/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include /* * Region templates. * * Regions that are not eligible for user task mapping must never be * marked with the SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK flag. Such regions will * automatically be excluded from the mappable region array at arena * creation time. * * Regions that allow their objects to be shared among other objects * must be marked with SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK. This permits calls * to skmem_bufctl_{use,unuse}() on the bufctls for the objects. * * Read-only regions must be marked with SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY. * This will affect the protection property of the segments in those * regions. This flag has no effect when the region is not mappable * to a user task. * * The SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES flag marks the region as unsupportive * of the magazines layer when used by a skmem_cache. When this flag is * not set, the number of objects in the region will be adjusted to * include the worst-case number of objects cached at the CPU layer. * By default, all regions have this flag set; this may be overridden * by each client (after making a copy). * * Regions that don't support multi-segments can be marked with the * SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC flag. This forces exactly one segment * to cover all objects in the region. This also effectively caps * the skmem_cache slab layer to have only a single slab. * * The correctness of the region templates is enforced at arena * creation time. */ static const struct skmem_region_params skmem_regions[SKMEM_REGIONS] = { /* * Leading guard page(s): {mappable, no-read-write, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_GUARD_HEAD] = { .srp_name = "headguard", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_GUARD_HEAD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_GUARD | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOREDIRECT, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Schema: {mappable, read-only, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_SCHEMA] = { .srp_name = "schema", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_SCHEMA, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOREDIRECT | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Rings: {mappable, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_RING] = { .srp_name = "ring", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_RING, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Buffers: {mappable, shareable} */ [SKMEM_REGION_BUF_DEF] = { .srp_name = "buf_def", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_BUF_DEF, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_IN | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_OUT | SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, [SKMEM_REGION_BUF_LARGE] = { .srp_name = "buf_large", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_BUF_LARGE, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_IN | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_OUT | SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, [SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_DEF] = { .srp_name = "rxbuf_def", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_DEF, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_IN | SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, [SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_LARGE] = { .srp_name = "rxbuf_large", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_LARGE, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_IN | SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, [SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_DEF] = { .srp_name = "txbuf_def", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_DEF, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_OUT | SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, [SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_LARGE] = { .srp_name = "txbuf_large", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_LARGE, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_IODIR_OUT | SKMEM_REGION_CR_SHAREOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Userspace metadata: {mappable} */ [SKMEM_REGION_UMD] = { .srp_name = "umd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_UMD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_QUANTUM, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_PAYLOAD, .srp_max_frags = 1, }, /* * Userspace buflet metadata: {mappable} */ [SKMEM_REGION_UBFT] = { .srp_name = "ubft", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_UBFT, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, .srp_max_frags = 1, }, /* * Tx/alloc userspace slot descriptors: {mappable, read-only, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_TXAUSD] = { .srp_name = "txausd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_TXAUSD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Rx/free userspace slot descriptors: {mappable, read-only, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_RXFUSD] = { .srp_name = "rxfusd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_RXFUSD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Shared statistics: {mappable, monolithic, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_USTATS] = { .srp_name = "ustats", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_USTATS, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Flow advisories: {mappable, read-only, monolithic, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_FLOWADV] = { .srp_name = "flowadv", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_FLOWADV, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Nexus advisories: {mappable, read-only, monolithic, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_NEXUSADV] = { .srp_name = "nexusadv", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_NEXUSADV, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PERSISTENT | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * sysctls: {mappable, monolithic, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_SYSCTLS] = { .srp_name = "sysctls", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_SYSCTLS, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOREDIRECT | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Trailing guard page(s): {mappable, no-read-write, no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_GUARD_TAIL] = { .srp_name = "tailguard", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_GUARD_TAIL, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_GUARD | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOREDIRECT, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Kernel metadata. */ [SKMEM_REGION_KMD] = { .srp_name = "kmd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_KMD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MEMTAG, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_QUANTUM, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_PAYLOAD, .srp_max_frags = 1, }, [SKMEM_REGION_RXKMD] = { .srp_name = "rxkmd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_RXKMD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MEMTAG, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_QUANTUM, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_PAYLOAD, .srp_max_frags = 1, }, [SKMEM_REGION_TXKMD] = { .srp_name = "txkmd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_TXKMD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MEMTAG, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_QUANTUM, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_PAYLOAD, .srp_max_frags = 1, }, /* * kernel buflet metadata. */ [SKMEM_REGION_KBFT] = { .srp_name = "kbft", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_KBFT, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MEMTAG, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, [SKMEM_REGION_RXKBFT] = { .srp_name = "rxkbft", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_RXKBFT, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MEMTAG, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, [SKMEM_REGION_TXKBFT] = { .srp_name = "txkbft", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_TXKBFT, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MEMTAG, .srp_r_obj_cnt = 0, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Tx/alloc kernel slot descriptors: {no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_TXAKSD] = { .srp_name = "txaksd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_TXAKSD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Rx/free kernel slot descriptors: {no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_RXFKSD] = { .srp_name = "rxfksd", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_RXFKSD, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Statistics kernel snapshot: {no-cache} */ [SKMEM_REGION_KSTATS] = { .srp_name = "kstats", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_KSTATS, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_PUREDATA, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, /* * Intrinsic objects. */ [SKMEM_REGION_INTRINSIC] = { .srp_name = "intrinsic", .srp_id = SKMEM_REGION_INTRINSIC, .srp_cflags = SKMEM_REGION_CR_PSEUDO, .srp_md_type = NEXUS_META_TYPE_INVALID, .srp_md_subtype = NEXUS_META_SUBTYPE_INVALID, }, }; const skmem_region_id_t skmem_pp_region_ids[SKMEM_PP_REGIONS] = { SKMEM_REGION_BUF_DEF, SKMEM_REGION_BUF_LARGE, SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_DEF, SKMEM_REGION_RXBUF_LARGE, SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_DEF, SKMEM_REGION_TXBUF_LARGE, SKMEM_REGION_KMD, SKMEM_REGION_RXKMD, SKMEM_REGION_TXKMD, SKMEM_REGION_UMD, SKMEM_REGION_KBFT, SKMEM_REGION_RXKBFT, SKMEM_REGION_TXKBFT, SKMEM_REGION_UBFT }; /* CPU cache line (determined at runtime) */ static unsigned int cpu_cache_line_size; LCK_ATTR_DECLARE(skmem_lock_attr, 0, 0); LCK_GRP_DECLARE(skmem_lock_grp, "skmem"); #if (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_skywalk, OID_AUTO, mem, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "Skywalk kmem"); #endif /* (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) */ #define SK_SYS_OBJSIZE_DEFAULT (16 * 1024) /* system-wide sysctls region */ static struct skmem_region *sk_sys_region; static void *sk_sys_obj; static uint32_t sk_sys_objsize; static void skmem_sys_region_init(void); static void skmem_sys_region_fini(void); static char *skmem_dump_buf; #define SKMEM_DUMP_BUF_SIZE 2048 /* size of dump buffer */ static int __skmem_inited = 0; void skmem_init(void) { ASSERT(!__skmem_inited); /* get CPU cache line size */ (void) skmem_cpu_cache_line_size(); skmem_cache_pre_init(); skmem_region_init(); skmem_cache_init(); pp_init(); __skmem_inited = 1; /* set up system-wide region for sysctls */ skmem_sys_region_init(); } void skmem_fini(void) { if (__skmem_inited) { skmem_sys_region_fini(); pp_fini(); skmem_cache_fini(); skmem_region_fini(); __skmem_inited = 0; } } /* * Return the default region parameters (template). Callers must never * modify the returned region, and should treat it as invariant. */ const struct skmem_region_params * skmem_get_default(skmem_region_id_t id) { ASSERT(id < SKMEM_REGIONS); return &skmem_regions[id]; } /* * Return the CPU cache line size. */ uint32_t skmem_cpu_cache_line_size(void) { if (__improbable(cpu_cache_line_size == 0)) { ml_cpu_info_t cpu_info; ml_cpu_get_info(&cpu_info); cpu_cache_line_size = (uint32_t)cpu_info.cache_line_size; ASSERT((SKMEM_PAGE_SIZE % cpu_cache_line_size) == 0); } return cpu_cache_line_size; } /* * Dispatch a function to execute in a thread call. */ void skmem_dispatch(thread_call_t tcall, void (*func)(void), uint64_t delay) { uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time(); uint64_t ival, deadline = now; ASSERT(tcall != NULL); if (delay == 0) { delay = (10 * NSEC_PER_USEC); /* "immediately", 10 usec */ } nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(delay, &ival); clock_deadline_for_periodic_event(ival, now, &deadline); (void) thread_call_enter1_delayed(tcall, func, deadline); } static void skmem_sys_region_init(void) { struct skmem_region_params srp; VERIFY(__skmem_inited); VERIFY(sk_sys_region == NULL); srp = *skmem_get_default(SKMEM_REGION_SYSCTLS); ASSERT((srp.srp_cflags & (SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOREDIRECT)) == (SKMEM_REGION_CR_MMAPOK | SKMEM_REGION_CR_UREADONLY | SKMEM_REGION_CR_MONOLITHIC | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOMAGAZINES | SKMEM_REGION_CR_NOREDIRECT)); srp.srp_r_obj_cnt = 1; srp.srp_r_obj_size = sk_sys_objsize = SK_SYS_OBJSIZE_DEFAULT; skmem_region_params_config(&srp); _CASSERT(SK_SYS_OBJSIZE_DEFAULT >= sizeof(skmem_sysctl)); sk_sys_region = skmem_region_create("global", &srp, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (sk_sys_region == NULL) { panic("failed to allocate global sysctls region"); /* NOTREACHED */ __builtin_unreachable(); } sk_sys_obj = skmem_region_alloc(sk_sys_region, NULL, NULL, NULL, SKMEM_SLEEP); if (sk_sys_obj == NULL) { panic("failed to allocate global sysctls object (%u bytes)", sk_sys_objsize); /* NOTREACHED */ __builtin_unreachable(); } skmem_sysctl_init(); } static void skmem_sys_region_fini(void) { if (sk_sys_region != NULL) { skmem_region_free(sk_sys_region, sk_sys_obj, NULL); sk_sys_obj = NULL; skmem_region_release(sk_sys_region); sk_sys_region = NULL; } VERIFY(sk_sys_obj == NULL); } struct skmem_region * skmem_get_sysctls_region(void) { return sk_sys_region; } void * skmem_get_sysctls_obj(size_t *size) { if (size != NULL) { *size = sk_sys_objsize; } return sk_sys_obj; } /* for VM stats */ extern unsigned int vm_page_free_count, vm_page_speculative_count, vm_page_active_count, vm_page_inactive_count, vm_page_inactive_count, vm_page_wire_count, vm_page_throttled_count, vm_lopage_free_count, vm_page_purgeable_count, vm_page_purged_count; #define SKMEM_WDT_DUMP_BUF_CHK() do { \ clen -= k; \ if (clen < 1) \ goto done; \ c += k; \ } while (0) /* * The compiler doesn't know that snprintf() supports %b format * specifier, so use our own wrapper to vsnprintf() here instead. */ #define skmem_snprintf(str, size, format, ...) ({ \ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat-invalid-specifier\"") \ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat-extra-args\"") \ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat\"") \ snprintf(str, size, format, ## __VA_ARGS__) \ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop"); \ }) __attribute__((noinline, cold, not_tail_called)) char * skmem_dump(struct skmem_region *skr) { int k, clen = SKMEM_DUMP_BUF_SIZE; struct skmem_cache *skm; char *c; /* allocate space for skmem_dump_buf */ if (skmem_dump_buf == NULL) { skmem_dump_buf = (char *) kalloc_data(SKMEM_DUMP_BUF_SIZE, (Z_ZERO | Z_WAITOK)); VERIFY(skmem_dump_buf != NULL); } else { bzero(skmem_dump_buf, SKMEM_DUMP_BUF_SIZE); } c = skmem_dump_buf; k = skmem_snprintf(c, clen, "Region %p\n" " | Mode : 0x%b\n" " | Memory : [%llu in use [%llu wired]] / [%llu total]\n" " | Transactions : [%llu segment allocs, %llu frees]\n\n", skr, skr->skr_mode, SKR_MODE_BITS, skr->skr_meminuse, skr->skr_w_meminuse, skr->skr_memtotal, skr->skr_alloc, skr->skr_free); SKMEM_WDT_DUMP_BUF_CHK(); if (skr->skr_mode & SKR_MODE_SLAB) { for (int i = 0; i < SKR_MAX_CACHES; i++) { if ((skm = skr->skr_cache[i]) == NULL) { continue; } k = skmem_snprintf(c, clen, "Cache %p\n" " | Mode : 0x%b\n" " | Memory : [%llu in use] / [%llu total]\n" " | Transactions : [%llu alloc failures]\n" " | [%llu slab creates, %llu destroys]\n" " | [%llu slab allocs, %llu frees]\n\n", skm, skm->skm_mode, SKM_MODE_BITS, skm->skm_sl_bufinuse, skm->skm_sl_bufmax, skm->skm_sl_alloc_fail, skm->skm_sl_create, skm->skm_sl_destroy, skm->skm_sl_alloc, skm->skm_sl_free); SKMEM_WDT_DUMP_BUF_CHK(); } } k = skmem_snprintf(c, clen, "VM Pages\n" " | Free : %u [%u speculative]\n" " | Active : %u\n" " | Inactive : %u\n" " | Wired : %u [%u throttled, %u lopage_free]\n" " | Purgeable : %u [%u purged]\n", vm_page_free_count, vm_page_speculative_count, vm_page_active_count, vm_page_inactive_count, vm_page_wire_count, vm_page_throttled_count, vm_lopage_free_count, vm_page_purgeable_count, vm_page_purged_count); SKMEM_WDT_DUMP_BUF_CHK(); done: return skmem_dump_buf; } boolean_t skmem_lowmem_check(void) { unsigned int plevel = kVMPressureNormal; kern_return_t ret; ret = mach_vm_pressure_level_monitor(false, &plevel); if (ret == KERN_SUCCESS) { /* kVMPressureCritical is the stage below jetsam */ if (plevel >= kVMPressureCritical) { /* * If we are in a low-memory situation, then we * might want to start purging our caches. */ return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }