/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _REASON_H_ #define _REASON_H_ #include __BEGIN_DECLS #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #include #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE #include #include typedef struct os_reason { decl_lck_mtx_data(, osr_lock); os_refcnt_t osr_refcount; uint32_t osr_namespace; uint64_t osr_code; uint64_t osr_flags; uint32_t osr_bufsize; struct kcdata_descriptor osr_kcd_descriptor; char *osr_kcd_buf; } *os_reason_t; #define OS_REASON_NULL ((os_reason_t) NULL) /* We only include 800 bytes of the exit reason description to not blow through the panic buffer */ #define LAUNCHD_PANIC_REASON_STRING_MAXLEN "800" void os_reason_init(void); os_reason_t build_userspace_exit_reason(uint32_t reason_namespace, uint64_t reason_code, user_addr_t payload, uint32_t payload_size, user_addr_t reason_string, uint64_t reason_flags); char *exit_reason_get_string_desc(os_reason_t exit_reason); /* The blocking allocation is currently not exported to KEXTs */ int os_reason_alloc_buffer(os_reason_t cur_reason, uint32_t osr_bufsize); #else /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ typedef void * os_reason_t; #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ os_reason_t os_reason_create(uint32_t osr_namespace, uint64_t osr_code); int os_reason_alloc_buffer_noblock(os_reason_t cur_reason, uint32_t osr_bufsize); struct kcdata_descriptor * os_reason_get_kcdata_descriptor(os_reason_t cur_reason); void os_reason_ref(os_reason_t cur_reason); void os_reason_free(os_reason_t cur_reason); void os_reason_set_flags(os_reason_t cur_reason, uint64_t flags); void os_reason_set_description_data(os_reason_t cur_reason, uint32_t type, void *reason_data, uint32_t reason_data_len); #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ /* * Reason namespaces. */ #define OS_REASON_INVALID 0 #define OS_REASON_JETSAM 1 #define OS_REASON_SIGNAL 2 #define OS_REASON_CODESIGNING 3 #define OS_REASON_HANGTRACER 4 #define OS_REASON_TEST 5 #define OS_REASON_DYLD 6 #define OS_REASON_LIBXPC 7 #define OS_REASON_OBJC 8 #define OS_REASON_EXEC 9 #define OS_REASON_SPRINGBOARD 10 #define OS_REASON_TCC 11 #define OS_REASON_REPORTCRASH 12 #define OS_REASON_COREANIMATION 13 #define OS_REASON_AGGREGATED 14 #define OS_REASON_RUNNINGBOARD 15 #define OS_REASON_ASSERTIOND OS_REASON_RUNNINGBOARD /* old name */ #define OS_REASON_SKYWALK 16 #define OS_REASON_SETTINGS 17 #define OS_REASON_LIBSYSTEM 18 #define OS_REASON_FOUNDATION 19 #define OS_REASON_WATCHDOG 20 #define OS_REASON_METAL 21 #define OS_REASON_WATCHKIT 22 #define OS_REASON_GUARD 23 #define OS_REASON_ANALYTICS 24 #define OS_REASON_SANDBOX 25 #define OS_REASON_SECURITY 26 #define OS_REASON_ENDPOINTSECURITY 27 #define OS_REASON_PAC_EXCEPTION 28 #define OS_REASON_BLUETOOTH_CHIP 29 #define OS_REASON_PORT_SPACE 30 #define OS_REASON_WEBKIT 31 #define OS_REASON_BACKLIGHTSERVICES 32 #define OS_REASON_MEDIA 33 #define OS_REASON_ROSETTA 34 #define OS_REASON_LIBIGNITION 35 #define OS_REASON_BOOTMOUNT 36 #define OS_REASON_REALITYKIT 38 /* * Update whenever new OS_REASON namespaces are added. */ #define OS_REASON_MAX_VALID_NAMESPACE OS_REASON_REALITYKIT #define OS_REASON_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE 5120 #define OS_REASON_FLAG_NO_CRASH_REPORT 0x1 /* Don't create a crash report */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_GENERATE_CRASH_REPORT 0x2 /* Create a crash report - the default for userspace requests */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_FROM_USERSPACE 0x4 /* Reason created from a userspace syscall */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_FAILED_DATA_COPYIN 0x8 /* We failed to copyin data from userspace */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_PAYLOAD_TRUNCATED 0x10 /* The payload was truncated because it was longer than allowed */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_BAD_PARAMS 0x20 /* Invalid parameters were passed involved with creating this reason */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_CONSISTENT_FAILURE 0x40 /* Whatever caused this reason to be created will happen again */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_ONE_TIME_FAILURE 0x80 /* Whatever caused this reason to be created was a one time issue */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_NO_CRASHED_TID 0x100 /* Don't include the TID that processed the exit in the crash report */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_ABORT 0x200 /* Reason created from abort_* rather than terminate_* */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_SHAREDREGION_FAULT 0x400 /* Fault happened within the shared cache region */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_CAPTURE_LOGS 0x800 /* The report generated for this reason should capture logs */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_SECURITY_SENSITIVE 0x1000 /* Mark as security sensitive for priority treatment */ /* * Set of flags that are allowed to be passed from userspace */ #define OS_REASON_FLAG_MASK_ALLOWED_FROM_USER (OS_REASON_FLAG_CONSISTENT_FAILURE | OS_REASON_FLAG_ONE_TIME_FAILURE | OS_REASON_FLAG_NO_CRASH_REPORT | OS_REASON_FLAG_ABORT | OS_REASON_FLAG_CAPTURE_LOGS | OS_REASON_FLAG_SECURITY_SENSITIVE) /* * Macros to encode the exit reason namespace and first 32 bits of code in exception code * which is used by Report Crash as a hint. It should be only used as a hint since it * loses higher 32 bits of exit reason code. */ #define ENCODE_OSR_NAMESPACE_TO_MACH_EXCEPTION_CODE(code, osr_namespace) \ (code) = (code) | (((osr_namespace) & ((uint64_t)UINT32_MAX)) << 32) #define ENCODE_OSR_CODE_TO_MACH_EXCEPTION_CODE(code, osr_code) \ (code) = (code) | ((osr_code) & ((uint64_t)UINT32_MAX)) #ifndef KERNEL /* * abort_with_reason: Used to exit the current process and pass along * specific information about why it is being terminated. * * Inputs: args->reason_namespace - OS_REASON namespace specified for the reason * args->reason_code - code in the specified namespace for the reason * args->reason_string - additional string formatted information about the request * args->reason_flags - options requested for how the process should be terminated (see OS_REASON_FLAG_* above). * * Outputs: Does not return. */ void abort_with_reason(uint32_t reason_namespace, uint64_t reason_code, const char *reason_string, uint64_t reason_flags) __attribute__((noreturn, cold)); /* * abort_with_payload: Used to exit the current process and pass along * specific information about why it is being terminated. The payload pointer * should point to structured data that can be interpreted by the consumer of * exit reason information. * * Inputs: args->reason_namespace - OS_REASON namespace specified for the reason * args->reason_code - code in the specified namespace for the reason * args->payload - pointer to payload structure in user space * args->payload_size - length of payload buffer (this will be truncated to EXIT_REASON_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN) * args->reason_string - additional string formatted information about the request * args->reason_flags - options requested for how the process should be terminated (see OS_REASON_FLAG_* above). * * Outputs: Does not return. */ void abort_with_payload(uint32_t reason_namespace, uint64_t reason_code, void *payload, uint32_t payload_size, const char *reason_string, uint64_t reason_flags) __attribute__((noreturn, cold)); /* * terminate_with_reason: Used to terminate a specific process and pass along * specific information about why it is being terminated. * * Inputs: args->pid - the PID of the process to be terminated * args->reason_namespace - OS_REASON namespace specified for the reason * args->reason_code - code in the specified namespace for the reason * args->reason_string - additional string formatted information about the request * args->reason_flags - options requested for how the process should be terminated (see OS_REASON_FLAG_* above) * * Outputs: returns -1 and sets errno to EINVAL if the PID requested is the same as that of the calling process, invalid or the namespace provided is invalid. * returns -1 and sets errno to ESRCH if we couldn't find a live process with the requested PID * returns -1 and sets errno to EPERM if the caller is not privileged enough to kill the process with the requested PID * returns 0 otherwise */ int terminate_with_reason(int pid, uint32_t reason_namespace, uint64_t reason_code, const char *reason_string, uint64_t reason_flags); /* * terminate_with_payload: Used to terminate a specific process and pass along * specific information about why it is being terminated. The payload pointer * should point to structured data that can be interpreted by the consumer of * exit reason information. * * Inputs: args->pid - the PID of the process to be terminated. * args->reason_namespace - OS_REASON namespace specified for the reason * args->reason_code - code in the specified namespace for the reason * args->payload - pointer to payload structure in user space * args->payload_size - length of payload buffer (this will be truncated to EXIT_REASON_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN) * args->reason_string - additional string formatted information about the request * args->reason_flags - options requested for how the process should be terminated (see OS_REASON_FLAG_* above) * * Outputs: returns -1 and sets errno to EINVAL if the PID requested is the same as that of the calling process, is invalid or the namespace provided is invalid. * returns -1 and sets errno to ESRCH if we couldn't find a live process with the requested PID * returns -1 and sets errno to EPERM if the caller is not privileged enough to kill the process with the requested PID * returns 0 otherwise */ int terminate_with_payload(int pid, uint32_t reason_namespace, uint64_t reason_code, void *payload, uint32_t payload_size, const char *reason_string, uint64_t reason_flags); #endif /* KERNEL */ /* * codesigning exit reasons */ #define CODESIGNING_EXIT_REASON_TASKGATED_INVALID_SIG 1 #define CODESIGNING_EXIT_REASON_INVALID_PAGE 2 #define CODESIGNING_EXIT_REASON_TASK_ACCESS_PORT 3 #define CODESIGNING_EXIT_REASON_LAUNCH_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION 4 /* * exec path specific exit reasons */ #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_BAD_MACHO 1 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_SUGID_FAILURE 2 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_ACTV_THREADSTATE 3 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_STACK_ALLOC 4 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_APPLE_STRING_INIT 5 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_COPYOUT_STRINGS 6 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_COPYOUT_DYNLINKER 7 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_SECURITY_POLICY 8 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_TASKGATED_OTHER 9 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_FAIRPLAY_DECRYPT 10 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_DECRYPT 11 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_UPX 12 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_NO32EXEC 13 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_WRONG_PLATFORM 14 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_MAIN_FD_ALLOC 15 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_COPYOUT_ROSETTA 16 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_SET_DYLD_INFO 17 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_MACHINE_THREAD 18 #define EXEC_EXIT_REASON_BAD_PSATTR 19 /* * guard reasons */ #define GUARD_REASON_VNODE 1 #define GUARD_REASON_VIRT_MEMORY 2 #define GUARD_REASON_MACH_PORT 3 #define GUARD_REASON_EXCLAVES 4 #define GUARD_REASON_JIT 5 __END_DECLS #endif /* _REASON_H_ */