SIZE_DEF((_pp))); \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_addr != 0); \
/* For now, user-facing pool does not support shared */ \
/* buffer, since otherwise the ubuf and kbuf buffer */ \
/* indices would not match. Assert this is the case.*/ \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_addr == (mach_vm_address_t)(_kbuf)->buf_objaddr);\
/* Initialize user buflet metadata from kernel buflet */ \
UBUF_INIT(_kbuf, _ubuf); \
} while (0)
#define KBUF_LINK(_pkbuf, _kbuf) do { \
ASSERT(__DECONST(void *, (_pkbuf)->buf_nbft_addr) == NULL); \
ASSERT(__DECONST(obj_idx_t, (_pkbuf)->buf_nbft_idx) == OBJ_IDX_NONE); \
ASSERT((_kbuf) != NULL); \
ASSERT((_kbuf)->buf_bft_idx_reg != OBJ_IDX_NONE); \
BUF_NBFT_ADDR(_pkbuf, _kbuf); \
BUF_NBFT_IDX(_pkbuf, (_kbuf)->buf_bft_idx_reg); \
} while (0)
#define KBUF_DTOR(_kbuf, _usecnt) do { \
if (__probable((_kbuf)->buf_ctl != NULL)) { \
(_usecnt) = skmem_bufctl_unuse( \
__DECONST(struct skmem_bufctl *, (_kbuf)->buf_ctl));\
*(struct skmem_bufctl **) \
(uintptr_t)&(_kbuf)->buf_ctl = NULL; \
} \
BUF_BADDR(_kbuf, 0); \
} while (0)
* Copy kernel buflet (and add reference count to buffer).
#define _KBUF_COPY(_skb, _dkb) do { \
ASSERT((_skb)->buf_nbft_addr == 0); \
ASSERT((_skb)->buf_nbft_idx == OBJ_IDX_NONE); \
ASSERT(!((_dkb)->buf_flag & BUFLET_FLAG_EXTERNAL)); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __kern_buflet) == 50); \
/* copy everything in the kernel buflet */ \
sk_copy64_40((uint64_t *)(void *)(_skb), (uint64_t *)(void *)(_dkb));\
((uint64_t *)(void *)(_dkb))[5] = ((uint64_t *)(void *)(_skb))[5]; \
((uint16_t *)(void *)(_dkb))[24] = ((uint16_t *)(void *)(_skb))[24]; \
ASSERT((_dkb)->buf_ctl == (_skb)->buf_ctl); \
_CASSERT(sizeof((_dkb)->buf_flag) == sizeof(uint16_t)); \
*__DECONST(uint16_t *, &(_dkb)->buf_flag) &= ~BUFLET_FLAG_EXTERNAL;\
if (__probable((_dkb)->buf_ctl != NULL)) { \
skmem_bufctl_use(__DECONST(struct skmem_bufctl *, \
(_dkb)->buf_ctl)); \
} \
} while (0)
* Kernel variant of __user_quantum.
struct __kern_quantum {
* Common area between user and kernel variants.
struct __quantum qum_com;
* Kernel specific.
SLIST_ENTRY(__kern_quantum) qum_upp_link;
const struct kern_pbufpool *qum_pp;
const struct __user_quantum *qum_user;
const struct __kern_slot_desc *qum_ksd;
struct __kern_buflet qum_buf[1]; /* 1 buflet */
pid_t qum_pid;
} __attribute((aligned(sizeof(uint64_t))));
#define KQUM_CTOR(_kqum, _midx, _uqum, _pp, _qflags) do { \
ASSERT((uintptr_t)(_kqum) != (uintptr_t)(_uqum)); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(METADATA_IDX(_kqum)) == sizeof(obj_idx_t)); \
/* kernel variant (deconst) */ \
_KQUM_CTOR(_kqum, (PP_KERNEL_ONLY(_pp) ? \
QUM_F_KERNEL_ONLY : 0) | _qflags, 0, 0, OBJ_IDX_NONE, \
PP_BUF_SIZE_DEF((_pp)), _midx); \
METADATA_TYPE(_kqum) = (uint16_t)(_pp)->pp_md_type; \
METADATA_SUBTYPE(_kqum) = (uint16_t)(_pp)->pp_md_subtype; \
*(struct kern_pbufpool **)(uintptr_t)&(_kqum)->qum_pp = (_pp); \
*(struct __user_quantum **)(uintptr_t)&(_kqum)->qum_user = (_uqum); \
*(obj_idx_t *)(uintptr_t)&METADATA_IDX(_kqum) = (_midx); \
(_kqum)->qum_pid = (pid_t)-1; \
*(struct __kern_slot_desc **)(uintptr_t)&(_kqum)->qum_ksd = NULL;\
/* no need to construct user variant as it is done in externalize */ \
} while (0)
#define KQUM_INIT(_kqum, _flags) do { \
ASSERT((_kqum)->qum_ksd == NULL); \
ASSERT((_kqum)->qum_pid == (pid_t)-1); \
/* kernel variant (deconst) */ \
_KQUM_INIT(_kqum, (PP_KERNEL_ONLY((_kqum)->qum_pp) ? \
QUM_F_KERNEL_ONLY : 0) | _flags, 0, METADATA_IDX(_kqum)); \
/* no need to initialize user variant as it is done in externalize */ \
} while (0)
inline boolean_t
_UUID_MATCH(uuid_t u1, uuid_t u2)
uint64_t *a = (uint64_t *)(void *) u1;
uint64_t *b = (uint64_t *)(void *) u2;
bool first_same = (a[0] == b[0]);
bool second_same = (a[1] == b[1]);
return first_same && second_same;
#define _UUID_COPY(_dst, _src) do { \
_CASSERT(sizeof (uuid_t) == 16); \
sk_copy64_16((uint64_t *)(void *)_src, (uint64_t *)(void *)_dst); \
} while (0)
#define _UUID_CLEAR(_u) do { \
uint64_t *__dst = (uint64_t *)(void *)(_u); \
_CASSERT(sizeof (uuid_t) == 16); \
*(__dst++) = 0; /* qw[0] */ \
*(__dst) = 0; /* qw[1] */ \
} while (0)
* _QUM_COPY only copies the user metadata portion of the quantum;
* at the moment this is everything from the beginning down to __q_flags,
* but no more. It preserves the destination's QUM_F_SAVE_MASK bits.
* NOTE: this needs to be adjusted if more user-mutable field is added
* after __q_flags.
#define _QUM_COPY(_skq, _dkq) do { \
volatile uint16_t _sf = ((_dkq)->qum_qflags & QUM_F_SAVE_MASK); \
_CASSERT(sizeof (_sf) == sizeof ((_dkq)->qum_qflags)); \
_CASSERT(offsetof(struct __quantum, __q_flags) == 24); \
/* copy everything above (and excluding) __q_flags */ \
sk_copy64_24((uint64_t *)(void *)&(_skq)->qum_com, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)&(_dkq)->qum_com); \
/* copy __q_flags and restore saved bits */ \
(_dkq)->qum_qflags = ((_skq)->qum_qflags & ~QUM_F_SAVE_MASK) | _sf; \
} while (0)
* _QUM_INTERNALIZE internalizes a portion of the quantum that includes
* user visible fields without overwriting the portion that's private to
* the kernel; see comments on _QUM_COPY().
#define _QUM_INTERNALIZE(_uq, _kq) do { \
_QUM_COPY(_uq, _kq); \
/* drop all but QUM_F_SAVE_MASK */ \
(_kq)->qum_qflags &= QUM_F_SAVE_MASK; \
} while (0)
* _QUM_EXTERNALIZE externalizes a portion of the quantum that's user
* visible without including fields that's private to the kernel; at
* the moment this is everything from the begininng down to __q_flags,
* but no more. It does NOT preserve the destination's QUM_F_SAVE_MASK
* bits, but instead copies all bits except QUMF_KERNEL_FLAGS ones.
* NOTE: this needs to be adjusted if more user-mutable field is added
* after __q_flags. This macro is used only during externalize.
#define _QUM_EXTERNALIZE(_kq, _uq) do { \
_CASSERT(offsetof(struct __quantum, __q_flags) == 24); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(METADATA_IDX(_uq)) == sizeof(obj_idx_t)); \
/* copy __quantum excluding qum_qflags */ \
sk_copy64_24((uint64_t *)(void *)&(_kq)->qum_com, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)&(_uq)->qum_com); \
/* copy qum_qflags excluding saved bits */ \
(_uq)->qum_qflags = ((_kq)->qum_qflags & ~QUM_F_KERNEL_FLAGS); \
/* re-initialize user metadata */ \
*(obj_idx_t *)(uintptr_t)&METADATA_IDX(_uq) = METADATA_IDX(_kq); \
(_uq)->qum_usecnt = 0; \
} while (0)
* Transmit completion.
struct __packet_compl {
* Tx completion data
* _arg & _data: context data which are passed as arguments
* to the registered Tx completion callback.
* _tx_status: Tx status set by the driver.
union {
uint64_t compl_data64[3];
struct {
uintptr_t _cb_arg;
uintptr_t _cb_data;
uint32_t _tx_status;
uint32_t _pad;
} compl_data;
/* bitmap indicating the requested packet completion callbacks */
uint32_t compl_callbacks;
/* Context identifier for a given packet completion */
uint32_t compl_context;
* Kernel variant of __user_packet.
struct __kern_packet {
struct __kern_quantum pkt_qum;
#define pkt_user pkt_qum.qum_user
* Common area between user and kernel variants.
struct __packet pkt_com;
* Option common area (PKT_F_OPT_DATA),
* non-NULL if PKT_F_OPT_ALLOC is set.
struct __packet_opt *pkt_com_opt;
/* TX: enqueue time, RX: receive timestamp */
uint64_t pkt_timestamp;
/* next chain in queue; used while enqueuing to classq or reass */
struct __kern_packet *pkt_nextpkt;
* Attached mbuf or pkt.
* Used by compat netif driver (PKT_F_MBUF_DATA) or interface
* filters (PKT_F_PKT_DATA).
union {
struct mbuf *pkt_mbuf;
struct __kern_packet *pkt_pkt;
* Flow classifier data (PKT_F_FLOW_DATA),
* non-NULL if PKT_F_FLOW_ALLOC is set.
struct __flow *pkt_flow; /* classifier info */
#define pkt_flow_ipv4_addrs pkt_flow->flow_ipv4_addrs
#define pkt_flow_ipv4_src pkt_flow->flow_ipv4_src
#define pkt_flow_ipv4_dst pkt_flow->flow_ipv4_dst
#define pkt_flow_ipv6_addrs pkt_flow->flow_ipv6_addrs
#define pkt_flow_ipv6_src pkt_flow->flow_ipv6_src
#define pkt_flow_ipv6_dst pkt_flow->flow_ipv6_dst
#define pkt_flow_ip_ver pkt_flow->flow_ip_ver
#define pkt_flow_ip_proto pkt_flow->flow_ip_proto
#define pkt_flow_ip_hdr pkt_flow->flow_ip_hdr
#define pkt_flow_tcp pkt_flow->flow_tcp
#define pkt_flow_tcp_src pkt_flow->flow_tcp_src
#define pkt_flow_tcp_dst pkt_flow->flow_tcp_dst
#define pkt_flow_tcp_seq pkt_flow->flow_tcp_seq
#define pkt_flow_tcp_ack pkt_flow->flow_tcp_ack
#define pkt_flow_tcp_off pkt_flow->flow_tcp_off
#define pkt_flow_tcp_flags pkt_flow->flow_tcp_flags
#define pkt_flow_tcp_win pkt_flow->flow_tcp_win
#define pkt_flow_tcp_hlen pkt_flow->flow_tcp_hlen
#define pkt_flow_tcp_hdr pkt_flow->flow_tcp_hdr
#define pkt_flow_tcp_agg_fast pkt_flow->flow_tcp_agg_fast
#define pkt_flow_udp pkt_flow->flow_udp
#define pkt_flow_udp_src pkt_flow->flow_udp_src
#define pkt_flow_udp_dst pkt_flow->flow_udp_dst
#define pkt_flow_udp_hlen pkt_flow->flow_udp_hlen
#define pkt_flow_udp_hdr pkt_flow->flow_udp_hdr
#define pkt_flow_esp_spi pkt_flow->flow_esp_spi
#define pkt_transport_protocol pkt_flow->flow_ulp_encap
#define pkt_flow_ip_hlen pkt_flow->flow_ip_hlen
#define pkt_flow_ulen pkt_flow->flow_ulen
#define pkt_flow_ip_frag_id pkt_flow->flow_ip_frag_id
#define pkt_flow_ip_is_frag pkt_flow->flow_ip_is_frag
#define pkt_flow_ip_is_first_frag pkt_flow->flow_ip_is_first_frag
#define pkt_flowsrc_token pkt_flow->flow_src_token
#define pkt_flowsrc_id pkt_flow->flow_src_id
#define pkt_flowsrc_fidx pkt_flow->flow_src_fidx
#define pkt_flowsrc_type pkt_flow->flow_src_type
#define pkt_classq_hash pkt_flow->flow_classq_hash
#define pkt_classq_flags pkt_flow->flow_classq_flags
#define pkt_policy_id pkt_flow->flow_policy_id
#define pkt_skip_policy_id pkt_flow->flow_skip_policy_id
#define pkt_policy_euuid pkt_flow->flow_policy_euuid
* Transmit completion data (PKT_TX_COMPL_DATA),
* non-NULL if PKT_F_TX_COMPL_ALLOC is set.
struct __packet_compl *pkt_tx_compl; /* TX completion info */
#define pkt_tx_compl_data pkt_tx_compl->compl_data
#define pkt_tx_compl_data64 pkt_tx_compl->compl_data64
#define pkt_tx_compl_cb_arg pkt_tx_compl->compl_data._cb_arg
#define pkt_tx_compl_cb_data pkt_tx_compl->compl_data._cb_data
#define pkt_tx_compl_status pkt_tx_compl->compl_data._tx_status
#define pkt_tx_compl_callbacks pkt_tx_compl->compl_callbacks
#define pkt_tx_compl_context pkt_tx_compl->compl_context
void * pkt_priv; /* free to use for every layer */
* Kernel specific.
* pkt_{bufs,max} aren't part of the common area, on purpose,
* since we selectively update them on internalize/externalize.
const uint16_t pkt_bufs_max; /* maximum size of buflet chain */
const uint16_t pkt_bufs_cnt; /* buflet chain size */
uint32_t pkt_chain_count; /* number of packets in chain */
uint32_t pkt_chain_bytes; /* number of bytes in chain */
nexus_port_t pkt_nx_port; /* user channel port */
* gencnt of pkt_nx_port's corresponding vpna. So that we can tell
* whether the port in pkt_nx_port has been defuncted or reused.
uint16_t pkt_vpna_gencnt;
/* Cellular Host Driver generated trace_tag */
packet_trace_tag_t pkt_trace_tag;
/* index of the qset that the pkt comes from */
uint8_t pkt_qset_idx;
uint8_t _pad[1];
} __attribute((aligned(sizeof(uint64_t))));
/* the size of __user_packet structure for n total buflets */
#define _KERN_PACKET_SIZE(n) sizeof(struct __kern_packet)
#define _PKT_COM_INIT(_p, _pflags) do { \
/* save packet flags since it might be wiped out */ \
volatile uint64_t __pflags = (_pflags); \
/* first wipe it clean */ \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet_com) == 32); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet) == 32); \
sk_zero_32(&(_p)->pkt_com.__pkt_data[0]); \
/* then initialize */ \
(_p)->pkt_pflags = (__pflags); \
(_p)->pkt_svc_class = KPKT_SC_UNSPEC; \
} while (0)
#define _PKT_CTOR(_p, _pflags, _bufcnt, _maxfrags) do { \
_PKT_COM_INIT(_p, _pflags); \
_CASSERT(sizeof ((_p)->pkt_bufs_max) == sizeof (uint16_t)); \
_CASSERT(sizeof ((_p)->pkt_bufs_cnt) == sizeof (uint16_t)); \
/* deconst */ \
*(uint16_t *)(uintptr_t)&(_p)->pkt_bufs_max = (_maxfrags); \
*(uint16_t *)(uintptr_t)&(_p)->pkt_bufs_cnt = (_bufcnt); \
} while (0)
#define KPKT_CLEAR_MBUF_PKT_DATA(_pk) do { \
_CASSERT(offsetof(struct __kern_packet, pkt_mbuf) == \
offsetof(struct __kern_packet, pkt_pkt)); \
(_pk)->pkt_pflags &= ~(PKT_F_MBUF_MASK|PKT_F_PKT_MASK); \
/* the following also clears pkt_pkt */ \
(_pk)->pkt_mbuf = NULL; \
} while (0)
#define KPKT_CLEAR_MBUF_DATA(_pk) do { \
(_pk)->pkt_pflags &= ~PKT_F_MBUF_MASK; \
(_pk)->pkt_mbuf = NULL; \
} while (0)
#define KPKT_CLEAR_PKT_DATA(_pk) do { \
(_pk)->pkt_pflags &= ~PKT_F_PKT_MASK; \
(_pk)->pkt_pkt = NULL; \
} while (0)
#define KPKT_CLEAR_FLOW_INIT(_fl) do { \
_CASSERT(sizeof ((_fl)->flow_init_data) == 128); \
sk_zero_128(&(_fl)->flow_init_data[0]); \
} while (0)
#define KPKT_CLEAR_FLOW_ALL(_fl) do { \
bzero(_fl, sizeof(struct __flow)); \
} while (0)
#define _KPKT_CTOR_PRIV_VARS(_p, _opt, _flow, _txcomp) do { \
(_p)->pkt_com_opt = (_opt); \
(_p)->pkt_flow = (_flow); \
(_p)->pkt_tx_compl = (_txcomp); \
} while (0)
#define _KPKT_INIT_FPD_VARS(_p)
#define _KPKT_INIT_PRIV_VARS(_p) do { \
struct __flow *__fl = (_p)->pkt_flow; \
(_p)->pkt_timestamp = 0; \
(_p)->pkt_nextpkt = NULL; \
(_p)->pkt_priv = NULL; \
if (__probable(__fl != NULL)) { \
} \
(_p)->pkt_chain_count = (_p)->pkt_chain_bytes = 0; \
(_p)->pkt_nx_port = NEXUS_PORT_ANY; \
(_p)->pkt_vpna_gencnt = 0; \
(_p)->pkt_trace_tag = 0; \
(_p)->pkt_qset_idx = 0; \
} while (0)
#define KPKT_CTOR(_pk, _pflags, _opt, _flow, _txcomp, _midx, _pu, _pp, \
_bufcnt, _maxfrags, _qflags) do { \
ASSERT((uintptr_t)(_pk) != (uintptr_t)(_pu)); \
/* ASSERT((_pu) != NULL || PP_KERNEL_ONLY(_pp)); */ \
/* kernel (and user) quantum */ \
KQUM_CTOR(&(_pk)->pkt_qum, _midx, \
(((_pu) == NULL) ? NULL : &(_pu)->pkt_qum), _pp, _qflags); \
/* kernel packet variant */ \
_PKT_CTOR(_pk, _pflags, _bufcnt, _maxfrags); \
_KPKT_CTOR_PRIV_VARS(_pk, _opt, _flow, _txcomp); \
/* no need to construct user variant as it is done in externalize */ \
} while (0)
#define KPKT_INIT(_pk, _flags) do { \
KQUM_INIT(&(_pk)->pkt_qum, _flags); \
_PKT_COM_INIT(_pk, (_pk)->pkt_pflags); \
/* no need to initialize user variant as it is done in externalize */ \
} while (0)
#define _KPKT_INIT_TX_COMPL_DATA(_p) do { \
if (((_p)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_TX_COMPL_DATA) == 0) { \
ASSERT((_p)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_TX_COMPL_ALLOC); \
(_p)->pkt_pflags |= PKT_F_TX_COMPL_DATA; \
_CASSERT(sizeof((_p)->pkt_tx_compl_data64) == 24); \
/* 32-bit compl_data should be in the union */ \
_CASSERT(sizeof((_p)->pkt_tx_compl_data) <= 24); \
(_p)->pkt_tx_compl_data64[0] = 0; \
(_p)->pkt_tx_compl_data64[1] = 0; \
(_p)->pkt_tx_compl_data64[2] = 0; \
} \
} while (0)
* Copy optional meta data.
* Both source and destination must be a kernel packet.
#define _PKT_COPY_OPT_DATA(_skp, _dkp) do { \
if (__improbable(((_skp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_OPT_DATA) != 0)) { \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet_opt) == 40); \
ASSERT((_skp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_OPT_ALLOC); \
sk_copy64_40((uint64_t *)(void *)(_skp)->pkt_com_opt, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)(_dkp)->pkt_com_opt); \
} \
} while (0)
* _PKT_COPY only copies the user metadata portion of the packet;
* at the moment this is everything from the beginning down to __p_flags,
* but no more. It additionally copies only QUM_F_COPY_MASK bits from
* the source __p_flags to the destination's.
* NOTE: this needs to be adjusted if more user-mutable field is added
* after __p_flags.
#define _PKT_COPY(_skp, _dkp) do { \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet) == 32); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet_com) == 32); \
_CASSERT(offsetof(struct __packet, __p_flags) == 24); \
/* copy __packet excluding pkt_pflags */ \
sk_copy64_24((uint64_t *)(void *)&(_skp)->pkt_com, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)&(_dkp)->pkt_com); \
/* copy relevant pkt_pflags bits */ \
(_dkp)->pkt_pflags = ((_skp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_COPY_MASK); \
/* copy __packet_opt if applicable */ \
_PKT_COPY_OPT_DATA((_skp), (_dkp)); \
} while (0)
* Copy Transmit completion data.
#define _PKT_COPY_TX_PORT_DATA(_skp, _dkp) do { \
(_dkp)->pkt_nx_port = (_skp)->pkt_nx_port; \
(_dkp)->pkt_vpna_gencnt = (_skp)->pkt_vpna_gencnt; \
(_dkp)->pkt_pflags |= ((_skp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_TX_PORT_DATA);\
} while (0)
* _PKT_INTERNALIZE internalizes a portion of the packet that includes
* user visible fields without overwriting the portion that's private to
* the kernel.
* NOTE: this needs to be adjusted if more user-mutable data is added
* after __p_flags. This macro is used only during internalize.
#define _PKT_INTERNALIZE(_up, _kp) do { \
volatile uint64_t _kf = ((_kp)->pkt_pflags & ~PKT_F_USER_MASK); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet) == 32); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet_com) == 32); \
_CASSERT(offsetof(struct __packet, __p_flags) == 24); \
/* copy __packet excluding pkt_pflags */ \
sk_copy64_24((uint64_t *)(void *)&(_up)->pkt_com, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)&(_kp)->pkt_com); \
/* copy pkt_pflags and restore kernel bits */ \
(_kp)->pkt_pflags = ((_up)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_USER_MASK) | _kf;\
/* copy (internalize) __packet_opt if applicable */ \
if (__improbable(((_kp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_OPT_DATA) != 0)) { \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet_opt) == 40); \
ASSERT((_kp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_OPT_ALLOC); \
sk_copy64_40((uint64_t *)(void *)&(_up)->pkt_com_opt, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)(_kp)->pkt_com_opt); \
} \
} while (0)
* _PKT_EXTERNALIZE externalizes a portion of the packet that's user
* visible without including fields that's private to the kernel; at the
* moment this is everything from the beginning down to __p_flags,
* but no more.
* NOTE: this needs to be adjusted if more user-mutable data is added
* after __p_flags. This macro is used only during externalize.
#define _PKT_EXTERNALIZE(_kp, _up) do { \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet) == 32); \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet_com) == 32); \
_CASSERT(offsetof(struct __packet, __p_flags) == 24); \
/* copy __packet excluding pkt_pflags */ \
sk_copy64_24((uint64_t *)(void *)&(_kp)->pkt_com, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)&(_up)->pkt_com); \
/* copy pkt_pflags excluding kernel bits */ \
(_up)->pkt_pflags = ((_kp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_USER_MASK); \
/* copy (externalize) __packet_opt if applicable */ \
if (__improbable(((_kp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_OPT_DATA) != 0)) { \
_CASSERT(sizeof(struct __packet_opt) == 40); \
ASSERT((_kp)->pkt_pflags & PKT_F_OPT_ALLOC); \
sk_copy64_40((uint64_t *)(void *)(_kp)->pkt_com_opt, \
(uint64_t *)(void *)&(_up)->pkt_com_opt); \
} \
} while (0)
#define SK_PTR_ADDR_KQUM(_ph) __unsafe_forge_single(struct __kern_quantum *, \
((struct __kern_quantum *)SK_PTR_ADDR(_ph)))
#define SK_PTR_ADDR_KPKT(_ph) __unsafe_forge_single(struct __kern_packet *, \
((struct __kern_packet *)SK_PTR_ADDR(_ph)))
#define SK_PTR_KPKT(_pa) ((struct __kern_packet *)(void *)(_pa))
#define SK_PKT2PH(_pkt) \
* Set the length of the data to various places: __user_slot_desc,
* __kern_quantum, and for a packet, the buflet.
* !!! This should be used only for dropping the packet as the macro
* is not functionally correct.
* TODO: -- maybe finalize here as well?
#define METADATA_SET_LEN(_md, _len, _doff) do { \
struct __kern_quantum *_q = \
(struct __kern_quantum *)(void *)(_md); \
_q->qum_len = (_len); \
switch (METADATA_TYPE(_q)) { \
struct __kern_packet *_p = \
(struct __kern_packet *)(void *)(_md); \
struct __kern_buflet *_kbft; \
PKT_GET_FIRST_BUFLET(_p, _p->pkt_bufs_cnt, _kbft); \
_kbft->buf_dlen = (_len); \
_kbft->buf_doff = (_doff); \
break; \
} \
default: \
_q->qum_buf[0].buf_dlen = (_len); \
_q->qum_buf[0].buf_doff = (_doff); \
break; \
} \
} while (0)
#define METADATA_ADJUST_LEN(_md, _len, _doff) do { \
struct __kern_quantum *_q = \
(struct __kern_quantum *)(void *)(_md); \
switch (METADATA_TYPE(_q)) { \
struct __kern_packet *_p = \
(struct __kern_packet *)(void *)(_md); \
struct __kern_buflet *_kbft; \
PKT_GET_FIRST_BUFLET(_p, _p->pkt_bufs_cnt, _kbft); \
_kbft->buf_dlen += (_len); \
_kbft->buf_doff = (_doff); \
break; \
} \
default: \
_q->qum_buf[0].buf_dlen += (_len); \
_q->qum_buf[0].buf_doff = (_doff); \
break; \
} \
} while (0)
static inline kern_packet_t
SD_GET_TAGGED_METADATA(const struct __kern_slot_desc *ksd)
return __improbable(ksd->sd_md == NULL) ? 0 :
SK_PTR_ENCODE(ksd->sd_md, METADATA_TYPE(ksd->sd_qum),
static inline errno_t
KR_SLOT_ATTACH_METADATA(const kern_channel_ring_t kring,
struct __kern_slot_desc *ksd, struct __kern_quantum *kqum)
obj_idx_t idx = KR_SLOT_INDEX(kring,
(struct __slot_desc *)(void *)ksd);
/* Ensure this is only done by the thread doing a sync syscall */
ASSERT(kqum->qum_pp == kring->ckr_pp);
ASSERT(kqum->qum_ksd == NULL);
* Packets being attached to a slot should always be internalized.
* Internalized packet should be in finalized or dropped state.
ASSERT(kqum->qum_qflags & QUM_F_INTERNALIZED);
ASSERT(((kqum->qum_qflags & QUM_F_FINALIZED) != 0) ^
((kqum->qum_qflags & QUM_F_DROPPED) != 0));
kqum->qum_ksd = ksd;
if (!KR_KERNEL_ONLY(kring)) {
return 0;
static inline struct __kern_quantum *
KR_SLOT_DETACH_METADATA(const kern_channel_ring_t kring,
struct __kern_slot_desc *ksd)
struct __kern_quantum *kqum = ksd->sd_qum;
obj_idx_t idx = KR_SLOT_INDEX(kring,
(struct __slot_desc *)(void *)ksd);
/* Ensure this is only done by the thread doing a sync syscall */
ASSERT(kqum->qum_ksd == ksd);
ASSERT(kqum->qum_pp == kring->ckr_pp);
* Packets being attached to a slot would always be internalized.
* We also detach externalized packets on an rx ring on behalf
* of the user space if the channel is not in user packet pool mode.
* Externalized packet should be in finalized or dropped state.
ASSERT((kqum->qum_qflags & (QUM_F_INTERNALIZED)) ||
((((kqum->qum_qflags & QUM_F_FINALIZED) != 0) ^
((kqum->qum_qflags & QUM_F_DROPPED) != 0))));
/* detaching requires the packet to be finalized later */
kqum->qum_qflags &= ~QUM_F_FINALIZED;
kqum->qum_ksd = NULL;
if (!KR_KERNEL_ONLY(kring)) {
return kqum;
static inline errno_t
KR_SLOT_ATTACH_BUF_METADATA(const kern_channel_ring_t kring,
struct __kern_slot_desc *ksd, struct __kern_buflet *kbuf)
obj_idx_t idx = KR_SLOT_INDEX(kring,
(struct __slot_desc *)(void *)ksd);
/* Ensure this is only done by the thread doing a sync syscall */
* buflet is attached only to the user packet pool alloc ring.
ASSERT(kring->ckr_tx == CR_KIND_ALLOC);
USD_ATTACH_METADATA(KR_USD(kring, idx), kbuf->buf_bft_idx_reg);
return 0;
extern int pkt_trailers;
#endif /* !DEVELOPMENT && !DEBUG */
typedef void (pkt_copy_from_pkt_t)(const enum txrx, kern_packet_t,
const uint16_t, kern_packet_t, const uint16_t, const uint32_t,
const boolean_t, const uint16_t, const uint16_t, const boolean_t);
typedef void (pkt_copy_from_mbuf_t)(const enum txrx, kern_packet_t,
const uint16_t, struct mbuf *, const uint16_t, const uint32_t,
const boolean_t, const uint16_t);
typedef void (pkt_copy_to_mbuf_t)(const enum txrx, kern_packet_t,
const uint16_t, struct mbuf *, const uint16_t, const uint32_t,
const boolean_t, const uint16_t);
extern void pkt_subtype_assert_fail(const kern_packet_t, uint64_t, uint64_t);
extern void pkt_type_assert_fail(const kern_packet_t, uint64_t);
extern pkt_copy_from_pkt_t pkt_copy_from_pkt;
extern pkt_copy_from_pkt_t pkt_copy_multi_buflet_from_pkt;
extern pkt_copy_from_mbuf_t pkt_copy_from_mbuf;
extern pkt_copy_from_mbuf_t pkt_copy_multi_buflet_from_mbuf;
extern pkt_copy_to_mbuf_t pkt_copy_to_mbuf;
extern pkt_copy_to_mbuf_t pkt_copy_multi_buflet_to_mbuf;
extern void pkt_copypkt_sum(kern_packet_t, uint16_t, kern_packet_t,
uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t *, boolean_t);
extern uint32_t
pkt_copyaddr_sum(kern_packet_t sph, uint16_t soff, uint8_t *dbaddr,
uint32_t len, boolean_t do_csum, uint32_t initial_sum, boolean_t *odd_start);
extern uint32_t pkt_sum(kern_packet_t, uint16_t, uint16_t);
extern uint32_t pkt_mcopypkt_sum(mbuf_t, int, kern_packet_t, uint16_t,
uint16_t, boolean_t);
extern uint32_t
m_copydata_sum(struct mbuf *m, int off, int len, void *vp, uint32_t initial_sum,
boolean_t *odd_start);
extern void pkt_copy(void *src, void *dst, size_t len);
extern uint32_t pkt_add_trailers(kern_packet_t, const uint32_t, const uint16_t);
extern uint32_t pkt_add_trailers_mbuf(struct mbuf *, const uint16_t);
#endif /* !DEVELOPMENT && !DEBUG */