/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2021-2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/queue.h> #include <sys/syslog.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/mbuf.h> #include <sys/mcache.h> #include <mach/vm_param.h> #include <kern/locks.h> #include <string.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/route.h> #include <net/net_osdep.h> #include <netinet6/ipsec.h> #include <netinet6/esp.h> #include <netinet6/esp_chachapoly.h> #include <netkey/key.h> #include <netkey/keydb.h> #include <corecrypto/cc.h> #include <libkern/crypto/chacha20poly1305.h> #define ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN 4 #define ESP_CHACHAPOLY_KEY_LEN 32 #define ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN 12 // The minimum alignment is documented in KALLOC_LOG2_MINALIGN // which isn't accessible from here. Current minimum is 8. _Static_assert(_Alignof(chacha20poly1305_ctx) <= 8, "Alignment guarantee is broken"); #if (((8 * (ESP_CHACHAPOLY_KEY_LEN + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN)) != ESP_CHACHAPOLY_KEYBITS_WITH_SALT) || \ (ESP_CHACHAPOLY_KEY_LEN != CCCHACHA20_KEY_NBYTES) || \ (ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN != CCCHACHA20POLY1305_NONCE_NBYTES)) #error "Invalid sizes" #endif typedef struct _esp_chachapoly_ctx { chacha20poly1305_ctx ccp_ctx; uint8_t ccp_salt[ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN]; bool ccp_implicit_iv; } esp_chachapoly_ctx_s, *esp_chachapoly_ctx_t; int esp_chachapoly_mature(struct secasvar *sav) { const struct esp_algorithm *algo; ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); if ((sav->flags & SADB_X_EXT_OLD) != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly is incompatible with SADB_X_EXT_OLD, SPI 0x%08x", ntohl(sav->spi)); return 1; } if ((sav->flags & SADB_X_EXT_DERIV) != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly is incompatible with SADB_X_EXT_DERIV, SPI 0x%08x", ntohl(sav->spi)); return 1; } if (sav->alg_enc != SADB_X_EALG_CHACHA20POLY1305) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly unsupported algorithm %d, SPI 0x%08x", sav->alg_enc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return 1; } if (sav->key_enc == NULL) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly key is missing, SPI 0x%08x", ntohl(sav->spi)); return 1; } algo = esp_algorithm_lookup(sav->alg_enc); if (algo == NULL) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly lookup failed for algorithm %d, SPI 0x%08x", sav->alg_enc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return 1; } if (sav->key_enc->sadb_key_bits != ESP_CHACHAPOLY_KEYBITS_WITH_SALT) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly invalid key length %d bits, SPI 0x%08x", sav->key_enc->sadb_key_bits, ntohl(sav->spi)); return 1; } esp_log_default("ChaChaPoly Mature SPI 0x%08x%s %s dir %u state %u mode %u", ntohl(sav->spi), (((sav->flags & SADB_X_EXT_IIV) != 0) ? " IIV" : ""), ((sav->sah->ipsec_if != NULL) ? if_name(sav->sah->ipsec_if) : "NONE"), sav->sah->dir, sav->sah->state, sav->sah->saidx.mode); return 0; } size_t esp_chachapoly_schedlen(__unused const struct esp_algorithm *algo) { return sizeof(esp_chachapoly_ctx_s); } int esp_chachapoly_schedule(__unused const struct esp_algorithm *algo, struct secasvar *sav) { esp_chachapoly_ctx_t esp_ccp_ctx; int rc = 0; ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); if (_KEYLEN(sav->key_enc) != ESP_CHACHAPOLY_KEY_LEN + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid key len %u, SPI 0x%08x", _KEYLEN(sav->key_enc), ntohl(sav->spi)); return EINVAL; } LCK_MTX_ASSERT(sadb_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); esp_ccp_ctx = (esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc; esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv = ((sav->flags & SADB_X_EXT_IIV) != 0); if (sav->ivlen != (esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv ? 0 : ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN)) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid ivlen %u, SPI 0x%08x", sav->ivlen, ntohl(sav->spi)); return EINVAL; } rc = chacha20poly1305_init(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, (const uint8_t *)_KEYBUF(sav->key_enc)); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_init failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } memcpy(esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_salt, (const uint8_t *)_KEYBUF(sav->key_enc) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_KEY_LEN, sizeof(esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_salt)); esp_log_default("ChaChaPoly Schedule SPI 0x%08x%s %s dir %u state %u mode %u", ntohl(sav->spi), (esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv ? " IIV" : ""), ((sav->sah->ipsec_if != NULL) ? if_name(sav->sah->ipsec_if) : "NONE"), sav->sah->dir, sav->sah->state, sav->sah->saidx.mode); return 0; } int esp_chachapoly_ivlen(const struct esp_algorithm *algo, struct secasvar *sav) { ESP_CHECK_ARG(algo); if (sav != NULL && ((sav->sched_enc != NULL && ((esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc)->ccp_implicit_iv) || ((sav->flags & SADB_X_EXT_IIV) != 0))) { return 0; } else { return algo->ivlenval; } } int esp_chachapoly_encrypt_finalize(struct secasvar *sav, unsigned char *tag, size_t tag_bytes) { esp_chachapoly_ctx_t esp_ccp_ctx; int rc = 0; ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); ESP_CHECK_ARG(tag); if (tag_bytes != ESP_CHACHAPOLY_ICV_LEN) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid tag_bytes %zu, SPI 0x%08x", tag_bytes, ntohl(sav->spi)); return EINVAL; } esp_ccp_ctx = (esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc; rc = chacha20poly1305_finalize(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, tag); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_finalize failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } return 0; } int esp_chachapoly_decrypt_finalize(struct secasvar *sav, unsigned char *tag, size_t tag_bytes) { esp_chachapoly_ctx_t esp_ccp_ctx; int rc = 0; ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); ESP_CHECK_ARG(tag); if (tag_bytes != ESP_CHACHAPOLY_ICV_LEN) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid tag_bytes %zu, SPI 0x%08x", tag_bytes, ntohl(sav->spi)); return EINVAL; } esp_ccp_ctx = (esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc; rc = chacha20poly1305_verify(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, tag); if (rc != 0) { esp_packet_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_verify failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } return 0; } int esp_chachapoly_encrypt(struct mbuf *m, // head of mbuf chain size_t off, // offset to ESP header __unused size_t plen, struct secasvar *sav, __unused const struct esp_algorithm *algo, int ivlen) { struct mbuf *s = m; // this mbuf int32_t soff = 0; // offset from the head of mbuf chain (m) to head of this mbuf (s) int32_t sn = 0; // offset from the head of this mbuf (s) to the body uint8_t *sp; // buffer of a given encryption round size_t len; // length of a given encryption round const int32_t ivoff = (int32_t)off + (int32_t)sizeof(struct newesp); // IV offset const size_t bodyoff = ivoff + ivlen; // body offset int rc = 0; // return code of corecrypto operations struct newesp esp_hdr; // ESP header for AAD _Static_assert(sizeof(esp_hdr) == 8, "Bad size"); uint32_t nonce[ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN / 4]; // ensure 32bit alignment _Static_assert(sizeof(nonce) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN, "Bad nonce length"); _Static_assert(ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN == sizeof(nonce), "Bad nonce length"); esp_chachapoly_ctx_t esp_ccp_ctx; ESP_CHECK_ARG(m); ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); esp_ccp_ctx = (esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc; if (ivlen != (esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv ? 0 : ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN)) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid ivlen %u, SPI 0x%08x", ivlen, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EINVAL; } if (sav->ivlen != ivlen) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid sav->ivlen %u, SPI 0x%08x", sav->ivlen, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EINVAL; } // check if total packet length is enough to contain ESP + IV if (m->m_pkthdr.len < bodyoff) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Packet too short %d < %zu, SPI 0x%08x", m->m_pkthdr.len, bodyoff, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EINVAL; } rc = chacha20poly1305_reset(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_reset failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return rc; } // esp_hdr is used for nonce and AAD m_copydata(m, (int)off, sizeof(esp_hdr), (void *)&esp_hdr); // RFC 7634 dictates that the 12 byte nonce must be // the 4 byte salt followed by the 8 byte IV. memset(nonce, 0, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN); memcpy(nonce, esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_salt, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN); if (!esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv) { // Increment IV and save back new value uint64_t iv = 0; _Static_assert(ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN == sizeof(iv), "Bad IV length"); memcpy(&iv, sav->iv, sizeof(iv)); iv++; memcpy(sav->iv, &iv, sizeof(iv)); // Copy the new IV into the nonce and the packet memcpy(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN, &iv, sizeof(iv)); m_copyback(m, ivoff, ivlen, sav->iv); } else { // Use the sequence number in the ESP header to form the // nonce according to RFC 8750. The first 4 bytes are the // salt value, the next 4 bytes are zeroes, and the final // 4 bytes are the ESP sequence number. _Static_assert(4 + sizeof(esp_hdr.esp_seq) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN, "Bad IV length"); memcpy(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN + 4, &esp_hdr.esp_seq, sizeof(esp_hdr.esp_seq)); } rc = chacha20poly1305_setnonce(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, (uint8_t *)nonce); cc_clear(sizeof(nonce), nonce); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_setnonce failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return rc; } // Set Additional Authentication Data (AAD) rc = chacha20poly1305_aad(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, sizeof(esp_hdr), (void *)&esp_hdr); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_aad failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return rc; } // skip headers/IV while (s != NULL && soff < bodyoff) { if (soff + s->m_len > bodyoff) { sn = bodyoff - soff; break; } soff += s->m_len; s = s->m_next; } while (s != NULL && soff < m->m_pkthdr.len) { // skip empty mbufs if ((len = (size_t)(s->m_len - sn)) != 0) { sp = mtod(s, uint8_t *) + sn; rc = chacha20poly1305_encrypt(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, len, sp, sp); if (rc != 0) { m_freem(m); esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_encrypt failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } } sn = 0; soff += s->m_len; s = s->m_next; } if (s == NULL && soff != m->m_pkthdr.len) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly not enough mbufs %d %d, SPI 0x%08x", soff, m->m_pkthdr.len, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EFBIG; } return 0; } int esp_chachapoly_decrypt(struct mbuf *m, // head of mbuf chain size_t off, // offset to ESP header struct secasvar *sav, __unused const struct esp_algorithm *algo, int ivlen) { struct mbuf *s = m; // this mbuf int32_t soff = 0; // offset from the head of mbuf chain (m) to head of this mbuf (s) int32_t sn = 0; // offset from the head of this mbuf (s) to the body uint8_t *sp; // buffer of a given encryption round size_t len; // length of a given encryption round const int32_t ivoff = (int32_t)off + (int32_t)sizeof(struct newesp); // IV offset const int32_t bodyoff = ivoff + ivlen; // body offset int rc = 0; // return code of corecrypto operations struct newesp esp_hdr; // ESP header for AAD _Static_assert(sizeof(esp_hdr) == 8, "Bad size"); uint32_t nonce[ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN / 4]; // ensure 32bit alignment _Static_assert(sizeof(nonce) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN, "Bad nonce length"); esp_chachapoly_ctx_t esp_ccp_ctx; ESP_CHECK_ARG(m); ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); esp_ccp_ctx = (esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc; if (ivlen != (esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv ? 0 : ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN)) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid ivlen %u, SPI 0x%08x", ivlen, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EINVAL; } if (sav->ivlen != ivlen) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid sav->ivlen %u, SPI 0x%08x", sav->ivlen, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EINVAL; } // check if total packet length is enough to contain ESP + IV if (m->m_pkthdr.len < bodyoff) { esp_packet_log_err("ChaChaPoly Packet too short %d < %u, SPI 0x%08x", m->m_pkthdr.len, bodyoff, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EINVAL; } rc = chacha20poly1305_reset(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_reset failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return rc; } m_copydata(m, (int)off, sizeof(esp_hdr), (void *)&esp_hdr); // RFC 7634 dictates that the 12 byte nonce must be // the 4 byte salt followed by the 8 byte IV. memcpy(nonce, esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_salt, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN); if (esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv) { // IV is implicit (4 zero bytes followed by the ESP sequence number) memset(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN, 0, 4); memcpy(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN + 4, &esp_hdr.esp_seq, sizeof(esp_hdr.esp_seq)); _Static_assert(4 + sizeof(esp_hdr.esp_seq) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN, "Bad IV length"); } else { // copy IV from packet m_copydata(m, ivoff, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN, ((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN); } _Static_assert(ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN == sizeof(nonce), "Bad nonce length"); rc = chacha20poly1305_setnonce(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, (uint8_t *)nonce); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_setnonce failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return rc; } cc_clear(sizeof(nonce), nonce); // Set Additional Authentication Data (AAD) rc = chacha20poly1305_aad(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, sizeof(esp_hdr), (void *)&esp_hdr); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_aad failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return rc; } // skip headers/IV while (s != NULL && soff < bodyoff) { if (soff + s->m_len > bodyoff) { sn = bodyoff - soff; break; } soff += s->m_len; s = s->m_next; } while (s != NULL && soff < m->m_pkthdr.len) { // skip empty mbufs if ((len = (size_t)(s->m_len - sn)) != 0) { sp = mtod(s, uint8_t *) + sn; rc = chacha20poly1305_decrypt(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, len, sp, sp); if (rc != 0) { m_freem(m); esp_packet_log_err("chacha20poly1305_decrypt failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } } sn = 0; soff += s->m_len; s = s->m_next; } if (s == NULL && soff != m->m_pkthdr.len) { esp_packet_log_err("not enough mbufs %d %d, SPI 0x%08x", soff, m->m_pkthdr.len, ntohl(sav->spi)); m_freem(m); return EFBIG; } return 0; } int esp_chachapoly_encrypt_data(struct secasvar *sav, uint8_t *input_data, size_t input_data_len, struct newesp *esp_hdr, uint8_t *out_iv, size_t out_ivlen, uint8_t *output_data, size_t output_data_len) { uint32_t nonce[ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN / 4]; // ensure 32bit alignment esp_chachapoly_ctx_t esp_ccp_ctx = NULL; int rc = 0; // return code of corecrypto operations _Static_assert(sizeof(*esp_hdr) == 8, "Bad size"); _Static_assert(sizeof(nonce) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN, "Bad nonce length"); _Static_assert(ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN == sizeof(nonce), "Bad nonce length"); ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); ESP_CHECK_ARG(input_data); ESP_CHECK_ARG(esp_hdr); ESP_CHECK_ARG(output_data); VERIFY(input_data_len != 0); VERIFY(output_data_len >= input_data_len); esp_ccp_ctx = (esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc; ESP_CHECK_ARG(esp_ccp_ctx); rc = chacha20poly1305_reset(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_reset failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } // RFC 7634 dictates that the 12 byte nonce must be // the 4 byte salt followed by the 8 byte IV. memset(nonce, 0, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN); memcpy(nonce, esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_salt, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN); if (!esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv) { // Increment IV and save back new value uint64_t iv = os_atomic_inc(sav->iv, relaxed); _Static_assert(ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN == sizeof(iv), "Bad IV length"); ESP_CHECK_ARG(out_iv); if (__improbable(out_ivlen != ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN)) { cc_clear(sizeof(nonce), nonce); esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid ivlen %zu, SPI 0x%08x", out_ivlen, ntohl(sav->spi)); return EINVAL; } // Copy the new IV into the nonce and the packet memcpy(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN, &iv, sizeof(iv)); memcpy(out_iv, &iv, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN); } else { VERIFY(out_iv == NULL); // Use the sequence number in the ESP header to form the // nonce according to RFC 8750. The first 4 bytes are the // salt value, the next 4 bytes are zeroes, and the final // 4 bytes are the ESP sequence number. _Static_assert(4 + sizeof(esp_hdr->esp_seq) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN, "Bad IV length"); memcpy(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN + 4, &esp_hdr->esp_seq, sizeof(esp_hdr->esp_seq)); } rc = chacha20poly1305_setnonce(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, (uint8_t *)nonce); cc_clear(sizeof(nonce), nonce); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_setnonce failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } // Set Additional Authentication Data (AAD) rc = chacha20poly1305_aad(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, sizeof(*esp_hdr), (void *)esp_hdr); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_aad failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } rc = chacha20poly1305_encrypt(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, input_data_len, input_data, output_data); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_encrypt failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } return 0; } int esp_chachapoly_decrypt_data(struct secasvar *sav, uint8_t *input_data, size_t input_data_len, struct newesp *esp_hdr, uint8_t *iv, size_t ivlen, uint8_t *output_data, size_t output_data_len) { uint32_t nonce[ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN / 4]; // ensure 32bit alignment esp_chachapoly_ctx_t esp_ccp_ctx = NULL; int rc = 0; // return code of corecrypto operations _Static_assert(sizeof(nonce) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_NONCE_LEN, "Bad nonce length"); _Static_assert(sizeof(*esp_hdr) == 8, "Bad size"); ESP_CHECK_ARG(sav); ESP_CHECK_ARG(input_data); ESP_CHECK_ARG(esp_hdr); ESP_CHECK_ARG(output_data); VERIFY(input_data_len > 0); VERIFY(output_data_len >= input_data_len); esp_ccp_ctx = (esp_chachapoly_ctx_t)sav->sched_enc; rc = chacha20poly1305_reset(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_reset failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } // RFC 7634 dictates that the 12 byte nonce must be // the 4 byte salt followed by the 8 byte IV. memcpy(nonce, esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_salt, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN); if (esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_implicit_iv) { VERIFY(iv == NULL); VERIFY(ivlen == 0); // IV is implicit (4 zero bytes followed by the ESP sequence number) memset(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN, 0, 4); memcpy(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN + 4, &esp_hdr->esp_seq, sizeof(esp_hdr->esp_seq)); _Static_assert(4 + sizeof(esp_hdr->esp_seq) == ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN, "Bad IV length"); } else { // copy IV from packet if (ivlen != ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly Invalid ivlen %zu, SPI 0x%08x", ivlen, ntohl(sav->spi)); return EINVAL; } memcpy(((uint8_t *)nonce) + ESP_CHACHAPOLY_SALT_LEN, iv, ESP_CHACHAPOLY_IV_LEN); } rc = chacha20poly1305_setnonce(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, (uint8_t *)nonce); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_setnonce failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); cc_clear(sizeof(nonce), nonce); return rc; } cc_clear(sizeof(nonce), nonce); // Set Additional Authentication Data (AAD) rc = chacha20poly1305_aad(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, sizeof(*esp_hdr), (void *)esp_hdr); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("ChaChaPoly chacha20poly1305_aad failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } rc = chacha20poly1305_decrypt(&esp_ccp_ctx->ccp_ctx, input_data_len, input_data, output_data); if (rc != 0) { esp_log_err("chacha20poly1305_decrypt failed %d, SPI 0x%08x", rc, ntohl(sav->spi)); return rc; } return 0; }