/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include <libkern/c++/OSSharedPtr.h> #include <libkern/OSSerializeBinary.h> #include <libkern/c++/OSContainers.h> #include <libkern/c++/OSLib.h> #include <libkern/c++/OSDictionary.h> #include <libkern/OSSerializeBinary.h> #include <libkern/c++/OSSharedPtr.h> #include <IOKit/IOLib.h> /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #if 0 #define DEBG(fmt, args ...) { kprintf(fmt, args); } #else #define DEBG(fmt, args ...) {} #endif /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ OSSerialize * OSSerialize::binaryWithCapacity(unsigned int inCapacity, Editor editor, void * reference) { OSSerialize *me; if (inCapacity < sizeof(uint32_t)) { return NULL; } me = OSSerialize::withCapacity(inCapacity); if (!me) { return NULL; } me->binary = true; me->endCollection = true; me->editor = editor; me->editRef = reference; bcopy(kOSSerializeBinarySignature, &me->data[0], sizeof(kOSSerializeBinarySignature)); me->length = sizeof(kOSSerializeBinarySignature); return me; } bool OSSerialize::addBinary(const void * bits, size_t size) { unsigned int newCapacity; size_t alignSize; if (os_add_overflow(size, 3, &alignSize)) { return false; } alignSize &= ~3L; if (os_add_overflow(length, alignSize, &newCapacity)) { return false; } if (newCapacity >= capacity) { newCapacity = (((newCapacity - 1) / capacityIncrement) + 1) * capacityIncrement; if (newCapacity < capacity) { return false; } if (newCapacity > ensureCapacity(newCapacity)) { return false; } } bcopy(bits, &data[length], size); length += alignSize; return true; } void OSSerialize::setIndexed(bool index __unused) { assert(index && !indexData); indexData = OSData::withCapacity(256); assert(indexData); } bool OSSerialize::addBinaryObject(const OSMetaClassBase * o, uint32_t key, const void * bits, uint32_t size, uint32_t * startCollection) { unsigned int newCapacity; size_t alignSize; size_t headerSize; // add to tag array tags->setObject(o); headerSize = sizeof(key); if (indexData) { uint32_t offset = length; if (startCollection) { *startCollection = offset; headerSize += sizeof(uint32_t); } offset /= sizeof(uint32_t); indexData->appendValue(offset); } if (os_add3_overflow(size, headerSize, 3, &alignSize)) { return false; } alignSize &= ~3L; if (os_add_overflow(length, alignSize, &newCapacity)) { return false; } if (newCapacity >= capacity) { newCapacity = (((newCapacity - 1) / capacityIncrement) + 1) * capacityIncrement; if (newCapacity < capacity) { return false; } if (newCapacity > ensureCapacity(newCapacity)) { return false; } } if (endCollection) { endCollection = false; key |= kOSSerializeEndCollecton; } bcopy(&key, &data[length], sizeof(key)); bcopy(bits, &data[length + headerSize], size); length += alignSize; return true; } void OSSerialize::endBinaryCollection(uint32_t startCollection) { uint32_t clength; if (!indexData) { return; } assert(length > startCollection); if (length <= startCollection) { return; } clength = length - startCollection; assert(!(clength & 3)); clength /= sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(&data[startCollection + sizeof(uint32_t)], &clength, sizeof(clength)); } bool OSSerialize::binarySerialize(const OSMetaClassBase *o) { bool ok; uint32_t header; ok = binarySerializeInternal(o); if (!ok) { return ok; } if (indexData) { header = indexData->getLength() / sizeof(uint32_t); assert(header <= kOSSerializeDataMask); header <<= 8; header |= kOSSerializeIndexedBinarySignature; memcpy(&data[0], &header, sizeof(header)); } return ok; } bool OSSerialize::binarySerializeInternal(const OSMetaClassBase *o) { OSDictionary * dict; OSArray * array; OSSet * set; OSNumber * num; OSSymbol * sym; OSString * str; OSData * ldata; OSBoolean * boo; unsigned int tagIdx; uint32_t i, key, startCollection = 0; uint32_t len; bool ok; tagIdx = tags->getNextIndexOfObject(o, 0); // does it exist? if (-1U != tagIdx) { if (indexData) { assert(indexData->getLength() > (tagIdx * sizeof(uint32_t))); tagIdx = ((const uint32_t *)indexData->getBytesNoCopy())[tagIdx]; assert(tagIdx <= kOSSerializeDataMask); } key = (kOSSerializeObject | tagIdx); if (endCollection) { endCollection = false; key |= kOSSerializeEndCollecton; } ok = addBinary(&key, sizeof(key)); return ok; } if ((dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, o))) { key = (kOSSerializeDictionary | dict->count); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, NULL, 0, &startCollection); for (i = 0; ok && (i < dict->count);) { const OSSymbol * dictKey; const OSMetaClassBase * dictValue; const OSMetaClassBase * nvalue = NULL; dictKey = dict->dictionary[i].key; dictValue = dict->dictionary[i].value; i++; if (editor) { dictValue = nvalue = (*editor)(editRef, this, dict, dictKey, dictValue); if (!dictValue) { dictValue = dict; } } ok = binarySerialize(dictKey); if (!ok) { break; } endCollection = (i == dict->count); ok = binarySerialize(dictValue); if (!ok) { ok = dictValue->serialize(this); } if (nvalue) { nvalue->release(); } // if (!ok) ok = binarySerialize(kOSBooleanFalse); } endBinaryCollection(startCollection); } else if ((array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, o))) { key = (kOSSerializeArray | array->count); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, NULL, 0, &startCollection); for (i = 0; ok && (i < array->count);) { i++; endCollection = (i == array->count); ok = binarySerialize(array->array[i - 1]); if (!ok) { ok = array->array[i - 1]->serialize(this); } // if (!ok) ok = binarySerialize(kOSBooleanFalse); } endBinaryCollection(startCollection); } else if ((set = OSDynamicCast(OSSet, o))) { key = (kOSSerializeSet | set->members->count); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, NULL, 0, &startCollection); for (i = 0; ok && (i < set->members->count);) { i++; endCollection = (i == set->members->count); ok = binarySerialize(set->members->array[i - 1]); if (!ok) { ok = set->members->array[i - 1]->serialize(this); } // if (!ok) ok = binarySerialize(kOSBooleanFalse); } endBinaryCollection(startCollection); } else if ((num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, o))) { key = (kOSSerializeNumber | num->size); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, &num->value, sizeof(num->value), NULL); } else if ((boo = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, o))) { key = (kOSSerializeBoolean | (kOSBooleanTrue == boo)); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, NULL, 0, NULL); } else if ((sym = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, o))) { len = (sym->getLength() + 1); key = (kOSSerializeSymbol | len); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, sym->getCStringNoCopy(), len, NULL); } else if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, o))) { len = str->getLength(); key = (kOSSerializeString | len); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, str->getCStringNoCopy(), len, NULL); } else if ((ldata = OSDynamicCast(OSData, o))) { len = ldata->getLength(); if (ldata->reserved && ldata->reserved->disableSerialization) { len = 0; } key = (kOSSerializeData | len); ok = addBinaryObject(o, key, ldata->getBytesNoCopy(), len, NULL); } else { return false; } return ok; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #define setAtIndex(v, idx, o) \ ok = idx < v##Capacity; \ if (!ok && v##Capacity < v##CapacityMax) { \ uint32_t ncap = v##Capacity + 64; \ typeof(v##Array) nbuf = kreallocp_type_container(OSObject *, \ v##Array, v##Capacity, &ncap, Z_WAITOK_ZERO); \ if (nbuf) { \ ok = true; \ v##Array = nbuf; \ v##Capacity = ncap; \ } \ } \ if (ok) v##Array[idx] = o /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ OSObject * OSUnserializeBinary(const char *buffer, size_t bufferSize, OSString **errorString) { OSObject ** objsArray; uint32_t objsCapacity; enum { objsCapacityMax = 16 * 1024 * 1024 }; uint32_t objsIdx; OSObject ** stackArray; uint32_t stackCapacity; enum { stackCapacityMax = 64 }; uint32_t stackIdx; OSObject * result; OSObject * parent; OSDictionary * dict; OSArray * array; OSSet * set; OSDictionary * newDict; OSArray * newArray; OSSet * newSet; OSObject * o; OSSymbol * sym; OSString * str; size_t bufferPos; const uint32_t * next; uint32_t key, len, wordLen, length; bool end, newCollect, isRef; union { unsigned long long value; double fpValue; } value; bool ok, indexed, hasLength; indexed = false; if (errorString) { *errorString = NULL; } if (bufferSize < sizeof(kOSSerializeBinarySignature)) { return NULL; } if (kOSSerializeIndexedBinarySignature == (((const uint8_t *) buffer)[0])) { indexed = true; } else if (0 != strcmp(kOSSerializeBinarySignature, buffer)) { return NULL; } if (3 & ((uintptr_t) buffer)) { return NULL; } bufferPos = sizeof(kOSSerializeBinarySignature); next = (typeof(next))(((uintptr_t) buffer) + bufferPos); DEBG("---------OSUnserializeBinary(%p)\n", buffer); objsArray = stackArray = NULL; objsIdx = objsCapacity = 0; stackIdx = stackCapacity = 0; result = NULL; parent = NULL; dict = NULL; array = NULL; set = NULL; sym = NULL; ok = true; while (ok) { bufferPos += sizeof(*next); if (!(ok = (bufferPos <= bufferSize))) { break; } key = *next++; length = 0; len = (key & kOSSerializeDataMask); wordLen = (len + 3) >> 2; end = (0 != (kOSSerializeEndCollecton & key)); DEBG("key 0x%08x: 0x%04x, %d\n", key, len, end); newCollect = isRef = hasLength = false; o = NULL; newDict = NULL; newArray = NULL; newSet = NULL; switch (kOSSerializeTypeMask & key) { case kOSSerializeDictionary: o = newDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(len); newCollect = (len != 0); hasLength = indexed; break; case kOSSerializeArray: o = newArray = OSArray::withCapacity(len); newCollect = (len != 0); hasLength = indexed; break; case kOSSerializeSet: o = newSet = OSSet::withCapacity(len); newCollect = (len != 0); hasLength = indexed; break; case kOSSerializeObject: if (len >= objsIdx) { break; } o = objsArray[len]; isRef = true; break; case kOSSerializeNumber: bufferPos += sizeof(long long); if (bufferPos > bufferSize) { break; } value.value = next[1]; value.value <<= 32; value.value |= next[0]; switch (len) { case 63: o = OSNumber::withDouble(value.fpValue); break; case 31: o = OSNumber::withFloat((float) value.fpValue); break; case 64: case 32: case 16: case 8: o = OSNumber::withNumber(value.value, len); break; } next += 2; break; case kOSSerializeSymbol: bufferPos += (wordLen * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (bufferPos > bufferSize) { break; } if (len < 1) { break; } if (0 != ((const char *)next)[len - 1]) { break; } o = (OSObject *) OSSymbol::withCString((const char *) next); next += wordLen; break; case kOSSerializeString: bufferPos += (wordLen * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (bufferPos > bufferSize) { break; } o = OSString::withCString((const char *) next, len); next += wordLen; break; case kOSSerializeData: bufferPos += (wordLen * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (bufferPos > bufferSize) { break; } o = OSData::withBytes(next, len); next += wordLen; break; case kOSSerializeBoolean: o = (len ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse); break; default: break; } if (!(ok = (o != NULL))) { break; } if (hasLength) { bufferPos += sizeof(*next); if (!(ok = (bufferPos <= bufferSize))) { o->release(); break; } length = *next++; } if (!isRef) { setAtIndex(objs, objsIdx, o); if (!ok) { o->release(); break; } objsIdx++; } if (dict) { if (!sym) { sym = (OSSymbol *) o; } else { str = sym; sym = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, sym); if (!sym && (str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, str))) { sym = const_cast<OSSymbol *>(OSSymbol::withString(str)); ok = (sym != NULL); if (!ok) { break; } } DEBG("%s = %s\n", sym->getCStringNoCopy(), o->getMetaClass()->getClassName()); if (o != dict) { ok = dict->setObject(sym, o); } if (sym && (sym != str)) { sym->release(); } sym = NULL; } } else if (array) { ok = array->setObject(o); } else if (set) { ok = set->setObject(o); } else if (result) { ok = false; } else { assert(!parent); result = o; } if (!ok) { break; } if (end) { parent = NULL; } if (newCollect) { stackIdx++; setAtIndex(stack, stackIdx, parent); if (!ok) { break; } DEBG("++stack[%d] %p\n", stackIdx, parent); parent = o; dict = newDict; array = newArray; set = newSet; end = false; } if (end) { while (stackIdx) { parent = stackArray[stackIdx]; DEBG("--stack[%d] %p\n", stackIdx, parent); stackIdx--; if (parent) { break; } } if (!parent) { break; } set = NULL; dict = NULL; array = NULL; if (!(dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, parent))) { if (!(array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, parent))) { ok = (NULL != (set = OSDynamicCast(OSSet, parent))); } } } } DEBG("ret %p\n", result); if (!ok) { result = NULL; } if (objsCapacity) { for (len = (result != NULL); len < objsIdx; len++) { objsArray[len]->release(); } kfree_type(OSObject *, objsCapacity, objsArray); } if (stackCapacity) { kfree_type(OSObject *, stackCapacity, stackArray); } return result; } OSObject* OSUnserializeXML( const char * buffer, OSSharedPtr<OSString>& errorString) { OSString* errorStringRaw = NULL; OSObject* result = OSUnserializeXML(buffer, &errorStringRaw); errorString.reset(errorStringRaw, OSNoRetain); return result; } OSObject* OSUnserializeXML( const char * buffer, size_t bufferSize, OSSharedPtr<OSString> &errorString) { OSString* errorStringRaw = NULL; OSObject* result = OSUnserializeXML(buffer, bufferSize, &errorStringRaw); errorString.reset(errorStringRaw, OSNoRetain); return result; } OSObject* OSUnserializeBinary(const char *buffer, size_t bufferSize, OSSharedPtr<OSString>& errorString) { OSString* errorStringRaw = NULL; OSObject* result = OSUnserializeBinary(buffer, bufferSize, &errorStringRaw); errorString.reset(errorStringRaw, OSNoRetain); return result; } OSObject* OSUnserialize(const char *buffer, OSSharedPtr<OSString>& errorString) { OSString* errorStringRaw = NULL; OSObject* result = OSUnserialize(buffer, &errorStringRaw); errorString.reset(errorStringRaw, OSNoRetain); return result; }