/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _SYS_PROC_INFO_PRIVATE_H #define _SYS_PROC_INFO_PRIVATE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include __BEGIN_DECLS struct proc_uniqidentifierinfo { uint8_t p_uuid[16]; /* UUID of the main executable */ uint64_t p_uniqueid; /* 64 bit unique identifier for process */ uint64_t p_puniqueid; /* unique identifier for process's parent */ int32_t p_idversion; /* pid version */ uint32_t p_reserve2; /* reserved for future use */ uint64_t p_reserve3; /* reserved for future use */ uint64_t p_reserve4; /* reserved for future use */ }; struct proc_bsdinfowithuniqid { struct proc_bsdinfo pbsd; struct proc_uniqidentifierinfo p_uniqidentifier; }; struct proc_archinfo { cpu_type_t p_cputype; cpu_subtype_t p_cpusubtype; }; struct proc_pidcoalitioninfo { uint64_t coalition_id[COALITION_NUM_TYPES]; uint64_t reserved1; uint64_t reserved2; uint64_t reserved3; }; struct proc_originatorinfo { uuid_t originator_uuid; /* UUID of the originator process */ pid_t originator_pid; /* pid of the originator process */ uint64_t p_reserve2; uint64_t p_reserve3; uint64_t p_reserve4; }; struct proc_ipctableinfo { uint32_t table_size; uint32_t table_free; }; struct proc_threadschedinfo { uint64_t int_time_ns; /* time spent in interrupt context */ }; // See PROC_PIDTHREADCOUNTS for a description of how to use these structures. struct proc_threadcounts_data { uint64_t ptcd_instructions; uint64_t ptcd_cycles; uint64_t ptcd_user_time_mach; uint64_t ptcd_system_time_mach; uint64_t ptcd_energy_nj; }; struct proc_threadcounts { uint16_t ptc_len; uint16_t ptc_reserved0; uint32_t ptc_reserved1; struct proc_threadcounts_data ptc_counts[]; }; #define PROC_FLAG_DARWINBG 0x8000 /* process in darwin background */ #define PROC_FLAG_EXT_DARWINBG 0x10000 /* process in darwin background - external enforcement */ #define PROC_FLAG_IOS_APPLEDAEMON 0x20000 /* Process is apple daemon */ #define PROC_FLAG_DELAYIDLESLEEP 0x40000 /* Process is marked to delay idle sleep on disk IO */ #define PROC_FLAG_IOS_IMPPROMOTION 0x80000 /* Process is daemon which receives importane donation */ #define PROC_FLAG_ADAPTIVE 0x100000 /* Process is adaptive */ #define PROC_FLAG_ADAPTIVE_IMPORTANT 0x200000 /* Process is adaptive, and is currently important */ #define PROC_FLAG_IMPORTANCE_DONOR 0x400000 /* Process is marked as an importance donor */ #define PROC_FLAG_SUPPRESSED 0x800000 /* Process is suppressed */ #define PROC_FLAG_APPLICATION 0x1000000 /* Process is an application */ #define PROC_FLAG_IOS_APPLICATION PROC_FLAG_APPLICATION /* Process is an application */ #define PROC_FLAG_ROSETTA 0x2000000 /* Process is running translated under Rosetta */ /* keep in sync with KQ_* in sys/eventvar.h */ #define PROC_KQUEUE_WORKQ 0x0040 #define PROC_KQUEUE_WORKLOOP 0x0080 struct kevent_extinfo { struct kevent_qos_s kqext_kev; uint64_t kqext_sdata; int kqext_status; int kqext_sfflags; uint64_t kqext_reserved[2]; }; /* Flavors for proc_pidinfo() */ #define PROC_PIDUNIQIDENTIFIERINFO 17 #define PROC_PIDUNIQIDENTIFIERINFO_SIZE \ (sizeof(struct proc_uniqidentifierinfo)) #define PROC_PIDT_BSDINFOWITHUNIQID 18 #define PROC_PIDT_BSDINFOWITHUNIQID_SIZE \ (sizeof(struct proc_bsdinfowithuniqid)) #define PROC_PIDARCHINFO 19 #define PROC_PIDARCHINFO_SIZE \ (sizeof(struct proc_archinfo)) #define PROC_PIDCOALITIONINFO 20 #define PROC_PIDCOALITIONINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_pidcoalitioninfo)) #define PROC_PIDNOTEEXIT 21 #define PROC_PIDNOTEEXIT_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t)) #define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO2 22 #define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO2_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_regionwithpathinfo)) #define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO3 23 #define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO3_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_regionwithpathinfo)) #define PROC_PIDEXITREASONINFO 24 #define PROC_PIDEXITREASONINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_exitreasoninfo)) #define PROC_PIDEXITREASONBASICINFO 25 #define PROC_PIDEXITREASONBASICINFOSIZE (sizeof(struct proc_exitreasonbasicinfo)) #define PROC_PIDLISTUPTRS 26 #define PROC_PIDLISTUPTRS_SIZE (sizeof(uint64_t)) #define PROC_PIDLISTDYNKQUEUES 27 #define PROC_PIDLISTDYNKQUEUES_SIZE (sizeof(kqueue_id_t)) #define PROC_PIDLISTTHREADIDS 28 #define PROC_PIDLISTTHREADIDS_SIZE (2* sizeof(uint32_t)) #define PROC_PIDVMRTFAULTINFO 29 #define PROC_PIDVMRTFAULTINFO_SIZE (7 * sizeof(uint64_t)) #define PROC_PIDPLATFORMINFO 30 #define PROC_PIDPLATFORMINFO_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t)) #define PROC_PIDREGIONPATH 31 #define PROC_PIDREGIONPATH_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_regionpath)) #define PROC_PIDIPCTABLEINFO 32 #define PROC_PIDIPCTABLEINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_ipctableinfo)) #define PROC_PIDTHREADSCHEDINFO 33 #define PROC_PIDTHREADSCHEDINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_threadschedinfo)) // PROC_PIDTHREADCOUNTS returns a list of counters for the given thread, // separated out by the "perf-level" it was running on (typically either // "performance" or "efficiency"). // // This interface works a bit differently from the other proc_info(3) flavors. // It copies out a structure with a variable-length array at the end of it. // The start of the `proc_threadcounts` structure contains a header indicating // the length of the subsequent array of `proc_threadcounts_data` elements. // // To use this interface, first read the `hw.nperflevels` sysctl to find out how // large to make the allocation that receives the counter data: // // sizeof(proc_threadcounts) + nperflevels * sizeof(proc_threadcounts_data) // // Use the `hw.perflevel[0-9].name` sysctl to find out which perf-level maps to // each entry in the array. // // The complete usage would be (omitting error reporting): // // uint32_t len = 0; // int ret = sysctlbyname("hw.nperflevels", &len, &len_sz, NULL, 0); // size_t size = sizeof(struct proc_threadcounts) + // len * sizeof(struct proc_threadcounts_data); // struct proc_threadcounts *counts = malloc(size); // // Fill this in with a thread ID, like from `PROC_PIDLISTTHREADS`. // uint64_t tid = 0; // int size_copied = proc_info(getpid(), PROC_PIDTHREADCOUNTS, tid, counts, // size); #define PROC_PIDTHREADCOUNTS 34 #define PROC_PIDTHREADCOUNTS_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_threadcounts)) /* Flavors for proc_pidfdinfo */ #define PROC_PIDFDKQUEUE_EXTINFO 9 #define PROC_PIDFDKQUEUE_EXTINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct kevent_extinfo)) #define PROC_PIDFDKQUEUE_KNOTES_MAX (1024 * 128) #define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX (1024 * 128) /* Flavors for proc_pidoriginatorinfo */ #define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_UUID 0x1 #define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_UUID_SIZE (sizeof(uuid_t)) #define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_BGSTATE 0x2 #define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_BGSTATE_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t)) #define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_PID_UUID 0x3 #define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_PID_UUID_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_originatorinfo)) /* Flavors for proc_listcoalitions */ #define LISTCOALITIONS_ALL_COALS 1 #define LISTCOALITIONS_ALL_COALS_SIZE (sizeof(struct procinfo_coalinfo)) #define LISTCOALITIONS_SINGLE_TYPE 2 #define LISTCOALITIONS_SINGLE_TYPE_SIZE (sizeof(struct procinfo_coalinfo)) /* reasons for proc_can_use_foreground_hw */ #define PROC_FGHW_OK 0 /* pid may use foreground HW */ #define PROC_FGHW_DAEMON_OK 1 #define PROC_FGHW_DAEMON_LEADER 10 /* pid is in a daemon coalition */ #define PROC_FGHW_LEADER_NONUI 11 /* coalition leader is in a non-focal state */ #define PROC_FGHW_LEADER_BACKGROUND 12 /* coalition leader is in a background state */ #define PROC_FGHW_DAEMON_NO_VOUCHER 13 /* pid is a daemon with no adopted voucher */ #define PROC_FGHW_NO_VOUCHER_ATTR 14 /* pid has adopted a voucher with no bank/originator attribute */ #define PROC_FGHW_NO_ORIGINATOR 15 /* pid has adopted a voucher for a process that's gone away */ #define PROC_FGHW_ORIGINATOR_BACKGROUND 16 /* pid has adopted a voucher for an app that's in the background */ #define PROC_FGHW_VOUCHER_ERROR 98 /* error in voucher / originator callout */ #define PROC_FGHW_ERROR 99 /* syscall parameter/permissions error */ /* flavors for proc_piddynkqueueinfo */ #define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_INFO 0 #define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_INFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct kqueue_dyninfo)) #define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_EXTINFO 1 #define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_EXTINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct kevent_extinfo)) /* __proc_info() call numbers */ #define PROC_INFO_CALL_LISTPIDS 0x1 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDINFO 0x2 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDFDINFO 0x3 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_KERNMSGBUF 0x4 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_SETCONTROL 0x5 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDFILEPORTINFO 0x6 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_TERMINATE 0x7 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_DIRTYCONTROL 0x8 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDRUSAGE 0x9 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDORIGINATORINFO 0xa #define PROC_INFO_CALL_LISTCOALITIONS 0xb #define PROC_INFO_CALL_CANUSEFGHW 0xc #define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDDYNKQUEUEINFO 0xd #define PROC_INFO_CALL_UDATA_INFO 0xe #define PROC_INFO_CALL_SET_DYLD_IMAGES 0xf #define PROC_INFO_CALL_TERMINATE_RSR 0x10 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_SIGNAL_AUDITTOKEN 0x11 #define PROC_INFO_CALL_TERMINATE_AUDITTOKEN 0x12 /* __proc_info_extended_id() flags */ #define PIF_COMPARE_IDVERSION 0x01 #define PIF_COMPARE_UNIQUEID 0x02 #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE extern int proc_fdlist(proc_t p, struct proc_fdinfo *buf, size_t *count); extern int proc_pidoriginatorpid_uuid(uuid_t uuid, uint32_t buffersize, pid_t *pid); #endif #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE #ifndef pshmnode struct pshmnode; #endif #ifndef psemnode struct psemnode; #endif #ifndef pipe struct pipe; #endif extern int fill_socketinfo(socket_t so, struct socket_info *si); extern int fill_pshminfo(struct pshmnode * pshm, struct pshm_info * pinfo); extern int fill_pseminfo(struct psemnode * psem, struct psem_info * pinfo); extern int fill_pipeinfo(struct pipe * cpipe, struct pipe_info * pinfo); extern int fill_kqueueinfo(struct kqueue * kq, struct kqueue_info * kinfo); extern int pid_kqueue_extinfo(proc_t, struct kqueue * kq, user_addr_t buffer, uint32_t buffersize, int32_t * retval); extern int pid_kqueue_udatainfo(proc_t p, struct kqueue *kq, uint64_t *buf, uint32_t bufsize); extern int pid_kqueue_listdynamickqueues(proc_t p, user_addr_t ubuf, uint32_t bufsize, int32_t *retval); extern int pid_dynamickqueue_extinfo(proc_t p, kqueue_id_t kq_id, user_addr_t ubuf, uint32_t bufsize, int32_t *retval); struct kern_channel; extern int fill_channelinfo(struct kern_channel * chan, struct proc_channel_info *chan_info); extern int fill_procworkqueue(proc_t, struct proc_workqueueinfo *); extern boolean_t workqueue_get_pwq_exceeded(void *v, boolean_t *exceeded_total, boolean_t *exceeded_constrained); extern uint32_t workqueue_get_pwq_state_kdp(void *proc); #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ __END_DECLS #endif /*_SYS_PROC_INFO_PRIVATE_H */