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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file multifile.h
* @author mike
* @date 1997-01-09
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "config_express.h"
#include "streamWrapper.h"
#include "subStream.h"
#include "filename.h"
#include "ordered_vector.h"
#include "indirectLess.h"
#include "referenceCount.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include "vector_uchar.h"
typedef struct x509_st X509;
typedef struct evp_pkey_st EVP_PKEY;
* A file that contains a set of files.
class EXPCL_PANDA_EXPRESS Multifile : public ReferenceCount {
Multifile(const Multifile ©) = delete;
Multifile &operator = (const Multifile ©) = delete;
BLOCKING bool open_read(const Filename &multifile_name, const std::streampos &offset = 0);
BLOCKING bool open_read(IStreamWrapper *multifile_stream, bool owns_pointer = false, const std::streampos &offset = 0);
BLOCKING bool open_write(const Filename &multifile_name);
BLOCKING bool open_write(std::ostream *multifile_stream, bool owns_pointer = false);
BLOCKING bool open_read_write(const Filename &multifile_name);
BLOCKING bool open_read_write(std::iostream *multifile_stream, bool owns_pointer = false);
BLOCKING void close();
INLINE const Filename &get_multifile_name() const;
INLINE void set_multifile_name(const Filename &multifile_name);
INLINE bool is_read_valid() const;
INLINE bool is_write_valid() const;
INLINE bool needs_repack() const;
INLINE time_t get_timestamp() const;
INLINE void set_record_timestamp(bool record_timestamp);
INLINE bool get_record_timestamp() const;
void set_scale_factor(size_t scale_factor);
INLINE size_t get_scale_factor() const;
INLINE void set_encryption_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_encryption_flag() const;
INLINE void set_encryption_password(const std::string &encryption_password);
INLINE const std::string &get_encryption_password() const;
INLINE void set_encryption_algorithm(const std::string &encryption_algorithm);
INLINE const std::string &get_encryption_algorithm() const;
INLINE void set_encryption_key_length(int encryption_key_length);
INLINE int get_encryption_key_length() const;
INLINE void set_encryption_iteration_count(int encryption_iteration_count);
INLINE int get_encryption_iteration_count() const;
std::string add_subfile(const std::string &subfile_name, const Filename &filename,
int compression_level);
std::string add_subfile(const std::string &subfile_name, std::istream *subfile_data,
int compression_level);
std::string update_subfile(const std::string &subfile_name, const Filename &filename,
int compression_level);
bool add_signature(const Filename &certificate,
const Filename &chain,
const Filename &pkey,
const std::string &password = "");
bool add_signature(const Filename &composite,
const std::string &password = "");
int get_num_signatures() const;
std::string get_signature_subject_name(int n) const;
std::string get_signature_friendly_name(int n) const;
std::string get_signature_public_key(int n) const;
void print_signature_certificate(int n, std::ostream &out) const;
void write_signature_certificate(int n, std::ostream &out) const;
int validate_signature_certificate(int n) const;
#endif // HAVE_OPENSSL
BLOCKING bool flush();
BLOCKING bool repack();
int get_num_subfiles() const;
int find_subfile(const std::string &subfile_name) const;
bool has_directory(const std::string &subfile_name) const;
bool scan_directory(vector_string &contents,
const std::string &subfile_name) const;
void remove_subfile(int index);
INLINE bool remove_subfile(const std::string &subfile_name);
const std::string &get_subfile_name(int index) const;
MAKE_SEQ(get_subfile_names, get_num_subfiles, get_subfile_name);
size_t get_subfile_length(int index) const;
time_t get_subfile_timestamp(int index) const;
bool is_subfile_compressed(int index) const;
bool is_subfile_encrypted(int index) const;
bool is_subfile_text(int index) const;
std::streampos get_index_end() const;
std::streampos get_subfile_internal_start(int index) const;
size_t get_subfile_internal_length(int index) const;
BLOCKING INLINE vector_uchar read_subfile(int index);
BLOCKING std::istream *open_read_subfile(int index);
BLOCKING static void close_read_subfile(std::istream *stream);
BLOCKING bool extract_subfile(int index, const Filename &filename);
BLOCKING bool extract_subfile_to(int index, std::ostream &out);
BLOCKING bool compare_subfile(int index, const Filename &filename);
void output(std::ostream &out) const;
void ls(std::ostream &out = std::cout) const;
static INLINE std::string get_magic_number();
MAKE_PROPERTY(magic_number, get_magic_number);
void set_header_prefix(const std::string &header_prefix);
INLINE const std::string &get_header_prefix() const;
class CertRecord {
INLINE CertRecord(X509 *cert);
INLINE CertRecord(const CertRecord ©);
INLINE ~CertRecord();
INLINE void operator = (const CertRecord &other);
X509 *_cert;
typedef pvector<CertRecord> CertChain;
bool add_signature(const CertChain &chain, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
const CertChain &get_signature(int n) const;
#endif // HAVE_OPENSSL
bool read_subfile(int index, std::string &result);
bool read_subfile(int index, vector_uchar &result);
enum SubfileFlags {
SF_deleted = 0x0001,
SF_index_invalid = 0x0002,
SF_data_invalid = 0x0004,
SF_compressed = 0x0008,
SF_encrypted = 0x0010,
SF_signature = 0x0020,
SF_text = 0x0040,
class Subfile {
INLINE Subfile();
INLINE bool operator < (const Subfile &other) const;
std::streampos read_index(std::istream &read, std::streampos fpos,
Multifile *multfile);
std::streampos write_index(std::ostream &write, std::streampos fpos,
Multifile *multifile);
std::streampos write_data(std::ostream &write, std::istream *read, std::streampos fpos,
Multifile *multifile);
void rewrite_index_data_start(std::ostream &write, Multifile *multifile);
void rewrite_index_flags(std::ostream &write);
INLINE bool is_deleted() const;
INLINE bool is_index_invalid() const;
INLINE bool is_data_invalid() const;
INLINE bool is_cert_special() const;
INLINE std::streampos get_last_byte_pos() const;
std::string _name;
std::streampos _index_start;
size_t _index_length;
std::streampos _data_start;
size_t _data_length;
size_t _uncompressed_length;
time_t _timestamp;
std::istream *_source;
Filename _source_filename;
int _flags;
int _compression_level; // Not preserved on disk.
EVP_PKEY *_pkey; // Not preserved on disk.
INLINE std::streampos word_to_streampos(size_t word) const;
INLINE size_t streampos_to_word(std::streampos fpos) const;
INLINE std::streampos normalize_streampos(std::streampos fpos) const;
std::streampos pad_to_streampos(std::streampos fpos);
void add_new_subfile(Subfile *subfile, int compression_level);
std::istream *open_read_subfile(Subfile *subfile);
std::string standardize_subfile_name(const std::string &subfile_name) const;
void clear_subfiles();
bool read_index();
bool write_header();
void check_signatures();
static INLINE char tohex(unsigned int nibble);
typedef ov_set<Subfile *, IndirectLess<Subfile> > Subfiles;
Subfiles _subfiles;
typedef pvector<Subfile *> PendingSubfiles;
PendingSubfiles _new_subfiles;
PendingSubfiles _removed_subfiles;
PendingSubfiles _cert_special;
typedef pvector<CertChain> Certificates;
Certificates _signatures;
std::streampos _offset;
IStreamWrapper *_read;
std::ostream *_write;
bool _owns_stream;
std::streampos _next_index;
std::streampos _last_index;
std::streampos _last_data_byte;
bool _needs_repack;
time_t _timestamp;
bool _timestamp_dirty;
bool _record_timestamp;
size_t _scale_factor;
size_t _new_scale_factor;
bool _encryption_flag;
std::string _encryption_password;
std::string _encryption_algorithm;
int _encryption_key_length;
int _encryption_iteration_count;
pifstream _read_file;
IStreamWrapper _read_filew;
pofstream _write_file;
pfstream _read_write_file;
StreamWrapper _read_write_filew;
Filename _multifile_name;
std::string _header_prefix;
int _file_major_ver;
int _file_minor_ver;
static const char _header[];
static const size_t _header_size;
static const int _current_major_ver;
static const int _current_minor_ver;
static const char _encrypt_header[];
static const size_t _encrypt_header_size;
friend class Subfile;
#include "multifile.I"