/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* IOArray.h created by rsulack on Thu 11-Sep-1997 */ #define IOKIT_ENABLE_SHARED_PTR #include #include #include #include #include #define super OSIterator OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(OSCollectionIterator, OSIterator) bool OSCollectionIterator::initWithCollection(const OSCollection *inColl) { if (!super::init() || !inColl) { return false; } collection.reset(inColl, OSRetain); collIterator = NULL; initialUpdateStamp = 0; valid = false; return true; } OSSharedPtr OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(const OSCollection *inColl) { OSSharedPtr me = OSMakeShared(); if (me && !me->initWithCollection(inColl)) { return nullptr; } return me; } void OSCollectionIterator::free() { freeIteratorStorage(); collection.reset(); super::free(); } void OSCollectionIterator::reset() { valid = false; bool initialized = initializeIteratorStorage(); if (!initialized) { // reusing existing storage void * storage = getIteratorStorage(); bzero(storage, collection->iteratorSize()); if (!collection->initIterator(storage)) { return; } initialUpdateStamp = collection->updateStamp; valid = true; } } bool OSCollectionIterator::isValid() { initializeIteratorStorage(); if (!valid || collection->updateStamp != initialUpdateStamp) { return false; } return true; } bool OSCollectionIterator::initializeIteratorStorage() { void * result = NULL; bool initialized = false; #if __LP64__ OSCollectionIteratorStorageType storageType = getStorageType(); switch (storageType) { case OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated: if (collection->iteratorSize() > sizeof(inlineStorage) || isSubclassed()) { collIterator = (void *)kalloc_data(collection->iteratorSize(), Z_WAITOK); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(collection->iteratorSize()); if (!collection->initIterator(collIterator)) { kfree_data(collIterator, collection->iteratorSize()); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(-((size_t) collection->iteratorSize())); collIterator = NULL; initialized = false; setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); } else { setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer); result = collIterator; initialized = true; } } else { bzero(&inlineStorage[0], collection->iteratorSize()); if (!collection->initIterator(&inlineStorage[0])) { bzero(&inlineStorage[0], collection->iteratorSize()); initialized = false; setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); } else { setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline); result = &inlineStorage[0]; initialized = true; } } break; case OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer: // already initialized initialized = false; break; case OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline: // already initialized initialized = false; break; default: panic("unexpected storage type %u", storageType); } #else if (!collIterator) { collIterator = (void *)kalloc_data(collection->iteratorSize(), Z_WAITOK); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(collection->iteratorSize()); if (!collection->initIterator(collIterator)) { kfree_data(collIterator, collection->iteratorSize()); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(-((size_t) collection->iteratorSize())); collIterator = NULL; initialized = false; setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); } else { setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer); result = collIterator; initialized = true; } } #endif /* __LP64__ */ if (initialized) { valid = true; initialUpdateStamp = collection->updateStamp; } return initialized; } void * OSCollectionIterator::getIteratorStorage() { void * result = NULL; #if __LP64__ OSCollectionIteratorStorageType storageType = getStorageType(); switch (storageType) { case OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated: result = NULL; break; case OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer: result = collIterator; break; case OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline: result = &inlineStorage[0]; break; default: panic("unexpected storage type %u", storageType); } #else OSCollectionIteratorStorageType storageType __assert_only = getStorageType(); assert(storageType == OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer || storageType == OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); result = collIterator; #endif /* __LP64__ */ return result; } void OSCollectionIterator::freeIteratorStorage() { #if __LP64__ OSCollectionIteratorStorageType storageType = getStorageType(); switch (storageType) { case OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated: break; case OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer: kfree_data(collIterator, collection->iteratorSize()); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(-((size_t) collection->iteratorSize())); collIterator = NULL; setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); break; case OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline: bzero(&inlineStorage[0], collection->iteratorSize()); setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); break; default: panic("unexpected storage type %u", storageType); } #else if (collIterator != NULL) { assert(getStorageType() == OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer); kfree_data(collIterator, collection->iteratorSize()); OSCONTAINER_ACCUMSIZE(-((size_t) collection->iteratorSize())); collIterator = NULL; setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); } else { assert(getStorageType() == OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); } #endif /* __LP64__ */ } bool OSCollectionIterator::isSubclassed() { return getMetaClass() != OSCollectionIterator::metaClass; } OSCollectionIteratorStorageType OSCollectionIterator::getStorageType() { #if __LP64__ // Storage type is in the most significant 2 bits of collIterator return (OSCollectionIteratorStorageType)((uintptr_t)(collIterator) >> 62); #else if (collIterator != NULL) { return OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer; } else { return OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated; } #endif /* __LP64__ */ } void OSCollectionIterator::setStorageType(OSCollectionIteratorStorageType storageType) { #if __LP64__ switch (storageType) { case OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated: if (collIterator != NULL) { assert(getStorageType() == OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline); collIterator = NULL; } break; case OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer: // Should already be set assert(collIterator != NULL); assert(getStorageType() == OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer); break; case OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline: // Set the two most sigificant bits of collIterator to 10b collIterator = (void *)(((uintptr_t)collIterator & ~0xC000000000000000) | ((uintptr_t)OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline << 62)); break; default: panic("unexpected storage type %u", storageType); } #else switch (storageType) { case OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated: // Should already be set assert(collIterator == NULL); assert(getStorageType() == OSCollectionIteratorStorageUnallocated); break; case OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer: // Should already be set assert(collIterator != NULL); assert(getStorageType() == OSCollectionIteratorStoragePointer); break; case OSCollectionIteratorStorageInline: panic("cannot use inline storage on LP32"); break; default: panic("unexpected storage type %u", storageType); } #endif /* __LP64__ */ } OSObject * OSCollectionIterator::getNextObject() { OSObject *retObj; bool retVal; void * storage; if (!isValid()) { return NULL; } storage = getIteratorStorage(); assert(storage != NULL); retVal = collection->getNextObjectForIterator(storage, &retObj); return (retVal)? retObj : NULL; }