/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #define DEBUG_ASSERT_COMPONENT_NAME_STRING "kxld" #include #include "kxld_dict.h" #include "kxld_util.h" /******************************************************************************* * Types and macros *******************************************************************************/ /* Ratio of num_entries:num_buckets that will cause a resize */ #define RESIZE_NUMER 7 #define RESIZE_DENOM 10 #define RESIZE_THRESHOLD(x) (((x)*RESIZE_NUMER) / RESIZE_DENOM) #define MIN_BUCKETS(x) (((x)*RESIZE_DENOM) / RESIZE_NUMER) /* Selected for good scaling qualities when resizing dictionary * ... see: http://www.concentric.net/~ttwang/tech/hashsize.htm */ #define DEFAULT_DICT_SIZE 89 typedef struct dict_entry DictEntry; typedef enum { EMPTY = 0, USED = 1, DELETED = 2 } DictEntryState; struct dict_entry { const void *key; void *value; DictEntryState state; }; /******************************************************************************* * Function prototypes *******************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t get_locate_index(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *key, u_int *idx); static kern_return_t get_insert_index(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *key, u_int *idx); static kern_return_t resize_dict(KXLDDict *dict); /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_dict_init(KXLDDict * dict, kxld_dict_hash hash, kxld_dict_cmp cmp, u_int num_entries) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; u_int min_buckets = MIN_BUCKETS(num_entries); u_int num_buckets = DEFAULT_DICT_SIZE; check(dict); check(hash); check(cmp); /* We want the number of allocated buckets to be at least twice that of the * number to be inserted. */ while (min_buckets > num_buckets) { num_buckets *= 2; num_buckets++; } /* Allocate enough buckets for the anticipated number of entries */ rval = kxld_array_init(&dict->buckets, sizeof(DictEntry), num_buckets); require_noerr(rval, finish); /* Initialize */ dict->hash = hash; dict->cmp = cmp; dict->num_entries = 0; dict->resize_threshold = RESIZE_THRESHOLD(num_buckets); rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_dict_clear(KXLDDict *dict) { check(dict); dict->hash = NULL; dict->cmp = NULL; dict->num_entries = 0; dict->resize_threshold = 0; kxld_array_clear(&dict->buckets); kxld_array_clear(&dict->resize_buckets); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_dict_iterator_init(KXLDDictIterator *iter, const KXLDDict *dict) { check(iter); check(dict); iter->idx = 0; iter->dict = dict; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_dict_deinit(KXLDDict *dict) { check(dict); kxld_array_deinit(&dict->buckets); kxld_array_deinit(&dict->resize_buckets); } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ u_int kxld_dict_get_num_entries(const KXLDDict *dict) { check(dict); return dict->num_entries; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void * kxld_dict_find(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *key) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; DictEntry *entry = NULL; u_int idx = 0; check(dict); check(key); rval = get_locate_index(dict, key, &idx); if (rval) { return NULL; } entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->buckets, idx); return entry->value; } /******************************************************************************* * This dictionary uses linear probing, which means that when there is a * collision, we just walk along the buckets until a free bucket shows up. * A consequence of this is that when looking up an item, items that lie between * its hash value and its actual bucket may have been deleted since it was * inserted. Thus, we should only stop a lookup when we've wrapped around the * dictionary or encountered an EMPTY bucket. ********************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t get_locate_index(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *key, u_int *_idx) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; DictEntry *entry = NULL; u_int base, idx; base = idx = dict->hash(dict, key); /* Iterate until we match the key, wrap, or hit an empty bucket */ entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->buckets, idx); while (!dict->cmp(entry->key, key)) { if (entry->state == EMPTY) { goto finish; } idx = (idx + 1) % dict->buckets.nitems; if (idx == base) { goto finish; } entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->buckets, idx); } check(idx < dict->buckets.nitems); *_idx = idx; rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ kern_return_t kxld_dict_insert(KXLDDict *dict, const void *key, void *value) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; DictEntry *entry = NULL; u_int idx = 0; check(dict); check(key); check(value); /* Resize if we are greater than the capacity threshold. * Note: this is expensive, but the dictionary can be sized correctly at * construction to avoid ever having to do this. */ while (dict->num_entries > dict->resize_threshold) { rval = resize_dict(dict); require_noerr(rval, finish); } /* If this function returns FULL after we've already resized appropriately * something is very wrong and we should return an error. */ rval = get_insert_index(dict, key, &idx); require_noerr(rval, finish); /* Insert the new key-value pair into the bucket, but only count it as a * new entry if we are not overwriting an existing entry. */ entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->buckets, idx); if (entry->state != USED) { dict->num_entries++; entry->key = key; entry->state = USED; } entry->value = value; rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* * Increases the hash table's capacity by 2N+1. Uses dictionary API. Not * fast; just correct. *******************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t resize_dict(KXLDDict *dict) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; KXLDArray tmparray; DictEntry *entry = NULL; u_int nbuckets = (dict->buckets.nitems * 2 + 1); u_int i = 0; check(dict); /* Initialize a new set of buckets to hold more entries */ rval = kxld_array_init(&dict->resize_buckets, sizeof(DictEntry), nbuckets); require_noerr(rval, finish); /* Swap the new buckets with the old buckets */ tmparray = dict->buckets; dict->buckets = dict->resize_buckets; dict->resize_buckets = tmparray; /* Reset dictionary parameters */ dict->num_entries = 0; dict->resize_threshold = RESIZE_THRESHOLD(dict->buckets.nitems); /* Rehash all of the entries */ for (i = 0; i < dict->resize_buckets.nitems; ++i) { entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->resize_buckets, i); if (entry->state == USED) { rval = kxld_dict_insert(dict, entry->key, entry->value); require_noerr(rval, finish); } } /* Clear the old buckets */ kxld_array_clear(&dict->resize_buckets); rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* * Simple function to find the first empty cell *******************************************************************************/ static kern_return_t get_insert_index(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *key, u_int *r_index) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; DictEntry *entry = NULL; u_int base, idx; base = idx = dict->hash(dict, key); /* Iterate through the buckets until we find an EMPTY bucket, a DELETED * bucket, or a key match. */ entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->buckets, idx); while (entry->state == USED && !dict->cmp(entry->key, key)) { idx = (idx + 1) % dict->buckets.nitems; require_action(base != idx, finish, rval = KERN_FAILURE); entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->buckets, idx); } *r_index = idx; rval = KERN_SUCCESS; finish: return rval; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_dict_remove(KXLDDict *dict, const void *key, void **value) { kern_return_t rval = KERN_FAILURE; DictEntry *entry = NULL; u_int idx = 0; check(dict); check(key); /* Find the item */ rval = get_locate_index(dict, key, &idx); if (rval) { if (value) { *value = NULL; } return; } entry = kxld_array_get_item(&dict->buckets, idx); /* Save the value if requested */ if (value) { *value = entry->value; } /* Delete the item from the dictionary */ entry->key = NULL; entry->value = NULL; entry->state = DELETED; dict->num_entries--; } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_dict_iterator_get_next(KXLDDictIterator *iter, const void **key, void **value) { DictEntry *entry = NULL; check(iter); check(key); check(value); *key = NULL; *value = NULL; /* Walk over the dictionary looking for USED buckets */ for (; iter->idx < iter->dict->buckets.nitems; ++(iter->idx)) { entry = kxld_array_get_item(&iter->dict->buckets, iter->idx); if (entry->state == USED) { *key = entry->key; *value = entry->value; ++(iter->idx); break; } } } /******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************/ void kxld_dict_iterator_reset(KXLDDictIterator *iter) { iter->idx = 0; } /******************************************************************************* * This is Daniel Bernstein's hash algorithm from comp.lang.c * It's fast and distributes well. Returns an idx into the symbol hash table. * NOTE: Will not check for a valid pointer - performance *******************************************************************************/ u_int kxld_dict_string_hash(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *_key) { const char *key = _key; u_int c = 0; u_int hash_val = 5381; check(dict); check(_key); while ((c = *key++)) { /* hash(i) = hash(i-1) *33 ^ name[i] */ hash_val = ((hash_val << 5) + hash_val) ^ c; } return hash_val % dict->buckets.nitems; } u_int kxld_dict_uint32_hash(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *_key) { uint32_t key = *(const uint32_t *) _key; check(_key); return (u_int) (key % dict->buckets.nitems); } u_int kxld_dict_kxldaddr_hash(const KXLDDict *dict, const void *_key) { kxld_addr_t key = *(const kxld_addr_t *) _key; check(_key); return (u_int) (key % dict->buckets.nitems); } u_int kxld_dict_string_cmp(const void *key1, const void *key2) { return streq(key1, key2); } u_int kxld_dict_uint32_cmp(const void *key1, const void *key2) { const uint32_t *a = key1; const uint32_t *b = key2; return a && b && (*a == *b); } u_int kxld_dict_kxldaddr_cmp(const void *key1, const void *key2) { const kxld_addr_t *a = key1; const kxld_addr_t *b = key2; return a && b && (*a == *b); }