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from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobalUD import DistributedObjectGlobalUD
from panda3d.core import *
from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
from toontown.catalog import CatalogItemList
from toontown.catalog import CatalogItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogItemTypes
from toontown.catalog import CatalogClothingItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogAccessoryItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogAccessoryItemGlobals
from toontown.catalog import CatalogFurnitureItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogChatItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogEmoteItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogGenerator
from toontown.catalog import CatalogBeanItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogWallpaperItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogWindowItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogFlooringItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogWainscotingItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogMouldingItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogPetTrickItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogRentalItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem
from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
from toontown.rpc import AwardManagerConsts
from toontown.rpc.AwardAvatarUD import AwardAvatarUD
import time
WrongGenderStr = "wrong gender"
JellybeanRewardValues = (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, 750, 1000)
# How long does an Award sit on the awardOnOrder
AwardManagerDelayMinutes = ConfigVariableInt("award-delay-minutes", 30).getValue()
GiveAfterDelayTime = 1
GiveImmediately = 2
TryToRemove = 3
GiveAfterOneMinute = 4
NukeAllAwards = 5
class AwardManagerUD(DistributedObjectGlobalUD):
Uberdog object for making promo awards to Toons
notify = directNotify.newCategory('AwardManagerUD')
def __init__(self, air):
"""Construct ourselves."""
assert self.notify.debugCall()
DistributedObjectGlobalUD.__init__(self, air)
self.air = air
self._dcRequestSerialGen = SerialNumGen(1)
self._dcId2info = {}
self.awardChoices = self.getAwardChoices() # award Choices is a dict of dicts
self.reverseDictAwardChoices = self.getReversedAwardChoices()
def announceGenerate(self):
"""Start accepting http requests."""
assert self.notify.debugCall()
def copyDict(self, aDict, *keys):
return {key: aDict[key] for key in keys}
def _getCatalogItemObj(self, itemType, itemIndex):
if itemType == CatalogItemTypes.CLOTHING_ITEM:
clothingNumber = itemIndex
# for now always the first color choice
itemObj = CatalogClothingItem.CatalogClothingItem(clothingNumber, 0)
itemObj.giftTag = 0
itemObj.giftCode = 1
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.ACCESSORY_ITEM:
accessoryNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogAccessoryItem.CatalogAccessoryItem(accessoryNumber)
itemObj.giftTag = 0
itemObj.giftCode = 1
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.FURNITURE_ITEM:
furnitureNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogFurnitureItem.CatalogFurnitureItem(furnitureNumber, colorOption=0)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.CHAT_ITEM:
chatIndex = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogChatItem.CatalogChatItem(chatIndex)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.EMOTE_ITEM:
emoteIndex = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogEmoteItem.CatalogEmoteItem(emoteIndex)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.BEAN_ITEM:
numBeans = itemIndex
if not numBeans in JellybeanRewardValues:
self.air.writeServerEvent("suspicious", "giving %s beans" % numBeans)
# an assertion exception will occur so the jellybean won't get rewarded
assert (numBeans in JellybeanRewardValues)
itemObj = CatalogBeanItem.CatalogBeanItem(numBeans)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WALLPAPER_ITEM:
wallPaperNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogWallpaperItem.CatalogWallpaperItem(wallPaperNumber, colorIndex=0)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WINDOW_ITEM:
windowNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogWindowItem.CatalogWindowItem(windowNumber, placement=0)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.FLOORING_ITEM:
flooringNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogFlooringItem.CatalogFlooringItem(flooringNumber, colorIndex=0)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.MOULDING_ITEM:
mouldingNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogMouldingItem.CatalogMouldingItem(mouldingNumber, colorIndex=0)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WAINSCOTING_ITEM:
wainscotingNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogWainscotingItem.CatalogWainscotingItem(wainscotingNumber, colorIndex=0)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.PET_TRICK_ITEM:
trickId = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogPetTrickItem.CatalogPetTrickItem(trickId)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.RENTAL_ITEM:
# TODO since all we offer so far is 48 hours of cannons, values pulled for CatalogGenerator
# do something else if we have different durations
rentalType = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogRentalItem.CatalogRentalItem(rentalType, 2880, 1000)
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.ANIMATED_FURNITURE_ITEM:
furnitureNumber = itemIndex
itemObj = CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem.CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(furnitureNumber, colorOption=0)
self.notify.warning("Invalid item (%s, %s) being redeemed, Giving a bean instead!" % (str(itemType), str(itemIndex)))
itemObj = CatalogBeanItem.CatalogBeanItem(1)
return itemObj
def checkGender(self, toon, catalogItem):
"""Return None if everything is ok and we don't have mismatched sex."""
if ((catalogItem.forBoysOnly() and toon.dna.getGender() == 'f') or (catalogItem.forGirlsOnly() and toon.dna.getGender() == 'm')):
return ToontownGlobals.P_WillNotFit
return None
def checkGiftable(self, catalogItem):
"""Return None if everything is ok and the item is giftable."""
if not catalogItem.isGift():
return ToontownGlobals.P_NotAGift
return None
def checkFullMailbox(self, toon, catalogItem):
"""Return None if he has space in his mailbox."""
rAv = toon
result = None
if len(rAv.awardMailboxContents) + len(rAv.onAwardOrder) >= ToontownGlobals.MaxMailboxContents:
if len(rAv.awardMailboxContents) == 0:
result = ToontownGlobals.P_OnAwardOrderListFull
result = ToontownGlobals.P_AwardMailboxFull
return result
def checkDuplicate(self, toon, catalogItem):
"""Return None if he doesn't have this item yet. an error code from GiveAwardErrors otherwise"""
result = None
checkDup = toon.checkForDuplicateItem(catalogItem)
if checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemInMailbox:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyInMailbox
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemOnGiftOrder:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyInGiftQueue
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemOnOrder:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyInOrderedQueue
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemInCloset:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyInCloset
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAlreadyWorn:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyBeingWorn
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemInAwardMailbox:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyInAwardMailbox
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemOnAwardOrder:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyInThirtyMinuteQueue
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemInMyPhrases:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyInMyPhrases
elif checkDup == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemInPetTricks:
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.AlreadyKnowDoodleTraining
elif checkDup:
# HACK: store the catalog error on self
# this will not work properly if the error checking happens after a second call to this method
self._catalogError = checkDup
result = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.GenericAlreadyHaveError
return result
def validateItem(self, toon, catalogItem):
"""Returns (True, AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.Success) if everything is ok, otherwise returns (False,<error reason>)"""
retcode = None
retcode = self.checkGender(toon, catalogItem)
if retcode:
return (False, AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.WrongGender)
retcode = self.checkGiftable(catalogItem)
if retcode:
return (False, AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.NotRewardable)
retcode = self.checkFullMailbox(toon, catalogItem)
if retcode:
return (False, AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.FullAwardMailbox)
result = self.checkDuplicate(toon, catalogItem)
if result:
return (False, result)
return (True, "success")
# add other checks here
def giveItemToToon(self, toon, checkedAvId, fields, activated, catalogItem, specialEventId, specialCommands):
"""All checks passed, give the toon the item. Returns True if all ok"""
self.giveToonResult = True
catalogItem.specialEventId = specialEventId
if specialCommands == GiveImmediately:
curItemList = toon.awardMailboxContents
newBlob = curItemList.getBlob(store=CatalogItem.Customization)
if activated:
self.air.sendUpdateToDoId("DistributedToon", "setAwardMailboxContents", checkedAvId, [newBlob])
def __handleSetAwardMailboxContents(fields):
if fields:
self.giveToonResult = False
self.air.dbInterface.updateObject(self.air.dbId, checkedAvId, self.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], {'setAwardMailboxContents': (newBlob,)}, {
'setAwardMailboxContents': (fields['setAwardMailboxContents'],)}, __handleSetAwardMailboxContents)
now = int(time.time() / 60 + 0.5)
if specialCommands == GiveAfterOneMinute:
delay = 1
delay = AwardManagerDelayMinutes
future = now + delay
curOnAwardOrderList = toon.onAwardOrder
catalogItem.deliveryDate = future
newBlob = curOnAwardOrderList.getBlob(store=CatalogItem.Customization | CatalogItem.DeliveryDate)
if activated:
self.air.sendUpdateToDoId("DistributedToon", "setAwardSchedule", checkedAvId, [newBlob])
def __handleSetAwardSchedule(fields):
if fields:
self.giveToonResult = False
self.air.dbInterface.updateObject(self.air.dbId, checkedAvId, self.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], {
'setAwardSchedule': (newBlob,)}, {'setAwardSchedule': (fields['setAwardSchedule'],)}, __handleSetAwardSchedule)
return self.giveToonResult
def giveAwardToToon(self, context, replyToDoId, replyToClass, avId, awardType, awardItemId):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
self.air.writeServerEvent('giveAwardCodeRequest', avId, '%s|%s' % (str(awardType), str(awardItemId)))
dcId = next(self._dcRequestSerialGen)
self._dcId2info[dcId] = ScratchPad(replyToClass=replyToClass,
catalogItem = self._getCatalogItemObj(awardType, awardItemId)
specialEventId = 1
specialCommands = GiveAfterOneMinute
def handleAvatar(dclass, fields):
if dclass != self.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD']:
self.notify.warning("Got not a toon account!")
self.sendGiveAwardToToonReply(dcId, AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.UnknownError)
"""Validate then give the catalog item to the toons."""
def __avatarOnlineResp(checkedAvId, activated):
giveAwardErrors = {}
newFields = fields
for key in ('setDeliverySchedule', 'setGiftSchedule', 'setMailboxContents', 'setAwardMailboxContents', 'setAwardSchedule', 'setDNAString'):
newFields[key] = newFields[key][0].encode('base64')
avatarFields = self.copyDict(newFields,
'setDeliverySchedule', 'setGiftSchedule', 'setMailboxContents',
'setAwardMailboxContents', 'setAwardSchedule', 'setDNAString',
'setClothesTopsList', 'setClothesBottomsList', 'setEmoteAccess',
'setCustomMessages', 'setPetTrickPhrases', 'setHatList',
'setGlassesList', 'setBackpackList', 'setShoesList',
'setHat', 'setGlasses', 'setBackpack', 'setShoes'
toon = AwardAvatarUD.createFromFields(avatarFields)
if toon:
success, error = self.validateItem(toon, catalogItem)
if success:
self.notify.debug('Hit success for item: %s' % (catalogItem))
success = self.giveItemToToon(toon, checkedAvId, fields, activated, catalogItem, specialEventId, specialCommands)
if success:
self.notify.debug('Hit success for AvID: %s' % (checkedAvId))
giveAwardErrors[checkedAvId] = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.Success
self.notify.warning('Hit Unknown error for AvID: %s' % (checkedAvId))
giveAwardErrors[checkedAvId] = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.UnknownError
self.notify.warning('Hit %s error for AvID: %s' % (AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrorStrings[error], checkedAvId))
giveAwardErrors[checkedAvId] = error
self.notify.warning('Hit Unknown Toon error for AvID: %s' % (checkedAvId))
giveAwardErrors[checkedAvId] = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.UnknownToon
assert len(giveAwardErrors) == 1
errorCode = giveAwardErrors[list(giveAwardErrors.keys())[0]]
self.sendGiveAwardToToonReply(dcId, errorCode)
self.air.getActivated(avId, __avatarOnlineResp)
self.air.dbInterface.queryObject(self.air.dbId, avId, handleAvatar)
def sendGiveAwardToToonReply(self, dcId, result):
info = self._dcId2info.pop(dcId)
self.air.dispatchUpdateToGlobalDoId(info.replyToClass, "giveAwardToToonResult",
info.replyToDoId, [info.context, result])
def getClothingChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of clothing choices. Key is the description, clothingtype are values."""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogClothingItem.ClothingTypes.keys()):
clothingItem = CatalogClothingItem.ClothingTypes[key]
typeOfClothes = clothingItem[0]
styleString = clothingItem[1]
if typeOfClothes in (CatalogClothingItem.AShirt,
CatalogClothingItem.ABoysShirt, CatalogClothingItem.AGirlsShirt):
textString = TTLocalizer.AwardMgrShirt
# if its an exclusive boy or girl item, then say so
if typeOfClothes == CatalogClothingItem.ABoysShirt:
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.AwardMgrBoy
elif typeOfClothes == CatalogClothingItem.AGirlsShirt:
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.AwardMgrGirl
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.AwardMgrUnisex
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.ShirtStylesDescriptions[styleString]
if textString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % textString)
values[textString] = key
# do a 2nd for loop to ensure bottoms always goes last
for key in list(CatalogClothingItem.ClothingTypes.keys()):
clothingItem = CatalogClothingItem.ClothingTypes[key]
typeOfClothes = clothingItem[0]
styleString = clothingItem[1]
if typeOfClothes in (CatalogClothingItem.AShorts, CatalogClothingItem.ABoysShorts,
CatalogClothingItem.AGirlsShorts, CatalogClothingItem.AGirlsSkirt):
textString = ""
if typeOfClothes == CatalogClothingItem.AGirlsSkirt:
textString = TTLocalizer.AwardMgrSkirt
textString = TTLocalizer.AwardMgrShorts
# if its an exclusive boy or girl item, then say so
if typeOfClothes == CatalogClothingItem.ABoysShorts:
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.AwardMgrBoy
elif typeOfClothes in (CatalogClothingItem.AGirlsShorts, CatalogClothingItem.AGirlsSkirt):
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.AwardMgrGirl
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.AwardMgrUnisex
textString += ' ' + TTLocalizer.BottomStylesDescriptions[styleString]
if textString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % textString)
values[textString] = key
return values
def getAccessoryChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of accessories choices. Key is the description, accessorytype are values."""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogAccessoryItemGlobals.AccessoryTypes.keys()):
accessoryItem = CatalogAccessoryItemGlobals.AccessoryTypes[key]
typeOfAccessory = accessoryItem[0]
descString = TTLocalizer.AccessoryNamePrefix[typeOfAccessory] + TTLocalizer.AccessoryTypeNames[key]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getFurnitureChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of furniture choices. Key is the description , values is the furniture type key"""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogFurnitureItem.FurnitureTypes.keys()):
furnitureItem = CatalogFurnitureItem.FurnitureTypes[key]
typeOfFurniture = key
# we must not give animted furniture choices, the item type is wrong for it
if typeOfFurniture in CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem.AnimatedFurnitureItemKeys:
descString = TTLocalizer.AwardManagerFurnitureNames[typeOfFurniture]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getSpeedChatChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of speed chat choices. Key is the description , values is the chat id"""
values = {}
allChatItems = CatalogGenerator.getAllChatItemsSold()
for chatItem in allChatItems:
speedChatKey = chatItem.customIndex
textString = OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[speedChatKey]
# I really can't mess with the strings, I'll add the speedChatKey at the end
keyStr = "%5d" % speedChatKey
textString = keyStr + " " + textString
# javascript messes up with a " in the string
textString = textString.replace('"', "'")
if textString in values:
cls.notify.error("fix duplicate %s" % textString)
values[textString] = speedChatKey
return values
def getEmoteChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of emote choices. Key is the description , values is the emote id"""
values = {}
for key in list(OTPLocalizer.EmoteFuncDict.keys()):
descString = key
emoteIndex = OTPLocalizer.EmoteFuncDict[key]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = emoteIndex
return values
def getBeanChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of bean choices. Key is the description , values is the amount of beans"""
values = {}
for key in JellybeanRewardValues:
descString = "%3d" % key
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getWallpaperChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of wallpaper choices. Key is the description , values is the wallpaper id"""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogWallpaperItem.WallpaperTypes.keys()):
# the comments on CatalogWallpaperItem say 2920 to 2980 are problematic, so don't include them
if key in (2920, 2930, 2940, 2950, 2960, 2970, 2980):
# we have duplicate names, just add the key to be unique
descString = "%5d " % key
# ok it looks like some items are never offered, so if there's no name for it
# lets not include it
if key in TTLocalizer.WallpaperNames:
descString += TTLocalizer.WallpaperNames[key]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getWindowViewChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of window choices. Key is the description , values is the wallpaper id"""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogWindowItem.WindowViewTypes.keys()):
descString = ""
descString += TTLocalizer.WindowViewNames[key]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getFlooringChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of flooring choices. Key is the description , values is the wallpaper id"""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogFlooringItem.FlooringTypes.keys()):
descString = "%5d " % key # add key to make it unique
descString += TTLocalizer.FlooringNames[key]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getMouldingChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of moulding choices. Key is the description , values is the wallpaper id"""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogMouldingItem.MouldingTypes.keys()):
descString = "%5d " % key # add key to make it unique
descString += TTLocalizer.MouldingNames[key]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getWainscotingChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of wainscotting choices. Key is the description , values is the wallpaper id"""
values = {}
for key in list(CatalogWainscotingItem.WainscotingTypes.keys()):
descString = "" # %5d " % key # add key to make it unique
descString += TTLocalizer.WainscotingNames[key]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getPetTrickChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of pet trick choices. Key is the description , values is the wallpaper id"""
values = {}
allTricks = CatalogPetTrickItem.getAllPetTricks()
for oneTrick in allTricks:
descString = "" # %5d " % key # add key to make it unique
descString += oneTrick.getName()
key = oneTrick.trickId
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getRentalChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of pet rental choices. Key is the description , values is the wallpaper id"""
values = {}
allRentals = CatalogRentalItem.getAllRentalItems()
for oneRental in allRentals:
descString = "" # %5d " % key # add key to make it unique
descString += oneRental.getName()
key = oneRental.typeIndex
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getAnimatedFurnitureChoices(cls):
"""Return a dictionary of furniture choices. Key is the description , values is the furniture type key"""
values = {}
for key in CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem.AnimatedFurnitureItemKeys:
furnitureItem = CatalogFurnitureItem.FurnitureTypes[key]
typeOfFurniture = key
descString = TTLocalizer.AwardManagerFurnitureNames[typeOfFurniture]
if descString in values:
cls.notify.error("Fix %s, descriptions must be unique" % descString)
values[descString] = key
return values
def getReversedAwardChoices(cls):
"""The key in the returned dictionaries should be catalog item numbers, the value should be desc strings."""
if hasattr(cls, '_revAwardChoices'):
return cls._revAwardChoices
result = {}
awardChoices = cls.getAwardChoices()
for itemType in awardChoices:
reversedDict = {}
curDict = awardChoices[itemType]
for descString in curDict:
itemId = curDict[descString]
if itemId in reversedDict:
cls.notify.error("item %s already in %s" % (itemId, reversedDict))
reversedDict[itemId] = descString
result[itemType] = reversedDict
cls._revAwardChoices = result
return result
def getAwardChoices(cls):
"""Return a tree of the choices for our drop down list."""
# static data, cache it
if hasattr(cls, '_awardChoices'):
return cls._awardChoices
result = {}
for itemType in list(CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemTypes.values()):
if itemType in (CatalogItemTypes.INVALID_ITEM, CatalogItemTypes.GARDENSTARTER_ITEM,
CatalogItemTypes.POLE_ITEM, CatalogItemTypes.GARDEN_ITEM,
CatalogItemTypes.NAMETAG_ITEM, CatalogItemTypes.TOON_STATUE_ITEM):
# we really can't give this out as awards, so don't add them to the choices
if itemType == CatalogItemTypes.CLOTHING_ITEM:
values = cls.getClothingChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.ACCESSORY_ITEM:
values = cls.getAccessoryChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.FURNITURE_ITEM:
values = cls.getFurnitureChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.CHAT_ITEM:
values = cls.getSpeedChatChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.EMOTE_ITEM:
values = cls.getEmoteChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.BEAN_ITEM:
values = cls.getBeanChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WALLPAPER_ITEM:
values = cls.getWallpaperChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WINDOW_ITEM:
values = cls.getWindowViewChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.FLOORING_ITEM:
values = cls.getFlooringChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.MOULDING_ITEM:
values = cls.getMouldingChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WAINSCOTING_ITEM:
values = cls.getWainscotingChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.PET_TRICK_ITEM:
values = cls.getPetTrickChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.RENTAL_ITEM:
values = cls.getRentalChoices()
result[itemType] = values
elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.ANIMATED_FURNITURE_ITEM:
values = cls.getAnimatedFurnitureChoices()
result[itemType] = values
values = {"choice1": "Unimplemented One", "choice2": "Unimplemented Two"}
result[itemType] = values
cls._awardChoices = result
return result
def getAwardTypeName(awardType):
return TTLocalizer.CatalogItemTypeNames[awardType]
def getAwardText(cls, awardType, awardId):
rAwardChoices = cls.getReversedAwardChoices()
return rAwardChoices[awardType][awardId]