/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* IOSymbol.cpp created by gvdl on Fri 1998-11-17 */ #define IOKIT_ENABLE_SHARED_PTR #include <string.h> #include <sys/cdefs.h> #include <kern/bits.h> #include <kern/locks.h> #include <kern/smr_hash.h> #include <kern/thread_call.h> #if defined(__arm64__) #include <arm64/amcc_rorgn.h> /* rorgn_contains */ #endif #include <libkern/c++/OSSymbol.h> #include <libkern/c++/OSSharedPtr.h> #include <libkern/c++/OSLib.h> #include <os/cpp_util.h> #include <os/hash.h> #include <string.h> static ZONE_DEFINE(OSSymbol_zone, "iokit.OSSymbol", sizeof(OSSymbol), ZC_NONE); static LCK_GRP_DECLARE(lock_group, "OSSymbolPool"); #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof" /* * This implements a relativistic hash table, using <kern/smr.h> as underlying * safe memory reclamation scheme. * * (https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/atc11/tech/final_files/Triplett.pdf) * * One twist is that the OSSymbol_smr_free() callback must be * preemption-disabled safe, which means the `kfree_data()` it calls _MUST_ be * smaller than KALLOC_SAFE_ALLOC_SIZE. To deal with that, if a Symbol is made * with a string that is much larger (should be rare), these go on a lock-based * "huge" queue. */ class OSSymbolPool { /* empirically most devices have at least 10+k symbols */ static constexpr uint32_t MIN_SIZE = 4096; static inline smrh_key_t OSSymbol_get_key(const OSSymbol *sym) { return { .smrk_string = sym->string, .smrk_len = (size_t)(sym->length - 1) }; } static uint32_t OSSymbol_obj_hash(const struct smrq_slink *link, uint32_t seed) { OSSymbol *sym = __container_of(link, OSSymbol, hashlink); return smrh_key_hash_str(OSSymbol_get_key(sym), seed); } static bool OSSymbol_obj_equ(const struct smrq_slink *link, smrh_key_t key) { OSSymbol *sym = __container_of(link, OSSymbol, hashlink); return smrh_key_equ_str(OSSymbol_get_key(sym), key); } static bool OSSymbol_obj_try_get(void *obj) { OSSymbol *sym = (OSSymbol *)obj; return (sym->flags & kOSSSymbolPermanent) || sym->taggedTryRetain(nullptr); } SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE_STR(hash_traits, OSSymbol, hashlink, .domain = &smr_iokit, .obj_hash = OSSymbol_obj_hash, .obj_equ = OSSymbol_obj_equ, .obj_try_get = OSSymbol_obj_try_get); mutable lck_mtx_t _mutex; struct smr_hash _hash; smrq_slist_head _huge_head; thread_call_t _tcall; uint32_t _hugeCount = 0; bool _tcallScheduled; private: inline void lock() const { lck_mtx_lock(&_mutex); } inline void unlock() const { lck_mtx_unlock(&_mutex); } inline bool shouldShrink() const { /* shrink if there are more than 2 buckets per 1 symbol */ return smr_hash_serialized_should_shrink(&_hash, MIN_SIZE, 2, 1); } inline bool shouldGrow() const { /* shrink if there less more than 1 bucket per 4 symbol */ return smr_hash_serialized_should_grow(&_hash, 1, 4); } public: static void rehash(thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t); inline static OSSymbolPool &instance() __pure2; OSSymbolPool() { lck_mtx_init(&_mutex, &lock_group, LCK_ATTR_NULL); smr_hash_init(&_hash, MIN_SIZE); smrq_init(&_huge_head); _tcall = thread_call_allocate_with_options(rehash, this, THREAD_CALL_PRIORITY_KERNEL, THREAD_CALL_OPTIONS_ONCE); } OSSymbolPool(const OSSymbolPool &) = delete; OSSymbolPool(OSSymbolPool &&) = delete; OSSymbolPool &operator=(const OSSymbolPool &) = delete; OSSymbolPool &operator=(OSSymbolPool &&) = delete; ~OSSymbolPool() = delete; OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> findSymbol(smrh_key_t key) const; void insertSymbol( OSSharedPtr<OSSymbol> &sym, smrh_key_t key, bool makePermanent = false); void removeSymbol(OSSymbol *sym); void rehash(); void checkForPageUnload(void *startAddr, void *endAddr); }; static _Alignas(OSSymbolPool) uint8_t OSSymbolPoolStorage[sizeof(OSSymbolPool)]; OSSymbolPool & OSSymbolPool::instance() { return reinterpret_cast<OSSymbolPool &>(OSSymbolPoolStorage); } static inline bool OSSymbol_is_huge(size_t size) { return size > KALLOC_SAFE_ALLOC_SIZE; } OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> OSSymbolPool::findSymbol(smrh_key_t key) const { OSSymbol *sym; OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> ret; if (!OSSymbol_is_huge(key.smrk_len)) { char tmp_buf[128]; /* empirically all keys are < 110 bytes */ char *copy_s = NULL; /* * rdar://105075708: the key might be in pageable memory, * and smr_hash_get() disable preemption which prevents * faulting the memory. */ if (key.smrk_len <= sizeof(tmp_buf)) { memcpy(tmp_buf, key.smrk_opaque, key.smrk_len); key.smrk_string = tmp_buf; } else { copy_s = (char *)kalloc_data(key.smrk_len, Z_WAITOK_ZERO_NOFAIL); memcpy(copy_s, key.smrk_opaque, key.smrk_len); key.smrk_string = copy_s; } sym = smr_hash_get(&_hash, key, &hash_traits); if (copy_s) { kfree_data(copy_s, key.smrk_len); } } else { lock(); sym = (OSSymbol *)__smr_hash_serialized_find(&_huge_head, key, &hash_traits.smrht); if (sym && !OSSymbol_obj_try_get(sym)) { sym = NULL; } unlock(); } if (sym) { ret.reset(sym, OSNoRetain); } return ret; } void OSSymbolPool::insertSymbol( OSSharedPtr<OSSymbol> &symToInsert, smrh_key_t key, bool make_permanent) { OSSymbol *sym; /* make sure no one ever subclassed OSSymbols */ zone_require(OSSymbol_zone, symToInsert.get()); symToInsert->flags |= kOSSSymbolHashed; if (make_permanent) { symToInsert->flags |= kOSSSymbolPermanent; } lock(); if (!OSSymbol_is_huge(key.smrk_len)) { sym = smr_hash_serialized_get_or_insert(&_hash, key, &symToInsert->hashlink, &hash_traits); if (shouldGrow() && !_tcallScheduled && startup_phase >= STARTUP_SUB_THREAD_CALL) { _tcallScheduled = true; thread_call_enter(_tcall); } } else { sym = (OSSymbol *)__smr_hash_serialized_find(&_huge_head, key, &hash_traits.smrht); if (!sym || !OSSymbol_obj_try_get(sym)) { smrq_serialized_insert_head(&_huge_head, &symToInsert->hashlink); _hugeCount++; sym = NULL; } } unlock(); if (sym) { symToInsert->flags &= ~(kOSSSymbolHashed | kOSSSymbolPermanent); symToInsert.reset(sym, OSNoRetain); } } void OSSymbolPool::removeSymbol(OSSymbol *sym) { lock(); assert(sym->flags & kOSSSymbolHashed); sym->flags &= ~kOSSSymbolHashed; if (!OSSymbol_is_huge(sym->length)) { smr_hash_serialized_remove(&_hash, &sym->hashlink, &hash_traits); if (shouldShrink() && !_tcallScheduled && startup_phase >= STARTUP_SUB_THREAD_CALL) { _tcallScheduled = true; thread_call_enter(_tcall); } } else { smrq_serialized_remove(&_huge_head, &sym->hashlink); _hugeCount--; } unlock(); } void OSSymbolPool::rehash(thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 __unused) { reinterpret_cast<OSSymbolPool *>(arg0)->rehash(); } void OSSymbolPool::rehash() { lock(); _tcallScheduled = false; if (shouldShrink()) { smr_hash_shrink_and_unlock(&_hash, &_mutex, &hash_traits); } else if (shouldGrow()) { smr_hash_grow_and_unlock(&_hash, &_mutex, &hash_traits); } else { unlock(); } } void OSSymbolPool::checkForPageUnload(void *startAddr, void *endAddr) { OSSymbol *sym; char *s; bool mustSync = false; lock(); smr_hash_foreach(sym, &_hash, &hash_traits) { if (sym->string >= startAddr && sym->string < endAddr) { assert(sym->flags & kOSStringNoCopy); s = (char *)kalloc_data(sym->length, Z_WAITOK_ZERO); if (s) { memcpy(s, sym->string, sym->length); /* * make sure the memcpy is visible for readers * who dereference `string` below. * * We can't use os_atomic_store(&..., release) * because OSSymbol::string is PACed */ os_atomic_thread_fence(release); } sym->string = s; sym->flags &= ~kOSStringNoCopy; mustSync = true; } } unlock(); /* Make sure no readers can see stale pointers that we rewrote */ if (mustSync) { smr_iokit_synchronize(); } } #pragma clang diagnostic pop /* -Winvalid-offsetof */ /* ********************************************************************* * From here on we are actually implementing the OSSymbol class ********************************************************************* */ #define super OSString OSDefineMetaClassWithInit(OSSymbol, OSString, OSSymbol::initialize()); OSMetaClassConstructorInit(OSSymbol, OSString, OSSymbol::initialize()); OSDefineBasicStructors(OSSymbol, OSString) OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 0); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 1); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 2); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 3); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 4); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 5); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 6); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 7); static void OSSymbol_smr_free(void *sym, vm_size_t size __unused) { reinterpret_cast<OSSymbol *>(sym)->smr_free(); } void OSSymbol::initialize() { zone_enable_smr(OSSymbol_zone, &smr_iokit, &OSSymbol_smr_free); new (OSSymbolPoolStorage) OSSymbolPool(); } bool OSSymbol::initWithCStringNoCopy(const char *) { return false; } bool OSSymbol::initWithCString(const char *) { return false; } bool OSSymbol::initWithString(const OSString *) { return false; } OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> OSSymbol::withString(const OSString *aString) { // This string may be a OSSymbol already, cheap check. if (OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, aString)) { OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> aStringNew((const OSSymbol *)aString, OSRetain); return aStringNew; } else if (((const OSSymbol *) aString)->flags & kOSStringNoCopy) { return OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(aString->getCStringNoCopy()); } else { return OSSymbol::withCString(aString->getCStringNoCopy()); } } OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> OSSymbol::withCString(const char *cString) { auto &pool = OSSymbolPool::instance(); smrh_key_t key = { .smrk_string = cString, .smrk_len = strnlen(cString, kMaxStringLength), }; bool permanent = false; if (key.smrk_len >= kMaxStringLength) { return nullptr; } auto symbol = pool.findSymbol(key); if (__probable(symbol)) { return symbol; } #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) || defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_CTRR) /* * Empirically, symbols which string is from the rorgn part of the * kernel are asked about all the time. * * Making them noCopy + permanent avoids a significant amount of * useless refcounting traffic. * * On embedded, this policy causes about 200 extra symbols to be made * from baseline (~6k), but avoiding the string copies saves about 60k. */ permanent = rorgn_contains((vm_offset_t)cString, key.smrk_len + 1, false); #endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) || defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_CTRR) */ /* * can't use OSString::initWithCString* because it calls * OSObject::init() which tries to enroll in IOTracking if it's on. */ auto newSymb = OSMakeShared<OSSymbol>(); if (permanent) { newSymb->flags = kOSStringNoCopy; newSymb->length = (uint32_t)(key.smrk_len + 1); newSymb->string = const_cast<char *>(cString); pool.insertSymbol(/* inout */ newSymb, key, permanent); } else if (char *s = (char *)kalloc_data(key.smrk_len + 1, Z_WAITOK_ZERO)) { memcpy(s, cString, key.smrk_len); newSymb->flags = 0; newSymb->length = (uint32_t)(key.smrk_len + 1); newSymb->string = s; pool.insertSymbol(/* inout */ newSymb, key, permanent); } else { newSymb.reset(); } return os::move(newSymb); // return the newly created & inserted symbol. } OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(const char *cString) { auto &pool = OSSymbolPool::instance(); smrh_key_t key = { .smrk_string = cString, .smrk_len = strnlen(cString, kMaxStringLength), }; bool permanent = false; if (key.smrk_len >= kMaxStringLength) { return nullptr; } auto symbol = pool.findSymbol(key); if (__probable(symbol)) { return symbol; } #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) || defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_CTRR) permanent = rorgn_contains((vm_offset_t)cString, key.smrk_len + 1, false); #endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) || defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_CTRR) */ auto newSymb = OSMakeShared<OSSymbol>(); /* * can't use OSString::initWithCStringNoCopy because it calls * OSObject::init() which tries to enrol in IOTracking if it's on. */ newSymb->flags = kOSStringNoCopy; newSymb->length = (uint32_t)(key.smrk_len + 1); newSymb->string = const_cast<char *>(cString); pool.insertSymbol(/* inout */ newSymb, key, permanent); return os::move(newSymb); // return the newly created & inserted symbol. } OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> OSSymbol::existingSymbolForString(const OSString *aString) { if (!aString) { return NULL; } if (OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, aString)) { OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> aStringNew((const OSSymbol *)aString, OSRetain); return aStringNew; } smrh_key_t key = { .smrk_string = aString->getCStringNoCopy(), .smrk_len = aString->getLength(), }; return OSSymbolPool::instance().findSymbol(key); } OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> OSSymbol::existingSymbolForCString(const char *cString) { smrh_key_t key = { .smrk_string = cString, .smrk_len = strlen(cString), }; return OSSymbolPool::instance().findSymbol(key); } void OSSymbol::checkForPageUnload(void *startAddr, void *endAddr) { OSSymbolPool::instance().checkForPageUnload(startAddr, endAddr); } void OSSymbol::taggedRetain(const void *tag) const { if ((flags & kOSSSymbolPermanent) == 0) { super::taggedRetain(tag); } } void OSSymbol::taggedRelease(const void *tag) const { if ((flags & kOSSSymbolPermanent) == 0) { super::taggedRelease(tag); } } void OSSymbol::taggedRelease(const void *tag, const int when) const { if ((flags & kOSSSymbolPermanent) == 0) { super::taggedRelease(tag, when); } } void * OSSymbol::operator new(size_t size __unused) { return zalloc_smr(OSSymbol_zone, Z_WAITOK_ZERO_NOFAIL); } void OSSymbol::operator delete(void *mem, size_t size) { /* * OSSymbol dying is this sequence: * * OSSymbol::taggedRelease() hits 0, * which calls OSSymbol::free(), * which calls zfree_smr(). * * At this stage, the memory of the OSSymbol is on a deferred * reclamation queue. * * When the memory is being recycled by zalloc, OSSymbol::smr_free() * is called which terminates with a delete call and only needs * to zero said memory given that the memory has already been * returned to the allocator. */ bzero(mem, size); } void OSSymbol::smr_free() { /* * This is called when the object is getting reused */ if (!(flags & kOSStringNoCopy) && string) { kfree_data(string, length); } /* * Note: we do not call super::free() on purpose because * it would call OSObject::free() which tries to support * iotracking. iotracking is fundamentally incompatible * with SMR, so we on purpose do not call into these. * * to debug OSSymbol leaks etc, the zone logging feature * can be used instead on the iokit.OSSymbol zone. */ OSSymbol::gMetaClass.instanceDestructed(); delete this; } void OSSymbol::free() { bool freeNow = true; if (flags & kOSSSymbolHashed) { OSSymbolPool::instance().removeSymbol(this); freeNow = OSSymbol_is_huge(length); } if (freeNow && !(flags & kOSStringNoCopy) && string) { /* * If the element isn't in the hash, it was a failed insertion * racing, and no one will every do a hazardous access, * so we can clean up the string right away. * * If it is huge, then it is not looked up via SMR but under * locks, so we can free right now (actually _must_ because * this free is not preemption disabled safe and can't be done * in smr_free()) */ kfree_data(string, length); assert(string == nullptr); /* kfree_data nils out */ } (zfree_smr)(OSSymbol_zone, this); } uint32_t OSSymbol::hash() const { assert(!OSSymbol_is_huge(length)); return os_hash_jenkins(string, length - 1); } bool OSSymbol::isEqualTo(const char *aCString) const { return super::isEqualTo(aCString); } bool OSSymbol::isEqualTo(const OSSymbol *aSymbol) const { return aSymbol == this; } bool OSSymbol::isEqualTo(const OSMetaClassBase *obj) const { OSSymbol * sym; OSString * str; if ((sym = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, obj))) { return isEqualTo(sym); } else if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj))) { return super::isEqualTo(str); } else { return false; } } unsigned int OSSymbol::bsearch( const void * key, const void * array, unsigned int arrayCount, size_t memberSize) { const void **p; unsigned int baseIdx = 0; unsigned int lim; for (lim = arrayCount; lim; lim >>= 1) { p = (typeof(p))(((uintptr_t) array) + (baseIdx + (lim >> 1)) * memberSize); if (key == *p) { return baseIdx + (lim >> 1); } if (key > *p) { // move right baseIdx += (lim >> 1) + 1; lim--; } // else move left } // not found, insertion point here return baseIdx + (lim >> 1); } #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT static int iokit_symbol_basic_test(int64_t size, int64_t *out) { OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> sym1; OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> sym2; char *data; data = (char *)kalloc_data(size, Z_WAITOK); if (!data) { return ENOMEM; } memset(data, 'A', size - 1); data[size - 1] = '\0'; sym1 = OSSymbol::withCString(data); if (sym1 == nullptr) { return ENOMEM; } assert(sym1->getLength() == size - 1); sym2 = OSSymbol::withCString(data); assert(sym1 == sym2); sym2.reset(); sym1.reset(); *out = 1; return 0; } SYSCTL_TEST_REGISTER(iokit_symbol_basic, iokit_symbol_basic_test); #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */