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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file dconfig.h
* @author cary
* @date 1998-07-14
#ifndef DCONFIG_H
#define DCONFIG_H
#include "dtoolbase.h"
#include "notifyCategoryProxy.h"
// These macros are used in each directory to call an initialization function
// at static-init time. These macros may eventually be phased out in favor of
// a simpler interface that does not require static init.
// NOTE: Having a macro called Configure proved to be problematic with some
// DX9 headers. To avoid that in the future we provide a new family of macros
// prefixed by DTool and deprecate the old ones, to be removed from the
// codebase sometime in the future.
// This macro should appear in the config_*.h file.
#define ConfigureDecl(name, expcl, exptp)
#define DToolConfigureDecl(name, expcl, exptp)
// This macro defines the actual declaration of the object defined above; it
// should appear in the config_*.cxx file.
#define ConfigureDef(name) \
class StaticInitializer_ ## name { \
public: \
StaticInitializer_ ## name(); \
}; \
static StaticInitializer_ ## name name;
#define DToolConfigureDef(name) \
class StaticInitializer_ ## name { \
public: \
StaticInitializer_ ## name(); \
}; \
static StaticInitializer_ ## name name;
// This macro can be used in lieu of the above two when the Configure object
// does not need to be visible outside of the current C file.
#define Configure(name) ConfigureDef(name)
#define DToolConfigure(name) DToolConfigureDef(name)
// This one defines a block of code that will be executed at static init time.
// It must always be defined (in the C file), even if no code is to be
// executed.
#define ConfigureFn(name) \
StaticInitializer_ ## name::StaticInitializer_ ## name()
#define DToolConfigureFn(name) \
StaticInitializer_ ## name::StaticInitializer_ ## name()
#endif /* __CONFIG_H__ */