/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #pragma D depends_on library darwin.d #pragma D depends_on library socket.d #pragma D depends_on module mach_kernel #pragma D depends_on provider mptcp #pragma D depends_on provider ip /* * MPTCP Protocol Control Block. */ inline int MPTCPS_CLOSED = 0; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_CLOSED inline int MPTCPS_LISTEN = 1; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_LISTEN inline int MPTCPS_ESTABLISHED = 2; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_ESTABLISHED inline int MPTCPS_CLOSE_WAIT = 3; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_CLOSE_WAIT inline int MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_1 = 4; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_1 inline int MPTCPS_CLOSING = 5; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_CLOSING inline int MPTCPS_LAST_ACK = 6; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_LAST_ACK inline int MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_2 = 7; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_2 inline int MPTCPS_TIME_WAIT = 8; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_TIME_WAIT inline int MPTCPS_TERMINATE = 10; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTCPS_TERMINATE typedef struct mptsinfo { string state; uint32_t flags; uint32_t vers; uint32_t error; mptcp_key_t localkey; mptcp_key_t remotekey; mptcp_token_t localtoken; mptcp_token_t remotetoken; int rxtshift; uint32_t rxtstart; uint64_t rtseq; uint32_t timervals; uint32_t timewait; uint64_t snduna; uint64_t sndnxt; uint64_t sndmax; uint64_t local_idsn; uint32_t sndwnd; uint64_t rcvnxt; uint64_t remote_idsn; uint32_t rcvwnd; struct mptcb *mptcb; } mptsinfo_t; #pragma D binding "1.0" translator translator mptsinfo_t < struct mptcb *T > { state = T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_CLOSED ? "state-closed" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_LISTEN ? "state-listen" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_ESTABLISHED ? "state-established" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_CLOSE_WAIT ? "state-close-wait" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_1 ? "state-fin-wait-1" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_CLOSING ? "state-closing" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_LAST_ACK ? "state-last-ack" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_2 ? "state-fin-wait-2" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_TIME_WAIT ? "state-time-wait" : T->mpt_state == MPTCPS_TERMINATE ? "state-terminate" : ""; flags = T->mpt_flags; vers = T->mpt_version; error = T->mpt_softerror; localkey = T->mpt_localkey; remotekey = T->mpt_remotekey; localtoken = T->mpt_localtoken; remotetoken = T->mpt_remotetoken; rxtshift = T->mpt_rxtshift; rxtstart = T->mpt_rxtstart; rtseq = T->mpt_rtseq; timervals = T->mpt_timer_vals; timewait = T->mpt_timewait; snduna = T->mpt_snduna; sndnxt = T->mpt_sndnxt; sndmax = T->mpt_sndmax; local_idsn = T->mpt_local_idsn; sndwnd = T->mpt_sndwnd; rcvnxt = T->mpt_rcvnxt; remote_idsn = T->mpt_remote_idsn; rcvwnd = T->mpt_rcvwnd; mptcb = T; }; /* * Multipath Control Block. */ inline int MPPCB_STATE_INUSE = 1; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPPCB_STATE_INUSE inline int MPPCB_STATE_DEAD = 2; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPPCB_STATE_DEAD typedef struct mppsinfo { string state; uint32_t flags; struct mppcb *mppcb; } mppsinfo_t; #pragma D binding "1.0" translator translator mppsinfo_t < struct mppcb *T> { state = T ? T->mpp_state == MPPCB_STATE_INUSE ? "state-inuse" : T->mpp_state == MPPCB_STATE_DEAD ? "state-dead" : "" : ""; flags = T->mpp_flags; mppcb = T; }; /* * MPTCP Session. */ typedef struct mptsesinfo { uint16_t numflows; uint16_t nummpcapflows; sae_connid_t connid_last; uint8_t flags; struct mptses *mptses; } mptsesinfo_t; #pragma D binding "1.0" translator translator mptsesinfo_t < struct mptses *T > { numflows = T->mpte_numflows; nummpcapflows = T->mpte_nummpcapflows; connid_last = T->mpte_connid_last; flags = T->mpte_flags; mptses = T; }; /* * MPTCP Subflow. */ inline int MPTSF_CONNECTING = 0x00002; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_CONNECTING inline int MPTSF_CONNECT_PENDING= 0x00004; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_CONNECT_PENDING inline int MPTSF_CONNECTED = 0x00008; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_CONNECTED inline int MPTSF_DISCONNECTING = 0x00010; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_DISCONNECTING inline int MPTSF_DISCONNECTED = 0x00020; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_DISCONNECTED inline int MPTSF_MP_CAPABLE = 0x00040; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_MP_CAPABLE inline int MPTSF_MP_READY = 0x00080; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_MP_READY inline int MPTSF_MP_DEGRADED = 0x00100; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_MP_DEGRADED inline int MPTSF_SUSPENDED = 0x00200; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_SUSPENDED inline int MPTSF_BOUND_IF = 0x00400; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_BOUND_IF inline int MPTSF_BOUND_IP = 0x00800; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_BOUND_IP inline int MPTSF_BOUND_PORT = 0x01000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_BOUND_PORT inline int MPTSF_PREFERRED = 0x02000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_PREFERRED inline int MPTSF_SOPT_OLDVAL = 0x04000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_SOPT_OLDVAL inline int MPTSF_SOPT_INPROG = 0x08000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_SOPT_INPROG inline int MPTSF_DELETEOK = 0x10000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_DELETEOK inline int MPTSF_FAILINGOVER = 0x20000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_FAILINGOVER inline int MPTSF_ACTIVE = 0x40000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_ACTIVE inline int MPTSF_MPCAP_CTRSET = 0x80000; #pragma D binding "1.0" MPTSF_MPCAP_CTRSET typedef struct mptsubinfo { uint32_t flags; uint32_t evctl; sae_connid_t connid; uint32_t rank; struct mptsub *mptsub; } mptsubinfo_t; #pragma D binding "1.0" translator translator mptsubinfo_t < struct mptsub *T > { flags = T->mpts_flags; evctl = T->mpts_evctl; connid = T->mpts_connid; mptsub = T; };