/* * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_ASSERT_COMPONENT_NAME_STRING "kxld" #include #include "kxld_array.h" #include "kxld_dict.h" #include "kxld_sect.h" #include "kxld_sym.h" #include "kxld_symtab.h" #include "kxld_util.h" struct kxld_symtab { KXLDArray syms; KXLDDict cxx_index; KXLDDict name_index; char *strings; u_int strsize; boolean_t cxx_index_initialized; boolean_t name_index_initialized; }; /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes *******************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t init_macho(KXLDSymtab *symtab, struct symtab_command *src, u_char *macho, KXLDSeg * kernel_linkedit_seg, boolean_t is_32_bit) __attribute__((nonnull(1, 2))); #if KXLD_USER_OR_ILP32 static kern_return_t init_syms_32(KXLDSymtab *symtab, u_char *macho, u_long offset, u_int nsyms); #endif #if KXLD_USER_OR_LP64 static kern_return_t init_syms_64(KXLDSymtab *symtab, u_char *macho, u_long offset, u_int nsyms); #endif static void restrict_private_symbols(KXLDSymtab *symtab) __attribute__((nonnull)); static boolean_t sym_is_defined_cxx(const KXLDSym *sym); static boolean_t sym_is_name_indexed(const KXLDSym *sym); /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ size_t kxld_symtab_sizeof(void) { return sizeof(KXLDSymtab); } #if KXLD_USER_OR_ILP32 /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_init_from_macho_32(KXLDSymtab *symtab, struct symtab_command *src, u_char *macho, KXLDSeg * kernel_linkedit_seg) { return init_macho(symtab, src, macho, kernel_linkedit_seg, /* is_32_bit */ TRUE); } #endif /* KXLD_USER_ILP32 */ #if KXLD_USER_OR_LP64 /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_init_from_macho_64(KXLDSymtab *symtab, struct symtab_command *src, u_char *macho, KXLDSeg * kernel_linkedit_seg) { return init_macho(symtab, src, macho, kernel_linkedit_seg, /* is_32_bit */ FALSE); } #endif /* KXLD_USER_OR_LP64 */ /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t init_macho(KXLDSymtab *symtab, struct symtab_command *src, u_char *macho, KXLDSeg * kernel_linkedit_seg, boolean_t is_32_bit __unused) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; u_long symoff; u_char * macho_or_linkedit = macho; check(symtab); check(src); check(macho); /* Initialize the symbol array */ rval = kxld_array_init(&symtab->syms, sizeof(KXLDSym), src->nsyms); require_noerr(rval, finish); /* Initialize the string table */ if (kernel_linkedit_seg) { /* If initing the kernel file in memory, we can't trust * the symtab offsets directly, because the kernel file has been mapped * into memory and the mach-o offsets are disk-based. * * The symoff is an offset relative to the linkedit segment * so we just subtract the fileoffset of the linkedit segment * to get its relative start. * * The strings table is an actual pointer, so we calculate that from * the linkedit's vmaddr. * * Further, the init_syms_... functions need an adjusted base * pointer instead of the beginning of the macho, so we substitute * the base of the linkedit segment. */ symoff = (u_long)(src->symoff - kernel_linkedit_seg->fileoff); symtab->strings = (char *)(uintptr_t)kernel_linkedit_seg->base_addr + src->stroff - kernel_linkedit_seg->fileoff; macho_or_linkedit = (u_char *)(uintptr_t)kernel_linkedit_seg->base_addr; } else { symoff = (u_long)src->symoff; symtab->strings = (char *) (macho + src->stroff); } symtab->strsize = src->strsize; /* Initialize the symbols */ KXLD_3264_FUNC(is_32_bit, rval, init_syms_32, init_syms_64, symtab, macho_or_linkedit, symoff, src->nsyms); require_noerr(rval, finish); /* Some symbols must be forced private for compatibility */ (void) restrict_private_symbols(symtab); /* Save the output */ rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } #if KXLD_USER_OR_ILP32 /******************************************************************************* * In the running kernel, 'macho' is actually the start of the linkedit segment. *******************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t init_syms_32(KXLDSymtab *symtab, u_char *macho, u_long offset, u_int nsyms) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; u_int i = 0; struct nlist *src_syms = (struct nlist *) ((void *) (macho + offset)); for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i) { sym = kxld_array_get_item(&symtab->syms, i); require_action(sym, finish, rval = KERN_FAILURE); rval = kxld_sym_init_from_macho32(sym, symtab->strings, &src_syms[i]); require_noerr(rval, finish); } rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } #endif /* KXLD_USER_OR_ILP32 */ #if KXLD_USER_OR_LP64 /******************************************************************************* * In the running kernel, 'macho' is actually the start of the linkedit segment. *******************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t init_syms_64(KXLDSymtab *symtab, u_char *macho, u_long offset, u_int nsyms) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; u_int i = 0; struct nlist_64 *src_syms = (struct nlist_64 *) ((void *) (macho + offset)); for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i) { sym = kxld_array_get_item(&symtab->syms, i); require_action(sym, finish, rval = KERN_FAILURE); rval = kxld_sym_init_from_macho64(sym, symtab->strings, &src_syms[i]); require_noerr(rval, finish); } rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } #endif /* KXLD_USER_OR_LP64 */ /******************************************************************************* * Temporary workaround for PR-6668105 * new, new[], delete, and delete[] may be overridden globally in a kext. * We should do this with some sort of weak symbols, but we'll flag these * symbols as private for now to minimize risk. *******************************************************************************/ static void restrict_private_symbols(KXLDSymtab *symtab) { const char *private_symbols[] = { KXLD_KMOD_INFO_SYMBOL, KXLD_OPERATOR_NEW_SYMBOL, KXLD_OPERATOR_NEW_ARRAY_SYMBOL, KXLD_OPERATOR_DELETE_SYMBOL, KXLD_OPERATOR_DELETE_ARRAY_SYMBOL }; KXLDSymtabIterator iter; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; const char *name = NULL; u_int i = 0; kxld_symtab_iterator_init(&iter, symtab, kxld_sym_is_exported, FALSE); while ((sym = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(&iter))) { for (i = 0; i < const_array_len(private_symbols); ++i) { name = private_symbols[i]; if (!streq(sym->name, name)) { continue; } kxld_sym_mark_private(sym); } } } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_symtab_iterator_init(KXLDSymtabIterator *iter, const KXLDSymtab *symtab, KXLDSymPredicateTest test, boolean_t negate) { check(iter); check(symtab); check(test); iter->symtab = symtab; iter->idx = 0; iter->test = test; iter->negate = negate; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_symtab_clear(KXLDSymtab *symtab) { check(symtab); kxld_array_clear(&symtab->syms); kxld_dict_clear(&symtab->cxx_index); kxld_dict_clear(&symtab->name_index); symtab->strings = NULL; symtab->strsize = 0; symtab->cxx_index_initialized = 0; symtab->name_index_initialized = 0; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_symtab_deinit(KXLDSymtab *symtab) { check(symtab); kxld_array_deinit(&symtab->syms); kxld_dict_deinit(&symtab->cxx_index); kxld_dict_deinit(&symtab->name_index); bzero(symtab, sizeof(*symtab)); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ u_int kxld_symtab_get_num_symbols(const KXLDSymtab *symtab) { check(symtab); return symtab->syms.nitems; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ KXLDSym * kxld_symtab_get_symbol_by_index(const KXLDSymtab *symtab, u_int idx) { check(symtab); return kxld_array_get_item(&symtab->syms, idx); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ KXLDSym * kxld_symtab_get_symbol_by_name(const KXLDSymtab *symtab, const char *name) { KXLDSym *sym = NULL; u_int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < symtab->syms.nitems; ++i) { sym = kxld_array_get_item(&symtab->syms, i); if (streq(sym->name, name)) { return sym; } } return NULL; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ KXLDSym * kxld_symtab_get_locally_defined_symbol_by_name(const KXLDSymtab *symtab, const char *name) { check(symtab); check(name); return kxld_dict_find(&symtab->name_index, name); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ KXLDSym * kxld_symtab_get_cxx_symbol_by_value(const KXLDSymtab *symtab, kxld_addr_t value) { check(symtab); return kxld_dict_find(&symtab->cxx_index, &value); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_get_sym_index(const KXLDSymtab *symtab, const KXLDSym *sym, u_int *symindex) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; rval = kxld_array_get_index(&symtab->syms, sym, symindex); require_noerr(rval, finish); rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ u_long kxld_symtab_get_macho_header_size(void) { return sizeof(struct symtab_command); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ u_long kxld_symtab_get_macho_data_size(const KXLDSymtab *symtab, boolean_t is_32_bit) { KXLDSymtabIterator iter; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; u_long size = 1; /* strtab start padding */ u_int nsyms = 0; check(symtab); kxld_symtab_iterator_init(&iter, symtab, kxld_sym_is_defined_locally, FALSE); while ((sym = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(&iter))) { size += strlen(sym->name) + 1; ++nsyms; } if (is_32_bit) { size += nsyms * sizeof(struct nlist); } else { size += nsyms * sizeof(struct nlist_64); } size = (size + 7) & ~7; return size; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_export_macho(const KXLDSymtab *symtab, u_char *buf, u_long *header_offset, u_long header_size, u_long *data_offset, u_long data_size, boolean_t is_32_bit) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDSymtabIterator iter; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; struct symtab_command *symtabhdr = NULL; u_char *nl = NULL; u_long nlistsize = 0; char *strtab = NULL; u_long stroff = 1; /* strtab start padding */ check(symtab); check(buf); check(header_offset); check(data_offset); require_action(sizeof(*symtabhdr) <= header_size - *header_offset, finish, rval = KERN_FAILURE); symtabhdr = (struct symtab_command *) ((void *) (buf + *header_offset)); *header_offset += sizeof(*symtabhdr); /* Initialize the symbol table header */ // note - this assumes LC_SYMTAB is always before the LC_DYSYMTAB in the // macho header we are processing. symtabhdr->cmd = LC_SYMTAB; symtabhdr->cmdsize = (uint32_t) sizeof(*symtabhdr); symtabhdr->symoff = (uint32_t) *data_offset; symtabhdr->strsize = 1; /* strtab start padding */ /* Find the size of the symbol and string tables */ kxld_symtab_iterator_init(&iter, symtab, kxld_sym_is_defined_locally, FALSE); while ((sym = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(&iter))) { symtabhdr->nsyms++; symtabhdr->strsize += (uint32_t) (strlen(sym->name) + 1); } if (is_32_bit) { nlistsize = sizeof(struct nlist); } else { nlistsize = sizeof(struct nlist_64); } symtabhdr->stroff = (uint32_t) (symtabhdr->symoff + (symtabhdr->nsyms * nlistsize)); require_action(symtabhdr->stroff + symtabhdr->strsize <= data_size, finish, rval = KERN_FAILURE); /* Get pointers to the symbol and string tables */ nl = buf + symtabhdr->symoff; strtab = (char *) (buf + symtabhdr->stroff); /* Copy over the symbols */ kxld_symtab_iterator_reset(&iter); while ((sym = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(&iter))) { KXLD_3264_FUNC(is_32_bit, rval, kxld_sym_export_macho_32, kxld_sym_export_macho_64, sym, nl, strtab, &stroff, symtabhdr->strsize); require_noerr(rval, finish); nl += nlistsize; stroff += rval; } /* Update the data offset */ *data_offset += (symtabhdr->nsyms * nlistsize) + stroff; *data_offset = (*data_offset + 7) & ~7; // at this point data_offset will be the offset just past the // symbols and strings in the __LINKEDIT data #if SPLIT_KEXTS_DEBUG { kxld_log(kKxldLogLinking, kKxldLogErr, " %p to %p (size %lu) symtabhdr <%s>", (void *) symtabhdr, (void *) ((u_char *)symtabhdr + sizeof(*symtabhdr)), sizeof(*symtabhdr), __func__); kxld_log(kKxldLogLinking, kKxldLogErr, " symtabhdr %p cmdsize %u symoff %u nsyms %u stroff %u strsize %u <%s>", (void *) symtabhdr, symtabhdr->cmdsize, symtabhdr->symoff, symtabhdr->nsyms, symtabhdr->stroff, symtabhdr->strsize, __func__); } #endif rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ u_int kxld_symtab_iterator_get_num_remaining(const KXLDSymtabIterator *iter) { u_int idx = 0; u_int count = 0; check(iter); for (idx = iter->idx; idx < iter->symtab->syms.nitems; ++idx) { count += iter->test(kxld_array_get_item(&iter->symtab->syms, idx)); } return count; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_index_cxx_symbols_by_value(KXLDSymtab *symtab) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDSymtabIterator iter; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; u_int nsyms = 0; check(symtab); if (symtab->cxx_index_initialized) { rval = KERN_SUCCESS; goto finish; } /* Count the number of C++ symbols */ kxld_symtab_iterator_init(&iter, symtab, sym_is_defined_cxx, FALSE); nsyms = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_num_remaining(&iter); /* Create the dictionary */ rval = kxld_dict_init(&symtab->cxx_index, kxld_dict_kxldaddr_hash, kxld_dict_kxldaddr_cmp, nsyms); require_noerr(rval, finish); /* Insert the non-stab symbols */ while ((sym = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(&iter))) { rval = kxld_dict_insert(&symtab->cxx_index, &sym->base_addr, sym); require_noerr(rval, finish); } symtab->cxx_index_initialized = TRUE; rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ static boolean_t sym_is_defined_cxx(const KXLDSym *sym) { return kxld_sym_is_defined_locally(sym) && kxld_sym_is_cxx(sym); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_index_symbols_by_name(KXLDSymtab *symtab) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDSymtabIterator iter; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; u_int nsyms = 0; check(symtab); if (symtab->name_index_initialized) { rval = KERN_SUCCESS; goto finish; } /* Count the number of symbols we need to index by name */ kxld_symtab_iterator_init(&iter, symtab, sym_is_name_indexed, FALSE); nsyms = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_num_remaining(&iter); /* Create the dictionary */ rval = kxld_dict_init(&symtab->name_index, kxld_dict_string_hash, kxld_dict_string_cmp, nsyms); require_noerr(rval, finish); /* Insert the non-stab symbols */ while ((sym = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(&iter))) { rval = kxld_dict_insert(&symtab->name_index, sym->name, sym); require_noerr(rval, finish); } symtab->name_index_initialized = TRUE; rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ static boolean_t sym_is_name_indexed(const KXLDSym *sym) { return kxld_sym_is_defined_locally(sym) && !kxld_sym_is_stab(sym); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_relocate(KXLDSymtab *symtab, const KXLDArray *sectarray) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDSymtabIterator iter; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; const KXLDSect *sect = NULL; check(symtab); check(sectarray); kxld_symtab_iterator_init(&iter, symtab, kxld_sym_is_section, FALSE); while ((sym = kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(&iter))) { sect = kxld_array_get_item(sectarray, sym->sectnum); require_action(sect, finish, rval = KERN_FAILURE); kxld_sym_relocate(sym, sect); } rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* * This extends the symbol table and initializes the new symbol. We insert the * symbol into the name index, but we don't bother with the c++ value index * because it is based on the base_addr of the symbol, and the base_addr of * all synthesized symbols will be 0. *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_symtab_add_symbol(KXLDSymtab *symtab, char *name, kxld_addr_t link_addr, KXLDSym **symout) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDSym *sym = NULL; u_int symindex = symtab->syms.nitems; rval = kxld_array_resize(&symtab->syms, symindex + 1); require_noerr(rval, finish); sym = kxld_array_get_item(&symtab->syms, symindex); kxld_sym_init_absolute(sym, name, link_addr); rval = kxld_dict_insert(&symtab->name_index, sym->name, sym); require_noerr(rval, finish); rval = KERN_SUCCESS; *symout = sym; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ KXLDSym * kxld_symtab_iterator_get_next(KXLDSymtabIterator *iter) { KXLDSym *sym = NULL; KXLDSym *tmp = NULL; boolean_t cmp = FALSE; check(iter); for (; iter->idx < iter->symtab->syms.nitems; ++iter->idx) { tmp = kxld_array_get_item(&iter->symtab->syms, iter->idx); cmp = iter->test(tmp); if (iter->negate) { cmp = !cmp; } if (cmp) { sym = tmp; ++iter->idx; break; } } return sym; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_symtab_iterator_reset(KXLDSymtabIterator *iter) { check(iter); iter->idx = 0; }