/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/syslog.h> #include <sys/queue.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/kpi_mbuf.h> #include <sys/mbuf.h> #include <sys/domain.h> #include <sys/protosw.h> #include <sys/socketvar.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kern_control.h> #include <sys/ubc.h> #include <sys/codesign.h> #include <sys/file_internal.h> #include <sys/kauth.h> #include <libkern/tree.h> #include <kern/locks.h> #include <kern/debug.h> #include <kern/task.h> #include <mach/task_info.h> #include <net/if_var.h> #include <net/route.h> #include <net/flowhash.h> #include <net/ntstat.h> #include <net/content_filter.h> #include <net/necp.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/in_var.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <netinet/tcp_var.h> #include <netinet/tcp_fsm.h> #include <netinet/flow_divert.h> #include <netinet/flow_divert_proto.h> #include <netinet6/in6_pcb.h> #include <netinet6/ip6protosw.h> #include <dev/random/randomdev.h> #include <libkern/crypto/sha1.h> #include <libkern/crypto/crypto_internal.h> #include <os/log.h> #include <corecrypto/cc.h> #if CONTENT_FILTER #include <net/content_filter.h> #endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */ #define FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED 0x00000001 #define FLOW_DIVERT_READ_CLOSED 0x00000002 #define FLOW_DIVERT_WRITE_CLOSED 0x00000004 #define FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_RD_CLOSED 0x00000008 #define FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED 0x00000010 #define FLOW_DIVERT_HAS_HMAC 0x00000040 #define FLOW_DIVERT_NOTIFY_ON_RECEIVED 0x00000080 #define FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT 0x00000100 #define FLOW_DIVERT_DID_SET_LOCAL_ADDR 0x00000200 #define FLOW_DIVERT_HAS_TOKEN 0x00000400 #define FLOW_DIVERT_SHOULD_SET_LOCAL_ADDR 0x00000800 #define FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_IS_TRANSPARENT 0x00001000 #define FDLOG(level, pcb, format, ...) \ os_log_with_type(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, flow_divert_syslog_type_to_oslog_type(level), "(%u): " format "\n", (pcb)->hash, __VA_ARGS__) #define FDLOG0(level, pcb, msg) \ os_log_with_type(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, flow_divert_syslog_type_to_oslog_type(level), "(%u): " msg "\n", (pcb)->hash) #define FDRETAIN(pcb) if ((pcb) != NULL) OSIncrementAtomic(&(pcb)->ref_count) #define FDRELEASE(pcb) \ do { \ if ((pcb) != NULL && 1 == OSDecrementAtomic(&(pcb)->ref_count)) { \ flow_divert_pcb_destroy(pcb); \ } \ } while (0) #define FDGRP_RETAIN(grp) if ((grp) != NULL) OSIncrementAtomic(&(grp)->ref_count) #define FDGRP_RELEASE(grp) if ((grp) != NULL && 1 == OSDecrementAtomic(&(grp)->ref_count)) flow_divert_group_destroy(grp) #define FDLOCK(pcb) lck_mtx_lock(&(pcb)->mtx) #define FDUNLOCK(pcb) lck_mtx_unlock(&(pcb)->mtx) #define FD_CTL_SENDBUFF_SIZE (128 * 1024) #define GROUP_BIT_CTL_ENQUEUE_BLOCKED 0 #define GROUP_COUNT_MAX 31 #define FLOW_DIVERT_MAX_NAME_SIZE 4096 #define FLOW_DIVERT_MAX_KEY_SIZE 1024 #define FLOW_DIVERT_MAX_TRIE_MEMORY (1024 * 1024) struct flow_divert_trie_node { uint16_t start; uint16_t length; uint16_t child_map; }; #define CHILD_MAP_SIZE 256 #define NULL_TRIE_IDX 0xffff #define TRIE_NODE(t, i) ((t)->nodes[(i)]) #define TRIE_CHILD(t, i, b) (((t)->child_maps + (CHILD_MAP_SIZE * TRIE_NODE(t, i).child_map))[(b)]) #define TRIE_BYTE(t, i) ((t)->bytes[(i)]) #define SO_IS_DIVERTED(s) (((s)->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT) && (s)->so_fd_pcb != NULL) static struct flow_divert_pcb nil_pcb; static LCK_ATTR_DECLARE(flow_divert_mtx_attr, 0, 0); static LCK_GRP_DECLARE(flow_divert_mtx_grp, FLOW_DIVERT_CONTROL_NAME); static LCK_RW_DECLARE_ATTR(g_flow_divert_group_lck, &flow_divert_mtx_grp, &flow_divert_mtx_attr); static TAILQ_HEAD(_flow_divert_group_list, flow_divert_group) g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list; static struct flow_divert_group **g_flow_divert_groups = NULL; static uint32_t g_active_group_count = 0; static errno_t g_init_result = 0; static kern_ctl_ref g_flow_divert_kctl_ref = NULL; static struct protosw g_flow_divert_in_protosw; static struct pr_usrreqs g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs; static struct protosw g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw; static struct pr_usrreqs g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs; static struct ip6protosw g_flow_divert_in6_protosw; static struct pr_usrreqs g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs; static struct ip6protosw g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw; static struct pr_usrreqs g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs; static struct protosw *g_tcp_protosw = NULL; static struct ip6protosw *g_tcp6_protosw = NULL; static struct protosw *g_udp_protosw = NULL; static struct ip6protosw *g_udp6_protosw = NULL; static KALLOC_TYPE_DEFINE(flow_divert_group_zone, struct flow_divert_group, NET_KT_DEFAULT); static KALLOC_TYPE_DEFINE(flow_divert_pcb_zone, struct flow_divert_pcb, NET_KT_DEFAULT); static errno_t flow_divert_dup_addr(sa_family_t family, struct sockaddr *addr, struct sockaddr **dup); static boolean_t flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid(struct sockaddr *addr); static int flow_divert_append_target_endpoint_tlv(mbuf_t connect_packet, struct sockaddr *toaddr); struct sockaddr * flow_divert_get_buffered_target_address(mbuf_t buffer); static void flow_divert_disconnect_socket(struct socket *so, bool is_connected, bool delay_if_needed); static void flow_divert_group_destroy(struct flow_divert_group *group); static inline uint8_t flow_divert_syslog_type_to_oslog_type(int syslog_type) { switch (syslog_type) { case LOG_ERR: return OS_LOG_TYPE_ERROR; case LOG_INFO: return OS_LOG_TYPE_INFO; case LOG_DEBUG: return OS_LOG_TYPE_DEBUG; default: return OS_LOG_TYPE_DEFAULT; } } static inline int flow_divert_pcb_cmp(const struct flow_divert_pcb *pcb_a, const struct flow_divert_pcb *pcb_b) { return memcmp(&pcb_a->hash, &pcb_b->hash, sizeof(pcb_a->hash)); } RB_PROTOTYPE(fd_pcb_tree, flow_divert_pcb, rb_link, flow_divert_pcb_cmp); RB_GENERATE(fd_pcb_tree, flow_divert_pcb, rb_link, flow_divert_pcb_cmp); static const char * flow_divert_packet_type2str(uint8_t packet_type) { switch (packet_type) { case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CONNECT: return "connect"; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CONNECT_RESULT: return "connect result"; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_DATA: return "data"; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CLOSE: return "close"; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_READ_NOTIFY: return "read notification"; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_PROPERTIES_UPDATE: return "properties update"; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_APP_MAP_CREATE: return "app map create"; default: return "unknown"; } } static struct flow_divert_pcb * flow_divert_pcb_lookup(uint32_t hash, struct flow_divert_group *group) { struct flow_divert_pcb key_item; struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = NULL; key_item.hash = hash; lck_rw_lock_shared(&group->lck); fd_cb = RB_FIND(fd_pcb_tree, &group->pcb_tree, &key_item); FDRETAIN(fd_cb); lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return fd_cb; } static struct flow_divert_group * flow_divert_group_lookup(uint32_t ctl_unit, struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { struct flow_divert_group *group = NULL; lck_rw_lock_shared(&g_flow_divert_group_lck); if (g_active_group_count == 0) { if (fd_cb != NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "No active groups, flow divert cannot be used for this socket"); } } else if (ctl_unit == 0 || (ctl_unit >= GROUP_COUNT_MAX && ctl_unit < FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT_MIN)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Cannot lookup group with invalid control unit (%u)", ctl_unit); } else if (ctl_unit < FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT_MIN) { if (g_flow_divert_groups == NULL) { if (fd_cb != NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "No active non-in-process groups, flow divert cannot be used for this socket"); } } else { group = g_flow_divert_groups[ctl_unit]; if (group == NULL) { if (fd_cb != NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Group for control unit %u is NULL, flow divert cannot be used for this socket", ctl_unit); } } else { FDGRP_RETAIN(group); } } } else { if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list)) { if (fd_cb != NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "No active in-process groups, flow divert cannot be used for this socket"); } } else { struct flow_divert_group *group_cursor = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(group_cursor, &g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list, chain) { if (group_cursor->ctl_unit == ctl_unit) { group = group_cursor; break; } } if (group == NULL) { if (fd_cb != NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Group for control unit %u not found, flow divert cannot be used for this socket", ctl_unit); } } else if (fd_cb != NULL && (fd_cb->so == NULL || group_cursor->in_process_pid != fd_cb->so->last_pid)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Cannot access group for control unit %u, mismatched PID (%u != %u)", ctl_unit, group_cursor->in_process_pid, fd_cb->so ? fd_cb->so->last_pid : 0); group = NULL; } else { FDGRP_RETAIN(group); } } } lck_rw_done(&g_flow_divert_group_lck); return group; } static errno_t flow_divert_pcb_insert(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, struct flow_divert_group *group) { int error = 0; lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&group->lck); if (!(group->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_GROUP_FLAG_DEFUNCT)) { if (NULL == RB_INSERT(fd_pcb_tree, &group->pcb_tree, fd_cb)) { fd_cb->group = group; fd_cb->control_group_unit = group->ctl_unit; FDRETAIN(fd_cb); /* The group now has a reference */ } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Group %u already contains a PCB with hash %u", group->ctl_unit, fd_cb->hash); error = EEXIST; } } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Group %u is defunct, cannot insert", group->ctl_unit); error = ENOENT; } lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return error; } static errno_t flow_divert_add_to_group(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, uint32_t ctl_unit) { errno_t error = 0; struct flow_divert_group *group = NULL; static uint32_t g_nextkey = 1; static uint32_t g_hash_seed = 0; int try_count = 0; group = flow_divert_group_lookup(ctl_unit, fd_cb); if (group == NULL) { return ENOENT; } do { uint32_t key[2]; uint32_t idx; key[0] = g_nextkey++; key[1] = RandomULong(); if (g_hash_seed == 0) { g_hash_seed = RandomULong(); } error = 0; fd_cb->hash = net_flowhash(key, sizeof(key), g_hash_seed); for (idx = 1; idx < GROUP_COUNT_MAX && error == 0; idx++) { if (idx == ctl_unit) { continue; } struct flow_divert_group *curr_group = flow_divert_group_lookup(idx, NULL); if (curr_group != NULL) { lck_rw_lock_shared(&curr_group->lck); if (NULL != RB_FIND(fd_pcb_tree, &curr_group->pcb_tree, fd_cb)) { error = EEXIST; } lck_rw_done(&curr_group->lck); FDGRP_RELEASE(curr_group); } } if (error == 0) { error = flow_divert_pcb_insert(fd_cb, group); } } while (error == EEXIST && try_count++ < 3); if (error == EEXIST) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to create a unique hash"); fd_cb->hash = 0; } FDGRP_RELEASE(group); return error; } static struct flow_divert_pcb * flow_divert_pcb_create(socket_t so) { struct flow_divert_pcb *new_pcb = NULL; new_pcb = zalloc_flags(flow_divert_pcb_zone, Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO); lck_mtx_init(&new_pcb->mtx, &flow_divert_mtx_grp, &flow_divert_mtx_attr); new_pcb->so = so; new_pcb->log_level = nil_pcb.log_level; FDRETAIN(new_pcb); /* Represents the socket's reference */ return new_pcb; } static void flow_divert_pcb_destroy(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Destroying, app tx %llu, tunnel tx %llu, tunnel rx %llu", fd_cb->bytes_written_by_app, fd_cb->bytes_sent, fd_cb->bytes_received); if (fd_cb->connect_token != NULL) { mbuf_freem(fd_cb->connect_token); } if (fd_cb->connect_packet != NULL) { mbuf_freem(fd_cb->connect_packet); } if (fd_cb->app_data != NULL) { kfree_data(fd_cb->app_data, fd_cb->app_data_length); } if (fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint != NULL) { free_sockaddr(fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint); } zfree(flow_divert_pcb_zone, fd_cb); } static void flow_divert_pcb_remove(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { if (fd_cb->group != NULL) { struct flow_divert_group *group = fd_cb->group; lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&group->lck); FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Removing from group %d, ref count = %d", group->ctl_unit, fd_cb->ref_count); RB_REMOVE(fd_pcb_tree, &group->pcb_tree, fd_cb); fd_cb->group = NULL; FDRELEASE(fd_cb); /* Release the group's reference */ lck_rw_done(&group->lck); } } static int flow_divert_packet_init(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, uint8_t packet_type, mbuf_t *packet) { struct flow_divert_packet_header hdr; int error = 0; error = mbuf_gethdr(MBUF_DONTWAIT, MBUF_TYPE_HEADER, packet); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to allocate the header mbuf: %d", error); return error; } hdr.packet_type = packet_type; hdr.conn_id = htonl(fd_cb->hash); /* Lay down the header */ error = mbuf_copyback(*packet, 0, sizeof(hdr), &hdr, MBUF_DONTWAIT); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "mbuf_copyback(hdr) failed: %d", error); mbuf_freem(*packet); *packet = NULL; return error; } return 0; } static int flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(mbuf_t packet, uint8_t type, uint32_t length, const void *value) { uint32_t net_length = htonl(length); int error = 0; error = mbuf_copyback(packet, mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet), sizeof(type), &type, MBUF_DONTWAIT); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "failed to append the type (%d)", type); return error; } error = mbuf_copyback(packet, mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet), sizeof(net_length), &net_length, MBUF_DONTWAIT); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "failed to append the length (%u)", length); return error; } error = mbuf_copyback(packet, mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet), length, value, MBUF_DONTWAIT); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "failed to append the value"); return error; } return error; } static int flow_divert_packet_find_tlv(mbuf_t packet, int offset, uint8_t type, int *err, int next) { size_t cursor = offset; int error = 0; uint32_t curr_length; uint8_t curr_type; *err = 0; do { if (!next) { error = mbuf_copydata(packet, cursor, sizeof(curr_type), &curr_type); if (error) { *err = ENOENT; return -1; } } else { next = 0; curr_type = FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_NIL; } if (curr_type != type) { cursor += sizeof(curr_type); error = mbuf_copydata(packet, cursor, sizeof(curr_length), &curr_length); if (error) { *err = error; return -1; } cursor += (sizeof(curr_length) + ntohl(curr_length)); } } while (curr_type != type); return (int)cursor; } static int flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(mbuf_t packet, int offset, uint8_t type, size_t buff_len, void *buff, uint32_t *val_size) { int error = 0; uint32_t length; int tlv_offset; tlv_offset = flow_divert_packet_find_tlv(packet, offset, type, &error, 0); if (tlv_offset < 0) { return error; } error = mbuf_copydata(packet, tlv_offset + sizeof(type), sizeof(length), &length); if (error) { return error; } length = ntohl(length); uint32_t data_offset = tlv_offset + sizeof(type) + sizeof(length); if (length > (mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet) - data_offset)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Length of %u TLV (%u) is larger than remaining packet data (%lu)", type, length, (mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet) - data_offset)); return EINVAL; } if (val_size != NULL) { *val_size = length; } if (buff != NULL && buff_len > 0) { memset(buff, 0, buff_len); size_t to_copy = (length < buff_len) ? length : buff_len; error = mbuf_copydata(packet, data_offset, to_copy, buff); if (error) { return error; } } return 0; } static int flow_divert_packet_compute_hmac(mbuf_t packet, struct flow_divert_group *group, uint8_t *hmac) { mbuf_t curr_mbuf = packet; if (g_crypto_funcs == NULL || group->token_key == NULL) { return ENOPROTOOPT; } cchmac_di_decl(g_crypto_funcs->ccsha1_di, hmac_ctx); g_crypto_funcs->cchmac_init_fn(g_crypto_funcs->ccsha1_di, hmac_ctx, group->token_key_size, group->token_key); while (curr_mbuf != NULL) { g_crypto_funcs->cchmac_update_fn(g_crypto_funcs->ccsha1_di, hmac_ctx, mbuf_len(curr_mbuf), mbuf_data(curr_mbuf)); curr_mbuf = mbuf_next(curr_mbuf); } g_crypto_funcs->cchmac_final_fn(g_crypto_funcs->ccsha1_di, hmac_ctx, hmac); return 0; } static int flow_divert_packet_verify_hmac(mbuf_t packet, uint32_t ctl_unit) { int error = 0; struct flow_divert_group *group = NULL; int hmac_offset; uint8_t packet_hmac[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; uint8_t computed_hmac[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; mbuf_t tail; group = flow_divert_group_lookup(ctl_unit, NULL); if (group == NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to lookup group for control unit %u", ctl_unit); return ENOPROTOOPT; } lck_rw_lock_shared(&group->lck); if (group->token_key == NULL) { error = ENOPROTOOPT; goto done; } hmac_offset = flow_divert_packet_find_tlv(packet, 0, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_HMAC, &error, 0); if (hmac_offset < 0) { goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, hmac_offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_HMAC, sizeof(packet_hmac), packet_hmac, NULL); if (error) { goto done; } /* Chop off the HMAC TLV */ error = mbuf_split(packet, hmac_offset, MBUF_WAITOK, &tail); if (error) { goto done; } mbuf_free(tail); error = flow_divert_packet_compute_hmac(packet, group, computed_hmac); if (error) { goto done; } if (cc_cmp_safe(sizeof(packet_hmac), packet_hmac, computed_hmac)) { FDLOG0(LOG_WARNING, &nil_pcb, "HMAC in token does not match computed HMAC"); error = EINVAL; goto done; } done: if (group != NULL) { lck_rw_done(&group->lck); FDGRP_RELEASE(group); } return error; } static void flow_divert_add_data_statistics(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, size_t data_len, Boolean send) { struct inpcb *inp = NULL; struct ifnet *ifp = NULL; Boolean cell = FALSE; Boolean wifi = FALSE; Boolean wired = FALSE; inp = sotoinpcb(fd_cb->so); if (inp == NULL) { return; } if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp; } else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { ifp = inp->in6p_last_outifp; } if (ifp != NULL) { cell = IFNET_IS_CELLULAR(ifp); wifi = (!cell && IFNET_IS_WIFI(ifp)); wired = (!wifi && IFNET_IS_WIRED(ifp)); } if (send) { INP_ADD_STAT(inp, cell, wifi, wired, txpackets, 1); INP_ADD_STAT(inp, cell, wifi, wired, txbytes, data_len); } else { INP_ADD_STAT(inp, cell, wifi, wired, rxpackets, 1); INP_ADD_STAT(inp, cell, wifi, wired, rxbytes, data_len); } inp_set_activity_bitmap(inp); } static errno_t flow_divert_check_no_cellular(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(fd_cb->so); if (INP_NO_CELLULAR(inp)) { struct ifnet *ifp = NULL; if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp; } else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { ifp = inp->in6p_last_outifp; } if (ifp != NULL && IFNET_IS_CELLULAR(ifp)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Cellular is denied"); return EHOSTUNREACH; } } return 0; } static errno_t flow_divert_check_no_expensive(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(fd_cb->so); if (INP_NO_EXPENSIVE(inp)) { struct ifnet *ifp = NULL; if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp; } else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { ifp = inp->in6p_last_outifp; } if (ifp != NULL && IFNET_IS_EXPENSIVE(ifp)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Expensive is denied"); return EHOSTUNREACH; } } return 0; } static errno_t flow_divert_check_no_constrained(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(fd_cb->so); if (INP_NO_CONSTRAINED(inp)) { struct ifnet *ifp = NULL; if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp; } else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { ifp = inp->in6p_last_outifp; } if (ifp != NULL && IFNET_IS_CONSTRAINED(ifp)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Constrained is denied"); return EHOSTUNREACH; } } return 0; } static void flow_divert_update_closed_state(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, int how, bool tunnel, bool flush_snd) { if (how != SHUT_RD) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_WRITE_CLOSED; if (tunnel || !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED)) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED; if (flush_snd) { /* If the tunnel is not accepting writes any more, then flush the send buffer */ sbflush(&fd_cb->so->so_snd); } } } if (how != SHUT_WR) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_READ_CLOSED; if (tunnel || !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED)) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_RD_CLOSED; } } } static uint16_t trie_node_alloc(struct flow_divert_trie *trie) { if (trie->nodes_free_next < trie->nodes_count) { uint16_t node_idx = trie->nodes_free_next++; TRIE_NODE(trie, node_idx).child_map = NULL_TRIE_IDX; return node_idx; } else { return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } } static uint16_t trie_child_map_alloc(struct flow_divert_trie *trie) { if (trie->child_maps_free_next < trie->child_maps_count) { return trie->child_maps_free_next++; } else { return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } } static uint16_t trie_bytes_move(struct flow_divert_trie *trie, uint16_t bytes_idx, size_t bytes_size) { uint16_t start = trie->bytes_free_next; if (start + bytes_size <= trie->bytes_count) { if (start != bytes_idx) { memmove(&TRIE_BYTE(trie, start), &TRIE_BYTE(trie, bytes_idx), bytes_size); } trie->bytes_free_next += bytes_size; return start; } else { return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } } static uint16_t flow_divert_trie_insert(struct flow_divert_trie *trie, uint16_t string_start, size_t string_len) { uint16_t current = trie->root; uint16_t child = trie->root; uint16_t string_end = string_start + (uint16_t)string_len; uint16_t string_idx = string_start; uint16_t string_remainder = (uint16_t)string_len; while (child != NULL_TRIE_IDX) { uint16_t parent = current; uint16_t node_idx; uint16_t current_end; current = child; child = NULL_TRIE_IDX; current_end = TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start + TRIE_NODE(trie, current).length; for (node_idx = TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start; node_idx < current_end && string_idx < string_end && TRIE_BYTE(trie, node_idx) == TRIE_BYTE(trie, string_idx); node_idx++, string_idx++) { ; } string_remainder = string_end - string_idx; if (node_idx < (TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start + TRIE_NODE(trie, current).length)) { /* * We did not reach the end of the current node's string. * We need to split the current node into two: * 1. A new node that contains the prefix of the node that matches * the prefix of the string being inserted. * 2. The current node modified to point to the remainder * of the current node's string. */ uint16_t prefix = trie_node_alloc(trie); if (prefix == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Ran out of trie nodes while splitting an existing node"); return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } /* * Prefix points to the portion of the current nodes's string that has matched * the input string thus far. */ TRIE_NODE(trie, prefix).start = TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start; TRIE_NODE(trie, prefix).length = (node_idx - TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start); /* * Prefix has the current node as the child corresponding to the first byte * after the split. */ TRIE_NODE(trie, prefix).child_map = trie_child_map_alloc(trie); if (TRIE_NODE(trie, prefix).child_map == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Ran out of child maps while splitting an existing node"); return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } TRIE_CHILD(trie, prefix, TRIE_BYTE(trie, node_idx)) = current; /* Parent has the prefix as the child correspoding to the first byte in the prefix */ TRIE_CHILD(trie, parent, TRIE_BYTE(trie, TRIE_NODE(trie, prefix).start)) = prefix; /* Current node is adjusted to point to the remainder */ TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start = node_idx; TRIE_NODE(trie, current).length -= TRIE_NODE(trie, prefix).length; /* We want to insert the new leaf (if any) as a child of the prefix */ current = prefix; } if (string_remainder > 0) { /* * We still have bytes in the string that have not been matched yet. * If the current node has children, iterate to the child corresponding * to the next byte in the string. */ if (TRIE_NODE(trie, current).child_map != NULL_TRIE_IDX) { child = TRIE_CHILD(trie, current, TRIE_BYTE(trie, string_idx)); } } } /* while (child != NULL_TRIE_IDX) */ if (string_remainder > 0) { /* Add a new leaf containing the remainder of the string */ uint16_t leaf = trie_node_alloc(trie); if (leaf == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Ran out of trie nodes while inserting a new leaf"); return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } TRIE_NODE(trie, leaf).start = trie_bytes_move(trie, string_idx, string_remainder); if (TRIE_NODE(trie, leaf).start == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Ran out of bytes while inserting a new leaf"); return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } TRIE_NODE(trie, leaf).length = string_remainder; /* Set the new leaf as the child of the current node */ if (TRIE_NODE(trie, current).child_map == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { TRIE_NODE(trie, current).child_map = trie_child_map_alloc(trie); if (TRIE_NODE(trie, current).child_map == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Ran out of child maps while inserting a new leaf"); return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } } TRIE_CHILD(trie, current, TRIE_BYTE(trie, TRIE_NODE(trie, leaf).start)) = leaf; current = leaf; } /* else duplicate or this string is a prefix of one of the existing strings */ return current; } #define APPLE_WEBCLIP_ID_PREFIX "com.apple.webapp" static uint16_t flow_divert_trie_search(struct flow_divert_trie *trie, const uint8_t *string_bytes) { uint16_t current = trie->root; uint16_t string_idx = 0; while (current != NULL_TRIE_IDX) { uint16_t next = NULL_TRIE_IDX; uint16_t node_end = TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start + TRIE_NODE(trie, current).length; uint16_t node_idx; for (node_idx = TRIE_NODE(trie, current).start; node_idx < node_end && string_bytes[string_idx] != '\0' && string_bytes[string_idx] == TRIE_BYTE(trie, node_idx); node_idx++, string_idx++) { ; } if (node_idx == node_end) { if (string_bytes[string_idx] == '\0') { return current; /* Got an exact match */ } else if (string_idx == strlen(APPLE_WEBCLIP_ID_PREFIX) && 0 == strncmp((const char *)string_bytes, APPLE_WEBCLIP_ID_PREFIX, string_idx)) { return current; /* Got an apple webclip id prefix match */ } else if (TRIE_NODE(trie, current).child_map != NULL_TRIE_IDX) { next = TRIE_CHILD(trie, current, string_bytes[string_idx]); } } current = next; } return NULL_TRIE_IDX; } struct uuid_search_info { uuid_t target_uuid; char *found_signing_id; boolean_t found_multiple_signing_ids; proc_t found_proc; }; static int flow_divert_find_proc_by_uuid_callout(proc_t p, void *arg) { struct uuid_search_info *info = (struct uuid_search_info *)arg; int result = PROC_RETURNED_DONE; /* By default, we didn't find the process */ if (info->found_signing_id != NULL) { if (!info->found_multiple_signing_ids) { /* All processes that were found had the same signing identifier, so just claim this first one and be done. */ info->found_proc = p; result = PROC_CLAIMED_DONE; } else { uuid_string_t uuid_str; uuid_unparse(info->target_uuid, uuid_str); FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, &nil_pcb, "Found multiple processes with UUID %s with different signing identifiers", uuid_str); } kfree_data(info->found_signing_id, strlen(info->found_signing_id) + 1); info->found_signing_id = NULL; } if (result == PROC_RETURNED_DONE) { uuid_string_t uuid_str; uuid_unparse(info->target_uuid, uuid_str); FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, &nil_pcb, "Failed to find a process with UUID %s", uuid_str); } return result; } static int flow_divert_find_proc_by_uuid_filter(proc_t p, void *arg) { struct uuid_search_info *info = (struct uuid_search_info *)arg; int include = 0; if (info->found_multiple_signing_ids) { return include; } include = (uuid_compare(proc_executableuuid_addr(p), info->target_uuid) == 0); if (include) { const char *signing_id = cs_identity_get(p); if (signing_id != NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_INFO, &nil_pcb, "Found process %d with signing identifier %s", proc_getpid(p), signing_id); size_t signing_id_size = strlen(signing_id) + 1; if (info->found_signing_id == NULL) { info->found_signing_id = kalloc_data(signing_id_size, Z_WAITOK); memcpy(info->found_signing_id, signing_id, signing_id_size); } else if (memcmp(signing_id, info->found_signing_id, signing_id_size)) { info->found_multiple_signing_ids = TRUE; } } else { info->found_multiple_signing_ids = TRUE; } include = !info->found_multiple_signing_ids; } return include; } static proc_t flow_divert_find_proc_by_uuid(uuid_t uuid) { struct uuid_search_info info; if (LOG_INFO <= nil_pcb.log_level) { uuid_string_t uuid_str; uuid_unparse(uuid, uuid_str); FDLOG(LOG_INFO, &nil_pcb, "Looking for process with UUID %s", uuid_str); } memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.found_proc = PROC_NULL; uuid_copy(info.target_uuid, uuid); proc_iterate(PROC_ALLPROCLIST, flow_divert_find_proc_by_uuid_callout, &info, flow_divert_find_proc_by_uuid_filter, &info); return info.found_proc; } static int flow_divert_add_proc_info(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, proc_t proc, const char *signing_id, mbuf_t connect_packet, bool is_effective) { int error = 0; uint8_t *cdhash = NULL; audit_token_t audit_token = {}; const char *proc_cs_id = signing_id; proc_lock(proc); if (proc_cs_id == NULL) { if (proc_getcsflags(proc) & (CS_VALID | CS_DEBUGGED)) { proc_cs_id = cs_identity_get(proc); } else { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Signature of proc is invalid"); } } if (is_effective) { lck_rw_lock_shared(&fd_cb->group->lck); if (!(fd_cb->group->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_GROUP_FLAG_NO_APP_MAP)) { if (proc_cs_id != NULL) { uint16_t result = flow_divert_trie_search(&fd_cb->group->signing_id_trie, (const uint8_t *)proc_cs_id); if (result == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, fd_cb, "%s did not match", proc_cs_id); error = EPERM; } else { FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "%s matched", proc_cs_id); } } else { error = EPERM; } } lck_rw_done(&fd_cb->group->lck); } if (error != 0) { goto done; } /* * If signing_id is not NULL then it came from the flow divert token and will be added * as part of the token, so there is no need to add it here. */ if (signing_id == NULL && proc_cs_id != NULL) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, (is_effective ? FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID : FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_REAL_SIGNING_ID), (uint32_t)strlen(proc_cs_id), proc_cs_id); if (error != 0) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to append the signing ID: %d", error); goto done; } } cdhash = cs_get_cdhash(proc); if (cdhash != NULL) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, (is_effective ? FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_CDHASH : FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_REAL_CDHASH), SHA1_RESULTLEN, cdhash); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to append the cdhash: %d", error); goto done; } } else { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to get the cdhash"); } task_t task = proc_task(proc); if (task != TASK_NULL) { mach_msg_type_number_t count = TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN_COUNT; kern_return_t rc = task_info(task, TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN, (task_info_t)&audit_token, &count); if (rc == KERN_SUCCESS) { int append_error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, (is_effective ? FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_AUDIT_TOKEN : FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_REAL_AUDIT_TOKEN), sizeof(audit_token_t), &audit_token); if (append_error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to append app audit token: %d", append_error); } } } done: proc_unlock(proc); return error; } static int flow_divert_add_all_proc_info(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, struct socket *so, proc_t proc, const char *signing_id, mbuf_t connect_packet) { int error = 0; proc_t effective_proc = PROC_NULL; proc_t responsible_proc = PROC_NULL; proc_t real_proc = proc_find(so->last_pid); bool release_real_proc = true; proc_t src_proc = PROC_NULL; proc_t real_src_proc = PROC_NULL; if (real_proc == PROC_NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to find the real proc record for %d", so->last_pid); release_real_proc = false; real_proc = proc; if (real_proc == PROC_NULL) { real_proc = current_proc(); } } if (so->so_flags & SOF_DELEGATED) { if (proc_getpid(real_proc) != so->e_pid) { effective_proc = proc_find(so->e_pid); } else if (uuid_compare(proc_executableuuid_addr(real_proc), so->e_uuid)) { effective_proc = flow_divert_find_proc_by_uuid(so->e_uuid); } } #if defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX) lck_rw_lock_shared(&fd_cb->group->lck); if (!(fd_cb->group->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_GROUP_FLAG_NO_APP_MAP)) { if (so->so_rpid > 0) { responsible_proc = proc_find(so->so_rpid); } } lck_rw_done(&fd_cb->group->lck); #endif real_src_proc = real_proc; if (responsible_proc != PROC_NULL) { src_proc = responsible_proc; if (effective_proc != NULL) { real_src_proc = effective_proc; } } else if (effective_proc != PROC_NULL) { src_proc = effective_proc; } else { src_proc = real_proc; } error = flow_divert_add_proc_info(fd_cb, src_proc, signing_id, connect_packet, true); if (error != 0) { goto done; } if (real_src_proc != NULL && real_src_proc != src_proc) { error = flow_divert_add_proc_info(fd_cb, real_src_proc, NULL, connect_packet, false); if (error != 0) { goto done; } } done: if (responsible_proc != PROC_NULL) { proc_rele(responsible_proc); } if (effective_proc != PROC_NULL) { proc_rele(effective_proc); } if (real_proc != PROC_NULL && release_real_proc) { proc_rele(real_proc); } return error; } static int flow_divert_send_packet(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t packet) { int error; if (fd_cb->group == NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "no provider, cannot send packet"); flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, SHUT_RDWR, true, false); flow_divert_disconnect_socket(fd_cb->so, !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT), false); if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_STREAM) { error = ECONNABORTED; } else { error = EHOSTUNREACH; } fd_cb->so->so_error = (uint16_t)error; return error; } lck_rw_lock_shared(&fd_cb->group->lck); if (MBUFQ_EMPTY(&fd_cb->group->send_queue)) { error = ctl_enqueuembuf(g_flow_divert_kctl_ref, fd_cb->group->ctl_unit, packet, CTL_DATA_EOR); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, &nil_pcb, "flow_divert_send_packet: ctl_enqueuembuf returned an error: %d", error); } } else { error = ENOBUFS; } if (error == ENOBUFS) { if (!lck_rw_lock_shared_to_exclusive(&fd_cb->group->lck)) { lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&fd_cb->group->lck); } MBUFQ_ENQUEUE(&fd_cb->group->send_queue, packet); error = 0; OSTestAndSet(GROUP_BIT_CTL_ENQUEUE_BLOCKED, &fd_cb->group->atomic_bits); } lck_rw_done(&fd_cb->group->lck); return error; } static void flow_divert_append_domain_name(char *domain_name, void *ctx) { mbuf_t packet = (mbuf_t)ctx; size_t domain_name_length = 0; if (packet == NULL || domain_name == NULL) { return; } domain_name_length = strlen(domain_name); if (domain_name_length > 0 && domain_name_length < FLOW_DIVERT_MAX_NAME_SIZE) { int error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_TARGET_HOSTNAME, (uint32_t)domain_name_length, domain_name); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to append %s: %d", domain_name, error); } } } static int flow_divert_create_connect_packet(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, struct sockaddr *to, struct socket *so, proc_t p, mbuf_t *out_connect_packet) { int error = 0; int flow_type = 0; char *signing_id = NULL; uint32_t sid_size = 0; mbuf_t connect_packet = NULL; cfil_sock_id_t cfil_sock_id = CFIL_SOCK_ID_NONE; const void *cfil_id = NULL; size_t cfil_id_size = 0; struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); struct ifnet *ifp = NULL; uint32_t flags = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_init(fd_cb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CONNECT, &connect_packet); if (error) { goto done; } if (fd_cb->connect_token != NULL && (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_HAS_HMAC)) { int find_error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(fd_cb->connect_token, 0, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, 0, NULL, &sid_size); if (find_error == 0 && sid_size > 0) { signing_id = kalloc_data(sid_size + 1, Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO); if (signing_id != NULL) { flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(fd_cb->connect_token, 0, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, sid_size, signing_id, NULL); FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Got %s from token", signing_id); } } } error = flow_divert_add_all_proc_info(fd_cb, so, p, signing_id, connect_packet); if (signing_id != NULL) { kfree_data(signing_id, sid_size + 1); } if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to add source proc info: %d", error); goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_TRAFFIC_CLASS, sizeof(fd_cb->so->so_traffic_class), &fd_cb->so->so_traffic_class); if (error) { goto done; } if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_STREAM) { flow_type = FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_TYPE_TCP; } else if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { flow_type = FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_TYPE_UDP; } else { error = EINVAL; goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_FLOW_TYPE, sizeof(flow_type), &flow_type); if (error) { goto done; } if (fd_cb->connect_token != NULL) { unsigned int token_len = m_length(fd_cb->connect_token); mbuf_concatenate(connect_packet, fd_cb->connect_token); mbuf_pkthdr_adjustlen(connect_packet, token_len); fd_cb->connect_token = NULL; } else { error = flow_divert_append_target_endpoint_tlv(connect_packet, to); if (error) { goto done; } necp_with_inp_domain_name(so, connect_packet, flow_divert_append_domain_name); } if (fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET || fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_LOCAL_ADDR, fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_len, &(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa)); if (error) { goto done; } } if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp; } else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { ifp = inp->in6p_last_outifp; } if (ifp != NULL) { uint32_t flow_if_index = ifp->if_index; error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_OUT_IF_INDEX, sizeof(flow_if_index), &flow_if_index); if (error) { goto done; } } if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_DATA_IDEMPOTENT) { flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_TOKEN_FLAG_TFO; } if ((inp->inp_flags & INP_BOUND_IF) || ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&inp->in6p_laddr)) || ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) && inp->inp_laddr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY)) { flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_TOKEN_FLAG_BOUND; } if (flags != 0) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_FLAGS, sizeof(flags), &flags); if (error) { goto done; } } if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { cfil_sock_id = cfil_sock_id_from_datagram_socket(so, NULL, to); } else { cfil_sock_id = cfil_sock_id_from_socket(so); } if (cfil_sock_id != CFIL_SOCK_ID_NONE) { cfil_id = &cfil_sock_id; cfil_id_size = sizeof(cfil_sock_id); } else if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_CONTENT_FILTER_SKIP) { cfil_id = &inp->necp_client_uuid; cfil_id_size = sizeof(inp->necp_client_uuid); } if (cfil_id != NULL && cfil_id_size > 0 && cfil_id_size <= sizeof(uuid_t)) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_CFIL_ID, (uint32_t)cfil_id_size, cfil_id); if (error) { goto done; } } done: if (!error) { *out_connect_packet = connect_packet; } else if (connect_packet != NULL) { mbuf_freem(connect_packet); } return error; } static int flow_divert_send_connect_packet(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { int error = 0; mbuf_t connect_packet = fd_cb->connect_packet; mbuf_t saved_connect_packet = NULL; if (connect_packet != NULL) { error = mbuf_copym(connect_packet, 0, mbuf_pkthdr_len(connect_packet), MBUF_DONTWAIT, &saved_connect_packet); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to copy the connect packet"); goto done; } error = flow_divert_send_packet(fd_cb, connect_packet); if (error) { goto done; } fd_cb->connect_packet = saved_connect_packet; saved_connect_packet = NULL; } else { error = ENOENT; } done: if (saved_connect_packet != NULL) { mbuf_freem(saved_connect_packet); } return error; } static int flow_divert_send_connect_result(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { int error = 0; mbuf_t packet = NULL; int rbuff_space = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_init(fd_cb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CONNECT_RESULT, &packet); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to create a connect result packet: %d", error); goto done; } rbuff_space = fd_cb->so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat; if (rbuff_space < 0) { rbuff_space = 0; } rbuff_space = htonl(rbuff_space); error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SPACE_AVAILABLE, sizeof(rbuff_space), &rbuff_space); if (error) { goto done; } if (fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET || fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_LOCAL_ADDR, fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_len, &(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa)); if (error) { goto done; } } error = flow_divert_send_packet(fd_cb, packet); if (error) { goto done; } done: if (error && packet != NULL) { mbuf_freem(packet); } return error; } static int flow_divert_send_close(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, int how) { int error = 0; mbuf_t packet = NULL; uint32_t zero = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_init(fd_cb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CLOSE, &packet); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to create a close packet: %d", error); goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_ERROR_CODE, sizeof(zero), &zero); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to add the error code TLV: %d", error); goto done; } how = htonl(how); error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_HOW, sizeof(how), &how); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to add the how flag: %d", error); goto done; } error = flow_divert_send_packet(fd_cb, packet); if (error) { goto done; } done: if (error && packet != NULL) { mbuf_free(packet); } return error; } static int flow_divert_tunnel_how_closed(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { if ((fd_cb->flags & (FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_RD_CLOSED | FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED)) == (FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_RD_CLOSED | FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED)) { return SHUT_RDWR; } else if (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_RD_CLOSED) { return SHUT_RD; } else if (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED) { return SHUT_WR; } return -1; } /* * Determine what close messages if any need to be sent to the tunnel. Returns TRUE if the tunnel is closed for both reads and * writes. Returns FALSE otherwise. */ static void flow_divert_send_close_if_needed(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { int how = -1; /* Do not send any close messages if there is still data in the send buffer */ if (fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc == 0) { if ((fd_cb->flags & (FLOW_DIVERT_READ_CLOSED | FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_RD_CLOSED)) == FLOW_DIVERT_READ_CLOSED) { /* Socket closed reads, but tunnel did not. Tell tunnel to close reads */ how = SHUT_RD; } if ((fd_cb->flags & (FLOW_DIVERT_WRITE_CLOSED | FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED)) == FLOW_DIVERT_WRITE_CLOSED) { /* Socket closed writes, but tunnel did not. Tell tunnel to close writes */ if (how == SHUT_RD) { how = SHUT_RDWR; } else { how = SHUT_WR; } } } if (how != -1) { FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "sending close, how = %d", how); if (flow_divert_send_close(fd_cb, how) != ENOBUFS) { /* Successfully sent the close packet. Record the ways in which the tunnel has been closed */ if (how != SHUT_RD) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED; } if (how != SHUT_WR) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_RD_CLOSED; } } } if (flow_divert_tunnel_how_closed(fd_cb) == SHUT_RDWR) { flow_divert_disconnect_socket(fd_cb->so, !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT), false); } } static errno_t flow_divert_send_data_packet(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t data, size_t data_len) { mbuf_t packet = NULL; mbuf_t last = NULL; int error = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_init(fd_cb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_DATA, &packet); if (error || packet == NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "flow_divert_packet_init failed: %d", error); goto done; } if (data_len > 0 && data_len <= INT_MAX && data != NULL) { last = m_last(packet); mbuf_setnext(last, data); mbuf_pkthdr_adjustlen(packet, (int)data_len); } else { data_len = 0; } error = flow_divert_send_packet(fd_cb, packet); if (error == 0 && data_len > 0) { fd_cb->bytes_sent += data_len; flow_divert_add_data_statistics(fd_cb, data_len, TRUE); } done: if (error) { if (last != NULL) { mbuf_setnext(last, NULL); } if (packet != NULL) { mbuf_freem(packet); } } return error; } static errno_t flow_divert_send_datagram_packet(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t data, size_t data_len, struct sockaddr *toaddr, Boolean is_fragment, size_t datagram_size) { mbuf_t packet = NULL; mbuf_t last = NULL; int error = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_init(fd_cb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_DATA, &packet); if (error || packet == NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "flow_divert_packet_init failed: %d", error); goto done; } if (toaddr != NULL) { error = flow_divert_append_target_endpoint_tlv(packet, toaddr); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "flow_divert_append_target_endpoint_tlv() failed: %d", error); goto done; } } if (is_fragment) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_IS_FRAGMENT, sizeof(is_fragment), &is_fragment); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_IS_FRAGMENT) failed: %d", error); goto done; } } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_DATAGRAM_SIZE, sizeof(datagram_size), &datagram_size); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_DATAGRAM_SIZE) failed: %d", error); goto done; } if (data_len > 0 && data_len <= INT_MAX && data != NULL) { last = m_last(packet); mbuf_setnext(last, data); mbuf_pkthdr_adjustlen(packet, (int)data_len); } else { data_len = 0; } error = flow_divert_send_packet(fd_cb, packet); if (error == 0 && data_len > 0) { fd_cb->bytes_sent += data_len; flow_divert_add_data_statistics(fd_cb, data_len, TRUE); } done: if (error) { if (last != NULL) { mbuf_setnext(last, NULL); } if (packet != NULL) { mbuf_freem(packet); } } return error; } static errno_t flow_divert_send_fragmented_datagram(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t datagram, size_t datagram_len, struct sockaddr *toaddr) { mbuf_t next_data = datagram; size_t remaining_len = datagram_len; mbuf_t remaining_data = NULL; int error = 0; bool first = true; while (remaining_len > 0 && next_data != NULL) { size_t to_send = remaining_len; remaining_data = NULL; if (to_send > FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE) { to_send = FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE; error = mbuf_split(next_data, to_send, MBUF_DONTWAIT, &remaining_data); if (error) { break; } } error = flow_divert_send_datagram_packet(fd_cb, next_data, to_send, (first ? toaddr : NULL), TRUE, (first ? datagram_len : 0)); if (error) { break; } first = false; remaining_len -= to_send; next_data = remaining_data; } if (error) { if (next_data != NULL) { mbuf_freem(next_data); } if (remaining_data != NULL) { mbuf_freem(remaining_data); } } return error; } static void flow_divert_send_buffered_data(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, Boolean force) { size_t to_send; size_t sent = 0; int error = 0; mbuf_t buffer; to_send = fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc; buffer = fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_mb; if (buffer == NULL && to_send > 0) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Send buffer is NULL, but size is supposed to be %lu", to_send); return; } /* Ignore the send window if force is enabled */ if (!force && (to_send > fd_cb->send_window)) { to_send = fd_cb->send_window; } if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_STREAM) { while (sent < to_send) { mbuf_t data; size_t data_len; data_len = to_send - sent; if (data_len > FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE) { data_len = FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE; } error = mbuf_copym(buffer, sent, data_len, MBUF_DONTWAIT, &data); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "mbuf_copym failed: %d", error); break; } error = flow_divert_send_data_packet(fd_cb, data, data_len); if (error) { if (data != NULL) { mbuf_freem(data); } break; } sent += data_len; } sbdrop(&fd_cb->so->so_snd, (int)sent); sowwakeup(fd_cb->so); } else if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { mbuf_t data; mbuf_t m; size_t data_len; while (buffer) { struct sockaddr *toaddr = flow_divert_get_buffered_target_address(buffer); m = buffer; if (toaddr != NULL) { /* look for data in the chain */ do { m = m->m_next; if (m != NULL && m->m_type == MT_DATA) { break; } } while (m); if (m == NULL) { /* unexpected */ FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to find type MT_DATA in the mbuf chain."); goto move_on; } } data_len = mbuf_pkthdr_len(m); if (data_len > 0) { FDLOG(LOG_DEBUG, fd_cb, "mbuf_copym() data_len = %lu", data_len); error = mbuf_copym(m, 0, data_len, MBUF_DONTWAIT, &data); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "mbuf_copym failed: %d", error); break; } } else { data = NULL; } if (data_len <= FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE) { error = flow_divert_send_datagram_packet(fd_cb, data, data_len, toaddr, FALSE, 0); } else { error = flow_divert_send_fragmented_datagram(fd_cb, data, data_len, toaddr); data = NULL; } if (error) { if (data != NULL) { mbuf_freem(data); } break; } sent += data_len; move_on: buffer = buffer->m_nextpkt; (void) sbdroprecord(&(fd_cb->so->so_snd)); } } if (sent > 0) { FDLOG(LOG_DEBUG, fd_cb, "sent %lu bytes of buffered data", sent); if (fd_cb->send_window >= sent) { fd_cb->send_window -= sent; } else { fd_cb->send_window = 0; } } } static int flow_divert_send_app_data(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t data, size_t data_size, struct sockaddr *toaddr) { size_t to_send = data_size; int error = 0; if (to_send > fd_cb->send_window) { to_send = fd_cb->send_window; } if (fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc > 0) { to_send = 0; /* If the send buffer is non-empty, then we can't send anything */ } if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_STREAM) { size_t sent = 0; mbuf_t remaining_data = data; size_t remaining_size = data_size; mbuf_t pkt_data = NULL; while (sent < to_send && remaining_data != NULL && remaining_size > 0) { size_t pkt_data_len; pkt_data = remaining_data; if ((to_send - sent) > FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE) { pkt_data_len = FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE; } else { pkt_data_len = to_send - sent; } if (pkt_data_len < remaining_size) { error = mbuf_split(pkt_data, pkt_data_len, MBUF_DONTWAIT, &remaining_data); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "mbuf_split failed: %d", error); pkt_data = NULL; break; } remaining_size -= pkt_data_len; } else { remaining_data = NULL; remaining_size = 0; } error = flow_divert_send_data_packet(fd_cb, pkt_data, pkt_data_len); if (error) { break; } pkt_data = NULL; sent += pkt_data_len; } if (fd_cb->send_window >= sent) { fd_cb->send_window -= sent; } else { fd_cb->send_window = 0; } error = 0; if (pkt_data != NULL) { if (sbspace(&fd_cb->so->so_snd) > 0) { if (!sbappendstream(&fd_cb->so->so_snd, pkt_data)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "sbappendstream failed with pkt_data, send buffer size = %u, send_window = %u\n", fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc, fd_cb->send_window); } } else { mbuf_freem(pkt_data); error = ENOBUFS; } } if (remaining_data != NULL) { if (sbspace(&fd_cb->so->so_snd) > 0) { if (!sbappendstream(&fd_cb->so->so_snd, remaining_data)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "sbappendstream failed with remaining_data, send buffer size = %u, send_window = %u\n", fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc, fd_cb->send_window); } } else { mbuf_freem(remaining_data); error = ENOBUFS; } } } else if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { int send_dgram_error = 0; if (to_send || data_size == 0) { if (data_size <= FLOW_DIVERT_CHUNK_SIZE) { send_dgram_error = flow_divert_send_datagram_packet(fd_cb, data, data_size, toaddr, FALSE, 0); } else { send_dgram_error = flow_divert_send_fragmented_datagram(fd_cb, data, data_size, toaddr); data = NULL; } if (send_dgram_error) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "flow_divert_send_datagram_packet failed with error %d, send data size = %lu", send_dgram_error, data_size); } else { if (data_size >= fd_cb->send_window) { fd_cb->send_window = 0; } else { fd_cb->send_window -= data_size; } data = NULL; } } if (data != NULL) { /* buffer it */ if (sbspace(&fd_cb->so->so_snd) > 0) { if (toaddr != NULL) { int append_error = 0; if (!sbappendaddr(&fd_cb->so->so_snd, toaddr, data, NULL, &append_error)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "sbappendaddr failed. send buffer size = %u, send_window = %u, error = %d", fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc, fd_cb->send_window, append_error); } } else { if (!sbappendrecord(&fd_cb->so->so_snd, data)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "sbappendrecord failed. send buffer size = %u, send_window = %u", fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc, fd_cb->send_window); } } } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "flow_divert_send_datagram_packet failed with error %d, send data size = %lu, dropping the datagram", error, data_size); mbuf_freem(data); } } } return error; } static int flow_divert_send_read_notification(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { int error = 0; mbuf_t packet = NULL; error = flow_divert_packet_init(fd_cb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_READ_NOTIFY, &packet); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to create a read notification packet: %d", error); goto done; } error = flow_divert_send_packet(fd_cb, packet); if (error) { goto done; } done: if (error && packet != NULL) { mbuf_free(packet); } return error; } static int flow_divert_send_traffic_class_update(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, int traffic_class) { int error = 0; mbuf_t packet = NULL; error = flow_divert_packet_init(fd_cb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_PROPERTIES_UPDATE, &packet); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to create a properties update packet: %d", error); goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_TRAFFIC_CLASS, sizeof(traffic_class), &traffic_class); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to add the traffic class: %d", error); goto done; } error = flow_divert_send_packet(fd_cb, packet); if (error) { goto done; } done: if (error && packet != NULL) { mbuf_free(packet); } return error; } static void flow_divert_set_local_endpoint(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, struct sockaddr *local_endpoint) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(fd_cb->so); if (local_endpoint->sa_family == AF_INET6) { if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&inp->in6p_laddr) && (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_SHOULD_SET_LOCAL_ADDR)) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_DID_SET_LOCAL_ADDR; inp->in6p_laddr = (satosin6(local_endpoint))->sin6_addr; inp->inp_lifscope = (satosin6(local_endpoint))->sin6_scope_id; in6_verify_ifscope(&inp->in6p_laddr, inp->inp_lifscope); } if (inp->inp_lport == 0) { inp->inp_lport = (satosin6(local_endpoint))->sin6_port; } } else if (local_endpoint->sa_family == AF_INET) { if (inp->inp_laddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY && (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_SHOULD_SET_LOCAL_ADDR)) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_DID_SET_LOCAL_ADDR; inp->inp_laddr = (satosin(local_endpoint))->sin_addr; } if (inp->inp_lport == 0) { inp->inp_lport = (satosin(local_endpoint))->sin_port; } } } static void flow_divert_set_remote_endpoint(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, struct sockaddr *remote_endpoint) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(fd_cb->so); if (remote_endpoint->sa_family == AF_INET6) { if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&inp->in6p_faddr)) { inp->in6p_faddr = (satosin6(remote_endpoint))->sin6_addr; inp->inp_fifscope = (satosin6(remote_endpoint))->sin6_scope_id; in6_verify_ifscope(&inp->in6p_faddr, inp->inp_fifscope); } if (inp->inp_fport == 0) { inp->inp_fport = (satosin6(remote_endpoint))->sin6_port; } } else if (remote_endpoint->sa_family == AF_INET) { if (inp->inp_faddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) { inp->inp_faddr = (satosin(remote_endpoint))->sin_addr; } if (inp->inp_fport == 0) { inp->inp_fport = (satosin(remote_endpoint))->sin_port; } } } static uint32_t flow_divert_derive_kernel_control_unit(pid_t pid, uint32_t *ctl_unit, uint32_t *aggregate_unit, bool *is_aggregate) { uint32_t result = *ctl_unit; // There are two models supported for deriving control units: // 1. A series of flow divert units that allow "transparently" failing // over to the next unit. For this model, the aggregate_unit contains list // of all control units (between 1 and 30) masked over each other. // 2. An indication that in-process flow divert should be preferred, with // an out of process flow divert to fail over to. For this model, the // ctl_unit is FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT. In this case, that unit // is returned first, with the unpacked aggregate unit returned as a // fallback. *is_aggregate = false; if (*ctl_unit == FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT) { bool found_unit = false; if (pid != 0) { // Look for an in-process group that is already open, and use that unit struct flow_divert_group *group = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(group, &g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list, chain) { if (group->in_process_pid == pid) { // Found an in-process group for our same PID, use it found_unit = true; result = group->ctl_unit; break; } } // If an in-process group isn't open yet, send a signal up through NECP to request one if (!found_unit) { necp_client_request_in_process_flow_divert(pid); } } // If a unit was found, return it if (found_unit) { if (aggregate_unit != NULL && *aggregate_unit != 0) { *is_aggregate = true; } // The next time around, the aggregate unit values will be picked up *ctl_unit = 0; return result; } // If no unit was found, fall through and clear out the ctl_unit result = 0; *ctl_unit = 0; } if (aggregate_unit != NULL && *aggregate_unit != 0) { uint32_t counter; struct flow_divert_group *lower_order_group = NULL; for (counter = 0; counter < (GROUP_COUNT_MAX - 1); counter++) { if ((*aggregate_unit) & (1 << counter)) { struct flow_divert_group *group = NULL; group = flow_divert_group_lookup(counter + 1, NULL); if (group != NULL) { if (lower_order_group == NULL) { lower_order_group = group; } else if ((group->order < lower_order_group->order)) { lower_order_group = group; } } } } if (lower_order_group != NULL) { *aggregate_unit &= ~(1 << (lower_order_group->ctl_unit - 1)); *is_aggregate = true; return lower_order_group->ctl_unit; } else { *ctl_unit = 0; return result; } } else { *ctl_unit = 0; return result; } } static int flow_divert_try_next_group(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { int error = 0; uint32_t policy_control_unit = fd_cb->policy_control_unit; flow_divert_pcb_remove(fd_cb); do { struct flow_divert_group *next_group = NULL; bool is_aggregate = false; uint32_t next_ctl_unit = flow_divert_derive_kernel_control_unit(0, &policy_control_unit, &(fd_cb->aggregate_unit), &is_aggregate); if (fd_cb->control_group_unit == next_ctl_unit) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "Next control unit is the same as the current control unit, disabling flow divert"); error = EALREADY; break; } if (next_ctl_unit == 0 || next_ctl_unit >= GROUP_COUNT_MAX) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "No more valid control units, disabling flow divert"); error = ENOENT; break; } next_group = flow_divert_group_lookup(next_ctl_unit, fd_cb); if (next_group == NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "Group for control unit %u does not exist", next_ctl_unit); continue; } FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "Moving from %u to %u", fd_cb->control_group_unit, next_ctl_unit); error = flow_divert_pcb_insert(fd_cb, next_group); if (error == 0) { if (is_aggregate) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_IS_TRANSPARENT; } else { fd_cb->flags &= ~FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_IS_TRANSPARENT; } } FDGRP_RELEASE(next_group); } while (fd_cb->group == NULL); if (fd_cb->group == NULL) { return error ? error : ENOENT; } error = flow_divert_send_connect_packet(fd_cb); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "Failed to send the connect packet to %u, disabling flow divert", fd_cb->control_group_unit); flow_divert_pcb_remove(fd_cb); error = ENOENT; } return error; } static void flow_divert_disable(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { struct socket *so = NULL; mbuf_t buffer; int error = 0; proc_t last_proc = NULL; struct sockaddr *remote_endpoint = fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint; bool do_connect = !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT); struct inpcb *inp = NULL; so = fd_cb->so; if (so == NULL) { goto done; } FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "Skipped all flow divert services, disabling flow divert"); /* Restore the IP state */ inp = sotoinpcb(so); inp->inp_vflag = fd_cb->original_vflag; inp->inp_faddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; inp->inp_fport = 0; memset(&(inp->in6p_faddr), 0, sizeof(inp->in6p_faddr)); inp->inp_fifscope = IFSCOPE_NONE; inp->in6p_fport = 0; /* If flow divert set the local address, clear it out */ if (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_DID_SET_LOCAL_ADDR) { inp->inp_laddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; memset(&(inp->in6p_laddr), 0, sizeof(inp->in6p_laddr)); inp->inp_lifscope = IFSCOPE_NONE; } inp->inp_last_outifp = fd_cb->original_last_outifp; inp->in6p_last_outifp = fd_cb->original_last_outifp6; /* Dis-associate the socket */ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_FLOW_DIVERT; so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_FLOW_DIVERT_SKIP; so->so_fd_pcb = NULL; fd_cb->so = NULL; FDRELEASE(fd_cb); /* Release the socket's reference */ /* Revert back to the original protocol */ so->so_proto = pffindproto(SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_PROTO(so), SOCK_TYPE(so)); /* Reset the socket state to avoid confusing NECP */ so->so_state &= ~(SS_ISCONNECTING | SS_ISCONNECTED); last_proc = proc_find(so->last_pid); if (do_connect) { /* Connect using the original protocol */ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_connect)(so, remote_endpoint, (last_proc != NULL ? last_proc : current_proc())); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to connect using the socket's original protocol: %d", error); goto done; } } buffer = so->so_snd.sb_mb; if (buffer == NULL) { /* No buffered data, done */ goto done; } /* Send any buffered data using the original protocol */ if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM) { mbuf_t data_to_send = NULL; size_t data_len = so->so_snd.sb_cc; error = mbuf_copym(buffer, 0, data_len, MBUF_DONTWAIT, &data_to_send); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to copy the mbuf chain in the socket's send buffer"); goto done; } sbflush(&so->so_snd); if (data_to_send->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) { mbuf_pkthdr_setlen(data_to_send, data_len); } error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send)(so, 0, data_to_send, NULL, NULL, (last_proc != NULL ? last_proc : current_proc())); if (error && error != EWOULDBLOCK) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to send queued TCP data using the socket's original protocol: %d", error); } else { error = 0; } } else if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_snd; MBUFQ_HEAD(send_queue_head) send_queue; MBUFQ_INIT(&send_queue); /* Flush the send buffer, moving all records to a temporary queue */ while (sb->sb_mb != NULL) { mbuf_t record = sb->sb_mb; mbuf_t m = record; sb->sb_mb = sb->sb_mb->m_nextpkt; while (m != NULL) { sbfree(sb, m); m = m->m_next; } record->m_nextpkt = NULL; MBUFQ_ENQUEUE(&send_queue, record); } SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(sb); while (!MBUFQ_EMPTY(&send_queue)) { mbuf_t next_record = MBUFQ_FIRST(&send_queue); mbuf_t addr = NULL; mbuf_t control = NULL; mbuf_t last_control = NULL; mbuf_t data = NULL; mbuf_t m = next_record; struct sockaddr *to_endpoint = NULL; MBUFQ_DEQUEUE(&send_queue, next_record); while (m != NULL) { if (m->m_type == MT_SONAME) { addr = m; } else if (m->m_type == MT_CONTROL) { if (control == NULL) { control = m; } last_control = m; } else if (m->m_type == MT_DATA) { data = m; break; } m = m->m_next; } if (addr != NULL && !do_connect) { to_endpoint = flow_divert_get_buffered_target_address(addr); if (to_endpoint == NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "Failed to get the remote address from the buffer"); } } if (data == NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Buffered record does not contain any data"); mbuf_freem(next_record); continue; } if (!(data->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Buffered data does not have a packet header"); mbuf_freem(next_record); continue; } if (addr != NULL) { addr->m_next = NULL; } if (last_control != NULL) { last_control->m_next = NULL; } error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send)(so, 0, data, to_endpoint, control, (last_proc != NULL ? last_proc : current_proc())); if (addr != NULL) { mbuf_freem(addr); } if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to send queued UDP data using the socket's original protocol: %d", error); } } } done: if (last_proc != NULL) { proc_rele(last_proc); } if (error && so != NULL) { so->so_error = (uint16_t)error; flow_divert_disconnect_socket(so, do_connect, false); } } static void flow_divert_scope(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, int out_if_index, bool derive_new_address) { struct socket *so = NULL; struct inpcb *inp = NULL; struct ifnet *current_ifp = NULL; struct ifnet *new_ifp = NULL; int error = 0; so = fd_cb->so; if (so == NULL) { return; } inp = sotoinpcb(so); if (out_if_index <= 0) { return; } if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { current_ifp = inp->in6p_last_outifp; } else { current_ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp; } if (current_ifp != NULL) { if (current_ifp->if_index == out_if_index) { /* No change */ return; } /* Scope the socket to the given interface */ error = inp_bindif(inp, out_if_index, &new_ifp); if (error != 0) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to scope to %d because inp_bindif returned %d", out_if_index, error); return; } if (derive_new_address && fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint != NULL) { /* Get the appropriate address for the given interface */ if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { inp->in6p_laddr = sa6_any.sin6_addr; error = in6_pcbladdr(inp, fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint, &(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr), NULL); } else { inp->inp_laddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; error = in_pcbladdr(inp, fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint, &(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin.sin_addr), IFSCOPE_NONE, NULL, 0); } if (error != 0) { FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, fd_cb, "failed to derive a new local address from %d because in_pcbladdr returned %d", out_if_index, error); } } } else { ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (IF_INDEX_IN_RANGE(out_if_index)) { new_ifp = ifindex2ifnet[out_if_index]; } ifnet_head_done(); } /* Update the "last interface" of the socket */ if (new_ifp != NULL) { if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { inp->in6p_last_outifp = new_ifp; } else { inp->inp_last_outifp = new_ifp; } #if SKYWALK if (NETNS_TOKEN_VALID(&inp->inp_netns_token)) { netns_set_ifnet(&inp->inp_netns_token, new_ifp); } #endif /* SKYWALK */ } } static void flow_divert_handle_connect_result(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t packet, int offset) { uint32_t connect_error = 0; uint32_t ctl_unit = 0; int error = 0; union sockaddr_in_4_6 local_endpoint = {}; union sockaddr_in_4_6 remote_endpoint = {}; int out_if_index = 0; uint32_t send_window; uint32_t app_data_length = 0; memset(&local_endpoint, 0, sizeof(local_endpoint)); memset(&remote_endpoint, 0, sizeof(remote_endpoint)); error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_ERROR_CODE, sizeof(connect_error), &connect_error, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to get the connect result: %d", error); return; } connect_error = ntohl(connect_error); FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "received connect result %u", connect_error); error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SPACE_AVAILABLE, sizeof(send_window), &send_window, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to get the send window: %d", error); return; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_CTL_UNIT, sizeof(ctl_unit), &ctl_unit, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No control unit provided in the connect result"); } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_LOCAL_ADDR, sizeof(local_endpoint), &(local_endpoint.sa), NULL); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No local address provided"); } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_REMOTE_ADDR, sizeof(remote_endpoint), &(remote_endpoint.sa), NULL); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No remote address provided"); } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_OUT_IF_INDEX, sizeof(out_if_index), &out_if_index, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No output if index provided"); } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_DATA, 0, NULL, &app_data_length); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No application data provided in connect result"); } error = 0; FDLOCK(fd_cb); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { struct inpcb *inp = NULL; struct socket *so = fd_cb->so; bool local_address_is_valid = false; socket_lock(so, 1); if (!(so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT)) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "socket is not attached any more, ignoring connect result"); goto done; } if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM && !(so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTING)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "TCP socket is not in the connecting state, ignoring connect result"); goto done; } inp = sotoinpcb(so); if (connect_error || error) { goto set_socket_state; } if (flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid(SA(&local_endpoint))) { if (local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET) { local_endpoint.sa.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) && local_endpoint.sin.sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) { local_address_is_valid = true; fd_cb->local_endpoint = local_endpoint; inp->inp_laddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } else { fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin.sin_port = local_endpoint.sin.sin_port; } } else if (local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) { local_endpoint.sa.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); if ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr)) { local_address_is_valid = true; fd_cb->local_endpoint = local_endpoint; inp->in6p_laddr = sa6_any.sin6_addr; } else { fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_port = local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_port; } } } flow_divert_scope(fd_cb, out_if_index, !local_address_is_valid); flow_divert_set_local_endpoint(fd_cb, SA(&fd_cb->local_endpoint)); if (flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid(SA(&remote_endpoint)) && SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM) { if (remote_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET) { remote_endpoint.sa.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); } else if (remote_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) { remote_endpoint.sa.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); } flow_divert_set_remote_endpoint(fd_cb, SA(&remote_endpoint)); } if (app_data_length > 0) { uint8_t *app_data = NULL; app_data = kalloc_data(app_data_length, Z_WAITOK); if (app_data != NULL) { error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_DATA, app_data_length, app_data, NULL); if (error == 0) { FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Got %u bytes of app data from the connect result", app_data_length); if (fd_cb->app_data != NULL) { kfree_data(fd_cb->app_data, fd_cb->app_data_length); } fd_cb->app_data = app_data; fd_cb->app_data_length = app_data_length; } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to copy %u bytes of application data from the connect result packet", app_data_length); kfree_data(app_data, app_data_length); } } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to allocate a buffer of size %u to hold the application data from the connect result", app_data_length); } } if (error) { goto set_socket_state; } if (fd_cb->group == NULL) { error = EINVAL; goto set_socket_state; } ctl_unit = ntohl(ctl_unit); if (ctl_unit > 0) { int insert_error = 0; struct flow_divert_group *grp = NULL; if (ctl_unit >= GROUP_COUNT_MAX) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Connect result contains an invalid control unit: %u", ctl_unit); error = EINVAL; goto set_socket_state; } grp = flow_divert_group_lookup(ctl_unit, fd_cb); if (grp == NULL) { error = ECONNRESET; goto set_socket_state; } flow_divert_pcb_remove(fd_cb); insert_error = flow_divert_pcb_insert(fd_cb, grp); FDGRP_RELEASE(grp); if (insert_error != 0) { error = ECONNRESET; goto set_socket_state; } } fd_cb->send_window = ntohl(send_window); set_socket_state: if (!connect_error && !error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "sending connect result"); error = flow_divert_send_connect_result(fd_cb); } if (connect_error || error) { if (connect_error && fd_cb->control_group_unit != fd_cb->policy_control_unit) { error = flow_divert_try_next_group(fd_cb); if (error && fd_cb->policy_control_unit == 0) { flow_divert_disable(fd_cb); goto done; } else if (error == 0) { goto done; } } if (!connect_error) { flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, SHUT_RDWR, false, true); so->so_error = (uint16_t)error; flow_divert_send_close_if_needed(fd_cb); } else { flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, SHUT_RDWR, true, true); so->so_error = (uint16_t)connect_error; } flow_divert_disconnect_socket(so, !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT), false); } else { #if NECP /* Update NECP client with connected five-tuple */ if (!uuid_is_null(inp->necp_client_uuid)) { socket_unlock(so, 0); necp_client_assign_from_socket(so->last_pid, inp->necp_client_uuid, inp); socket_lock(so, 0); if (!(so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT)) { /* The socket was closed while it was unlocked */ goto done; } } #endif /* NECP */ flow_divert_send_buffered_data(fd_cb, FALSE); soisconnected(so); } /* We don't need the connect packet any more */ if (fd_cb->connect_packet != NULL) { mbuf_freem(fd_cb->connect_packet); fd_cb->connect_packet = NULL; } /* We don't need the original remote endpoint any more */ free_sockaddr(fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint); done: socket_unlock(so, 1); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); } static void flow_divert_handle_close(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t packet, int offset) { uint32_t close_error = 0; int error = 0; int how = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_ERROR_CODE, sizeof(close_error), &close_error, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to get the close error: %d", error); return; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_HOW, sizeof(how), &how, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to get the close how flag: %d", error); return; } how = ntohl(how); FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "close received, how = %d", how); FDLOCK(fd_cb); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { bool is_connected = (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_STREAM || !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT)); socket_lock(fd_cb->so, 0); if (!(fd_cb->so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT)) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "socket is not attached any more, ignoring close from provider"); goto done; } fd_cb->so->so_error = (uint16_t)ntohl(close_error); flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, how, true, true); /* Only do this for stream flows because "shutdown by peer" doesn't make sense for datagram flows */ how = flow_divert_tunnel_how_closed(fd_cb); if (how == SHUT_RDWR) { flow_divert_disconnect_socket(fd_cb->so, is_connected, true); } else if (how == SHUT_RD && is_connected) { socantrcvmore(fd_cb->so); } else if (how == SHUT_WR && is_connected) { socantsendmore(fd_cb->so); } done: socket_unlock(fd_cb->so, 0); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); } static mbuf_t flow_divert_create_control_mbuf(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(fd_cb->so); bool need_recvdstaddr = false; /* Socket flow tracking needs to see the local address */ need_recvdstaddr = SOFLOW_ENABLED(inp->inp_socket); if ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) && fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET && ((inp->inp_flags & INP_RECVDSTADDR) || need_recvdstaddr)) { return sbcreatecontrol((caddr_t)&(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin.sin_addr), sizeof(struct in_addr), IP_RECVDSTADDR, IPPROTO_IP); } else if ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) && fd_cb->local_endpoint.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 && ((inp->inp_flags & IN6P_PKTINFO) || need_recvdstaddr)) { struct in6_pktinfo pi6; memset(&pi6, 0, sizeof(pi6)); pi6.ipi6_addr = fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr; return sbcreatecontrol((caddr_t)&pi6, sizeof(pi6), IPV6_PKTINFO, IPPROTO_IPV6); } return NULL; } static int flow_divert_handle_data(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t packet, size_t offset) { int error = 0; FDLOCK(fd_cb); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { mbuf_t data = NULL; size_t data_size; struct sockaddr_storage remote_address; boolean_t got_remote_sa = FALSE; boolean_t appended = FALSE; boolean_t append_success = FALSE; socket_lock(fd_cb->so, 0); if (!(fd_cb->so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT)) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "socket is not attached any more, ignoring inbound data"); goto done; } if (sbspace(&fd_cb->so->so_rcv) == 0) { error = ENOBUFS; fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_NOTIFY_ON_RECEIVED; FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Receive buffer is full, will send read notification when app reads some data"); goto done; } if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { uint32_t val_size = 0; /* check if we got remote address with data */ memset(&remote_address, 0, sizeof(remote_address)); error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, (int)offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_REMOTE_ADDR, sizeof(remote_address), &remote_address, &val_size); if (error || val_size > sizeof(remote_address)) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No remote address provided"); error = 0; } else { if (remote_address.ss_len > sizeof(remote_address)) { remote_address.ss_len = sizeof(remote_address); } /* validate the address */ if (flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid((struct sockaddr *)&remote_address)) { got_remote_sa = TRUE; } else { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Remote address is invalid"); } offset += (sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint32_t) + val_size); } } data_size = (mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet) - offset); if (fd_cb->so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "app cannot receive any more data, dropping %lu bytes of data", data_size); goto done; } if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) != SOCK_STREAM && SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) != SOCK_DGRAM) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "socket has an unsupported type: %d", SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so)); goto done; } FDLOG(LOG_DEBUG, fd_cb, "received %lu bytes of data", data_size); error = mbuf_split(packet, offset, MBUF_DONTWAIT, &data); if (error || data == NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "mbuf_split failed: %d", error); goto done; } if (SOCK_TYPE(fd_cb->so) == SOCK_STREAM) { appended = (sbappendstream(&fd_cb->so->so_rcv, data) != 0); append_success = TRUE; } else { struct sockaddr *append_sa = NULL; mbuf_t mctl; if (got_remote_sa == TRUE) { error = flow_divert_dup_addr(remote_address.ss_family, (struct sockaddr *)&remote_address, &append_sa); } else { if (SOCK_CHECK_DOM(fd_cb->so, AF_INET6)) { error = in6_mapped_peeraddr(fd_cb->so, &append_sa); } else { error = in_getpeeraddr(fd_cb->so, &append_sa); } } if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to dup the socket address."); } mctl = flow_divert_create_control_mbuf(fd_cb); int append_error = 0; appended = sbappendaddr(&fd_cb->so->so_rcv, append_sa, data, mctl, &append_error); if (appended || append_error == 0) { append_success = TRUE; } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to append %lu bytes of data: %d", data_size, append_error); } free_sockaddr(append_sa); } if (append_success) { fd_cb->bytes_received += data_size; flow_divert_add_data_statistics(fd_cb, data_size, FALSE); } if (appended) { sorwakeup(fd_cb->so); } done: socket_unlock(fd_cb->so, 0); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); return error; } static void flow_divert_handle_read_notification(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t packet, int offset) { uint32_t read_count = 0; int error = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_READ_COUNT, sizeof(read_count), &read_count, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to get the read count: %d", error); return; } FDLOG(LOG_DEBUG, fd_cb, "received a read notification for %u bytes", ntohl(read_count)); FDLOCK(fd_cb); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { socket_lock(fd_cb->so, 0); if (!(fd_cb->so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT)) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "socket is not attached any more, ignoring read notification"); goto done; } fd_cb->send_window += ntohl(read_count); flow_divert_send_buffered_data(fd_cb, FALSE); done: socket_unlock(fd_cb->so, 0); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); } static void flow_divert_handle_group_init(struct flow_divert_group *group, mbuf_t packet, int offset) { int error = 0; uint32_t key_size = 0; int log_level = 0; uint32_t flags = 0; int32_t order = FLOW_DIVERT_ORDER_LAST; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_TOKEN_KEY, 0, NULL, &key_size); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "failed to get the key size: %d", error); return; } if (key_size == 0 || key_size > FLOW_DIVERT_MAX_KEY_SIZE) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Invalid key size: %u", key_size); return; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_LOG_LEVEL, sizeof(log_level), &log_level, NULL); if (!error) { nil_pcb.log_level = (uint8_t)log_level; } lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&group->lck); if (group->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_GROUP_FLAG_DEFUNCT) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Skipping (re)initialization of defunct group %u", group->ctl_unit); lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return; } if (group->token_key != NULL) { kfree_data(group->token_key, group->token_key_size); group->token_key = NULL; } group->token_key = kalloc_data(key_size, Z_WAITOK); error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_TOKEN_KEY, key_size, group->token_key, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "failed to get the token key: %d", error); kfree_data(group->token_key, key_size); group->token_key = NULL; lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return; } group->token_key_size = key_size; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_FLAGS, sizeof(flags), &flags, NULL); if (!error) { group->flags = flags; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_ORDER, sizeof(order), &order, NULL); if (!error) { FDLOG(LOG_INFO, &nil_pcb, "group %u order is %u", group->ctl_unit, order); group->order = order; } lck_rw_done(&group->lck); } static void flow_divert_handle_properties_update(struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb, mbuf_t packet, int offset) { int error = 0; int out_if_index = 0; uint32_t app_data_length = 0; FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "received a properties update"); error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_OUT_IF_INDEX, sizeof(out_if_index), &out_if_index, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No output if index provided in properties update"); } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_DATA, 0, NULL, &app_data_length); if (error) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "No application data provided in properties update"); } FDLOCK(fd_cb); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { socket_lock(fd_cb->so, 0); if (!(fd_cb->so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT)) { FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, fd_cb, "socket is not attached any more, ignoring properties update"); goto done; } if (out_if_index > 0) { flow_divert_scope(fd_cb, out_if_index, true); flow_divert_set_local_endpoint(fd_cb, SA(&fd_cb->local_endpoint)); } if (app_data_length > 0) { uint8_t *app_data = NULL; app_data = kalloc_data(app_data_length, Z_WAITOK); if (app_data != NULL) { error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_DATA, app_data_length, app_data, NULL); if (error == 0) { if (fd_cb->app_data != NULL) { kfree_data(fd_cb->app_data, fd_cb->app_data_length); } fd_cb->app_data = app_data; fd_cb->app_data_length = app_data_length; } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to copy %u bytes of application data from the properties update packet", app_data_length); kfree_data(app_data, app_data_length); } } else { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to allocate a buffer of size %u to hold the application data from the properties update", app_data_length); } } done: socket_unlock(fd_cb->so, 0); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); } static void flow_divert_handle_app_map_create(struct flow_divert_group *group, mbuf_t packet, int offset) { size_t bytes_mem_size; size_t child_maps_mem_size; size_t nodes_mem_size; size_t trie_memory_size = 0; int cursor; int error = 0; struct flow_divert_trie new_trie; int insert_error = 0; int prefix_count = -1; int signing_id_count = 0; size_t bytes_count = 0; size_t nodes_count = 0; size_t maps_count = 0; lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&group->lck); /* Re-set the current trie */ if (group->signing_id_trie.memory != NULL) { kfree_data_addr(group->signing_id_trie.memory); } memset(&group->signing_id_trie, 0, sizeof(group->signing_id_trie)); group->signing_id_trie.root = NULL_TRIE_IDX; memset(&new_trie, 0, sizeof(new_trie)); /* Get the number of shared prefixes in the new set of signing ID strings */ error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_PREFIX_COUNT, sizeof(prefix_count), &prefix_count, NULL); if (prefix_count < 0 || error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Invalid prefix count (%d) or an error occurred while reading the prefix count: %d", prefix_count, error); lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return; } /* Compute the number of signing IDs and the total amount of bytes needed to store them */ for (cursor = flow_divert_packet_find_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, &error, 0); cursor >= 0; cursor = flow_divert_packet_find_tlv(packet, cursor, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, &error, 1)) { uint32_t sid_size = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, cursor, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, 0, NULL, &sid_size); if (error || sid_size == 0) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to get the length of the signing identifier at offset %d: %d", cursor, error); signing_id_count = 0; break; } if (os_add_overflow(bytes_count, sid_size, &bytes_count)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Overflow while incrementing number of bytes"); signing_id_count = 0; break; } signing_id_count++; } if (signing_id_count == 0) { lck_rw_done(&group->lck); FDLOG0(LOG_NOTICE, &nil_pcb, "No signing identifiers"); return; } if (os_add3_overflow(prefix_count, signing_id_count, 1, &nodes_count)) { /* + 1 for the root node */ lck_rw_done(&group->lck); FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Overflow while computing the number of nodes"); return; } if (os_add_overflow(prefix_count, 1, &maps_count)) { /* + 1 for the root node */ lck_rw_done(&group->lck); FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Overflow while computing the number of maps"); return; } if (bytes_count > UINT16_MAX || nodes_count > UINT16_MAX || maps_count > UINT16_MAX) { lck_rw_done(&group->lck); FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, &nil_pcb, "Invalid bytes count (%lu), nodes count (%lu) or maps count (%lu)", bytes_count, nodes_count, maps_count); return; } FDLOG(LOG_INFO, &nil_pcb, "Nodes count = %lu, child maps count = %lu, bytes_count = %lu", nodes_count, maps_count, bytes_count); if (os_mul_overflow(sizeof(*new_trie.nodes), (size_t)nodes_count, &nodes_mem_size) || os_mul3_overflow(sizeof(*new_trie.child_maps), CHILD_MAP_SIZE, (size_t)maps_count, &child_maps_mem_size) || os_mul_overflow(sizeof(*new_trie.bytes), (size_t)bytes_count, &bytes_mem_size) || os_add3_overflow(nodes_mem_size, child_maps_mem_size, bytes_mem_size, &trie_memory_size)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Overflow while computing trie memory sizes"); lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return; } if (trie_memory_size > FLOW_DIVERT_MAX_TRIE_MEMORY) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Trie memory size (%lu) is too big (maximum is %u)", trie_memory_size, FLOW_DIVERT_MAX_TRIE_MEMORY); lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return; } new_trie.memory = kalloc_data(trie_memory_size, Z_WAITOK); if (new_trie.memory == NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to allocate %lu bytes of memory for the signing ID trie", nodes_mem_size + child_maps_mem_size + bytes_mem_size); lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return; } new_trie.bytes_count = (uint16_t)bytes_count; new_trie.nodes_count = (uint16_t)nodes_count; new_trie.child_maps_count = (uint16_t)maps_count; /* Initialize the free lists */ new_trie.nodes = (struct flow_divert_trie_node *)new_trie.memory; new_trie.nodes_free_next = 0; memset(new_trie.nodes, 0, nodes_mem_size); new_trie.child_maps = (uint16_t *)(void *)((uint8_t *)new_trie.memory + nodes_mem_size); new_trie.child_maps_free_next = 0; memset(new_trie.child_maps, 0xff, child_maps_mem_size); new_trie.bytes = (uint8_t *)(void *)((uint8_t *)new_trie.memory + nodes_mem_size + child_maps_mem_size); new_trie.bytes_free_next = 0; memset(new_trie.bytes, 0, bytes_mem_size); /* The root is an empty node */ new_trie.root = trie_node_alloc(&new_trie); /* Add each signing ID to the trie */ for (cursor = flow_divert_packet_find_tlv(packet, offset, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, &error, 0); cursor >= 0; cursor = flow_divert_packet_find_tlv(packet, cursor, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, &error, 1)) { uint32_t sid_size = 0; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, cursor, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, 0, NULL, &sid_size); if (error || sid_size == 0) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to get the length of the signing identifier at offset %d while building: %d", cursor, error); insert_error = EINVAL; break; } if (sid_size <= UINT16_MAX && new_trie.bytes_free_next + (uint16_t)sid_size <= new_trie.bytes_count) { uint16_t new_node_idx; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(packet, cursor, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_SIGNING_ID, sid_size, &TRIE_BYTE(&new_trie, new_trie.bytes_free_next), NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to read the signing identifier at offset %d: %d", cursor, error); insert_error = EINVAL; break; } new_node_idx = flow_divert_trie_insert(&new_trie, new_trie.bytes_free_next, sid_size); if (new_node_idx == NULL_TRIE_IDX) { insert_error = EINVAL; break; } } else { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "No place to put signing ID for insertion"); insert_error = ENOBUFS; break; } } if (!insert_error) { group->signing_id_trie = new_trie; } else { kfree_data(new_trie.memory, trie_memory_size); } lck_rw_done(&group->lck); } static void flow_divert_handle_flow_states_request(struct flow_divert_group *group) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb; mbuf_t packet = NULL; SLIST_HEAD(, flow_divert_pcb) tmp_list; int error = 0; uint32_t ctl_unit = 0; SLIST_INIT(&tmp_list); error = flow_divert_packet_init(&nil_pcb, FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_FLOW_STATES, &packet); if (error || packet == NULL) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "flow_divert_packet_init failed: %d, cannot send flow states", error); return; } lck_rw_lock_shared(&group->lck); if (!MBUFQ_EMPTY(&group->send_queue)) { FDLOG0(LOG_WARNING, &nil_pcb, "flow_divert_handle_flow_states_request: group send queue is not empty"); } ctl_unit = group->ctl_unit; RB_FOREACH(fd_cb, fd_pcb_tree, &group->pcb_tree) { FDRETAIN(fd_cb); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&tmp_list, fd_cb, tmp_list_entry); } lck_rw_done(&group->lck); SLIST_FOREACH(fd_cb, &tmp_list, tmp_list_entry) { FDLOCK(fd_cb); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { struct flow_divert_flow_state state = {}; socket_lock(fd_cb->so, 0); state.conn_id = fd_cb->hash; state.bytes_written_by_app = fd_cb->bytes_written_by_app; state.bytes_sent = fd_cb->bytes_sent; state.bytes_received = fd_cb->bytes_received; state.send_window = fd_cb->send_window; state.send_buffer_bytes = fd_cb->so->so_snd.sb_cc; error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_FLOW_STATE, sizeof(state), &state); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to add a flow state: %d", error); } socket_unlock(fd_cb->so, 0); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); FDRELEASE(fd_cb); } error = ctl_enqueuembuf(g_flow_divert_kctl_ref, ctl_unit, packet, CTL_DATA_EOR); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, &nil_pcb, "flow_divert_handle_flow_states_request: ctl_enqueuembuf returned an error: %d", error); mbuf_freem(packet); } } static int flow_divert_input(mbuf_t packet, struct flow_divert_group *group) { struct flow_divert_packet_header hdr; int error = 0; struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb; if (mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet) < sizeof(hdr)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "got a bad packet, length (%lu) < sizeof hdr (%lu)", mbuf_pkthdr_len(packet), sizeof(hdr)); error = EINVAL; goto done; } error = mbuf_copydata(packet, 0, sizeof(hdr), &hdr); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "mbuf_copydata failed for the header: %d", error); error = ENOBUFS; goto done; } hdr.conn_id = ntohl(hdr.conn_id); if (hdr.conn_id == 0) { switch (hdr.packet_type) { case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_GROUP_INIT: flow_divert_handle_group_init(group, packet, sizeof(hdr)); break; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_APP_MAP_CREATE: flow_divert_handle_app_map_create(group, packet, sizeof(hdr)); break; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_FLOW_STATES_REQUEST: flow_divert_handle_flow_states_request(group); break; default: FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, &nil_pcb, "got an unknown message type: %d", hdr.packet_type); break; } goto done; } fd_cb = flow_divert_pcb_lookup(hdr.conn_id, group); /* This retains the PCB */ if (fd_cb == NULL) { if (hdr.packet_type != FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CLOSE && hdr.packet_type != FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_READ_NOTIFY) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, &nil_pcb, "got a %s message from group %d for an unknown pcb: %u", flow_divert_packet_type2str(hdr.packet_type), group->ctl_unit, hdr.conn_id); } goto done; } switch (hdr.packet_type) { case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CONNECT_RESULT: flow_divert_handle_connect_result(fd_cb, packet, sizeof(hdr)); break; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_CLOSE: flow_divert_handle_close(fd_cb, packet, sizeof(hdr)); break; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_DATA: error = flow_divert_handle_data(fd_cb, packet, sizeof(hdr)); break; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_READ_NOTIFY: flow_divert_handle_read_notification(fd_cb, packet, sizeof(hdr)); break; case FLOW_DIVERT_PKT_PROPERTIES_UPDATE: flow_divert_handle_properties_update(fd_cb, packet, sizeof(hdr)); break; default: FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, fd_cb, "got an unknown message type: %d", hdr.packet_type); break; } FDRELEASE(fd_cb); done: mbuf_freem(packet); return error; } static void flow_divert_close_all(struct flow_divert_group *group) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb; SLIST_HEAD(, flow_divert_pcb) tmp_list; SLIST_INIT(&tmp_list); lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&group->lck); MBUFQ_DRAIN(&group->send_queue); RB_FOREACH(fd_cb, fd_pcb_tree, &group->pcb_tree) { FDRETAIN(fd_cb); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&tmp_list, fd_cb, tmp_list_entry); } group->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_GROUP_FLAG_DEFUNCT; lck_rw_done(&group->lck); while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&tmp_list)) { fd_cb = SLIST_FIRST(&tmp_list); FDLOCK(fd_cb); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&tmp_list, tmp_list_entry); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { socket_lock(fd_cb->so, 0); flow_divert_pcb_remove(fd_cb); flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, SHUT_RDWR, true, true); fd_cb->so->so_error = ECONNABORTED; flow_divert_disconnect_socket(fd_cb->so, !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT), false); socket_unlock(fd_cb->so, 0); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); FDRELEASE(fd_cb); } } void flow_divert_detach(struct socket *so) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return; } so->so_flags &= ~SOF_FLOW_DIVERT; so->so_fd_pcb = NULL; FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Detaching, ref count = %d", fd_cb->ref_count); if (fd_cb->group != NULL) { /* Last-ditch effort to send any buffered data */ flow_divert_send_buffered_data(fd_cb, TRUE); flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, SHUT_RDWR, false, true); flow_divert_send_close_if_needed(fd_cb); /* Remove from the group */ flow_divert_pcb_remove(fd_cb); } socket_unlock(so, 0); FDLOCK(fd_cb); fd_cb->so = NULL; FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); socket_lock(so, 0); FDRELEASE(fd_cb); /* Release the socket's reference */ } static int flow_divert_close(struct socket *so) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return EINVAL; } FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Closing"); if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM) { soisdisconnecting(so); sbflush(&so->so_rcv); } flow_divert_send_buffered_data(fd_cb, TRUE); flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, SHUT_RDWR, false, true); flow_divert_send_close_if_needed(fd_cb); /* Remove from the group */ flow_divert_pcb_remove(fd_cb); return 0; } static int flow_divert_disconnectx(struct socket *so, sae_associd_t aid, sae_connid_t cid __unused) { if (aid != SAE_ASSOCID_ANY && aid != SAE_ASSOCID_ALL) { return EINVAL; } return flow_divert_close(so); } static int flow_divert_shutdown(struct socket *so) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return EINVAL; } FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Can't send more"); socantsendmore(so); flow_divert_update_closed_state(fd_cb, SHUT_WR, false, true); flow_divert_send_close_if_needed(fd_cb); return 0; } static int flow_divert_rcvd(struct socket *so, int flags __unused) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; int space = 0; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return EINVAL; } space = sbspace(&so->so_rcv); FDLOG(LOG_DEBUG, fd_cb, "app read bytes, space = %d", space); if ((fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_NOTIFY_ON_RECEIVED) && (space > 0) && flow_divert_send_read_notification(fd_cb) == 0) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Sent a read notification"); fd_cb->flags &= ~FLOW_DIVERT_NOTIFY_ON_RECEIVED; } return 0; } static int flow_divert_append_target_endpoint_tlv(mbuf_t connect_packet, struct sockaddr *toaddr) { int error = 0; int port = 0; if (!flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid(toaddr)) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Invalid target address, family = %u, length = %u", toaddr->sa_family, toaddr->sa_len); error = EINVAL; goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_TARGET_ADDRESS, toaddr->sa_len, toaddr); if (error) { goto done; } if (toaddr->sa_family == AF_INET) { port = ntohs((satosin(toaddr))->sin_port); } else { port = ntohs((satosin6(toaddr))->sin6_port); } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(connect_packet, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_TARGET_PORT, sizeof(port), &port); if (error) { goto done; } done: return error; } struct sockaddr * flow_divert_get_buffered_target_address(mbuf_t buffer) { if (buffer != NULL && buffer->m_type == MT_SONAME) { struct sockaddr *toaddr = mtod(buffer, struct sockaddr *); if (toaddr != NULL && flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid(toaddr)) { return toaddr; } } return NULL; } static boolean_t flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid(struct sockaddr *addr) { switch (addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: if (addr->sa_len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) { return FALSE; } break; case AF_INET6: if (addr->sa_len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) { return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static errno_t flow_divert_dup_addr(sa_family_t family, struct sockaddr *addr, struct sockaddr **dup) { int error = 0; struct sockaddr *result; struct sockaddr_storage ss; if (addr != NULL) { result = addr; } else { memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss)); ss.ss_family = family; if (ss.ss_family == AF_INET) { ss.ss_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); } else if (ss.ss_family == AF_INET6) { ss.ss_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); } else { error = EINVAL; } result = (struct sockaddr *)&ss; } if (!error) { *dup = dup_sockaddr(result, 1); if (*dup == NULL) { error = ENOBUFS; } } return error; } static void flow_divert_disconnect_socket(struct socket *so, bool is_connected, bool delay_if_needed) { if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM || is_connected) { soisdisconnected(so); } if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); if (inp != NULL && !(so->so_flags & SOF_PCBCLEARING)) { /* * Let NetworkStatistics know this PCB is going away * before we detach it. */ if (nstat_collect && (SOCK_PROTO(so) == IPPROTO_TCP || SOCK_PROTO(so) == IPPROTO_UDP)) { nstat_pcb_detach(inp); } if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) { ROUTE_RELEASE(&inp->in6p_route); } else { ROUTE_RELEASE(&inp->inp_route); } if (delay_if_needed) { (void) cfil_sock_is_dead(so); } else { inp->inp_state = INPCB_STATE_DEAD; inpcb_gc_sched(inp->inp_pcbinfo, INPCB_TIMER_FAST); } /* makes sure we're not called twice from so_close */ so->so_flags |= SOF_PCBCLEARING; } } } static errno_t flow_divert_ctloutput(struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return EINVAL; } if (sopt->sopt_name == SO_TRAFFIC_CLASS) { if (sopt->sopt_dir == SOPT_SET && fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED) { flow_divert_send_traffic_class_update(fd_cb, so->so_traffic_class); } } if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) { return g_tcp_protosw->pr_ctloutput(so, sopt); } else if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) { return g_tcp6_protosw->pr_ctloutput(so, sopt); } return 0; } static errno_t flow_divert_connect_out_internal(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *to, proc_t p, bool implicit) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; int error = 0; struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); struct sockaddr_in *sinp; mbuf_t connect_packet = NULL; int do_send = 1; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return EINVAL; } if (fd_cb->group == NULL) { error = ENETUNREACH; goto done; } if (inp == NULL) { error = EINVAL; goto done; } else if (inp->inp_state == INPCB_STATE_DEAD) { if (so->so_error) { error = so->so_error; so->so_error = 0; } else { error = EINVAL; } goto done; } if (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED) { error = EALREADY; goto done; } FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Connecting"); if (fd_cb->connect_packet == NULL) { struct sockaddr_in sin = {}; struct ifnet *ifp = NULL; if (to == NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "No destination address available when creating connect packet"); error = EINVAL; goto done; } if (!flow_divert_is_sockaddr_valid(to)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Destination address is not valid when creating connect packet"); error = EINVAL; goto done; } fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint = dup_sockaddr(to, 0); if (fd_cb->original_remote_endpoint == NULL) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to dup the remote endpoint"); error = ENOMEM; goto done; } fd_cb->original_vflag = inp->inp_vflag; fd_cb->original_last_outifp = inp->inp_last_outifp; fd_cb->original_last_outifp6 = inp->in6p_last_outifp; sinp = (struct sockaddr_in *)(void *)to; if (sinp->sin_family == AF_INET && IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(sinp->sin_addr.s_addr))) { error = EAFNOSUPPORT; goto done; } if (to->sa_family == AF_INET6 && !(inp->inp_flags & IN6P_IPV6_V6ONLY)) { struct sockaddr_in6 sin6 = {}; sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); sin6.sin6_port = satosin6(to)->sin6_port; sin6.sin6_addr = satosin6(to)->sin6_addr; if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&(sin6.sin6_addr))) { in6_sin6_2_sin(&sin, &sin6); to = (struct sockaddr *)&sin; } } if (to->sa_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *to6 = satosin6(to); inp->inp_vflag &= ~INP_IPV4; inp->inp_vflag |= INP_IPV6; fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_port = inp->inp_lport; error = in6_pcbladdr(inp, to, &(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr), &ifp); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, fd_cb, "failed to get a local IPv6 address: %d", error); if (!(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_IS_TRANSPARENT) || IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&(satosin6(to)->sin6_addr))) { error = 0; } else { goto done; } } if (ifp != NULL) { inp->in6p_last_outifp = ifp; ifnet_release(ifp); } if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_EMBED(&(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr)) && in6_embedded_scope && fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] != 0) { fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_scope_id = ntohs(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1]); fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = 0; } if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_EMBED(&(to6->sin6_addr)) && in6_embedded_scope && to6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] != 0) { to6->sin6_scope_id = ntohs(to6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1]); to6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = 0; } } else if (to->sa_family == AF_INET) { inp->inp_vflag |= INP_IPV4; inp->inp_vflag &= ~INP_IPV6; fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin.sin_family = AF_INET; fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin.sin_port = inp->inp_lport; error = in_pcbladdr(inp, to, &(fd_cb->local_endpoint.sin.sin_addr), IFSCOPE_NONE, &ifp, 0); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, fd_cb, "failed to get a local IPv4 address: %d", error); if (!(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_IS_TRANSPARENT) || satosin(to)->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) { error = 0; } else { goto done; } } if (ifp != NULL) { inp->inp_last_outifp = ifp; ifnet_release(ifp); } } else { FDLOG(LOG_WARNING, fd_cb, "target address has an unsupported family: %d", to->sa_family); } error = flow_divert_check_no_cellular(fd_cb) || flow_divert_check_no_expensive(fd_cb) || flow_divert_check_no_constrained(fd_cb); if (error) { goto done; } if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM || /* TCP or */ !implicit || /* connect() was called or */ ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&inp->in6p_laddr)) || /* local address is not un-specified */ ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) && inp->inp_laddr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY)) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_SHOULD_SET_LOCAL_ADDR; } error = flow_divert_create_connect_packet(fd_cb, to, so, p, &connect_packet); if (error) { goto done; } if (!implicit || SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM) { flow_divert_set_remote_endpoint(fd_cb, to); flow_divert_set_local_endpoint(fd_cb, SA(&fd_cb->local_endpoint)); } if (implicit) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_IMPLICIT_CONNECT; } if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Delaying sending the connect packet until send or receive"); do_send = 0; } fd_cb->connect_packet = connect_packet; connect_packet = NULL; } else { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Sending saved connect packet"); } if (do_send) { error = flow_divert_send_connect_packet(fd_cb); if (error) { goto done; } fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED; } if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_DGRAM && !(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_HAS_TOKEN)) { soisconnected(so); } else { soisconnecting(so); } done: return error; } errno_t flow_divert_connect_out(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *to, proc_t p) { #if CONTENT_FILTER if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM && !(so->so_flags & SOF_CONTENT_FILTER)) { int error = cfil_sock_attach(so, NULL, to, CFS_CONNECTION_DIR_OUT); if (error != 0) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "Failed to attach cfil: %d", error); return error; } } #endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */ return flow_divert_connect_out_internal(so, to, p, false); } static int flow_divert_connectx_out_common(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *dst, struct proc *p, uint32_t ifscope, sae_connid_t *pcid, struct uio *auio, user_ssize_t *bytes_written) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); int error; if (inp == NULL) { return EINVAL; } VERIFY(dst != NULL); #if CONTENT_FILTER && NECP struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (fd_cb != NULL && (fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_HAS_TOKEN) && SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM && !(so->so_flags & SOF_CONTENT_FILTER)) { inp_update_necp_policy(sotoinpcb(so), NULL, dst, 0); } #endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */ /* bind socket to the specified interface, if requested */ if (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE && (error = inp_bindif(inp, ifscope, NULL)) != 0) { return error; } error = flow_divert_connect_out(so, dst, p); if (error != 0) { return error; } /* if there is data, send it */ if (auio != NULL) { user_ssize_t datalen = 0; socket_unlock(so, 0); VERIFY(bytes_written != NULL); datalen = uio_resid(auio); error = so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_sosend(so, NULL, (uio_t)auio, NULL, NULL, 0); socket_lock(so, 0); if (error == 0 || error == EWOULDBLOCK) { *bytes_written = datalen - uio_resid(auio); } /* * sosend returns EWOULDBLOCK if it's a non-blocking * socket or a timeout occured (this allows to return * the amount of queued data through sendit()). * * However, connectx() returns EINPROGRESS in case of a * blocking socket. So we change the return value here. */ if (error == EWOULDBLOCK) { error = EINPROGRESS; } } if (error == 0 && pcid != NULL) { *pcid = 1; /* there is only 1 connection for a TCP */ } return error; } static int flow_divert_connectx_out(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *src __unused, struct sockaddr *dst, struct proc *p, uint32_t ifscope, sae_associd_t aid __unused, sae_connid_t *pcid, uint32_t flags __unused, void *arg __unused, uint32_t arglen __unused, struct uio *uio, user_ssize_t *bytes_written) { return flow_divert_connectx_out_common(so, dst, p, ifscope, pcid, uio, bytes_written); } static int flow_divert_connectx6_out(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *src __unused, struct sockaddr *dst, struct proc *p, uint32_t ifscope, sae_associd_t aid __unused, sae_connid_t *pcid, uint32_t flags __unused, void *arg __unused, uint32_t arglen __unused, struct uio *uio, user_ssize_t *bytes_written) { return flow_divert_connectx_out_common(so, dst, p, ifscope, pcid, uio, bytes_written); } static errno_t flow_divert_data_out(struct socket *so, int flags, mbuf_t data, struct sockaddr *to, mbuf_t control, struct proc *p) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; int error = 0; struct inpcb *inp; #if CONTENT_FILTER struct m_tag *cfil_tag = NULL; #endif if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return EINVAL; } inp = sotoinpcb(so); if (inp == NULL || inp->inp_state == INPCB_STATE_DEAD) { error = ECONNRESET; goto done; } if ((fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_TUNNEL_WR_CLOSED) && SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { /* The provider considers this datagram flow to be closed, so no data can be sent */ FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "provider is no longer accepting writes, cannot send data"); error = EHOSTUNREACH; goto done; } #if CONTENT_FILTER /* * If the socket is subject to a UDP Content Filter and no remote address is passed in, * retrieve the CFIL saved remote address from the mbuf and use it. */ if (to == NULL && CFIL_DGRAM_FILTERED(so)) { struct sockaddr *cfil_faddr = NULL; cfil_tag = cfil_dgram_get_socket_state(data, NULL, NULL, &cfil_faddr, NULL); if (cfil_tag) { to = (struct sockaddr *)(void *)cfil_faddr; } FDLOG(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Using remote address from CFIL saved state: %p", to); } #endif /* Implicit connect */ if (!(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED)) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "implicit connect"); error = flow_divert_connect_out_internal(so, to, p, true); if (error) { goto done; } } else { error = flow_divert_check_no_cellular(fd_cb) || flow_divert_check_no_expensive(fd_cb) || flow_divert_check_no_constrained(fd_cb); if (error) { goto done; } } if (data != NULL) { size_t data_size = 0; if (mbuf_flags(data) & M_PKTHDR) { data_size = mbuf_pkthdr_len(data); } else { for (mbuf_t blob = data; blob != NULL; blob = mbuf_next(blob)) { data_size += mbuf_len(blob); } } FDLOG(LOG_DEBUG, fd_cb, "app wrote %lu bytes", data_size); fd_cb->bytes_written_by_app += data_size; error = flow_divert_send_app_data(fd_cb, data, data_size, to); data = NULL; if (error) { goto done; } } if (flags & PRUS_EOF) { flow_divert_shutdown(so); } done: if (data) { mbuf_freem(data); } if (control) { mbuf_free(control); } #if CONTENT_FILTER if (cfil_tag) { m_tag_free(cfil_tag); } #endif return error; } static int flow_divert_preconnect(struct socket *so) { int error = 0; struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { return EINVAL; } if (!(fd_cb->flags & FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED)) { FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Pre-connect read: sending saved connect packet"); error = flow_divert_send_connect_packet(so->so_fd_pcb); if (error) { return error; } fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_CONNECT_STARTED; } soclearfastopen(so); return error; } static void flow_divert_set_protosw(struct socket *so) { if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) { so->so_proto = &g_flow_divert_in_protosw; } else { so->so_proto = (struct protosw *)&g_flow_divert_in6_protosw; } } static void flow_divert_set_udp_protosw(struct socket *so) { if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) { so->so_proto = &g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw; } else { so->so_proto = (struct protosw *)&g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw; } } errno_t flow_divert_implicit_data_out(struct socket *so, int flags, mbuf_t data, struct sockaddr *to, mbuf_t control, struct proc *p) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; struct inpcb *inp; int error = 0; inp = sotoinpcb(so); if (inp == NULL) { return EINVAL; } if (fd_cb == NULL) { error = flow_divert_pcb_init(so); fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (error != 0 || fd_cb == NULL) { goto done; } } return flow_divert_data_out(so, flags, data, to, control, p); done: if (data) { mbuf_freem(data); } if (control) { mbuf_free(control); } return error; } static errno_t flow_divert_pcb_init_internal(struct socket *so, uint32_t ctl_unit, uint32_t aggregate_unit) { errno_t error = 0; struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = NULL; uint32_t agg_unit = aggregate_unit; uint32_t policy_control_unit = ctl_unit; bool is_aggregate = false; if (so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT) { return EALREADY; } fd_cb = flow_divert_pcb_create(so); if (fd_cb == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } do { uint32_t group_unit = flow_divert_derive_kernel_control_unit(so->last_pid, &policy_control_unit, &agg_unit, &is_aggregate); if (group_unit == 0 || (group_unit >= GROUP_COUNT_MAX && group_unit < FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT_MIN)) { FDLOG0(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "No valid group is available, cannot init flow divert"); error = EINVAL; break; } error = flow_divert_add_to_group(fd_cb, group_unit); if (error == 0) { so->so_fd_pcb = fd_cb; so->so_flags |= SOF_FLOW_DIVERT; fd_cb->control_group_unit = group_unit; fd_cb->policy_control_unit = ctl_unit; fd_cb->aggregate_unit = agg_unit; if (is_aggregate) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_IS_TRANSPARENT; } else { fd_cb->flags &= ~FLOW_DIVERT_FLOW_IS_TRANSPARENT; } if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM) { flow_divert_set_protosw(so); } else if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_DGRAM) { flow_divert_set_udp_protosw(so); } FDLOG0(LOG_INFO, fd_cb, "Created"); } else if (error != ENOENT) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "pcb insert failed: %d", error); } } while (error == ENOENT); if (error != 0) { FDRELEASE(fd_cb); } return error; } errno_t flow_divert_pcb_init(struct socket *so) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); uint32_t aggregate_units = 0; uint32_t ctl_unit = necp_socket_get_flow_divert_control_unit(inp, &aggregate_units); return flow_divert_pcb_init_internal(so, ctl_unit, aggregate_units); } errno_t flow_divert_token_set(struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt) { uint32_t ctl_unit = 0; uint32_t key_unit = 0; uint32_t aggregate_unit = 0; int error = 0; int hmac_error = 0; mbuf_t token = NULL; if (so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT) { error = EALREADY; goto done; } if (g_init_result) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "flow_divert_init failed (%d), cannot use flow divert", g_init_result); error = ENOPROTOOPT; goto done; } if ((SOCK_TYPE(so) != SOCK_STREAM && SOCK_TYPE(so) != SOCK_DGRAM) || (SOCK_PROTO(so) != IPPROTO_TCP && SOCK_PROTO(so) != IPPROTO_UDP) || (SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET && SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET6)) { error = EINVAL; goto done; } else { if (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM && SOCK_PROTO(so) == IPPROTO_TCP) { struct tcpcb *tp = sototcpcb(so); if (tp == NULL || tp->t_state != TCPS_CLOSED) { error = EINVAL; goto done; } } } error = soopt_getm(sopt, &token); if (error) { token = NULL; goto done; } error = soopt_mcopyin(sopt, token); if (error) { token = NULL; goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(token, 0, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_KEY_UNIT, sizeof(key_unit), (void *)&key_unit, NULL); if (!error) { key_unit = ntohl(key_unit); if (key_unit >= GROUP_COUNT_MAX) { key_unit = 0; } } else if (error != ENOENT) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to get the key unit from the token: %d", error); goto done; } else { key_unit = 0; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(token, 0, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_CTL_UNIT, sizeof(ctl_unit), (void *)&ctl_unit, NULL); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to get the control socket unit from the token: %d", error); goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(token, 0, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_AGGREGATE_UNIT, sizeof(aggregate_unit), (void *)&aggregate_unit, NULL); if (error && error != ENOENT) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Failed to get the aggregate unit from the token: %d", error); goto done; } /* A valid kernel control unit is required */ ctl_unit = ntohl(ctl_unit); aggregate_unit = ntohl(aggregate_unit); if (ctl_unit > 0 && ctl_unit < GROUP_COUNT_MAX) { hmac_error = flow_divert_packet_verify_hmac(token, (key_unit != 0 ? key_unit : ctl_unit)); if (hmac_error && hmac_error != ENOENT) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "HMAC verfication failed: %d", hmac_error); error = hmac_error; goto done; } } error = flow_divert_pcb_init_internal(so, ctl_unit, aggregate_unit); if (error == 0) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; int log_level = LOG_NOTICE; error = flow_divert_packet_get_tlv(token, 0, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_LOG_LEVEL, sizeof(log_level), &log_level, NULL); if (error == 0) { fd_cb->log_level = (uint8_t)log_level; } error = 0; fd_cb->connect_token = token; token = NULL; fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_HAS_TOKEN; } if (hmac_error == 0) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; if (fd_cb != NULL) { fd_cb->flags |= FLOW_DIVERT_HAS_HMAC; } } done: if (token != NULL) { mbuf_freem(token); } return error; } errno_t flow_divert_token_get(struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt) { uint32_t ctl_unit; int error = 0; uint8_t hmac[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb = so->so_fd_pcb; mbuf_t token = NULL; struct flow_divert_group *control_group = NULL; if (!SO_IS_DIVERTED(so)) { error = EINVAL; goto done; } if (fd_cb->group == NULL) { error = EINVAL; goto done; } error = mbuf_gethdr(MBUF_DONTWAIT, MBUF_TYPE_HEADER, &token); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, fd_cb, "failed to allocate the header mbuf: %d", error); goto done; } ctl_unit = htonl(fd_cb->group->ctl_unit); error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(token, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_CTL_UNIT, sizeof(ctl_unit), &ctl_unit); if (error) { goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(token, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_FLOW_ID, sizeof(fd_cb->hash), &fd_cb->hash); if (error) { goto done; } if (fd_cb->app_data != NULL) { error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(token, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_APP_DATA, (uint32_t)fd_cb->app_data_length, fd_cb->app_data); if (error) { goto done; } } control_group = flow_divert_group_lookup(fd_cb->control_group_unit, fd_cb); if (control_group != NULL) { lck_rw_lock_shared(&control_group->lck); ctl_unit = htonl(control_group->ctl_unit); error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(token, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_KEY_UNIT, sizeof(ctl_unit), &ctl_unit); if (!error) { error = flow_divert_packet_compute_hmac(token, control_group, hmac); } lck_rw_done(&control_group->lck); FDGRP_RELEASE(control_group); } else { error = ENOPROTOOPT; } if (error) { goto done; } error = flow_divert_packet_append_tlv(token, FLOW_DIVERT_TLV_HMAC, sizeof(hmac), hmac); if (error) { goto done; } if (sopt->sopt_val == USER_ADDR_NULL) { /* If the caller passed NULL to getsockopt, just set the size of the token and return */ sopt->sopt_valsize = mbuf_pkthdr_len(token); goto done; } error = soopt_mcopyout(sopt, token); if (error) { token = NULL; /* For some reason, soopt_mcopyout() frees the mbuf if it fails */ goto done; } done: if (token != NULL) { mbuf_freem(token); } return error; } void flow_divert_group_destroy(struct flow_divert_group *group) { lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&group->lck); FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, &nil_pcb, "Destroying group %u", group->ctl_unit); if (group->token_key != NULL) { memset(group->token_key, 0, group->token_key_size); kfree_data(group->token_key, group->token_key_size); group->token_key = NULL; group->token_key_size = 0; } /* Re-set the current trie */ if (group->signing_id_trie.memory != NULL) { kfree_data_addr(group->signing_id_trie.memory); } memset(&group->signing_id_trie, 0, sizeof(group->signing_id_trie)); group->signing_id_trie.root = NULL_TRIE_IDX; lck_rw_done(&group->lck); zfree(flow_divert_group_zone, group); } static struct flow_divert_group * flow_divert_allocate_group(u_int32_t unit, pid_t pid) { struct flow_divert_group *new_group = NULL; new_group = zalloc_flags(flow_divert_group_zone, Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO); lck_rw_init(&new_group->lck, &flow_divert_mtx_grp, &flow_divert_mtx_attr); RB_INIT(&new_group->pcb_tree); new_group->ctl_unit = unit; new_group->in_process_pid = pid; MBUFQ_INIT(&new_group->send_queue); new_group->signing_id_trie.root = NULL_TRIE_IDX; new_group->ref_count = 1; new_group->order = FLOW_DIVERT_ORDER_LAST; return new_group; } static errno_t flow_divert_kctl_setup(u_int32_t *unit, void **unitinfo) { if (unit == NULL || unitinfo == NULL) { return EINVAL; } struct flow_divert_group *new_group = NULL; errno_t error = 0; lck_rw_lock_shared(&g_flow_divert_group_lck); if (*unit == FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT) { // Return next unused in-process unit u_int32_t unit_cursor = FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT_MIN; struct flow_divert_group *group_next = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(group_next, &g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list, chain) { if (group_next->ctl_unit > unit_cursor) { // Found a gap, lets fill it in break; } unit_cursor = group_next->ctl_unit + 1; if (unit_cursor == FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT_MAX) { break; } } if (unit_cursor == FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT_MAX) { error = EBUSY; } else { *unit = unit_cursor; new_group = flow_divert_allocate_group(*unit, proc_pid(current_proc())); if (group_next != NULL) { TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(group_next, new_group, chain); } else { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list, new_group, chain); } g_active_group_count++; } } else { if (kauth_cred_issuser(kauth_cred_get()) == 0) { error = EPERM; } else { if (g_flow_divert_groups == NULL) { g_flow_divert_groups = kalloc_type(struct flow_divert_group *, GROUP_COUNT_MAX, Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO | Z_NOFAIL); } // Return next unused group unit bool found_unused_unit = false; u_int32_t unit_cursor; for (unit_cursor = 1; unit_cursor < GROUP_COUNT_MAX; unit_cursor++) { struct flow_divert_group *group = g_flow_divert_groups[unit_cursor]; if (group == NULL) { // Open slot, assign this one *unit = unit_cursor; new_group = flow_divert_allocate_group(*unit, 0); g_flow_divert_groups[*unit] = new_group; found_unused_unit = true; g_active_group_count++; break; } } if (!found_unused_unit) { error = EBUSY; } } } lck_rw_done(&g_flow_divert_group_lck); *unitinfo = new_group; return error; } static errno_t flow_divert_kctl_connect(kern_ctl_ref kctlref __unused, struct sockaddr_ctl *sac, void **unitinfo) { if (unitinfo == NULL) { return EINVAL; } // Just validate. The group will already have been allocated. struct flow_divert_group *group = (struct flow_divert_group *)*unitinfo; if (group == NULL || sac->sc_unit != group->ctl_unit) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "Flow divert connect fail, unit mismatch %u != %u", sac->sc_unit, group ? group->ctl_unit : 0); return EINVAL; } return 0; } static errno_t flow_divert_kctl_disconnect(kern_ctl_ref kctlref __unused, uint32_t unit, void *unitinfo) { struct flow_divert_group *group = NULL; errno_t error = 0; if (unitinfo == NULL) { return 0; } FDLOG(LOG_INFO, &nil_pcb, "disconnecting group %d", unit); lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&g_flow_divert_group_lck); if (g_active_group_count == 0) { panic("flow divert group %u is disconnecting, but no groups are active (active count = %u)", unit, g_active_group_count); } if (unit < FLOW_DIVERT_IN_PROCESS_UNIT_MIN) { if (unit >= GROUP_COUNT_MAX) { return EINVAL; } if (g_flow_divert_groups == NULL) { panic("flow divert group %u is disconnecting, but groups array is NULL", unit); } group = g_flow_divert_groups[unit]; if (group != (struct flow_divert_group *)unitinfo) { panic("group with unit %d (%p) != unit info (%p)", unit, group, unitinfo); } g_flow_divert_groups[unit] = NULL; } else { group = (struct flow_divert_group *)unitinfo; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list)) { panic("flow divert group %u is disconnecting, but in-process group list is empty", unit); } TAILQ_REMOVE(&g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list, group, chain); } g_active_group_count--; if (g_active_group_count == 0) { kfree_type(struct flow_divert_group *, GROUP_COUNT_MAX, g_flow_divert_groups); g_flow_divert_groups = NULL; } lck_rw_done(&g_flow_divert_group_lck); if (group != NULL) { flow_divert_close_all(group); FDGRP_RELEASE(group); } else { error = EINVAL; } return error; } static errno_t flow_divert_kctl_send(__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, uint32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, mbuf_t m, __unused int flags) { errno_t error = 0; struct flow_divert_group *group = flow_divert_group_lookup(unit, NULL); if (group != NULL) { error = flow_divert_input(m, group); FDGRP_RELEASE(group); } else { error = ENOENT; } return error; } static void flow_divert_kctl_rcvd(__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, uint32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int flags) { struct flow_divert_group *group = flow_divert_group_lookup(unit, NULL); if (group == NULL) { return; } if (!OSTestAndClear(GROUP_BIT_CTL_ENQUEUE_BLOCKED, &group->atomic_bits)) { struct flow_divert_pcb *fd_cb; SLIST_HEAD(, flow_divert_pcb) tmp_list; lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&group->lck); while (!MBUFQ_EMPTY(&group->send_queue)) { mbuf_t next_packet; FDLOG0(LOG_DEBUG, &nil_pcb, "trying ctl_enqueuembuf again"); next_packet = MBUFQ_FIRST(&group->send_queue); int error = ctl_enqueuembuf(g_flow_divert_kctl_ref, group->ctl_unit, next_packet, CTL_DATA_EOR); if (error) { FDLOG(LOG_NOTICE, &nil_pcb, "flow_divert_kctl_rcvd: ctl_enqueuembuf returned an error: %d", error); OSTestAndSet(GROUP_BIT_CTL_ENQUEUE_BLOCKED, &group->atomic_bits); lck_rw_done(&group->lck); return; } MBUFQ_DEQUEUE(&group->send_queue, next_packet); } SLIST_INIT(&tmp_list); RB_FOREACH(fd_cb, fd_pcb_tree, &group->pcb_tree) { FDRETAIN(fd_cb); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&tmp_list, fd_cb, tmp_list_entry); } lck_rw_done(&group->lck); SLIST_FOREACH(fd_cb, &tmp_list, tmp_list_entry) { FDLOCK(fd_cb); if (fd_cb->so != NULL) { socket_lock(fd_cb->so, 0); if (fd_cb->group != NULL) { flow_divert_send_buffered_data(fd_cb, FALSE); } socket_unlock(fd_cb->so, 0); } FDUNLOCK(fd_cb); FDRELEASE(fd_cb); } } FDGRP_RELEASE(group); } static int flow_divert_kctl_init(void) { struct kern_ctl_reg ctl_reg; int result; memset(&ctl_reg, 0, sizeof(ctl_reg)); strlcpy(ctl_reg.ctl_name, FLOW_DIVERT_CONTROL_NAME, sizeof(ctl_reg.ctl_name)); ctl_reg.ctl_name[sizeof(ctl_reg.ctl_name) - 1] = '\0'; // Do not restrict to privileged processes. flow_divert_kctl_setup checks // permissions separately. ctl_reg.ctl_flags = CTL_FLAG_REG_EXTENDED | CTL_FLAG_REG_SETUP; ctl_reg.ctl_sendsize = FD_CTL_SENDBUFF_SIZE; ctl_reg.ctl_connect = flow_divert_kctl_connect; ctl_reg.ctl_disconnect = flow_divert_kctl_disconnect; ctl_reg.ctl_send = flow_divert_kctl_send; ctl_reg.ctl_rcvd = flow_divert_kctl_rcvd; ctl_reg.ctl_setup = flow_divert_kctl_setup; result = ctl_register(&ctl_reg, &g_flow_divert_kctl_ref); if (result) { FDLOG(LOG_ERR, &nil_pcb, "flow_divert_kctl_init - ctl_register failed: %d\n", result); return result; } return 0; } void flow_divert_init(void) { memset(&nil_pcb, 0, sizeof(nil_pcb)); nil_pcb.log_level = LOG_NOTICE; g_tcp_protosw = pffindproto(AF_INET, IPPROTO_TCP, SOCK_STREAM); VERIFY(g_tcp_protosw != NULL); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in_protosw, g_tcp_protosw, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in_protosw)); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs, g_tcp_protosw->pr_usrreqs, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs)); g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_connect = flow_divert_connect_out; g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_connectx = flow_divert_connectx_out; g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_disconnect = flow_divert_close; g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_disconnectx = flow_divert_disconnectx; g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_rcvd = flow_divert_rcvd; g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_send = flow_divert_data_out; g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_shutdown = flow_divert_shutdown; g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs.pru_preconnect = flow_divert_preconnect; g_flow_divert_in_protosw.pr_usrreqs = &g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs; g_flow_divert_in_protosw.pr_ctloutput = flow_divert_ctloutput; /* * Socket filters shouldn't attach/detach to/from this protosw * since pr_protosw is to be used instead, which points to the * real protocol; if they do, it is a bug and we should panic. */ g_flow_divert_in_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_first = (struct socket_filter *)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; g_flow_divert_in_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_last = (struct socket_filter **)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; /* UDP */ g_udp_protosw = pffindproto(AF_INET, IPPROTO_UDP, SOCK_DGRAM); VERIFY(g_udp_protosw != NULL); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw, g_udp_protosw, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw)); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs, g_udp_protosw->pr_usrreqs, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs)); g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_connect = flow_divert_connect_out; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_connectx = flow_divert_connectx_out; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_disconnect = flow_divert_close; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_disconnectx = flow_divert_disconnectx; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_rcvd = flow_divert_rcvd; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_send = flow_divert_data_out; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_shutdown = flow_divert_shutdown; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_sosend_list = pru_sosend_list_notsupp; g_flow_divert_in_udp_usrreqs.pru_preconnect = flow_divert_preconnect; g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw.pr_usrreqs = &g_flow_divert_in_usrreqs; g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw.pr_ctloutput = flow_divert_ctloutput; /* * Socket filters shouldn't attach/detach to/from this protosw * since pr_protosw is to be used instead, which points to the * real protocol; if they do, it is a bug and we should panic. */ g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_first = (struct socket_filter *)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; g_flow_divert_in_udp_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_last = (struct socket_filter **)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; g_tcp6_protosw = (struct ip6protosw *)pffindproto(AF_INET6, IPPROTO_TCP, SOCK_STREAM); VERIFY(g_tcp6_protosw != NULL); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in6_protosw, g_tcp6_protosw, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in6_protosw)); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs, g_tcp6_protosw->pr_usrreqs, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs)); g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_connect = flow_divert_connect_out; g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_connectx = flow_divert_connectx6_out; g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_disconnect = flow_divert_close; g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_disconnectx = flow_divert_disconnectx; g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_rcvd = flow_divert_rcvd; g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_send = flow_divert_data_out; g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_shutdown = flow_divert_shutdown; g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs.pru_preconnect = flow_divert_preconnect; g_flow_divert_in6_protosw.pr_usrreqs = &g_flow_divert_in6_usrreqs; g_flow_divert_in6_protosw.pr_ctloutput = flow_divert_ctloutput; /* * Socket filters shouldn't attach/detach to/from this protosw * since pr_protosw is to be used instead, which points to the * real protocol; if they do, it is a bug and we should panic. */ g_flow_divert_in6_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_first = (struct socket_filter *)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; g_flow_divert_in6_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_last = (struct socket_filter **)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; /* UDP6 */ g_udp6_protosw = (struct ip6protosw *)pffindproto(AF_INET6, IPPROTO_UDP, SOCK_DGRAM); VERIFY(g_udp6_protosw != NULL); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw, g_udp6_protosw, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw)); memcpy(&g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs, g_udp6_protosw->pr_usrreqs, sizeof(g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs)); g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_connect = flow_divert_connect_out; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_connectx = flow_divert_connectx6_out; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_disconnect = flow_divert_close; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_disconnectx = flow_divert_disconnectx; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_rcvd = flow_divert_rcvd; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_send = flow_divert_data_out; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_shutdown = flow_divert_shutdown; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_sosend_list = pru_sosend_list_notsupp; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs.pru_preconnect = flow_divert_preconnect; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw.pr_usrreqs = &g_flow_divert_in6_udp_usrreqs; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw.pr_ctloutput = flow_divert_ctloutput; /* * Socket filters shouldn't attach/detach to/from this protosw * since pr_protosw is to be used instead, which points to the * real protocol; if they do, it is a bug and we should panic. */ g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_first = (struct socket_filter *)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; g_flow_divert_in6_udp_protosw.pr_filter_head.tqh_last = (struct socket_filter **)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; TAILQ_INIT(&g_flow_divert_in_process_group_list); g_init_result = flow_divert_kctl_init(); if (g_init_result) { goto done; } done: if (g_init_result != 0) { if (g_flow_divert_kctl_ref != NULL) { ctl_deregister(g_flow_divert_kctl_ref); g_flow_divert_kctl_ref = NULL; } } }