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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file notifyCategory.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-02-29
#include "dtoolbase.h"
#include "notifySeverity.h"
#include "configVariableEnum.h"
#include "configFlags.h"
#include "memoryBase.h"
#include <vector>
* A particular category of error messages. Typically there will be one of
* these per package, so that we can turn on or off error messages at least at
* a package level; further nested categories can be created within a package
* if a finer grain of control is required.
class EXPCL_DTOOL_PRC NotifyCategory : public MemoryBase, public ConfigFlags {
NotifyCategory(const std::string &fullname, const std::string &basename,
NotifyCategory *parent);
INLINE std::string get_fullname() const;
INLINE std::string get_basename() const;
INLINE NotifySeverity get_severity() const;
INLINE void set_severity(NotifySeverity severity);
MAKE_PROPERTY(fullname, get_fullname);
MAKE_PROPERTY(basename, get_basename);
MAKE_PROPERTY(severity, get_severity, set_severity);
INLINE bool is_on(NotifySeverity severity) const;
// When NOTIFY_DEBUG is not defined, the categories will never be set to
// "spam" or "debug" severities, and these methods are redefined to be
// static to make it more obvious to the compiler. However, we still want
// to present a consistent interface to our scripting language, so during
// the interrogate pass (that is, when CPPPARSER is defined), we still
// pretend they're nonstatic.
#if defined(NOTIFY_DEBUG) || defined(CPPPARSER)
INLINE bool is_spam() const;
INLINE bool is_debug() const;
constexpr static bool is_spam() { return false; }
constexpr static bool is_debug() { return false; }
INLINE bool is_info() const;
INLINE bool is_warning() const;
INLINE bool is_error() const;
INLINE bool is_fatal() const;
std::ostream &out(NotifySeverity severity, bool prefix = true) const;
INLINE std::ostream &spam(bool prefix = true) const;
INLINE std::ostream &debug(bool prefix = true) const;
INLINE std::ostream &info(bool prefix = true) const;
INLINE std::ostream &warning(bool prefix = true) const;
INLINE std::ostream &error(bool prefix = true) const;
INLINE std::ostream &fatal(bool prefix = true) const;
size_t get_num_children() const;
NotifyCategory *get_child(size_t i) const;
MAKE_SEQ(get_children, get_num_children, get_child);
MAKE_SEQ_PROPERTY(children, get_num_children, get_child);
static void set_server_delta(long delta);
std::string get_config_name() const;
void update_severity_cache();
static bool get_notify_timestamp();
static bool get_check_debug_notify_protect();
std::string _fullname;
std::string _basename;
NotifyCategory *_parent;
ConfigVariableEnum<NotifySeverity> _severity;
typedef std::vector<NotifyCategory *> Children;
Children _children;
static long _server_delta; // not a time_t because server delta may be signed.
AtomicAdjust::Integer _local_modified;
NotifySeverity _severity_cache;
friend class Notify;
INLINE std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const NotifyCategory &cat);
#include "notifyCategory.I"