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* Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _KXLD_ARRAY_H_
#define _KXLD_ARRAY_H_
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libkern/kxld_types.h>
#include "kxld_types.h"
* This is a resizeable array implementation designed primarily to maximize
* memory reuse. The array should only be allocated once, but it can be
* initialized many times. It persists its memory across initializations, and
* reallocates only if it needs to grow the internal array, such that memory
* allocation churn is eliminated. Growth is accomodated by building a linked
* list of identically sized arrays. These arrays can be consolidated into
* one large array in the init function.
* A technique commonly used in kxld is to make an array of objects that
* themselves contain kxld_arrays. To minimize memory churn across links, only
* the individual objects contained in an array should be cleared at the end of
* each link, such that they are in a state ready for reinitialization with the
* memory they have already allocated. The array that contains them should not
* be cleared. After all links are complete, to ensure that all memory is
* properly freed, one should call kxld_array_get_slot to walk the entire
* allocated space of the array and clean up all potential instances contained
* therein. Since this technique is somewhat fragile, there are certain
* requirements that must be met, and guarantees that the array implementation
* provides.
* Requirements:
* - A newly allocated, uninitialized array object must be zeroed out before
* it is initialized
* - The objects stored in the array that will be reused must consider
* being bzeroed a valid initial state. Specifially, they must check that
* pointers they contain are nonnull before they are freed or followed
* at both construction and destruction time.
* Guarantees:
* - The init function will always bzero newly allocated memory. If memory
* is added by resizing, it will bzero only the newly allocated portion.
* - clear, deinit, and copy are the only functions that will change the
* contents of initialized memory.
* - The reset, clear, deinit functions will accept a NULL pointer to an array.
STAILQ_HEAD(kxld_array_head, kxld_array_pool);
struct kxld_array {
struct kxld_array_head pools;
size_t itemsize; /* The size of the items that the array contains */
size_t pool_capacity; /* The size of each pool's internal buffer */
u_int pool_maxitems; /* The maximum number of items each pool can hold
* given the current size of each pool's buffer.
u_int nitems; /* The current number of items this array contains */
u_int maxitems; /* The maximum number of items this array can contain */
u_int npools; /* The number of pools in the pool list */
struct kxld_array_pool {
STAILQ_ENTRY(kxld_array_pool) entries;
u_char *buffer; /* The internal memory buffer */
u_int nitems; /* The number of items the array contains */
typedef struct kxld_array KXLDArray;
typedef struct kxld_array_head KXLDArrayHead;
typedef struct kxld_array_pool KXLDArrayPool;
* Constructors and Destructors
/* Initializes the array's capacity to a minimum of nitems * itemsize */
kern_return_t kxld_array_init(KXLDArray *array, size_t itemsize, u_int nitems)
__attribute__((nonnull, visibility("hidden")));
/* Performs a deep copy of the array */
kern_return_t kxld_array_copy(KXLDArray *array, const KXLDArray *src)
__attribute__((nonnull, visibility("hidden")));
/* Sets the number of items in the array to 0 */
void kxld_array_reset(KXLDArray *array)
/* Zeroes out the array and sets nitems to 0 */
void kxld_array_clear(KXLDArray *array)
/* Frees the array's internal buffer */
void kxld_array_deinit(KXLDArray *array)
* Accessors
/* Returns the item at the specified index, or NULL if idx > nitems */
void *kxld_array_get_item(const KXLDArray *array, u_int idx)
__attribute__((pure, nonnull, visibility("hidden")));
/* Returns the item at the specified index, or NULL if idx > maxitems */
void *kxld_array_get_slot(const KXLDArray *array, u_int idx)
__attribute__((pure, nonnull, visibility("hidden")));
/* Returns the index of a specified item in the array */
kern_return_t kxld_array_get_index(const KXLDArray *array, const void *item,
u_int *idx)
__attribute__((nonnull, visibility("hidden")));
* Modifiers
/* Grows the array to contain a minimum of nitems. If extra memory is needed,
* it will allocate a pool and add it to the list of pools maintained by this
* array.
kern_return_t kxld_array_resize(KXLDArray *array, u_int nitems)
__attribute__((nonnull, visibility("hidden")));
/* Removes an element from the array. This is only supported for arrays with
* a single pool.
kern_return_t kxld_array_remove(KXLDArray *array, u_int idx)
__attribute__((nonnull, visibility("hidden")));
#endif /* _KXLD_ARRAY_H_ */