/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * HISTORY * * OSUnserializeXML.y created by rsulack on Tue Oct 12 1999 */ // parser for unserializing OSContainer objects serialized to XML // // to build : // bison -p OSUnserializeXML OSUnserializeXML.y // head -50 OSUnserializeXML.y > ../libkern/c++/OSUnserializeXMLSharedImplementation.h // sed -e "s/#include //" < OSUnserializeXML.tab.c >> ../libkern/c++/OSUnserializeXMLSharedImplementation.h // // when changing code check in both OSUnserializeXML.y and OSUnserializeXMLSharedImplementation.h // // // // // // DO NOT EDIT OSUnserializeXMLSharedImplementation.h! // // this means you! // // // // // // %pure_parser %{ #include #if KERNEL #include #include #include #else /* !KERNEL */ #include #endif /* KERNEL */ #define MAX_OBJECTS 131071 #define MAX_REFED_OBJECTS 65535 #define YYSTYPE object_t * #define YYPARSE_PARAM state #define YYLEX_PARAM (parser_state_t *)state // this is the internal struct used to hold objects on parser stack // it represents objects both before and after they have been created typedef struct object { struct object *next; struct object *free; struct object *elements; OSObject *object; OSSymbol *key; // for dictionary int size; void *data; // for data char *string; // for string & symbol int string_alloc_length; long long number; // for number int idref; } object_t; // this code is reentrant, this structure contains all // state information for the parsing of a single buffer typedef struct parser_state { const char *parseBuffer; // start of text to be parsed int parseBufferIndex; // current index into text int lineNumber; // current line number object_t *objects; // internal objects in use object_t *freeObjects; // internal objects that are free OSDictionary *tags; // used to remember "ID" tags OSString **errorString; // parse error with line OSObject *parsedObject; // resultant object of parsed text int parsedObjectCount; int retrievedObjectCount; } parser_state_t; #define STATE ((parser_state_t *)state) #undef yyerror #define yyerror(s) OSUnserializeerror(STATE, (s)) static int OSUnserializeerror(parser_state_t *state, const char *s); static int yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, parser_state_t *state); static object_t *newObject(parser_state_t *state); static void freeObject(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static void rememberObject(parser_state_t *state, int tag, OSObject *o); static object_t *retrieveObject(parser_state_t *state, int tag); static void cleanupObjects(parser_state_t *state); static object_t *buildDictionary(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static object_t *buildArray(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static object_t *buildSet(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static object_t *buildString(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static object_t *buildSymbol(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static object_t *buildData(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static object_t *buildNumber(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); static object_t *buildBoolean(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o); #if KERNEL __BEGIN_DECLS #include __END_DECLS #define malloc(size) malloc_impl(size) #define malloc_type(type) kalloc_type(type, Z_SET_NOTSHARED) static inline void * malloc_impl(size_t size) { if (size == 0) { return NULL; } return kalloc_data(size, Z_VM_TAG_BT(Z_WAITOK_ZERO, VM_KERN_MEMORY_LIBKERN)); } #define free(addr) free_impl(addr) #define free_type(type, addr) kfree_type(type, addr) static inline void free_impl(void *addr) { kfree_data_addr(addr); } static inline void safe_free(void *addr, size_t size) { kfree_data(addr, size); } #define realloc(addr, osize, nsize) realloc_impl(addr, osize, nsize) static inline void * realloc_impl(void *addr, size_t osize, size_t nsize) { return krealloc_data(addr, osize, nsize, Z_VM_TAG_BT(Z_WAITOK_ZERO, VM_KERN_MEMORY_LIBKERN)); } #else /* !KERNEL */ #define malloc(size) malloc_impl(size) #define malloc_type(type) (type *) calloc(1, sizeof(type)) static inline void * malloc_impl(size_t size) { if (size == 0) { return NULL; } return calloc(1, size); } #define safe_free(addr, size) free(addr) #define free_type(type, addr) safe_free(addr, sizeof(type)) #define realloc(addr, osize, nsize) realloc_impl(addr, osize, nsize) static inline void * realloc_impl(void *addr, size_t osize, size_t nsize) { void * nmem; if (!addr) { return malloc(nsize); } if (nsize == osize) { return addr; } nmem = (realloc)(addr, nsize); if (nmem && nsize > osize) { bzero((uint8_t *)nmem + osize, nsize - osize); } return nmem; } #endif /* KERNEL */ %} %token ARRAY %token BOOLEAN %token DATA %token DICTIONARY %token IDREF %token KEY %token NUMBER %token SET %token STRING %token SYNTAX_ERROR %% /* Grammar rules and actions follow */ input: /* empty */ { yyerror("unexpected end of buffer"); YYERROR; } | object { STATE->parsedObject = $1->object; $1->object = 0; freeObject(STATE, $1); YYACCEPT; } | SYNTAX_ERROR { yyerror("syntax error"); YYERROR; } ; object: dict { $$ = buildDictionary(STATE, $1); if (!yyval->object) { yyerror("buildDictionary"); YYERROR; } STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } | array { $$ = buildArray(STATE, $1); if (!yyval->object) { yyerror("buildArray"); YYERROR; } STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } | set { $$ = buildSet(STATE, $1); if (!yyval->object) { yyerror("buildSet"); YYERROR; } STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } | string { $$ = buildString(STATE, $1); if (!yyval->object) { yyerror("buildString"); YYERROR; } STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } | data { $$ = buildData(STATE, $1); if (!yyval->object) { yyerror("buildData"); YYERROR; } STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } | number { $$ = buildNumber(STATE, $1); if (!yyval->object) { yyerror("buildNumber"); YYERROR; } STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } | boolean { $$ = buildBoolean(STATE, $1); if (!yyval->object) { yyerror("buildBoolean"); YYERROR; } STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } | idref { $$ = retrieveObject(STATE, $1->idref); if ($$) { STATE->retrievedObjectCount++; $$->object->retain(); if (STATE->retrievedObjectCount > MAX_REFED_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object reference count"); YYERROR; } } else { yyerror("forward reference detected"); YYERROR; } freeObject(STATE, $1); STATE->parsedObjectCount++; if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { yyerror("maximum object count"); YYERROR; } } ; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dict: '{' '}' { $$ = $1; $$->elements = NULL; } | '{' pairs '}' { $$ = $1; $$->elements = $2; } | DICTIONARY ; pairs: pair | pairs pair { $$ = $2; $$->next = $1; object_t *o; o = $$->next; while (o) { if (o->key == $$->key) { yyerror("duplicate dictionary key"); YYERROR; } o = o->next; } } ; pair: key object { $$ = $1; $$->key = (OSSymbol *)$$->object; $$->object = $2->object; $$->next = NULL; $2->object = 0; freeObject(STATE, $2); } ; key: KEY { $$ = buildSymbol(STATE, $1); // STATE->parsedObjectCount++; // if (STATE->parsedObjectCount > MAX_OBJECTS) { // yyerror("maximum object count"); // YYERROR; // } } ; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ array: '(' ')' { $$ = $1; $$->elements = NULL; } | '(' elements ')' { $$ = $1; $$->elements = $2; } | ARRAY ; set: '[' ']' { $$ = $1; $$->elements = NULL; } | '[' elements ']' { $$ = $1; $$->elements = $2; } | SET ; elements: object { $$ = $1; $$->next = NULL; } | elements object { $$ = $2; $$->next = $1; } ; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ boolean: BOOLEAN ; data: DATA ; idref: IDREF ; number: NUMBER ; string: STRING ; %% int OSUnserializeerror(parser_state_t * state, const char *s) /* Called by yyparse on errors */ { if (state->errorString) { char tempString[128]; snprintf(tempString, 128, "OSUnserializeXML: %s near line %d\n", s, state->lineNumber); *(state->errorString) = OSString::withCString(tempString); } return 0; } #define TAG_MAX_LENGTH 32 #define TAG_MAX_ATTRIBUTES 32 #define TAG_BAD 0 #define TAG_START 1 #define TAG_END 2 #define TAG_EMPTY 3 #define TAG_IGNORE 4 #define currentChar() (state->parseBuffer[state->parseBufferIndex]) #define nextChar() (state->parseBuffer[++state->parseBufferIndex]) #define prevChar() (state->parseBuffer[state->parseBufferIndex - 1]) #define isSpace(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t') #define isAlpha(c) (((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z')) #define isDigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') #define isAlphaDigit(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') #define isHexDigit(c) (isDigit(c) || isAlphaDigit(c)) #define isAlphaNumeric(c) (isAlpha(c) || isDigit(c) || ((c) == '-')) static int getTag(parser_state_t *state, char tag[TAG_MAX_LENGTH], int *attributeCount, char attributes[TAG_MAX_ATTRIBUTES][TAG_MAX_LENGTH], char values[TAG_MAX_ATTRIBUTES][TAG_MAX_LENGTH] ) { int length = 0; int c = currentChar(); int tagType = TAG_START; *attributeCount = 0; if (c != '<') { return TAG_BAD; } c = nextChar(); // skip '<' // // if (c == '!') { c = nextChar(); bool isComment = (c == '-') && ((c = nextChar()) != 0) && (c == '-'); if (!isComment && !isAlpha(c)) { return TAG_BAD; // lineNumber++; } if (isComment) { if (c != '-') { continue; } c = nextChar(); if (c != '-') { continue; } c = nextChar(); } if (c == '>') { (void)nextChar(); return TAG_IGNORE; } if (isComment) { break; } } return TAG_BAD; } else // if (c == '?') { while ((c = nextChar()) != 0) { if (c == '\n') { state->lineNumber++; } if (c != '?') { continue; } c = nextChar(); if (!c) { return TAG_IGNORE; } if (c == '>') { (void)nextChar(); return TAG_IGNORE; } } return TAG_BAD; } else // if (c == '/') { c = nextChar(); // skip '/' tagType = TAG_END; } if (!isAlpha(c)) { return TAG_BAD; } /* find end of tag while copying it */ while (isAlphaNumeric(c)) { tag[length++] = c; c = nextChar(); if (length >= (TAG_MAX_LENGTH - 1)) { return TAG_BAD; } } tag[length] = 0; // printf("tag %s, type %d\n", tag, tagType); // look for attributes of the form attribute = "value" ... while ((c != '>') && (c != '/')) { while (isSpace(c)) { c = nextChar(); } length = 0; while (isAlphaNumeric(c)) { attributes[*attributeCount][length++] = c; if (length >= (TAG_MAX_LENGTH - 1)) { return TAG_BAD; } c = nextChar(); } attributes[*attributeCount][length] = 0; while (isSpace(c)) { c = nextChar(); } if (c != '=') { return TAG_BAD; } c = nextChar(); while (isSpace(c)) { c = nextChar(); } if (c != '"') { return TAG_BAD; } c = nextChar(); length = 0; while (c != '"') { values[*attributeCount][length++] = c; if (length >= (TAG_MAX_LENGTH - 1)) { return TAG_BAD; } c = nextChar(); if (!c) { return TAG_BAD; } } values[*attributeCount][length] = 0; c = nextChar(); // skip closing quote // printf(" attribute '%s' = '%s', nextchar = '%c'\n", // attributes[*attributeCount], values[*attributeCount], c); (*attributeCount)++; if (*attributeCount >= TAG_MAX_ATTRIBUTES) { return TAG_BAD; } } if (c == '/') { c = nextChar(); // skip '/' tagType = TAG_EMPTY; } if (c != '>') { return TAG_BAD; } c = nextChar(); // skip '>' return tagType; } static char * getString(parser_state_t *state, int *alloc_lengthp) { int c = currentChar(); int start, length, i, j; char * tempString; start = state->parseBufferIndex; /* find end of string */ while (c != 0) { if (c == '\n') { state->lineNumber++; } if (c == '<') { break; } c = nextChar(); } if (c != '<') { return 0; } length = state->parseBufferIndex - start; /* copy to null terminated buffer */ tempString = (char *)malloc(length + 1); if (tempString == NULL) { printf("OSUnserializeXML: can't alloc temp memory\n"); goto error; } if (alloc_lengthp) { *alloc_lengthp = length + 1; } // copy out string in tempString // "&" -> '&', "<" -> '<', ">" -> '>' i = j = 0; while (i < length) { c = state->parseBuffer[start + i++]; if (c != '&') { tempString[j++] = c; } else { if ((i + 3) > length) { goto error; } c = state->parseBuffer[start + i++]; if (c == 'l') { if (state->parseBuffer[start + i++] != 't') { goto error; } if (state->parseBuffer[start + i++] != ';') { goto error; } tempString[j++] = '<'; continue; } if (c == 'g') { if (state->parseBuffer[start + i++] != 't') { goto error; } if (state->parseBuffer[start + i++] != ';') { goto error; } tempString[j++] = '>'; continue; } if ((i + 3) > length) { goto error; } if (c == 'a') { if (state->parseBuffer[start + i++] != 'm') { goto error; } if (state->parseBuffer[start + i++] != 'p') { goto error; } if (state->parseBuffer[start + i++] != ';') { goto error; } tempString[j++] = '&'; continue; } goto error; } } tempString[j] = 0; // printf("string %s\n", tempString); return tempString; error: if (tempString) { safe_free(tempString, length + 1); if (alloc_lengthp) { *alloc_lengthp = 0; } } return 0; } static long long getNumber(parser_state_t *state) { unsigned long long n = 0; int base = 10; bool negate = false; int c = currentChar(); if (c == '0') { c = nextChar(); if (c == 'x') { base = 16; c = nextChar(); } } if (base == 10) { if (c == '-') { negate = true; c = nextChar(); } while (isDigit(c)) { n = (n * base + c - '0'); c = nextChar(); } if (negate) { n = (unsigned long long)((long long)n * (long long)-1); } } else { while (isHexDigit(c)) { if (isDigit(c)) { n = (n * base + c - '0'); } else { n = (n * base + 0xa + c - 'a'); } c = nextChar(); } } // printf("number 0x%x\n", (unsigned long)n); return n; } // taken from CFXMLParsing/CFPropertyList.c static const signed char __CFPLDataDecodeTable[128] = { /* 000 */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 010 */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 020 */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 030 */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* ' ' */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* '(' */ -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, /* '0' */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, /* '8' */ 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, /* '@' */ -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, /* 'H' */ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, /* 'P' */ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, /* 'X' */ 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* '`' */ -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, /* 'h' */ 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, /* 'p' */ 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, /* 'x' */ 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; #define DATA_ALLOC_SIZE 4096 static void * getCFEncodedData(parser_state_t *state, unsigned int *size) { int numeq = 0, cntr = 0; unsigned int acc = 0; int tmpbufpos = 0; size_t tmpbuflen = DATA_ALLOC_SIZE; unsigned char *tmpbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(tmpbuflen); int c = currentChar(); *size = 0; while (c != '<') { c &= 0x7f; if (c == 0) { safe_free(tmpbuf, tmpbuflen); return 0; } if (c == '=') { numeq++; } else { numeq = 0; } if (c == '\n') { state->lineNumber++; } if (__CFPLDataDecodeTable[c] < 0) { c = nextChar(); continue; } cntr++; acc <<= 6; acc += __CFPLDataDecodeTable[c]; if (0 == (cntr & 0x3)) { if (tmpbuflen <= tmpbufpos + 2) { size_t oldsize = tmpbuflen; tmpbuflen *= 2; tmpbuf = (unsigned char *)realloc(tmpbuf, oldsize, tmpbuflen); } tmpbuf[tmpbufpos++] = (acc >> 16) & 0xff; if (numeq < 2) { tmpbuf[tmpbufpos++] = (acc >> 8) & 0xff; } if (numeq < 1) { tmpbuf[tmpbufpos++] = acc & 0xff; } } c = nextChar(); } *size = tmpbufpos; if (*size == 0) { safe_free(tmpbuf, tmpbuflen); return 0; } return tmpbuf; } static void * getHexData(parser_state_t *state, unsigned int *size) { int c; unsigned char *d, *start; size_t buflen = DATA_ALLOC_SIZE; // initial buffer size start = d = (unsigned char *)malloc(buflen); c = currentChar(); while (c != '<') { if (isSpace(c)) { while ((c = nextChar()) != 0 && isSpace(c)) { } } ; if (c == '\n') { state->lineNumber++; c = nextChar(); continue; } // get high nibble if (isDigit(c)) { *d = (c - '0') << 4; } else if (isAlphaDigit(c)) { *d = (0xa + (c - 'a')) << 4; } else { goto error; } // get low nibble c = nextChar(); if (isDigit(c)) { *d |= c - '0'; } else if (isAlphaDigit(c)) { *d |= 0xa + (c - 'a'); } else { goto error; } d++; size_t oldsize = d - start; if (oldsize >= buflen) { assert(oldsize == buflen); buflen *= 2; start = (unsigned char *)realloc(start, oldsize, buflen); d = start + oldsize; } c = nextChar(); } *size = d - start; return start; error: *size = 0; safe_free(start, buflen); return 0; } static int yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, parser_state_t *state) { int c, i; int tagType; char tag[TAG_MAX_LENGTH]; int attributeCount; char attributes[TAG_MAX_ATTRIBUTES][TAG_MAX_LENGTH]; char values[TAG_MAX_ATTRIBUTES][TAG_MAX_LENGTH]; object_t *object; int alloc_length; top: c = currentChar(); /* skip white space */ if (isSpace(c)) { while ((c = nextChar()) != 0 && isSpace(c)) { } } ; /* keep track of line number, don't return \n's */ if (c == '\n') { STATE->lineNumber++; (void)nextChar(); goto top; } // end of the buffer? if (!c) { return 0; } tagType = getTag(STATE, tag, &attributeCount, attributes, values); if (tagType == TAG_BAD) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (tagType == TAG_IGNORE) { goto top; } // handle allocation and check for "ID" and "IDREF" tags up front *lvalp = object = newObject(STATE); object->idref = -1; for (i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { if (attributes[i][0] == 'I' && attributes[i][1] == 'D') { // check for idref's, note: we ignore the tag, for // this to work correctly, all idrefs must be unique // across the whole serialization if (attributes[i][2] == 'R' && attributes[i][3] == 'E' && attributes[i][4] == 'F' && !attributes[i][5]) { if (tagType != TAG_EMPTY) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } object->idref = strtol(values[i], NULL, 0); return IDREF; } // check for id's if (!attributes[i][2]) { object->idref = strtol(values[i], NULL, 0); } else { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } } } switch (*tag) { case 'a': if (!strcmp(tag, "array")) { if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->elements = NULL; return ARRAY; } return (tagType == TAG_START) ? '(' : ')'; } break; case 'd': if (!strcmp(tag, "dict")) { if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->elements = NULL; return DICTIONARY; } return (tagType == TAG_START) ? '{' : '}'; } if (!strcmp(tag, "data")) { unsigned int size; if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->data = NULL; object->size = 0; return DATA; } bool isHexFormat = false; for (i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { if (!strcmp(attributes[i], "format") && !strcmp(values[i], "hex")) { isHexFormat = true; break; } } // CF encoded is the default form if (isHexFormat) { object->data = getHexData(STATE, &size); } else { object->data = getCFEncodedData(STATE, &size); } object->size = size; if ((getTag(STATE, tag, &attributeCount, attributes, values) != TAG_END) || strcmp(tag, "data")) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } return DATA; } break; case 'f': if (!strcmp(tag, "false")) { if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->number = 0; return BOOLEAN; } } break; case 'i': if (!strcmp(tag, "integer")) { object->size = 64; // default for (i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { if (!strcmp(attributes[i], "size")) { object->size = strtoul(values[i], NULL, 0); } } if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->number = 0; return NUMBER; } object->number = getNumber(STATE); if ((getTag(STATE, tag, &attributeCount, attributes, values) != TAG_END) || strcmp(tag, "integer")) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } return NUMBER; } break; case 'k': if (!strcmp(tag, "key")) { if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } object->string = getString(STATE, &alloc_length); if (!object->string) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } object->string_alloc_length = alloc_length; if ((getTag(STATE, tag, &attributeCount, attributes, values) != TAG_END) || strcmp(tag, "key")) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } return KEY; } break; case 'p': if (!strcmp(tag, "plist")) { freeObject(STATE, object); goto top; } break; case 's': if (!strcmp(tag, "string")) { if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->string = (char *)malloc(1); object->string_alloc_length = 1; object->string[0] = 0; return STRING; } object->string = getString(STATE, &alloc_length); if (!object->string) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } object->string_alloc_length = alloc_length; if ((getTag(STATE, tag, &attributeCount, attributes, values) != TAG_END) || strcmp(tag, "string")) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } return STRING; } if (!strcmp(tag, "set")) { if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->elements = NULL; return SET; } if (tagType == TAG_START) { return '['; } else { return ']'; } } break; case 't': if (!strcmp(tag, "true")) { if (tagType == TAG_EMPTY) { object->number = 1; return BOOLEAN; } } break; } return SYNTAX_ERROR; } // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# // "java" like allocation, if this code hits a syntax error in the // the middle of the parsed string we just bail with pointers hanging // all over place, this code helps keeps it all together //static int object_count = 0; object_t * newObject(parser_state_t *state) { object_t *o; if (state->freeObjects) { o = state->freeObjects; state->freeObjects = state->freeObjects->next; } else { o = malloc_type(object_t); // object_count++; o->free = state->objects; state->objects = o; } return o; } void freeObject(parser_state_t * state, object_t *o) { o->next = state->freeObjects; state->freeObjects = o; } void cleanupObjects(parser_state_t *state) { object_t *t, *o = state->objects; while (o) { if (o->object) { // printf("OSUnserializeXML: releasing object o=%x object=%x\n", (int)o, (int)o->object); o->object->release(); } if (o->data) { // printf("OSUnserializeXML: freeing object o=%x data=%x\n", (int)o, (int)o->data); free(o->data); } if (o->key) { // printf("OSUnserializeXML: releasing object o=%x key=%x\n", (int)o, (int)o->key); o->key->release(); } if (o->string) { // printf("OSUnserializeXML: freeing object o=%x string=%x\n", (int)o, (int)o->string); free(o->string); } t = o; o = o->free; free_type(object_t, t); // object_count--; } // printf("object_count = %d\n", object_count); } // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# static void rememberObject(parser_state_t *state, int tag, OSObject *o) { char key[16]; snprintf(key, 16, "%u", tag); // printf("remember key %s\n", key); state->tags->setObject(key, o); } static object_t * retrieveObject(parser_state_t *state, int tag) { OSObject *ref; object_t *o; char key[16]; snprintf(key, 16, "%u", tag); // printf("retrieve key '%s'\n", key); ref = state->tags->getObject(key); if (!ref) { return 0; } o = newObject(state); o->object = ref; return o; } // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# // !@$&)(^Q$&*^!$(*!@$_(^%_(*Q#$(_*&!$_(*&!$_(*&!#$(*!@&^!@#%!_!# object_t * buildDictionary(parser_state_t *state, object_t * header) { object_t *o, *t; int count = 0; OSDictionary *dict; // get count and reverse order o = header->elements; header->elements = 0; while (o) { count++; t = o; o = o->next; t->next = header->elements; header->elements = t; } dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(count); if (header->idref >= 0) { rememberObject(state, header->idref, dict); } o = header->elements; while (o) { dict->setObject(o->key, o->object); o->key->release(); o->object->release(); o->key = 0; o->object = 0; t = o; o = o->next; freeObject(state, t); } o = header; o->object = dict; return o; }; object_t * buildArray(parser_state_t *state, object_t * header) { object_t *o, *t; int count = 0; OSArray *array; // get count and reverse order o = header->elements; header->elements = 0; while (o) { count++; t = o; o = o->next; t->next = header->elements; header->elements = t; } array = OSArray::withCapacity(count); if (header->idref >= 0) { rememberObject(state, header->idref, array); } o = header->elements; while (o) { array->setObject(o->object); o->object->release(); o->object = 0; t = o; o = o->next; freeObject(state, t); } o = header; o->object = array; return o; }; object_t * buildSet(parser_state_t *state, object_t *header) { object_t *o = buildArray(state, header); #if KERNEL OSArray *array = (OSArray *)o->object; OSSet *set = OSSet::withArray(array, array->getCapacity()); // write over the reference created in buildArray if (header->idref >= 0) { rememberObject(state, header->idref, set); } array->release(); o->object = set; #endif /* KERNEL */ return o; }; object_t * buildString(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o) { OSString *string; string = OSString::withCString(o->string); if (o->idref >= 0) { rememberObject(state, o->idref, string); } free(o->string); o->string = 0; o->object = string; return o; }; object_t * buildSymbol(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o) { OSSymbol *symbol; symbol = const_cast < OSSymbol * > (OSSymbol::withCString(o->string)); if (o->idref >= 0) { rememberObject(state, o->idref, symbol); } safe_free(o->string, o->string_alloc_length); o->string = 0; o->object = symbol; return o; }; object_t * buildData(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o) { OSData *data; if (o->size) { data = OSData::withBytes(o->data, o->size); } else { data = OSData::withCapacity(0); } if (o->idref >= 0) { rememberObject(state, o->idref, data); } if (o->size) { free(o->data); } o->data = 0; o->object = data; return o; }; object_t * buildNumber(parser_state_t *state, object_t *o) { OSNumber *number = OSNumber::withNumber(o->number, o->size); if (o->idref >= 0) { rememberObject(state, o->idref, number); } o->object = number; return o; }; object_t * buildBoolean(parser_state_t *state __unused, object_t *o) { o->object = ((o->number == 0) ? kOSBooleanFalse : kOSBooleanTrue); o->object->retain(); return o; }; OSObject* OSUnserializeXML(const char *buffer, OSString **errorString) { OSObject *object; if (!buffer) { return 0; } parser_state_t *state = (parser_state_t *)malloc_type(parser_state_t); if (!state) { return 0; } // just in case if (errorString) { *errorString = NULL; } state->parseBuffer = buffer; state->parseBufferIndex = 0; state->lineNumber = 1; state->objects = 0; state->freeObjects = 0; state->tags = OSDictionary::withCapacity(128); state->errorString = errorString; state->parsedObject = 0; state->parsedObjectCount = 0; state->retrievedObjectCount = 0; (void)yyparse((void *)state); object = state->parsedObject; cleanupObjects(state); state->tags->release(); free_type(parser_state_t, state); return object; } #if KERNEL #include OSObject* OSUnserializeXML(const char *buffer, size_t bufferSize, OSString **errorString) { if (!buffer) { return 0; } if (bufferSize < sizeof(kOSSerializeBinarySignature)) { return 0; } if (!strcmp(kOSSerializeBinarySignature, buffer) || (kOSSerializeIndexedBinarySignature == (uint8_t)buffer[0])) { return OSUnserializeBinary(buffer, bufferSize, errorString); } // XML must be null terminated if (buffer[bufferSize - 1]) { return 0; } return OSUnserializeXML(buffer, errorString); } #else /* !KERNEL */ OSObject* OSUnserializeXML(const char *buffer, size_t bufferSize, OSString **errorString) { if (!buffer) { return 0; } // XML must be null terminated if (buffer[bufferSize - 1]) { return 0; } return OSUnserializeXML(buffer, errorString); } #endif /* KERNEL */ // // // // // // DO NOT EDIT OSUnserializeXMLSharedImplementation.h! // // this means you! // // // // //