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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file configVariableInt64.I
* @author drose
* @date 2007-12-19
INLINE ConfigVariableInt64::
ConfigVariableInt64(const std::string &name) :
ConfigVariable(name, VT_int64),
INLINE ConfigVariableInt64::
ConfigVariableInt64(const std::string &name, int64_t default_value,
const std::string &description, int flags) :
ConfigVariable(name, ConfigVariableCore::VT_int64, description, flags),
ConfigVariable(name, ConfigVariableCore::VT_int64, std::string(), flags),
INLINE ConfigVariableInt64::
ConfigVariableInt64(const std::string &name, const std::string &default_value,
const std::string &description, int flags) :
ConfigVariable(name, ConfigVariableCore::VT_int64, description, flags),
ConfigVariable(name, ConfigVariableCore::VT_int64, std::string(), flags),
* Reassigns the variable's local value.
INLINE void ConfigVariableInt64::
operator = (int64_t value) {
* Returns the variable's value.
INLINE ConfigVariableInt64::
operator int64_t () const {
return get_value();
* Returns the number of unique words in the variable.
INLINE size_t ConfigVariableInt64::
size() const {
return get_num_words();
* Returns the value of the variable's nth word.
INLINE int64_t ConfigVariableInt64::
operator [] (size_t n) const {
return get_word(n);
* Reassigns the variable's local value.
INLINE void ConfigVariableInt64::
set_value(int64_t value) {
set_int64_word(0, value);
* Returns the variable's value.
INLINE int64_t ConfigVariableInt64::
get_value() const {
TAU_PROFILE("int64_t ConfigVariableInt64::get_value() const", " ", TAU_USER);
if (!is_cache_valid(_local_modified)) {
mark_cache_valid(((ConfigVariableInt64 *)this)->_local_modified);
((ConfigVariableInt64 *)this)->_cache = get_int64_word(0);
return _cache;
* Returns the variable's default value.
INLINE int64_t ConfigVariableInt64::
get_default_value() const {
const ConfigDeclaration *decl = ConfigVariable::get_default_value();
if (decl != nullptr) {
return decl->get_int64_word(0);
return 0;
* Returns the variable's nth value.
INLINE int64_t ConfigVariableInt64::
get_word(size_t n) const {
return get_int64_word(n);
* Reassigns the variable's nth value. This makes a local copy of the
* variable's overall value.
INLINE void ConfigVariableInt64::
set_word(size_t n, int64_t value) {
set_int64_word(n, value);