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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
# AsmVerbal
## A verbal language inspired by Assembly and binary, made by Sparksammy.
Included is a basic English to AsmVerbal translator. It is licensed under the [MIT license.](https://github.com/sparksammy/AsmVerbal/blob/main/LICENSE) This README is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution.](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode) As always you MUST follow the [Sparksammy CoC](https://github.com/sparksammy/SparksammyCOC/blob/master/COC.md) when contributing.
### About numbers
* To use a digit, it is represented by using 0s, and the number of zeros will determine what digit it is.
* For example 0 is 0, but 0000000000 is 9.
* Put a "/" inbetween digits to make them into numbers, for example 00/0/0 is 100, and 0000000000/0/0/00 is over 9000 (9001)
### About spaces
Use "-" as a space.
### About new characters
Use "\_" to indicate new character.
### About punctuation...
Use *PER*/*QUES*/*EXC*/*COM* as seperators between sentences, depending on their english equivalent.
### About letters...
Use a set of 1s as as a letter, but theres a trick to it. Ok so the equation to figgure out what set of 1s to use is to take the index (the position of the alphapet) of the letter you want and subtract 27 to it.
In other words, 27-x=y, where x is the position of the alphabet of the letter you want and y is the number of 1s you need.
Also, to indicate that you want a capital letter, use ^ before the letter. To not use caps, do not use ^.
### About line breaks.
There is no line breaks. Just use a space.
### Sentence examples...
alexj@pop-os:~$ lua5.1 english-asmverbal.lua
Hello, world!
alexj@pop-os:~$ lua5.1 english-asmverbal.lua
I am having fun with an annoying language
alexj@pop-os:~$ lua5.1 english-asmverbal.lua
Hello, world!
I am having fun with an annoying language
AsmVerbal is a great language for confusing people, don't you think? Especially NodeMixaholic!