/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef __NTSTAT_H__ #define __NTSTAT_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PRIVATE #pragma mark -- Common Data Structures -- #define __NSTAT_REVISION__ 9 typedef u_int32_t nstat_provider_id_t; typedef u_int64_t nstat_src_ref_t; typedef u_int64_t nstat_event_flags_t; // The following event definitions are very provisional.. enum{ NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_ADDED = 0x00000001 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_REMOVED = 0x00000002 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_QUERIED = 0x00000004 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_QUERIED_ALL = 0x00000008 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_WILL_CHANGE_STATE = 0x00000010 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_DID_CHANGE_STATE = 0x00000020 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_WILL_CHANGE_OWNER = 0x00000040 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_DID_CHANGE_OWNER = 0x00000080 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_WILL_CHANGE_PROPERTY = 0x00000100 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_DID_CHANGE_PROPERTY = 0x00000200 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_ENTER_CELLFALLBACK = 0x00000400 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_EXIT_CELLFALLBACK = 0x00000800 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_FLOW_STATE_LISTEN = 0x00001000 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_FLOW_STATE_OUTBOUND = 0x00002000 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_FLOW_UUID_ASSIGNED = 0x00004000 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_FLOW_UUID_CHANGED = 0x00008000 , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_ATTRIBUTION_CHANGE = 0x00010000 #if (DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT) , NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_RESERVED_2 = 0x00020000 #endif /* (DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT) */ }; typedef struct nstat_counts { /* Counters */ u_int64_t nstat_rxpackets __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_rxbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_txpackets __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_txbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_cell_rxbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_cell_txbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_wifi_rxbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_wifi_txbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_wired_rxbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t nstat_wired_txbytes __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int32_t nstat_rxduplicatebytes; u_int32_t nstat_rxoutoforderbytes; u_int32_t nstat_txretransmit; u_int32_t nstat_connectattempts; u_int32_t nstat_connectsuccesses; u_int32_t nstat_min_rtt; u_int32_t nstat_avg_rtt; u_int32_t nstat_var_rtt; } nstat_counts; #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEYVAL_STRING_MAXSIZE 24 typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_keyval { u_int32_t nstat_sysinfo_key; u_int32_t nstat_sysinfo_flags; union { int64_t nstat_sysinfo_scalar; double nstat_sysinfo_distribution; u_int8_t nstat_sysinfo_string[NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEYVAL_STRING_MAXSIZE]; } u; u_int32_t nstat_sysinfo_valsize; u_int8_t reserved[4]; } nstat_sysinfo_keyval; #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_FLAG_SCALAR 0x0001 #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_FLAG_DISTRIBUTION 0x0002 #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_FLAG_STRING 0x0004 #define NSTAT_MAX_MSG_SIZE 4096 typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_counts { /* Counters */ u_int32_t nstat_sysinfo_len; u_int32_t pad; u_int8_t nstat_sysinfo_keyvals[]; } nstat_sysinfo_counts; enum{ NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_MBUF_256B_TOTAL = 1 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_MBUF_2KB_TOTAL = 2 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_MBUF_4KB_TOTAL = 3 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_SOCK_MBCNT = 4 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_SOCK_ATMBLIMIT = 5 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_IPV4_AVGRTT = 6 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_IPV6_AVGRTT = 7 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_SEND_PLR = 8 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_RECV_PLR = 9 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_SEND_TLRTO = 10 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_SEND_REORDERRATE = 11 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS = 12 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_CONNECTION_ACCEPTS = 13 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CLIENT_SETUP = 14 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_SERVER_SETUP = 15 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CLIENT_SUCCESS = 16 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_SERVER_SUCCESS = 17 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_NOT_SUPPORTED = 18 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_LOST_SYN = 19 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_LOST_SYNACK = 20 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_RECV_CE = 21 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_RECV_ECE = 22 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_SENT_ECE = 23 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CONN_RECV_CE = 24 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CONN_PLNOCE = 25 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CONN_PL_CE = 26 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CONN_NOPL_CE = 27 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MBUF_16KB_TOTAL = 28 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CLIENT_ENABLED = 29 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_SERVER_ENABLED = 30 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_CONN_RECV_ECE = 31 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MBUF_MEM_RELEASED = 32 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MBUF_DRAIN_CNT = 33 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_SYN_DATA_RCV = 34 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_COOKIE_REQ_RCV = 35 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_COOKIE_SENT = 36 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_COOKIE_INVALID = 37 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_COOKIE_REQ = 38 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_COOKIE_RCV = 39 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_SYN_DATA_SENT = 40 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_SYN_DATA_ACKED = 41 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_SYN_LOSS = 42 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_BLACKHOLE = 43 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_FALLBACK_SYNLOSS = 44 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_FALLBACK_REORDER = 45 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_FALLBACK_CE = 46 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_TYPE = 47 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_PROTO = 48 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_CLIENT_SETUP = 49 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_SERVER_SETUP = 50 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_CLIENT_SUCCESS = 51 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_SERVER_SUCCESS = 52 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_PEER_NOSUPPORT = 53 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_SYN_LOST = 54 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_SYNACK_LOST = 55 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_RECV_CE = 56 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_RECV_ECE = 57 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_SENT_ECE = 58 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_CONN_RECV_CE = 59 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_CONN_RECV_ECE = 60 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_CONN_PLNOCE = 61 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_CONN_PLCE = 62 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_CONN_NOPLCE = 63 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_FALLBACK_SYNLOSS = 64 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_FALLBACK_REORDER = 65 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_FALLBACK_CE = 66 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_RTT_AVG = 67 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_RTT_VAR = 68 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_OOPERCENT = 69 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_SACK_EPISODE = 70 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_REORDER_PERCENT = 71 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_RXMIT_PERCENT = 72 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_RXMIT_DROP = 73 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_RTT_AVG = 74 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_RTT_VAR = 75 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_OOPERCENT = 76 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_SACK_EPISODE = 77 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_REORDER_PERCENT = 78 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_RXMIT_PERCENT = 79 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_RXMIT_DROP = 80 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_TOTAL_TXPKTS = 81 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_TOTAL_RXMTPKTS = 82 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_TOTAL_RXPKTS = 83 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_TOTAL_OOPKTS = 84 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_ON_DROP_RST = 85 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_TOTAL_TXPKTS = 86 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_TOTAL_RXMTPKTS = 87 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_TOTAL_RXPKTS = 88 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_TOTAL_OOPKTS = 89 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_OFF_DROP_RST = 90 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_TOTAL_CONN = 91 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_COOKIE_WRONG = 92 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_NO_COOKIE_RCV = 93 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_HEURISTICS_DISABLE = 94 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_TFO_SEND_BLACKHOLE = 95 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEY_SOCK_MBFLOOR = 96 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_IFNET_UNSENT_DATA = 97 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_FALLBACK_DROPRST = 98 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_FALLBACK_DROPRXMT = 99 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_SIGNATURE = 100 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_DL_MAX_BANDWIDTH = 101 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_UL_MAX_BANDWIDTH = 102 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_PACKET_LOSS_PERCENT = 103 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_PACKET_OOO_PERCENT = 104 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_RTT_VARIANCE = 105 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_RTT_MIN = 106 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_RTT_AVG = 107 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_CONN_TIMEOUT_PERCENT = 108 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_DL_DETECTED = 109 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_UL_DETECTED = 110 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_IFNET_TYPE = 111 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IF_FLTR_ATTACH = 112 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IF_FLTR_ATTACH_OS = 113 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IP_FLTR_ADD = 114 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IP_FLTR_ADD_OS = 115 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_FLTR_ATTACH = 116 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_FLTR_ATTACH_OS = 117 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_ALLOC_TOTAL = 118 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_ALLOC_KERNEL = 119 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_ALLOC_KERNEL_OS = 120 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_NECP_CLIENTUUID = 121 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_LOCAL = 122 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_ROUTE = 123 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_INET = 124 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_INET6 = 125 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_SYSTEM = 126 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_MULTIPATH = 127 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_KEY = 128 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_NDRV = 129 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_DOMAIN_OTHER = 130 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET_STREAM= 131 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET_DGRAM = 132 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET_DGRAM_CONNECTED = 133 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET_DGRAM_DNS = 134 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET_DGRAM_NO_DATA = 135 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_STREAM= 136 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_DGRAM = 137 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_DGRAM_CONNECTED = 138 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_DGRAM_DNS = 139 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_DGRAM_NO_DATA = 140 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET_MCAST_JOIN = 141 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET_MCAST_JOIN_OS = 142 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_STREAM_EXTHDR_IN = 143 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_STREAM_EXTHDR_OUT = 144 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_DGRAM_EXTHDR_IN = 145 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_SOCK_INET6_DGRAM_EXTHDR_OUT = 146 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_NEXUS_FLOW_INET_STREAM = 147 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_NEXUS_FLOW_INET_DATAGRAM = 148 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_NEXUS_FLOW_INET6_STREAM = 149 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_NEXUS_FLOW_INET6_DATAGRAM = 150 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IFNET_ALLOC = 151 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IFNET_ALLOC_OS = 152 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_PF_ADDRULE = 153 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_PF_ADDRULE_OS = 154 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_VMNET_START = 155 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IF_NETAGENT_ENABLED = 156 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_REPORT_INTERVAL = 157 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HANDOVER_ATTEMPT = 158 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_INTERACTIVE_ATTEMPT = 159 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_AGGREGATE_ATTEMPT = 160 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_HANDOVER_ATTEMPT = 161 /* _FP_ stands for first-party */ , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_INTERACTIVE_ATTEMPT = 162 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_AGGREGATE_ATTEMPT = 163 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HEURISTIC_FALLBACK = 164 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_HEURISTIC_FALLBACK = 165 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HANDOVER_SUCCESS_WIFI = 166 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HANDOVER_SUCCESS_CELL = 167 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_INTERACTIVE_SUCCESS = 168 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_AGGREGATE_SUCCESS = 169 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_HANDOVER_SUCCESS_WIFI = 170 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_HANDOVER_SUCCESS_CELL = 171 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_INTERACTIVE_SUCCESS = 172 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_FP_AGGREGATE_SUCCESS = 173 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HANDOVER_CELL_FROM_WIFI = 174 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HANDOVER_WIFI_FROM_CELL = 175 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_INTERACTIVE_CELL_FROM_WIFI = 176 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HANDOVER_CELL_BYTES = 177 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_INTERACTIVE_CELL_BYTES = 178 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_AGGREGATE_CELL_BYTES = 179 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_HANDOVER_ALL_BYTES = 180 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_INTERACTIVE_ALL_BYTES = 181 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_AGGREGATE_ALL_BYTES = 182 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_BACK_TO_WIFI = 183 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_WIFI_PROXY = 184 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_CELL_PROXY = 185 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_ECN_IFNET_FALLBACK_SYNRST = 186 , NSTAT_SYSINFO_MPTCP_TRIGGERED_CELL = 187 // NSTAT_SYSINFO_ENUM_VERSION must be updated any time a value is added #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_ENUM_VERSION 20180416 }; #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_FIRST NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_IF_FLTR_ATTACH #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_LAST NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_REPORT_INTERVAL #pragma mark -- Network Statistics Providers -- // Interface properties #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_UNKNOWN_TYPE 0x0001 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_LOOPBACK 0x0002 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_CELLULAR 0x0004 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_WIFI 0x0008 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_WIRED 0x0010 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_AWDL 0x0020 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_EXPENSIVE 0x0040 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_VPN 0x0080 /* Reserved, currently unused */ #define NSTAT_IFNET_VIA_CELLFALLBACK 0x0100 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_COMPANIONLINK 0x0200 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_CONSTRAINED 0x0400 // The following local and non-local flags are set only if fully known // They are mutually exclusive but there is no guarantee that one or the other will be set #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_LOCAL 0x0800 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_NON_LOCAL 0x1000 // Temporary properties of use for bringing up userland providers #define NSTAT_IFNET_ROUTE_VALUE_UNOBTAINABLE 0x2000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_FLOWSWITCH_VALUE_UNOBTAINABLE 0x4000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_LLW 0x8000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_IS_WIFI_INFRA 0x10000 // Not interface properties, but used for filtering in similar fashion #define NSTAT_NECP_CONN_HAS_NET_ACCESS 0x01000000 // Not interface properties but conveniently handled in the same flags word #define NSTAT_SOURCE_IS_LISTENER 0x02000000 #define NSTAT_SOURCE_IS_INBOUND 0x04000000 #define NSTAT_SOURCE_IS_OUTBOUND 0x08000000 typedef enum { NSTAT_PROVIDER_NONE = 0 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_ROUTE = 1 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_TCP_KERNEL = 2 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_TCP_USERLAND = 3 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_UDP_KERNEL = 4 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_UDP_USERLAND = 5 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_IFNET = 6 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_SYSINFO = 7 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_QUIC_USERLAND = 8 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_CONN_USERLAND = 9 , NSTAT_PROVIDER_UDP_SUBFLOW = 10 } nstat_provider_type_t; #define NSTAT_PROVIDER_LAST NSTAT_PROVIDER_UDP_SUBFLOW #define NSTAT_PROVIDER_COUNT (NSTAT_PROVIDER_LAST+1) typedef struct nstat_route_add_param { union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } dst; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } mask; u_int32_t ifindex; } nstat_route_add_param; typedef struct nstat_tcp_add_param { union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } local; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } remote; } nstat_tcp_add_param; #define NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LENGTH 256 /* As per RFC 2181 for full domain name */ #define NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_OWNER_LENGTH 256 #define NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_TRACKER_CONTEXT 256 #define NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_ATTR_BUNDLE_ID 256 typedef struct nstat_domain_info { char domain_name[NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LENGTH]; char domain_owner[NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_OWNER_LENGTH]; char domain_tracker_ctxt[NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_TRACKER_CONTEXT]; char domain_attributed_bundle_id[NSTAT_MAX_DOMAIN_ATTR_BUNDLE_ID]; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } remote; bool is_tracker; bool is_non_app_initiated; bool is_silent; uint8_t reserved[1]; } nstat_domain_info __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); typedef struct nstat_tcp_descriptor { u_int64_t upid __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t eupid __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t start_timestamp __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t timestamp __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t rx_transfer_size __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t tx_transfer_size __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); activity_bitmap_t activity_bitmap; u_int32_t ifindex; u_int32_t state; u_int32_t sndbufsize; u_int32_t sndbufused; u_int32_t rcvbufsize; u_int32_t rcvbufused; u_int32_t txunacked; u_int32_t txwindow; u_int32_t txcwindow; u_int32_t traffic_class; u_int32_t traffic_mgt_flags; u_int32_t pid; u_int32_t epid; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } local; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } remote; char cc_algo[16]; char pname[64]; uuid_t uuid; uuid_t euuid; uuid_t vuuid; uuid_t fuuid; uid_t persona_id; uid_t uid; union { struct tcp_conn_status connstatus; // On armv7k, tcp_conn_status is 1 byte instead of 4 uint8_t __pad_connstatus[4]; }; uint32_t ifnet_properties __attribute__((aligned(4))); uint8_t fallback_mode; uint8_t reserved[3]; } nstat_tcp_descriptor; typedef struct nstat_tcp_add_param nstat_udp_add_param; typedef struct nstat_udp_descriptor { u_int64_t upid __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t eupid __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t start_timestamp __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t timestamp __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); activity_bitmap_t activity_bitmap; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } local; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; } remote; u_int32_t ifindex; u_int32_t rcvbufsize; u_int32_t rcvbufused; u_int32_t traffic_class; u_int32_t pid; char pname[64]; u_int32_t epid; uuid_t uuid; uuid_t euuid; uuid_t vuuid; uuid_t fuuid; uid_t persona_id; uid_t uid; uint32_t ifnet_properties; uint8_t fallback_mode; uint8_t reserved[3]; } nstat_udp_descriptor; /* * XXX For now just typedef'ing TCP Nstat descriptor to nstat_quic_descriptor * as for now they report very similar data. * Later when we extend the QUIC descriptor we can just declare its own * descriptor struct. */ typedef struct nstat_tcp_add_param nstat_quic_add_param; typedef struct nstat_tcp_descriptor nstat_quic_descriptor; typedef struct nstat_connection_descriptor { u_int64_t start_timestamp __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t timestamp; u_int64_t upid; u_int64_t eupid; u_int32_t pid; u_int32_t epid; u_int32_t ifnet_properties; char pname[64]; uuid_t uuid; /* UUID of the app */ uuid_t euuid; /* Effective UUID */ uuid_t cuuid; /* Connection UUID */ uuid_t puuid; /* Parent UUID */ uuid_t fuuid; /* Flow UUID */ uid_t persona_id; uid_t uid; uint8_t reserved[4]; } nstat_connection_descriptor; typedef struct nstat_route_descriptor { u_int64_t id __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t parent_id __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int64_t gateway_id __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; struct sockaddr sa; } dst; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; struct sockaddr sa; } mask; union{ struct sockaddr_in v4; struct sockaddr_in6 v6; struct sockaddr sa; } gateway; u_int32_t ifindex; u_int32_t flags; u_int8_t reserved[4]; } nstat_route_descriptor; typedef struct nstat_ifnet_add_param { u_int64_t threshold __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int32_t ifindex; u_int8_t reserved[4]; } nstat_ifnet_add_param; typedef struct nstat_ifnet_desc_cellular_status { u_int32_t valid_bitmask; /* indicates which fields are valid */ #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_LINK_QUALITY_METRIC_VALID 0x1 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x2 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_MAX_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x4 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_MIN_LATENCY_VALID 0x8 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_EFFECTIVE_LATENCY_VALID 0x10 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_MAX_LATENCY_VALID 0x20 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_VALID 0x40 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_BYTES_LOST_VALID 0x80 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_MIN_QUEUE_SIZE_VALID 0x100 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_AVG_QUEUE_SIZE_VALID 0x200 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_VALID 0x400 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_DL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x800 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_DL_MAX_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x1000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_CONFIG_INACTIVITY_TIME_VALID 0x2000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_CONFIG_BACKOFF_TIME_VALID 0x4000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_MSS_RECOMMENDED_VALID 0x8000 u_int32_t link_quality_metric; u_int32_t ul_effective_bandwidth; /* Measured uplink bandwidth based on * current activity (bps) */ u_int32_t ul_max_bandwidth; /* Maximum supported uplink bandwidth * (bps) */ u_int32_t ul_min_latency; /* min expected uplink latency for first hop * (ms) */ u_int32_t ul_effective_latency; /* current expected uplink latency for * first hop (ms) */ u_int32_t ul_max_latency; /* max expected uplink latency first hop * (ms) */ u_int32_t ul_retxt_level; /* Retransmission metric */ #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_NONE 1 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_LOW 2 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_MEDIUM 3 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_HIGH 4 u_int32_t ul_bytes_lost; /* % of total bytes lost on uplink in Q10 * format */ u_int32_t ul_min_queue_size; /* minimum bytes in queue */ u_int32_t ul_avg_queue_size; /* average bytes in queue */ u_int32_t ul_max_queue_size; /* maximum bytes in queue */ u_int32_t dl_effective_bandwidth; /* Measured downlink bandwidth based * on current activity (bps) */ u_int32_t dl_max_bandwidth; /* Maximum supported downlink bandwidth * (bps) */ u_int32_t config_inactivity_time; /* ms */ u_int32_t config_backoff_time; /* new connections backoff time in ms */ #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_MSS_RECOMMENDED_NONE 0x0 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_MSS_RECOMMENDED_MEDIUM 0x1 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_MSS_RECOMMENDED_LOW 0x2 u_int16_t mss_recommended; /* recommended MSS */ u_int8_t reserved[2]; } nstat_ifnet_desc_cellular_status; typedef struct nstat_ifnet_desc_wifi_status { u_int32_t valid_bitmask; #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_LINK_QUALITY_METRIC_VALID 0x1 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x2 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_MAX_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x4 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_MIN_LATENCY_VALID 0x8 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_EFFECTIVE_LATENCY_VALID 0x10 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_MAX_LATENCY_VALID 0x20 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_VALID 0x40 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_ERROR_RATE_VALID 0x80 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_BYTES_LOST_VALID 0x100 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_DL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x200 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_DL_MAX_BANDWIDTH_VALID 0x400 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_DL_MIN_LATENCY_VALID 0x800 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_DL_EFFECTIVE_LATENCY_VALID 0x1000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_DL_MAX_LATENCY_VALID 0x2000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_DL_ERROR_RATE_VALID 0x4000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_CONFIG_FREQUENCY_VALID 0x8000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_CONFIG_MULTICAST_RATE_VALID 0x10000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_CONFIG_SCAN_COUNT_VALID 0x20000 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_CONFIG_SCAN_DURATION_VALID 0x40000 u_int32_t link_quality_metric; /* link quality metric */ u_int32_t ul_effective_bandwidth; /* Measured uplink bandwidth based on * current activity (bps) */ u_int32_t ul_max_bandwidth; /* Maximum supported uplink bandwidth * (bps) */ u_int32_t ul_min_latency; /* min expected uplink latency for first hop * (ms) */ u_int32_t ul_effective_latency; /* current expected uplink latency for * first hop (ms) */ u_int32_t ul_max_latency; /* max expected uplink latency for first hop * (ms) */ u_int32_t ul_retxt_level; /* Retransmission metric */ #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_NONE 1 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_LOW 2 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_MEDIUM 3 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_HIGH 4 u_int32_t ul_bytes_lost; /* % of total bytes lost on uplink in Q10 * format */ u_int32_t ul_error_rate; /* % of bytes dropped on uplink after many * retransmissions in Q10 format */ u_int32_t dl_effective_bandwidth; /* Measured downlink bandwidth based * on current activity (bps) */ u_int32_t dl_max_bandwidth; /* Maximum supported downlink bandwidth * (bps) */ /* * The download latency values indicate the time AP may have to wait * for the driver to receive the packet. These values give the range * of expected latency mainly due to co-existence events and channel * hopping where the interface becomes unavailable. */ u_int32_t dl_min_latency; /* min expected latency for first hop in ms */ u_int32_t dl_effective_latency; /* current expected latency for first * hop in ms */ u_int32_t dl_max_latency; /* max expected latency for first hop in ms */ u_int32_t dl_error_rate; /* % of CRC or other errors in Q10 format */ u_int32_t config_frequency; /* 2.4 or 5 GHz */ #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_CONFIG_FREQUENCY_2_4_GHZ 1 #define NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_CONFIG_FREQUENCY_5_0_GHZ 2 u_int32_t config_multicast_rate; /* bps */ u_int32_t scan_count; /* scan count during the previous period */ u_int32_t scan_duration; /* scan duration in ms */ } nstat_ifnet_desc_wifi_status; enum{ NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_LINK_STATUS_TYPE_NONE = 0 , NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_LINK_STATUS_TYPE_CELLULAR = 1 , NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_LINK_STATUS_TYPE_WIFI = 2 , NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_LINK_STATUS_TYPE_ETHERNET = 3 }; typedef struct nstat_ifnet_desc_link_status { u_int32_t link_status_type; union { nstat_ifnet_desc_cellular_status cellular; nstat_ifnet_desc_wifi_status wifi; } u; } nstat_ifnet_desc_link_status; #ifndef IF_DESCSIZE #define IF_DESCSIZE 128 #endif typedef struct nstat_ifnet_descriptor { u_int64_t threshold __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int32_t ifindex; nstat_ifnet_desc_link_status link_status; unsigned int type; char description[IF_DESCSIZE]; char name[IFNAMSIZ + 1]; u_int8_t reserved[3]; } nstat_ifnet_descriptor; typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_descriptor { u_int32_t flags; } nstat_sysinfo_descriptor; typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_add_param { /* To indicate which system level information should be collected */ u_int32_t flags; } nstat_sysinfo_add_param; #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_MBUF_STATS 0x0001 #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_TCP_STATS 0x0002 #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_IFNET_ECN_STATS 0x0003 #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_LIM_STATS 0x0004 /* Low Internet mode stats */ #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_NET_API_STATS 0x0005 /* API and KPI stats */ #pragma mark -- Network Statistics User Client -- #define NET_STAT_CONTROL_NAME "com.apple.network.statistics" enum{ // generic response messages NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS = 0 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_ERROR = 1 // Requests , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_ADD_SRC = 1001 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_ADD_ALL_SRCS = 1002 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_REM_SRC = 1003 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_QUERY_SRC = 1004 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_GET_SRC_DESC = 1005 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SET_FILTER = 1006 // Obsolete , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_GET_UPDATE = 1007 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_SYSINFO = 1008 // Responses/Notfications , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_ADDED = 10001 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_REMOVED = 10002 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_DESC = 10003 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_COUNTS = 10004 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SYSINFO_COUNTS = 10005 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_UPDATE = 10006 , NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_EXTENDED_UPDATE = 10007 }; enum{ NSTAT_SRC_REF_ALL = 0xffffffffffffffffULL , NSTAT_SRC_REF_INVALID = 0 }; /* Source-level filters */ enum{ NSTAT_FILTER_NOZEROBYTES = 0x00000001 }; /* Types of extended update information, used in setting initial filters as well as to identify returned extensions */ /* A contiguous range currently limited 1..31 due to being passed as the top 32 bits of filter */ enum{ NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 , NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_DOMAIN = 1 , NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_NECP_TLV = 2 , NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_ORIGINAL_NECP_TLV = 3 , NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_ORIGINAL_DOMAIN = 4 , NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_FUUID = 5 }; #define NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_MIN NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_DOMAIN #define NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_MAX NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_FUUID #define NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_FLAG_MASK 0x00ffffffull /* Maximum of 24 extension types allowed due to restrictions on specifying via filter flags */ #define NSTAT_FILTER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_SHIFT 40 /* With extensions expediently passed as the top 24 bits of filters supplied by client, this shift is for extraction */ /* Provider-level filters */ #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_UNKNOWN 0x0000000000000001ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_LOOPBACK 0x0000000000000002ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_CELLULAR 0x0000000000000004ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_WIFI 0x0000000000000008ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_WIRED 0x0000000000000010ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_AWDL 0x0000000000000020ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_EXPENSIVE 0x0000000000000040ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_CELLFALLBACK 0x0000000000000100ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_COMPANIONLINK 0x0000000000000200ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_IS_CONSTRAINED 0x0000000000000400ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_IS_LOCAL 0x0000000000000800ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_IS_NON_LOCAL 0x0000000000001000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_ROUTE_VAL_ERR 0x0000000000002000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_FLOWSWITCH_ERR 0x0000000000004000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_WIFI_LLW 0x0000000000008000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_ACCEPT_WIFI_INFRA 0x0000000000010000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_IFNET_FLAGS 0x000000000001FFFFull #define NSTAT_FILTER_UDP_INTERFACE_ATTACH 0x0000000000020000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_UDP_FLAGS 0x0000000000020000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_TCP_INTERFACE_ATTACH 0x0000000000040000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_TCP_NO_EARLY_CLOSE 0x0000000000080000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_TCP_FLAGS 0x00000000000C0000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_SUPPRESS_SRC_ADDED 0x0000000000100000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_REQUIRE_SRC_ADDED 0x0000000000200000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_PROVIDER_NOZEROBYTES 0x0000000000400000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_CONN_HAS_NET_ACCESS 0x0000000001000000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_CONN_FLAGS 0x0000000001000000ull /* In this context, boring == no change from previous report */ #define NSTAT_FILTER_SUPPRESS_BORING_CLOSE 0x0000000010000000ull /* No final update, only NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_REMOVED */ #define NSTAT_FILTER_SUPPRESS_BORING_POLL 0x0000000020000000ull /* Only for poll-all, not poll specific source */ #define NSTAT_FILTER_SUPPRESS_BORING_FLAGS (NSTAT_FILTER_SUPPRESS_BORING_CLOSE|NSTAT_FILTER_SUPPRESS_BORING_POLL) #define NSTAT_FILTER_SPECIFIC_USER_BY_PID 0x0000000100000000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_SPECIFIC_USER_BY_EPID 0x0000000200000000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_SPECIFIC_USER_BY_UUID 0x0000000400000000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_SPECIFIC_USER_BY_EUUID 0x0000000800000000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_SPECIFIC_USER 0x0000000F00000000ull #define NSTAT_FILTER_INITIAL_PROPERTIES 0x0000001000000000ull /* For providers that give "properties" on open, apply the filter to the properties */ /* and permanently discard unless the filter allows through */ #define NSTAT_FILTER_FLAGS_RESERVED 0x000000E000000000ul #define NSTAT_FILTER_IFNET_AND_CONN_FLAGS (NSTAT_FILTER_IFNET_FLAGS|NSTAT_FILTER_CONN_FLAGS) #define NSTAT_EXTENSION_FILTER_DOMAIN_INFO (1ull << (NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_DOMAIN + NSTAT_FILTER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_SHIFT)) #define NSTAT_EXTENSION_FILTER_NECP_TLV (1ull << (NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_NECP_TLV + NSTAT_FILTER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_SHIFT)) #define NSTAT_EXTENSION_FILTER_ORIGINAL_NECP_TLV (1ull << (NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_ORIGINAL_NECP_TLV + NSTAT_FILTER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_SHIFT)) #define NSTAT_EXTENSION_FILTER_ORIGINAL_DOMAIN_INFO (1ull << (NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_TYPE_ORIGINAL_DOMAIN + NSTAT_FILTER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_SHIFT)) #define NSTAT_EXTENSION_FILTER_MASK (NSTAT_EXTENDED_UPDATE_FLAG_MASK << NSTAT_FILTER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_SHIFT) enum{ NSTAT_MSG_HDR_FLAG_SUPPORTS_AGGREGATE = 1 << 0, NSTAT_MSG_HDR_FLAG_CONTINUATION = 1 << 1, NSTAT_MSG_HDR_FLAG_CLOSING = 1 << 2, NSTAT_MSG_HDR_FLAG_CLOSED_AFTER_DROP = 1 << 3, NSTAT_MSG_HDR_FLAG_CLOSED_AFTER_FILTER = 1 << 4, }; typedef struct nstat_msg_hdr { u_int64_t context __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int32_t type; u_int16_t length; u_int16_t flags; } nstat_msg_hdr; #define MAX_NSTAT_MSG_HDR_LENGTH 65532 typedef struct nstat_msg_error { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; u_int32_t error; // errno error u_int8_t reserved[4]; } nstat_msg_error; #define NSTAT_ADD_SRC_FIELDS \ nstat_msg_hdr hdr; \ nstat_provider_id_t provider; \ u_int8_t reserved[4] \ typedef struct nstat_msg_add_src { NSTAT_ADD_SRC_FIELDS; u_int8_t param[]; } nstat_msg_add_src_req; typedef struct nstat_msg_add_src_header { NSTAT_ADD_SRC_FIELDS; } nstat_msg_add_src_header; typedef struct nstat_msg_add_src_convenient { nstat_msg_add_src_header hdr; union { nstat_route_add_param route; nstat_tcp_add_param tcp; nstat_udp_add_param udp; nstat_ifnet_add_param ifnet; nstat_sysinfo_add_param sysinfo; }; } nstat_msg_add_src_convenient; #undef NSTAT_ADD_SRC_FIELDS typedef struct nstat_msg_add_all_srcs { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; u_int64_t filter __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); nstat_event_flags_t events __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); nstat_provider_id_t provider; pid_t target_pid; uuid_t target_uuid; } nstat_msg_add_all_srcs; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_added { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); nstat_provider_id_t provider; u_int8_t reserved[4]; } nstat_msg_src_added; typedef struct nstat_msg_rem_src { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); } nstat_msg_rem_src_req; typedef struct nstat_msg_get_src_description { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); } nstat_msg_get_src_description; typedef struct nstat_msg_set_filter { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); u_int32_t filter; u_int8_t reserved[4]; } nstat_msg_set_filter; #define NSTAT_SRC_DESCRIPTION_FIELDS \ nstat_msg_hdr hdr; \ nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); \ nstat_event_flags_t event_flags __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); \ nstat_provider_id_t provider; \ u_int8_t reserved[4] typedef struct nstat_msg_src_description { NSTAT_SRC_DESCRIPTION_FIELDS; u_int8_t data[]; } nstat_msg_src_description; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_description_header { NSTAT_SRC_DESCRIPTION_FIELDS; } nstat_msg_src_description_header; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_description_convenient { nstat_msg_src_description_header hdr; union { nstat_tcp_descriptor tcp; nstat_udp_descriptor udp; nstat_route_descriptor route; nstat_ifnet_descriptor ifnet; nstat_sysinfo_descriptor sysinfo; nstat_quic_descriptor quic; }; } nstat_msg_src_description_convenient; #undef NSTAT_SRC_DESCRIPTION_FIELDS typedef struct nstat_msg_query_src { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); } nstat_msg_query_src_req; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_counts { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); nstat_event_flags_t event_flags __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); nstat_counts counts; } nstat_msg_src_counts; #define NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS \ nstat_msg_hdr hdr; \ nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); \ nstat_event_flags_t event_flags __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); \ nstat_counts counts; \ nstat_provider_id_t provider; \ u_int8_t reserved[4] typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update { NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS; u_int8_t data[]; } nstat_msg_src_update; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update_hdr { NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS; } nstat_msg_src_update_hdr; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update_tcp { NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS; nstat_tcp_descriptor tcp_desc; } nstat_msg_src_update_tcp; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update_udp { NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS; nstat_udp_descriptor udp_desc; } nstat_msg_src_update_udp; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update_quic { NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS; nstat_quic_descriptor quic_desc; } nstat_msg_src_update_quic; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update_conn { NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS; nstat_connection_descriptor conn_desc; } nstat_msg_src_update_conn; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update_convenient { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; union { nstat_tcp_descriptor tcp; nstat_udp_descriptor udp; nstat_route_descriptor route; nstat_ifnet_descriptor ifnet; nstat_sysinfo_descriptor sysinfo; nstat_quic_descriptor quic; nstat_connection_descriptor conn; }; } nstat_msg_src_update_convenient; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr { u_int32_t type; u_int32_t length; } nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t))));; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_extended_item { nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr hdr; u_int8_t data[]; } nstat_msg_src_extended_item; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_extended_tcp_update { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; nstat_tcp_descriptor tcp; nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr extension_hdr; u_int8_t data[]; } nstat_msg_src_extended_tcp_update; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_extended_udp_update { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; nstat_udp_descriptor udp; nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr extension_hdr; u_int8_t data[]; } nstat_msg_src_extended_udp_update; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_extended_quic_update { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; nstat_quic_descriptor quic; nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr extension_hdr; u_int8_t data[]; } nstat_msg_src_extended_quic_update; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_extended_conn_update { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; nstat_connection_descriptor conn; nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr extension_hdr; u_int8_t data[]; } nstat_msg_src_extended_conn_update; /* While the only type of extended update is for domain information, we can fully define the structure */ typedef struct nstat_msg_src_tcp_update_domain_extension { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; nstat_tcp_descriptor tcp; nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr extension_hdr; nstat_domain_info domain_info; } nstat_msg_src_tcp_update_domain_extension; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_udp_update_domain_extension { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; nstat_udp_descriptor udp; nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr extension_hdr; nstat_domain_info domain_info; } nstat_msg_src_udp_update_domain_extension; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_quic_update_domain_extension { nstat_msg_src_update_hdr hdr; nstat_quic_descriptor quic; nstat_msg_src_extended_item_hdr extension_hdr; nstat_domain_info domain_info; } nstat_msg_src_quic_update_domain_extension; typedef struct nstat_msg_src_update_domain_extension_convenient { nstat_msg_src_tcp_update_domain_extension tcp; nstat_msg_src_udp_update_domain_extension udp; nstat_msg_src_quic_update_domain_extension quic; } nstat_msg_src_update_domain_extension_convenient; #undef NSTAT_SRC_UPDATE_FIELDS typedef struct nstat_msg_src_removed { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); } nstat_msg_src_removed; typedef struct nstat_msg_sysinfo_counts { nstat_msg_hdr hdr; nstat_src_ref_t srcref __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(u_int64_t)))); nstat_sysinfo_counts counts; } nstat_msg_sysinfo_counts; #pragma mark -- Statitiscs about Network Statistics -- struct nstat_stats { u_int32_t nstat_successmsgfailures; u_int32_t nstat_sendcountfailures; u_int32_t nstat_sysinfofailures; u_int32_t nstat_srcupatefailures; u_int32_t nstat_descriptionfailures; u_int32_t nstat_msgremovedfailures; u_int32_t nstat_srcaddedfailures; u_int32_t nstat_msgerrorfailures; u_int32_t nstat_copy_descriptor_failures; u_int32_t nstat_provider_counts_failures; u_int32_t nstat_control_send_description_failures; u_int32_t nstat_control_send_goodbye_failures; u_int32_t nstat_flush_accumulated_msgs_failures; u_int32_t nstat_accumulate_msg_failures; u_int32_t nstat_control_cleanup_source_failures; u_int32_t nstat_handle_msg_failures; }; #endif /* PRIVATE */ #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE #include #if (DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT) extern int nstat_test_privacy_transparency; #endif /* (DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT) */ #pragma mark -- System Information Internal Support -- typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_tcp_stats { /* When adding/removing here, also adjust NSTAT_SYSINFO_TCP_STATS_COUNT */ u_int32_t ipv4_avgrtt; /* Average RTT for IPv4 */ u_int32_t ipv6_avgrtt; /* Average RTT for IPv6 */ u_int32_t send_plr; /* Average uplink packet loss rate */ u_int32_t recv_plr; /* Average downlink packet loss rate */ u_int32_t send_tlrto_rate; /* Average rxt timeout after tail loss */ u_int32_t send_reorder_rate; /* Average packet reordering rate */ u_int32_t connection_attempts; /* TCP client connection attempts */ u_int32_t connection_accepts; /* TCP server connection accepts */ u_int32_t ecn_client_enabled; /* Global setting for ECN client side */ u_int32_t ecn_server_enabled; /* Global setting for ECN server side */ u_int32_t ecn_client_setup; /* Attempts to setup TCP client connection with ECN */ u_int32_t ecn_server_setup; /* Attempts to setup TCP server connection with ECN */ u_int32_t ecn_client_success; /* Number of successful negotiations of ECN for a client connection */ u_int32_t ecn_server_success; /* Number of successful negotiations of ECN for a server connection */ u_int32_t ecn_not_supported; /* Number of falbacks to Non-ECN, no support from peer */ u_int32_t ecn_lost_syn; /* Number of SYNs lost with ECN bits */ u_int32_t ecn_lost_synack; /* Number of SYN-ACKs lost with ECN bits */ u_int32_t ecn_recv_ce; /* Number of CEs received from network */ u_int32_t ecn_recv_ece; /* Number of ECEs received from receiver */ u_int32_t ecn_sent_ece; /* Number of ECEs sent in response to CE */ u_int32_t ecn_conn_recv_ce; /* Number of connections using ECN received CE at least once */ u_int32_t ecn_conn_recv_ece; /* Number of connections using ECN received ECE at least once */ u_int32_t ecn_conn_plnoce; /* Number of connections using ECN seen packet loss but never received CE */ u_int32_t ecn_conn_pl_ce; /* Number of connections using ECN seen packet loss and CE */ u_int32_t ecn_conn_nopl_ce; /* Number of connections using ECN with no packet loss but received CE */ u_int32_t ecn_fallback_synloss; /* Number of times we did fall back due to SYN-Loss */ u_int32_t ecn_fallback_reorder; /* Number of times we fallback because we detected the PAWS-issue */ u_int32_t ecn_fallback_ce; /* Number of times we fallback because we received too many CEs */ u_int32_t tfo_syn_data_rcv; /* Number of SYN+data received with valid cookie */ u_int32_t tfo_cookie_req_rcv;/* Number of TFO cookie-requests received */ u_int32_t tfo_cookie_sent; /* Number of TFO-cookies offered to the client */ u_int32_t tfo_cookie_invalid;/* Number of invalid TFO-cookies received */ u_int32_t tfo_cookie_req; /* Number of SYNs with cookie request received*/ u_int32_t tfo_cookie_rcv; /* Number of SYN/ACKs with Cookie received */ u_int32_t tfo_syn_data_sent; /* Number of SYNs+data+cookie sent */ u_int32_t tfo_syn_data_acked;/* Number of times our SYN+data has been acknowledged */ u_int32_t tfo_syn_loss; /* Number of times SYN+TFO has been lost and we fallback */ u_int32_t tfo_blackhole; /* Number of times SYN+TFO has been lost and we fallback */ u_int32_t tfo_cookie_wrong; /* TFO-cookie we sent was wrong */ u_int32_t tfo_no_cookie_rcv; /* We asked for a cookie but didn't get one */ u_int32_t tfo_heuristics_disable; /* TFO got disabled due to heuristics */ u_int32_t tfo_sndblackhole; /* TFO got blackholed in the sending direction */ u_int32_t mptcp_handover_attempt; /* Total number of MPTCP-attempts using handover mode */ u_int32_t mptcp_interactive_attempt; /* Total number of MPTCP-attempts using interactive mode */ u_int32_t mptcp_aggregate_attempt; /* Total number of MPTCP-attempts using aggregate mode */ u_int32_t mptcp_fp_handover_attempt; /* Same as previous three but only for first-party apps */ u_int32_t mptcp_fp_interactive_attempt; u_int32_t mptcp_fp_aggregate_attempt; u_int32_t mptcp_heuristic_fallback; /* Total number of MPTCP-connections that fell back due to heuristics */ u_int32_t mptcp_fp_heuristic_fallback; /* Same as previous but for first-party apps */ u_int32_t mptcp_handover_success_wifi; /* Total number of successfull handover-mode connections that *started* on WiFi */ u_int32_t mptcp_handover_success_cell; /* Total number of successfull handover-mode connections that *started* on Cell */ u_int32_t mptcp_interactive_success; /* Total number of interactive-mode connections that negotiated MPTCP */ u_int32_t mptcp_aggregate_success; /* Same as previous but for aggregate */ u_int32_t mptcp_fp_handover_success_wifi; /* Same as previous four, but for first-party apps */ u_int32_t mptcp_fp_handover_success_cell; u_int32_t mptcp_fp_interactive_success; u_int32_t mptcp_fp_aggregate_success; u_int32_t mptcp_handover_cell_from_wifi; /* Total number of connections that use cell in handover-mode (coming from WiFi) */ u_int32_t mptcp_handover_wifi_from_cell; /* Total number of connections that use WiFi in handover-mode (coming from cell) */ u_int32_t mptcp_interactive_cell_from_wifi; /* Total number of connections that use cell in interactive mode (coming from WiFi) */ u_int32_t mptcp_back_to_wifi; /* Total number of connections that succeed to move traffic away from cell (when starting on cell) */ u_int64_t mptcp_handover_cell_bytes; /* Total number of bytes sent on cell in handover-mode (on new subflows, ignoring initial one) */ u_int64_t mptcp_interactive_cell_bytes; /* Same as previous but for interactive */ u_int64_t mptcp_aggregate_cell_bytes; u_int64_t mptcp_handover_all_bytes; /* Total number of bytes sent in handover */ u_int64_t mptcp_interactive_all_bytes; u_int64_t mptcp_aggregate_all_bytes; u_int32_t mptcp_wifi_proxy; /* Total number of new subflows that fell back to regular TCP on cell */ u_int32_t mptcp_cell_proxy; /* Total number of new subflows that fell back to regular TCP on WiFi */ u_int32_t mptcp_triggered_cell; /* Total number of times an MPTCP-connection triggered cell bringup */ u_int32_t _padding; /* When adding/removing here, also adjust NSTAT_SYSINFO_TCP_STATS_COUNT */ } nstat_sysinfo_tcp_stats; #define NSTAT_SYSINFO_TCP_STATS_COUNT 71 enum { NSTAT_IFNET_ECN_PROTO_IPV4 = 1 , NSTAT_IFNET_ECN_PROTO_IPV6 }; enum { NSTAT_IFNET_ECN_TYPE_CELLULAR = 1 , NSTAT_IFNET_ECN_TYPE_WIFI , NSTAT_IFNET_ECN_TYPE_ETHERNET }; typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_ifnet_ecn_stats { u_int32_t ifnet_proto; u_int32_t ifnet_type; struct if_tcp_ecn_stat ecn_stat; } nstat_sysinfo_ifnet_ecn_stats; /* Total number of Low Internet stats that will be reported */ #define NSTAT_LIM_STAT_KEYVAL_COUNT 12 typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_lim_stats { u_int8_t ifnet_signature[NSTAT_SYSINFO_KEYVAL_STRING_MAXSIZE]; u_int32_t ifnet_siglen; u_int32_t ifnet_type; struct if_lim_perf_stat lim_stat; } nstat_sysinfo_lim_stats; #define NSTAT_NET_API_STAT_KEYVAL_COUNT (NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_LAST - NSTAT_SYSINFO_API_FIRST + 1) typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_net_api_stats { u_int32_t report_interval; u_int32_t _padding; struct net_api_stats net_api_stats; } nstat_sysinfo_net_api_stats; typedef struct nstat_sysinfo_data { uint32_t flags; uint32_t unsent_data_cnt; /* Before sleeping */ union { nstat_sysinfo_tcp_stats tcp_stats; nstat_sysinfo_ifnet_ecn_stats ifnet_ecn_stats; nstat_sysinfo_lim_stats lim_stats; nstat_sysinfo_net_api_stats net_api_stats; } u; } nstat_sysinfo_data; #pragma mark -- Generic Network Statistics Provider -- typedef void * nstat_provider_cookie_t; #pragma mark -- Route Statistics Gathering Functions -- struct rtentry; enum{ NSTAT_TX_FLAG_RETRANSMIT = 1 }; enum{ NSTAT_RX_FLAG_DUPLICATE = 1, NSTAT_RX_FLAG_OUT_OF_ORDER = 2 }; // indicates whether or not collection of statistics is enabled extern int nstat_collect; void nstat_init(void); // Route collection routines void nstat_route_connect_attempt(struct rtentry *rte); void nstat_route_connect_success(struct rtentry *rte); void nstat_route_tx(struct rtentry *rte, u_int32_t packets, u_int32_t bytes, u_int32_t flags); void nstat_route_rx(struct rtentry *rte, u_int32_t packets, u_int32_t bytes, u_int32_t flags); void nstat_route_rtt(struct rtentry *rte, u_int32_t rtt, u_int32_t rtt_var); void nstat_route_update(struct rtentry *rte, uint32_t connect_attempts, uint32_t connect_successes, uint32_t rx_packets, uint32_t rx_bytes, uint32_t rx_duplicatebytes, uint32_t rx_outoforderbytes, uint32_t tx_packets, uint32_t tx_bytes, uint32_t tx_retransmit, uint32_t rtt, uint32_t rtt_var); struct nstat_counts* nstat_route_attach(struct rtentry *rte); void nstat_route_detach(struct rtentry *rte); // watcher support struct inpcb; void nstat_tcp_new_pcb(struct inpcb *inp); void nstat_udp_new_pcb(struct inpcb *inp); void nstat_route_new_entry(struct rtentry *rt); void nstat_pcb_detach(struct inpcb *inp); void nstat_pcb_event(struct inpcb *inp, u_int64_t event); void nstat_pcb_cache(struct inpcb *inp); void nstat_pcb_invalidate_cache(struct inpcb *inp); void nstat_ifnet_threshold_reached(unsigned int ifindex); void nstat_sysinfo_send_data(struct nstat_sysinfo_data *); int ntstat_tcp_progress_enable(struct sysctl_req *req); int ntstat_tcp_progress_indicators(struct sysctl_req *req); #if SKYWALK // Userland stats reporting // Each side, NetworkStatistics and the kernel provider for userland, // pass opaque references. typedef void *userland_stats_provider_context; typedef void *nstat_userland_context; typedef struct nstat_progress_digest { u_int64_t rxbytes; u_int64_t txbytes; u_int32_t rxduplicatebytes; u_int32_t rxoutoforderbytes; u_int32_t txretransmit; u_int32_t ifindex; u_int32_t state; u_int32_t txunacked; u_int32_t txwindow; union { struct tcp_conn_status connstatus; // On armv7k, tcp_conn_status is 1 byte instead of 4 uint8_t __pad_connstatus[4]; }; } nstat_progress_digest; // When things have been set up, Netstats can request a refresh of its data. typedef bool (userland_stats_request_vals_fn)(userland_stats_provider_context *ctx, u_int32_t *ifflagsp, nstat_progress_digest *digestp, nstat_counts *countsp, void *metadatap); // Netstats can also request "extension" items, specified by the allowed_extensions flag // The return value is the amount of space currently required for the extension typedef size_t (userland_stats_request_extension_fn)(userland_stats_provider_context *ctx, int requested_extension, /* The extension to be returned */ void *buf, /* If not NULL, the address for the extension to be returned in */ size_t buf_size); /* The size of the buffer space, typically matching the return from a previous call with null buffer pointer */ // Things get started with a call to netstats to say that there’s a new connection: nstat_userland_context ntstat_userland_stats_open(userland_stats_provider_context *ctx, int provider_id, u_int64_t properties, userland_stats_request_vals_fn req_fn, userland_stats_request_extension_fn req_extension_fn); void ntstat_userland_stats_close(nstat_userland_context nstat_ctx); void ntstat_userland_stats_event(nstat_userland_context nstat_ctx, uint64_t event); void nstats_userland_stats_defunct_for_process(int pid); errno_t nstat_userland_mark_rnf_override(uuid_t fuuid, bool rnf_override); // Servicing a sysctl for information of TCP or UDP flows int ntstat_userland_count(short proto); int nstat_userland_get_snapshot(short proto, void **snapshotp, int *countp); int nstat_userland_list_snapshot(short proto, struct sysctl_req *req, void *userlandsnapshot, int nuserland); void nstat_userland_release_snapshot(void *snapshot, int nuserland); #if NTSTAT_SUPPORTS_STANDALONE_SYSCTL int ntstat_userland_list_n(short proto, struct sysctl_req *req); #endif #endif /* SKYWALK */ // Utilities for userland stats reporting u_int32_t nstat_ifnet_to_flags(struct ifnet *ifp); // Generic external provider reporting // Each side passes opaque references. typedef void *nstat_provider_context; /* This is quoted to the external provider */ typedef void *nstat_context; /* This is quoted by the external provider when calling nstat */ // After nstat_provider_stats_open() has been called (and potentially while the open is still executing), netstats can request a refresh of its data // The various return pointer parameters may be null if the item is not required // The return code is true for success typedef bool (nstat_provider_request_vals_fn)(nstat_provider_context ctx, u_int32_t *ifflagsp, /* Flags for being on cell/wifi etc, used for filtering */ nstat_counts *countsp, /* Counts to be filled in */ void *metadatap); /* A descriptor for the particular provider */ // Netstats can also request "extension" items, specified by the allowed_extensions flag // The return value is the amount of space currently required for the extension typedef size_t (nstat_provider_request_extensions_fn)(nstat_provider_context ctx, int requested_extension, /* The extension to be returned */ void *buf, /* If not NULL, the address for the extension to be returned in */ size_t buf_size); /* The size of the buffer space, typically matching the return from a previous call with null buffer pointer */ // Things get started with a call to netstats to say that there’s a new item to become a netstats source nstat_context nstat_provider_stats_open(nstat_provider_context ctx, int provider_id, u_int64_t properties, /* The bottom 32 bits can be used as per the interface / connection flags ifflagsp */ nstat_provider_request_vals_fn req_fn, nstat_provider_request_extensions_fn req_extensions_fn); // Note that when the source is closed, netstats will make one last call on the request functions to retrieve final values void nstat_provider_stats_close(nstat_context nstat_ctx); // Events that cause a significant change may be reported via a flags word void nstat_provider_stats_event(nstat_context nstat_ctx, uint64_t event); // locked_add_64 uses atomic operations on 32bit so the 64bit // value can be properly read. The values are only ever incremented // while under the socket lock, so on 64bit we don't actually need // atomic operations to increment. #if defined(__LP64__) #define locked_add_64(__addr, __count) do { \ *(__addr) += (__count); \ } while (0) #else #define locked_add_64(__addr, __count) do { \ os_atomic_add((__addr), (__count), relaxed); \ } while (0) #endif #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* __NTSTAT_H__ */