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* Copyright (c) 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <mach/coalition.h>
#ifndef KERNEL
/* Userspace syscall prototypes */
/* Syscalls */
int coalition_create(uint64_t *cid_out, uint32_t flags);
int coalition_terminate(uint64_t cid, uint32_t flags);
int coalition_reap(uint64_t cid, uint32_t flags);
/* Wrappers around __coalition_info syscall (with proper struct types) */
int coalition_info_resource_usage(uint64_t cid, struct coalition_resource_usage *cru, size_t sz);
int coalition_info_set_name(uint64_t cid, const char *name, size_t size);
int coalition_info_set_efficiency(uint64_t cid, uint64_t flags);
int coalition_ledger_set_logical_writes_limit(uint64_t cid, int64_t limit);
#ifdef PRIVATE
int coalition_info_debug_info(uint64_t cid, struct coalinfo_debuginfo *cru, size_t sz);
#endif /* PRIVATE */
#else /* KERNEL */
/* in-kernel BSD interfaces */
* coalition_id:
* Get the unique 64-bit identifier associated with the given coalition
uint64_t coalition_id(coalition_t coal);
* coalitions_get_list:
* Get a list of coalitions as procinfo_coalinfo structures
* This interface is primarily to support libproc.
* Parameters:
* type : The COALITION_TYPE of the coalitions to investigate.
* Valid types can be found in <mach/coalition.h>
* coal_list : Pointer to an array of procinfo_coalinfo structures
* that will be filled with information about each
* coalition whose type matches 'type'
* NOTE: This can be NULL to perform a simple query of
* the total number of coalitions.
* list_sz : The size (in number of structures) of 'coal_list'
* Returns: 0 if no coalitions matching 'type' are found
* Otherwise: the number of coalitions whose type matches
* the 'type' parameter (all coalitions if type == -1)
extern size_t coalitions_get_list(int type, struct procinfo_coalinfo *coal_list, size_t list_sz);
* task_get_coalition:
* Return the coalition of a task.
* Parameters:
* task : The task to investigate
* coal_type : The COALITION_TYPE of the coalition to investigate.
* Valid types can be found in <mach/coalition.h>
* Returns: valid coalition_t or COALITION_NULL
extern coalition_t task_get_coalition(task_t task, int coal_type);
* coalition_is_leader:
* Determine if a task is a coalition leader.
* Parameters:
* task : The task to investigate
* coal : The coalition to test against.
* NOTE: This can be COALITION_NULL, in case FALSE is returned.
* Returns: TRUE if 'task' is the coalition's leader, FALSE otherwise.
extern boolean_t coalition_is_leader(task_t task, coalition_t coal);
* coalition_get_leader:
* Get a task reference on the leader of a given coalition
* Parameters:
* coal : The coalition to investigate
* Returns: A referenced task pointer of the leader of the given coalition.
* This could be TASK_NULL if the coalition doesn't have a leader.
* If the return value is non-null, the caller is responsible to call
* task_deallocate on the returned value.
extern task_t coalition_get_leader(coalition_t coal);
* coalition_get_task_count:
* Sum up the number of tasks in the given coalition
* Parameters:
* coal : The coalition to investigate
* Returns: The number of tasks in the coalition
extern int coalition_get_task_count(coalition_t coal);
* coalition_get_page_count:
* Sum up the page count for each task in the coalition specified by 'coal'
* Parameters:
* coal : The coalition to investigate
* ntasks : If non-NULL, this will be filled in with the number of
* tasks in the coalition.
* Returns: The sum of all pages used by all members of the coalition
extern uint64_t coalition_get_page_count(coalition_t coal, int *ntasks);
* coalition_get_pid_list:
* Gather a list of constituent PIDs of tasks within a coalition playing a
* given role.
* Parameters:
* coal : The coalition to investigate
* rolemask : The set of coalition task roles used to filter the list
* of PIDs returned in 'pid_list'. Roles can be combined
* using the COALITION_ROLEMASK_* tokens found in
* <mach/coalition.h>. Each PID returned is guaranteed to
* be tagged with one of the task roles specified by this
* mask.
* sort_order : The order in which the returned PIDs should be sorted
* by default this is in descending page count.
* pid_list : Pointer to an array of PIDs that will be filled with
* members of the coalition tagged with the given 'taskrole'
* list_sz : The size (in number of PIDs) of 'pid_list'
* Note:
* This function will return the list of PIDs in a sorted order. By default
* the PIDs will be sorted by task page count in descending order. In the
* future it may be possible for user space to specify a level of importance
* for each coalition member. If there is a user space specified importance,
* then the list of PIDs returned will be sorted in _ascending_ importance,
* i.e., pid_list[0] will be the least important task (or the largest consumer
* of memory). The desired sort order can be specified using the
* COALITION_SORT_* definitions in osfmk/mach/coalition.h
* It is also possible to return an unsorted list of PIDs using the special
* Returns: < 0 on ERROR
* 0 if 'coal' contains no tasks whose role is 'taskrole'
* (or if the coalition is being deallocated)
* Otherwise: the number of PIDs in the coalition whose role is
* 'taskrole'. NOTE: This may be larger or smaller than
* the 'pid_list' array.
extern int coalition_get_pid_list(coalition_t coal, uint32_t rolemask,
int sort_order, int *pid_list, int list_sz);
* task_coalition_role_for_type;
* Get the role of the given task within the given type of coalition.
* Parameters:
* task : The task to investigate
* coalition_type : The coalition type to check
* Returns: This task's role or COALITION_TASKROLE_NONE.
extern int task_coalition_role_for_type(task_t task, int coalition_type);
static inline uint64_t
coalition_id(__unused coalition_t coal)
return 0;
static inline size_t
coalitions_get_list(__unused int type,
__unused struct procinfo_coalinfo *coal_list,
__unused size_t list_sz)
return 0;
static inline coalition_t
coalition_get_leader(__unused task_t task,
__unused int coal_type)
static inline boolean_t
coalition_is_leader(__unused task_t task,
__unused coalition_t coal)
return FALSE;
static inline int
coalition_get_task_count(__unused coalition_t coal)
return 0;
static inline uint64_t
coalition_get_page_count(__unused coalition_t coal,
__unused int *ntasks)
return 0;
static inline int
coalition_get_pid_list(__unused coalition_t coal,
__unused uint32_t rolemask,
__unused int sort_order,
__unused int *pid_list,
__unused int list_sz)
return 0;
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* _SYS_COALITION_H_ */