/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _NET_MULTI_LAYER_PKT_LOG_H_ #define _NET_MULTI_LAYER_PKT_LOG_H_ #include /* * Bump this version whenever the format of a log is modified */ #define MPKL_VERSION 1 /* * Protocol ID, use to track inter-layer transitions and direction of data flow. * Watch transport physical layer has lowest numeric value, increases to the highest layer in the system. * Direction is to physical layer, or away from physical layer. * */ #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_PHYSICAL ((uint8_t)0) /* (OTA/serial-port/etc..) */ #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_BT ((uint8_t)20) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_WIFI ((uint8_t)30) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_CELLULAR ((uint8_t)40) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_TERMINUS ((uint8_t)60) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_IPSEC ((uint8_t)80) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_TCP ((uint8_t)100) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_IDS ((uint8_t)120) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_LIBNETCORE ((uint8_t)140) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_CFNETWORK ((uint8_t)160) #define MPKL_PROTOCOL_REMOTE_CONNECTION ((uint8_t)200) #define MPKL_TOPMOST_LAYER ((uint8_t)255) /* Top-most layer */ /*! * @macro MPKL_CREATE_LOGOBJECT * @discussion Creates a log object with input category name for the transportpacketlog subsystem * * @param Name string name of os_log_t category * * @return os_log_t object * */ #define MPKL_CREATE_LOGOBJECT(Name) os_log_create("com.apple.magnetpacketlog", Name) /* * Cross-layer association APIs * */ /*! * @macro MPKL_UUID_UUID_ASSOCIATE_PREV * @discussion Associate current layer's packet UUID to previous layer's packet UUID, data is flowing into the current layer * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of previous layer being associated * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Current layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param PREV_UUID uuid_t Previous layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param CUR_LEN uint16_t Current layer packet length * @param LOG_SEQ uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_UUID_UUID_ASSOCIATE_PREV(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, PREV_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "1 {curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, curUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, prevUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curPktLen: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, PREV_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_UUID_UUID_ASSOCIATE_NEXT * @discussion Associate current layer's packet UUID to next layer's packet UUID, data is flowing out of the current layer * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of next layer being associated * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Current layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param NEXT_UUID uuid_t Next layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param CUR_LEN uint16_t Current layer packet length * @param LOG_SEQ uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_UUID_UUID_ASSOCIATE_NEXT(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, NEXT_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "2 {curProtocol: %hhu, nextProtocol: %hhu, curUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, nextUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curPktLen: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, NEXT_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_SEQRANGE_UUID_ASSOCIATE * @discussion Associate previous layer's byte sequence range (start/end) to current layer's packet UUID * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param PREV_RANGE_START uint32_t Previous layer byte sequence range start * @param PREV_RANGE_END uint32_t Previous layer byte sequence range end * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Other layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param CUR_LEN uint16_t Current layer packet length * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_SEQRANGE_UUID_ASSOCIATE(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "3 {curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, prevStart: %u, prevEnd: %u, curUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curPktLen: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_UUID_SEQRANGE_ASSOCIATE * @discussion Associate previous layer's packet UUID to current layer's byte sequence range (start/end) * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param PREV_UUID uuid_t Previous layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param CUR_RANGE_START uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range start * @param CUR_RANGE_END uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range end * @param PREV_LEN uint16_t PRevious layer message length * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_UUID_SEQRANGE_ASSOCIATE(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_UUID, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, PREV_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "4 {curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, prevUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curStart: %u, curEnd: %u, prevPktLen: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_UUID, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, PREV_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_BUNDLEID_UUID_ASSOCIATE * @discussion Associate previous layer's packet BUNDLEID to current layer's UUID * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param PREV_BUNDLE_ID NSString BundleID of previous layer * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Current layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param CUR_LEN uint32_t Current layer packet length * @param LOG_SEQ uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_BUNDLEID_UUID_ASSOCIATE(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_BUNDLE_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "5 {curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, prevBundleID: %@, curUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curPktLen: %u, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_BUNDLE_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_SEQRANGE_UUID_ASSOCIATE_W_BUNDLEID * @discussion Associate previous layer's packet byte sequence range to to current layer's UUID and client's bundle id * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param PREV_RANGE_START uint32_t Previous layer byte sequence range start * @param PREV_RANGE_END uint32_t Previous layer byte sequence range end * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Current layer 16-byte UUID of packet * @param PREV_BUNDLE_ID NSString BundleID of previous layer * @param CUR_LEN uint16_t Current layer packet length * @param LOG_SEQ uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_SEQRANGE_UUID_ASSOCIATE_W_BUNDLEID(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, CUR_UUID, CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "6 {curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, prevStart: %u, prevEnd: %u, curUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curBundleID: %@, curPktLen: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, CUR_UUID, CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_SEQN_UUID_ASSOCIATE_PREV * @discussion Associate current layer's packet unique protocol sequenceNumber to another layer's message UUID * Support fragmentation and re-assembly (for layers like BT), map byte-sequence range (2 byte) of current and other layer data * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param PREV_UUID uuid_t Other layer 16-byte UUID of message * @param PREV_RANGE_START uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range start * @param PREV_RANGE_END uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range end * @param PREV_LEN uint16_t PRevious layer message length * @param CUR_SEQ_N uint16_t Current layer message length * @param CUR_RANGE_START uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range start * @param CUR_RANGE_END uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range end * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_SEQN_UUID_ASSOCIATE_PREV(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_UUID, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, PREV_LEN, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "7 {Send, curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, prevUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, prevStart: %hu, prevEnd: %hu, prevPktLen %hu, curSeqN: %hu, curStart: %hu, curEnd: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_UUID, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, PREV_LEN, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_SEQN_UUID_ASSOCIATE_NEXT * @discussion Associate current layer's packet unique protocol sequenceNumber to another layer's message UUID * Support fragmentation and re-assembly (for layers like BT), map byte-sequence range (2 byte) of current and other layer data * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param NEXT_UUID uuid_t Other layer 16-byte UUID of message * @param NEXT_RANGE_START uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range start * @param NEXT_RANGE_END uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range end * @param NEXT_LEN uint16_t Current layer message length * @param CUR_SEQ_N uint16_t Current layer message length * @param CUR_RANGE_START uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range start * @param CUR_RANGE_END uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range end * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_SEQN_UUID_ASSOCIATE_NEXT(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_UUID, NEXT_RANGE_START, NEXT_RANGE_END, NEXT_LEN, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "8 {Receive, curProtocol: %hhu, nextProtocol: %hhu, nextUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, nextStart: %hu, nextEnd: %hu, nextPktLen %hu, curSeqN: %hu, curStart: %hu, curEnd: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_UUID, NEXT_RANGE_START, NEXT_RANGE_END, NEXT_LEN, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) /* * APIs to indicate transitioning of messages; example in/out of a layer */ /*! * @macro MPKL_UUID_NEXT * @discussion Log the transition of current layer's message with UUID to next layer * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of next layer * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Current layer 16-byte UUID of message * @param CUR_LEN uint32_t Current layer message length * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_UUID_NEXT(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "9 {curProtocol: %hhu, nextProtocol: %hhu, curUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curPktLen: %u, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_SEQRANGE_NEXT * @discussion Log the transition of current layer's message with UUID to next layer * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of next layer * @param CUR_RANGE_START uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range start * @param CUR_RANGE_END uint16_t Current layer byte sequence range end * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_SEQRANGE_NEXT(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "10 {curProtocol: %hhu, nextProtocol: %hhu, curUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, curPktLen: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_UUID_PREV * @discussion Log the transition of previous layer's message with UUID to current layer * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param PREV_UUID uuid_t Previous layer 16-byte UUID of message * @param PREV_LEN uint16_t Previous layer message length * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_UUID_PREV(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_UUID, PREV_LEN, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "11 {curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, prevUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, prevPktLen: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_UUID, PREV_LEN, LOG_SEQN) /* * APIs to indicate a Task Start/End */ /*! * @macro MPKL_TASK_START * @discussion Log the start of a task * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID NSString bundleID of the client * @param TASK_UUID uuid_t 16-byte UUID of NSURL task * @param CONN_UUID uuid_t 16-byte UUID of associated libnetcore connection * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_TASK_START(LOGOBJECT, CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID, TASK_UUID, CONN_UUID, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "12 {startBundleID: %@, taskUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, connUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, logSeqn: %hhu}", CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID, TASK_UUID, CONN_UUID, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_TASK_START * @discussion Log the end of a task * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID NSString bundleID of the client * @param TASK_UUID uuid_t 16-byte UUID of NSURL task * @param CONN_UUID uuid_t 16-byte UUID of associated libnetcore connection * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_TASK_END(LOGOBJECT, CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID, TASK_UUID, CONN_UUID, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "13 {endBundleID: %@, taskUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, connUUID: %{public,uuid_t}.16P, logSeqn: %hhu}", CLIENT_BUNDLE_ID, TASK_UUID, CONN_UUID, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_SEQN_INCOMPLETE_PREV * @discussion An incomplete packet was sent with a given protocol sequence number and couldn't be associated to another protocol. * The incomplete packet is saved, its byte sequence range is logged and it is associated once more data arrives. * */ #define MPKL_SEQN_INCOMPLETE_PREV(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "14 {Send Incomplete. curProtocol: %hhu, prevProtocol: %hhu, curSeqN: %hu, curStart: %hu, curEnd: %hu, prevStart: %hu, prevEnd: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, PREV_RANGE_START, PREV_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_SEQN_INCOMPLETE_NEXT * @discussion An incomplete packet was sent with a given protocol sequence number and couldn't be associated to another protocol. * The incomplete packet is saved, its byte sequence range is logged and it is associated once more data arrives. * */ #define MPKL_SEQN_INCOMPLETE_NEXT(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, NEXT_RANGE_START, NEXT_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "15 {Receive Incomplete. curProtocol: %hhu, nextProtocol: %hhu, curSeqN: %hu, curStart: %hu, curEnd: %hu, nextStart: %hu, nextEnd: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_SEQ_N, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, NEXT_RANGE_START, NEXT_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) #ifdef KERNEL /*! * @macro MPKL_TCP_SEND * @discussion Associate data sent by a process with a TCP connection * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param PREV_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t Protocol identifier passed by the process (may be 0) * @param PREV_UUID uuid_t UUID passed by the process (may be null UUID) * @param LOCAL_PORT uint16_t Local port of the TCP connection * @param REMOTE_PORT uint16_t Remote port of the TCP connection * @param TCP_SEQ uint32_t TCP sequence number of the first byte of the data being sent by the process * @param TCP_LEN uint32_t Length of the data * @param PID uint16_t pid of the process using the TCP connection * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_TCP_SEND(LOGOBJECT, PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, PREV_UUID, LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, TCP_LEN, PID, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log_with_type(LOGOBJECT, net_mpklog_type, \ "16 {curProtocol: 100, prevProtocol: %hhu, " \ "prevUUID: " \ "%02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X, " \ "localPort: %hu, remotePort: %hu, tcpSeq: %u, length: %u, " \ "pid: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", \ PREV_PROTOCOL_ID, \ PREV_UUID[0], PREV_UUID[1], PREV_UUID[2], PREV_UUID[3], PREV_UUID[4], PREV_UUID[5], PREV_UUID[6], PREV_UUID[7], \ PREV_UUID[8], PREV_UUID[9], PREV_UUID[10], PREV_UUID[11], PREV_UUID[12], PREV_UUID[13], PREV_UUID[14], PREV_UUID[15], \ LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, TCP_LEN, \ (uint16_t)PID, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_TCP_INPUT * @discussion Associate TCP segment being with a packet received to a TCP connection * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LOCAL_PORT uint16_t Local port in the TCP header of the segment * @param REMOTE_PORT uint16_t Remote port in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_SEQ uint32_t Sequence number in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_ACK uint32_t Acknowledgement number in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_LEN uint16_t Length in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_FLAGS uint8_t Flags of the TCP header of the segment * @param PID uint16_t pid of the process using the TCP connection * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_TCP_INPUT(LOGOBJECT, LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, TCP_ACK, TCP_LEN, TCP_FLAGS, PID, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log_with_type(LOGOBJECT, net_mpklog_type, \ "17 {curProtocol: 100, prevProtocol: 80, " \ "localPort: %hu, remotePort: %hu, tcpSeq: %u, tcpAck: %u, tcpLen: %hu, tcpFlags: 0x%02x, " \ "pid: %hu, logSeqn: %hhu}", \ LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, TCP_ACK, (uint16_t)TCP_LEN, TCP_FLAGS, \ (uint16_t)PID, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_ESP_OUTPUT_TCP * @discussion Associate a packet with a TCP segment being sent to an ESP packet * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param SPI uint32_t SPI field in the ESP header * @param ESP_SEQ uint32_t Sequence number field in the ESP header * @param LOCAL_PORT uint16_t Local port of the TCP connection * @param REMOTE_PORT uint16_t Remote port of the TCP connection * @param TCP_SEQ uint32_t Sequence number in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_ACK uint32_t Acknowledgement number in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_LEN uint16_t Length in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_FLAGS uint8_t Flags of the TCP header of the segment */ #define MPKL_ESP_OUTPUT_TCP(LOGOBJECT, SPI, ESP_SEQ, LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, TCP_ACK, TCP_LEN, TCP_FLAGS) \ os_log_with_type(LOGOBJECT, (os_log_type_t)net_mpklog_type, \ "18 {curProtocol: 80, spi: 0x%X, espSeq: %u, PayloadProtocol: 100, " \ "localPort: %hu, remotePort: %hu, tcpSeq: %u, tcpAck: %u, tcpLen: %hu, tcpFlags: 0x%02x}", \ SPI, ESP_SEQ, \ LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, TCP_ACK, (uint16_t)TCP_LEN, TCP_FLAGS) /*! * @macro MPKL_ESP_INPUT_TCP * @discussion Associate an ESP packet for TCP to the TCP segment * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param SPI uint32_t SPI field in the ESP header * @param ESP_SEQ uint32_t Sequence number field in the ESP header * @param LOCAL_PORT uint16_t Local port of the TCP connection * @param REMOTE_PORT uint16_t Remote port of the TCP connection * @param TCP_SEQ uint32_t Sequence number in the TCP header of the segment * @param TCP_LEN uint16_t Length in the TCP header of the segment */ #define MPKL_ESP_INPUT_TCP(LOGOBJECT, SPI, ESP_SEQ, LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, TCP_LEN) \ os_log_with_type(LOGOBJECT, (os_log_type_t)net_mpklog_type, \ "19 {curProtocol: 80 spi: 0x%X, espSeq: %u, PayloadProtocol: 100, " \ "localPort: %hu, remotePort: %hu, tcpSeq: %u, tcpLen: %hu}", \ SPI, ESP_SEQ, \ LOCAL_PORT, REMOTE_PORT, TCP_SEQ, (uint16_t)TCP_LEN) #endif /* KERNEL */ /*! * @macro MPKL_BYTERANGE_UUID_ASSOCIATE * @discussion Associate current layer's byte range (start/end) to current layer's UUID * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of other layer being associated * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Current layer 16-byte UUID of endpoint handler * @param CUR_RANGE_START uint64_t Current layer byte range start * @param CUR_RANGE_END uint64_t Current layer byte range end * @param LOG_SEQN uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_BYTERANGE_UUID_ASSOCIATE(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "32 {curProtocol: %hhu, nextProtocol: %hhu, curUUID: %{public}.16P, curStart: %llu, curEnd: %llu, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, CUR_RANGE_START, CUR_RANGE_END, LOG_SEQN) /*! * @macro MPKL_UUID_ONLY_ASSOCIATE_NEXT * @discussion Associate current layer's UUID to next layer's UUID * * @param LOGOBJECT os_log_t object to write data into * @param LABEL string optional layer-specific label for readability/debugability, this is ignored by the parser. Can not contain {} * @param CUR_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of current layer from MPKL_PROTOCOL_XXX defines above * @param NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID uint8_t ID of next layer being associated * @param CUR_UUID uuid_t Current layer 16-byte UUID * @param NEXT_UUID uuid_t Next layer 16-byte UUID * @param LOG_SEQ uint8_t Incrementing sequence number to detect logging system drop of messages */ #define MPKL_UUID_ONLY_ASSOCIATE_NEXT(LOGOBJECT, CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, NEXT_UUID, LOG_SEQN) \ os_log(LOGOBJECT, "33 {curProtocol: %hhu, nextProtocol: %hhu, curUUID: %{public}.16P, nextUUID: %{public}.16P, logSeqn: %hhu}", CUR_PROTOCOL_ID, NEXT_PROTOCOL_ID, CUR_UUID, NEXT_UUID, LOG_SEQN) #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE extern int net_mpklog_enabled; extern uint8_t net_mpklog_type; #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* _NET_MULTI_LAYER_PKT_LOG_H_ */