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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file dynamicTextFont.h
* @author drose
* @date 2002-02-08
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "textFont.h"
#include "freetypeFont.h"
#include "dynamicTextGlyph.h"
#include "dynamicTextPage.h"
#include "filename.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
class NurbsCurveResult;
typedef struct hb_font_t hb_font_t;
* A DynamicTextFont is a special TextFont object that rasterizes its glyphs
* from a standard font file (e.g. a TTF file) on the fly. It requires the
* FreeType 2.0 library (or any higher, backward-compatible version).
class EXPCL_PANDA_TEXT DynamicTextFont : public TextFont, public FreetypeFont {
DynamicTextFont(const Filename &font_filename, int face_index = 0);
DynamicTextFont(const char *font_data, int data_length, int face_index);
DynamicTextFont(const DynamicTextFont &copy);
virtual ~DynamicTextFont();
virtual PT(TextFont) make_copy() const;
INLINE const std::string &get_name() const;
INLINE bool set_point_size(PN_stdfloat point_size);
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_point_size() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(point_size, get_point_size, set_point_size);
INLINE bool set_pixels_per_unit(PN_stdfloat pixels_per_unit);
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_pixels_per_unit() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(pixels_per_unit, get_pixels_per_unit, set_pixels_per_unit);
INLINE bool set_scale_factor(PN_stdfloat scale_factor);
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_scale_factor() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(scale_factor, get_scale_factor, set_scale_factor);
INLINE void set_native_antialias(bool native_antialias);
INLINE bool get_native_antialias() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(native_antialias, get_native_antialias, set_native_antialias);
INLINE int get_font_pixel_size() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(font_pixel_size, get_font_pixel_size);
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_line_height() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_space_advance() const;
INLINE void set_texture_margin(int texture_margin);
INLINE int get_texture_margin() const;
INLINE void set_poly_margin(PN_stdfloat poly_margin);
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_poly_margin() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(texture_margin, get_texture_margin, set_texture_margin);
MAKE_PROPERTY(poly_margin, get_poly_margin, set_poly_margin);
INLINE void set_page_size(const LVecBase2i &page_size);
INLINE void set_page_size(int x_size, int y_size);
INLINE const LVecBase2i &get_page_size() const;
INLINE int get_page_x_size() const;
INLINE int get_page_y_size() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(page_size, get_page_size, set_page_size);
INLINE void set_minfilter(SamplerState::FilterType filter);
INLINE SamplerState::FilterType get_minfilter() const;
INLINE void set_magfilter(SamplerState::FilterType filter);
INLINE SamplerState::FilterType get_magfilter() const;
INLINE void set_anisotropic_degree(int anisotropic_degree);
INLINE int get_anisotropic_degree() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(minfilter, get_minfilter, set_minfilter);
MAKE_PROPERTY(magfilter, get_magfilter, set_magfilter);
MAKE_PROPERTY(anisotropic_degree, get_anisotropic_degree, set_anisotropic_degree);
INLINE void set_render_mode(RenderMode render_mode);
INLINE RenderMode get_render_mode() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(render_mode, get_render_mode, set_render_mode);
INLINE void set_fg(const LColor &fg);
INLINE const LColor &get_fg() const;
INLINE void set_bg(const LColor &bg);
INLINE const LColor &get_bg() const;
INLINE void set_outline(const LColor &outline_color, PN_stdfloat outline_width,
PN_stdfloat outline_feather);
INLINE const LColor &get_outline_color() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_outline_width() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_outline_feather() const;
INLINE Texture::Format get_tex_format() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(fg, get_fg, set_fg);
MAKE_PROPERTY(bg, get_bg, set_bg);
MAKE_PROPERTY(tex_format, get_tex_format);
int get_num_pages() const;
DynamicTextPage *get_page(int n) const;
MAKE_SEQ(get_pages, get_num_pages, get_page);
MAKE_SEQ_PROPERTY(pages, get_num_pages, get_page);
int garbage_collect();
void clear();
virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
virtual bool get_glyph(int character, CPT(TextGlyph) &glyph);
virtual PN_stdfloat get_kerning(int first, int second) const;
bool get_glyph_by_index(int character, int glyph_index, CPT(TextGlyph) &glyph);
hb_font_t *get_hb_font() const;
void initialize();
void update_filters();
void determine_tex_format();
CPT(TextGlyph) make_glyph(int character, FT_Face face, int glyph_index);
void copy_bitmap_to_texture(const FT_Bitmap &bitmap, DynamicTextGlyph *glyph);
void copy_pnmimage_to_texture(const PNMImage &image, DynamicTextGlyph *glyph);
void blend_pnmimage_to_texture(const PNMImage &image, DynamicTextGlyph *glyph,
const LColor &fg);
DynamicTextGlyph *slot_glyph(int character, int x_size, int y_size, PN_stdfloat advance);
void render_wireframe_contours(TextGlyph *glyph);
void render_polygon_contours(TextGlyph *glyph, bool face, bool extrude);
int _texture_margin;
PN_stdfloat _poly_margin;
LVecBase2i _page_size;
SamplerState::FilterType _minfilter;
SamplerState::FilterType _magfilter;
int _anisotropic_degree;
RenderMode _render_mode;
LColor _fg, _bg, _outline_color;
PN_stdfloat _outline_width;
PN_stdfloat _outline_feather;
bool _has_outline;
Texture::Format _tex_format;
bool _needs_image_processing;
typedef pvector< PT(DynamicTextPage) > Pages;
Pages _pages;
int _preferred_page;
// This doesn't need to be a reference-counting pointer, because the
// reference to each glyph is kept by the DynamicTextPage object.
typedef pmap<int, const TextGlyph *> Cache;
Cache _cache;
// This is a list of the glyphs that do not have any printable properties
// (e.g. space), but still have an advance measure. We store them here to
// keep their reference counts; they also appear in the above table.
typedef pvector< PT(TextGlyph) > EmptyGlyphs;
EmptyGlyphs _empty_glyphs;
mutable hb_font_t *_hb_font;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "DynamicTextFont",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
friend class TextNode;
INLINE std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const DynamicTextFont &dtf);
#include "dynamicTextFont.I"