/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* IOData.m created by rsulack on Thu 25-Sep-1997 */ #include #include #define IOKIT_ENABLE_SHARED_PTR #include #include #include #include #include #define super OSObject OSDefineMetaClassAndStructorsWithZone(OSData, OSObject, ZC_ZFREE_CLEARMEM) OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsedX86(OSData, 0); // setDeallocFunction OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSData, 1); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSData, 2); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSData, 3); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSData, 4); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSData, 5); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSData, 6); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSData, 7); #define EXTERNAL ((unsigned int) -1) bool OSData::initWithCapacity(unsigned int inCapacity) { struct kalloc_result kr; bool success = true; if (!super::init()) { return false; } /* * OSData use of Z_MAY_COPYINMAP serves 2 purpposes: * * - It makes sure than when it goes to the VM, it uses its own object * rather than the kernel object so that vm_map_copyin() can be used. * * - On Intel, it goes to the VM for any size >= PAGE_SIZE to maintain * old (inefficient) ABI. On arm64 it will use kalloc_data() instead * until the vm_map_copy_t msg_ool_size_small threshold for copies. */ if (inCapacity == 0) { if (capacity) { OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(-(size_t)capacity); /* can't use kfree() as we need to pass Z_MAY_COPYINMAP */ __kheap_realloc(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, data, capacity, 0, Z_VM_TAG_BT(Z_WAITOK_ZERO | Z_FULLSIZE | Z_MAY_COPYINMAP, VM_KERN_MEMORY_LIBKERN), (void *)&this->data); data = nullptr; capacity = 0; } } else if (inCapacity <= capacity) { /* * Nothing to change */ } else { kr = kalloc_ext(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, inCapacity, Z_VM_TAG_BT(Z_WAITOK_ZERO | Z_FULLSIZE | Z_MAY_COPYINMAP, VM_KERN_MEMORY_LIBKERN), (void *)&this->data); if (kr.addr) { size_t delta = 0; data = kr.addr; delta -= capacity; capacity = (uint32_t)MIN(kr.size, UINT32_MAX); delta += capacity; OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(delta); } else { success = false; } } length = 0; capacityIncrement = MAX(16, inCapacity); return success; } bool OSData::initWithBytes(const void *bytes, unsigned int inLength) { if ((inLength && !bytes) || !initWithCapacity(inLength)) { return false; } if (bytes != data) { bcopy(bytes, data, inLength); } length = inLength; return true; } bool OSData::initWithBytesNoCopy(void *bytes, unsigned int inLength) { if (!super::init()) { return false; } length = inLength; capacity = EXTERNAL; data = bytes; return true; } bool OSData::initWithData(const OSData *inData) { return initWithBytes(inData->data, inData->length); } bool OSData::initWithData(const OSData *inData, unsigned int start, unsigned int inLength) { const void *localData = inData->getBytesNoCopy(start, inLength); if (localData) { return initWithBytes(localData, inLength); } else { return false; } } OSSharedPtr OSData::withCapacity(unsigned int inCapacity) { OSSharedPtr me = OSMakeShared(); if (me && !me->initWithCapacity(inCapacity)) { return nullptr; } return me; } OSSharedPtr OSData::withBytes(const void *bytes, unsigned int inLength) { OSSharedPtr me = OSMakeShared(); if (me && !me->initWithBytes(bytes, inLength)) { return nullptr; } return me; } OSSharedPtr OSData::withBytesNoCopy(void *bytes, unsigned int inLength) { OSSharedPtr me = OSMakeShared(); if (me && !me->initWithBytesNoCopy(bytes, inLength)) { return nullptr; } return me; } OSSharedPtr OSData::withData(const OSData *inData) { OSSharedPtr me = OSMakeShared(); if (me && !me->initWithData(inData)) { return nullptr; } return me; } OSSharedPtr OSData::withData(const OSData *inData, unsigned int start, unsigned int inLength) { OSSharedPtr me = OSMakeShared(); if (me && !me->initWithData(inData, start, inLength)) { return nullptr; } return me; } void OSData::free() { if ((capacity != EXTERNAL) && data && capacity) { /* can't use kfree() as we need to pass Z_MAY_COPYINMAP */ __kheap_realloc(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, data, capacity, 0, Z_VM_TAG_BT(Z_WAITOK_ZERO | Z_FULLSIZE | Z_MAY_COPYINMAP, VM_KERN_MEMORY_LIBKERN), (void *)&this->data); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE( -((size_t)capacity)); } else if (capacity == EXTERNAL) { DeallocFunction freemem = reserved ? reserved->deallocFunction : NULL; if (freemem && data && length) { freemem(data, length); } } if (reserved) { kfree_type(ExpansionData, reserved); } super::free(); } unsigned int OSData::getLength() const { return length; } unsigned int OSData::getCapacity() const { return capacity; } unsigned int OSData::getCapacityIncrement() const { return capacityIncrement; } unsigned int OSData::setCapacityIncrement(unsigned increment) { return capacityIncrement = increment; } // xx-review: does not check for capacity == EXTERNAL unsigned int OSData::ensureCapacity(unsigned int newCapacity) { struct kalloc_result kr; unsigned int finalCapacity; if (newCapacity <= capacity) { return capacity; } finalCapacity = (((newCapacity - 1) / capacityIncrement) + 1) * capacityIncrement; // integer overflow check if (finalCapacity < newCapacity) { return capacity; } kr = krealloc_ext((void *)KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, data, capacity, finalCapacity, Z_VM_TAG_BT(Z_WAITOK_ZERO | Z_FULLSIZE | Z_MAY_COPYINMAP, VM_KERN_MEMORY_LIBKERN), (void *)&this->data); if (kr.addr) { size_t delta = 0; data = kr.addr; delta -= capacity; capacity = (uint32_t)MIN(kr.size, UINT32_MAX); delta += capacity; OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(delta); } return capacity; } bool OSData::clipForCopyout() { unsigned int newCapacity = (uint32_t)round_page(length); __assert_only struct kalloc_result kr; /* * OSData allocations are atomic, which means that if copyoutkdata() * is used on them, and that there are fully unused pages at the end * of the OSData buffer, then vm_map_copyin() will try to clip the VM * entry which will panic. * * In order to avoid this, trim down the unused pages. * * We know this operation never fails and keeps the allocation * address stable. */ if (length >= msg_ool_size_small && newCapacity < capacity) { kr = krealloc_ext((void *)KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, data, capacity, newCapacity, Z_VM_TAG_BT(Z_WAITOK_ZERO | Z_FULLSIZE | Z_MAY_COPYINMAP, VM_KERN_MEMORY_LIBKERN), (void *)&this->data); assert(kr.addr == data); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(((size_t)newCapacity) - ((size_t)capacity)); capacity = newCapacity; } return true; } bool OSData::appendBytes(const void *bytes, unsigned int inLength) { unsigned int newSize; if (!inLength) { return true; } if (capacity == EXTERNAL) { return false; } if (os_add_overflow(length, inLength, &newSize)) { return false; } if ((newSize > capacity) && newSize > ensureCapacity(newSize)) { return false; } if (bytes) { bcopy(bytes, &((unsigned char *)data)[length], inLength); } else { bzero(&((unsigned char *)data)[length], inLength); } length = newSize; return true; } bool OSData::appendByte(unsigned char byte, unsigned int inLength) { unsigned int newSize; if (!inLength) { return true; } if (capacity == EXTERNAL) { return false; } if (os_add_overflow(length, inLength, &newSize)) { return false; } if ((newSize > capacity) && newSize > ensureCapacity(newSize)) { return false; } memset(&((unsigned char *)data)[length], byte, inLength); length = newSize; return true; } bool OSData::appendBytes(const OSData *other) { return appendBytes(other->data, other->length); } const void * OSData::getBytesNoCopy() const { if (!length) { return NULL; } else { return data; } } const void * OSData::getBytesNoCopy(unsigned int start, unsigned int inLength) const { const void *outData = NULL; if (length && start < length && (start + inLength) >= inLength // overflow check && (start + inLength) <= length) { outData = (const void *) ((char *) data + start); } return outData; } bool OSData::isEqualTo(const OSData *aData) const { unsigned int len; len = aData->length; if (length != len) { return false; } return isEqualTo(aData->data, len); } bool OSData::isEqualTo(const void *someData, unsigned int inLength) const { return (length >= inLength) && (bcmp(data, someData, inLength) == 0); } bool OSData::isEqualTo(const OSMetaClassBase *obj) const { OSData * otherData; OSString * str; if ((otherData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, obj))) { return isEqualTo(otherData); } else if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj))) { return isEqualTo(str); } else { return false; } } bool OSData::isEqualTo(const OSString *obj) const { const char * aCString; char * dataPtr; unsigned int checkLen = length; unsigned int stringLen; if (!obj) { return false; } stringLen = obj->getLength(); dataPtr = (char *)data; if (stringLen != checkLen) { // check for the fact that OSData may be a buffer that // that includes a termination byte and will thus have // a length of the actual string length PLUS 1. In this // case we verify that the additional byte is a terminator // and if so count the two lengths as being the same. if ((checkLen - stringLen) == 1) { if (dataPtr[checkLen - 1] != 0) { // non-zero means not a terminator and thus not likely the same return false; } checkLen--; } else { return false; } } aCString = obj->getCStringNoCopy(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < checkLen; i++) { if (*dataPtr++ != aCString[i]) { return false; } } return true; } //this was taken from CFPropertyList.c static const char __CFPLDataEncodeTable[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; bool OSData::serialize(OSSerialize *s) const { unsigned int i; const unsigned char *p; unsigned char c; unsigned int serializeLength; if (s->previouslySerialized(this)) { return true; } if (!s->addXMLStartTag(this, "data")) { return false; } serializeLength = length; if (reserved && reserved->disableSerialization) { serializeLength = 0; } for (i = 0, p = (unsigned char *)data; i < serializeLength; i++, p++) { /* 3 bytes are encoded as 4 */ switch (i % 3) { case 0: c = __CFPLDataEncodeTable[((p[0] >> 2) & 0x3f)]; if (!s->addChar(c)) { return false; } break; case 1: c = __CFPLDataEncodeTable[((((p[-1] << 8) | p[0]) >> 4) & 0x3f)]; if (!s->addChar(c)) { return false; } break; case 2: c = __CFPLDataEncodeTable[((((p[-1] << 8) | p[0]) >> 6) & 0x3f)]; if (!s->addChar(c)) { return false; } c = __CFPLDataEncodeTable[(p[0] & 0x3f)]; if (!s->addChar(c)) { return false; } break; } } switch (i % 3) { case 0: break; case 1: c = __CFPLDataEncodeTable[((p[-1] << 4) & 0x30)]; if (!s->addChar(c)) { return false; } if (!s->addChar('=')) { return false; } if (!s->addChar('=')) { return false; } break; case 2: c = __CFPLDataEncodeTable[((p[-1] << 2) & 0x3c)]; if (!s->addChar(c)) { return false; } if (!s->addChar('=')) { return false; } break; } return s->addXMLEndTag("data"); } void OSData::setDeallocFunction(DeallocFunction func) { if (!reserved) { reserved = (typeof(reserved))kalloc_type(ExpansionData, (zalloc_flags_t)(Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO)); if (!reserved) { return; } } reserved->deallocFunction = func; } void OSData::setSerializable(bool serializable) { if (!reserved) { reserved = (typeof(reserved))kalloc_type(ExpansionData, (zalloc_flags_t)(Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO)); if (!reserved) { return; } } reserved->disableSerialization = (!serializable); } bool OSData::isSerializable(void) { return !reserved || !reserved->disableSerialization; }