187 lines
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187 lines
4.3 KiB
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file odeHingeJoint.I
* @author joswilso
* @date 2006-12-27
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_anchor(dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) {
dJointSetHingeAnchor(_id, x, y, z);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_anchor(const LVecBase3f &anchor) {
dJointSetHingeAnchor(_id, anchor[0], anchor[1], anchor[2]);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_anchor_delta(dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az) {
dJointSetHingeAnchorDelta(_id, x, y, z, ax, ay, az);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_anchor_delta(const LVecBase3f &anchor, const LVecBase3f &vec) {
dJointSetHingeAnchorDelta(_id, anchor[0], anchor[1], anchor[2], vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_axis(dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) {
dJointSetHingeAxis(_id, x, y, z);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_axis(const LVecBase3f &axis) {
dJointSetHingeAxis(_id, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
add_torque(dReal torque) {
dJointAddHingeTorque(_id, torque);
INLINE LVecBase3f OdeHingeJoint::
get_anchor() const {
dVector3 result;
dJointGetHingeAnchor(_id, result);
return LVecBase3f(result[0], result[1], result[2]);
INLINE LVecBase3f OdeHingeJoint::
get_anchor2() const {
dVector3 result;
dJointGetHingeAnchor2(_id, result);
return LVecBase3f(result[0], result[1], result[2]);
INLINE LVecBase3f OdeHingeJoint::
get_axis() const {
dVector3 result;
dJointGetHingeAxis(_id, result);
return LVecBase3f(result[0], result[1], result[2]);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_angle() const {
return dJointGetHingeAngle(_id);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_angle_rate() const {
return dJointGetHingeAngleRate(_id);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_lo_stop(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamLoStop, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_hi_stop(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamHiStop, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_vel(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamVel, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_f_max(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamFMax, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_fudge_factor(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamFudgeFactor, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_bounce(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamBounce, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_CFM(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamCFM, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_stop_ERP(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamStopERP, val);
INLINE void OdeHingeJoint::
set_param_stop_CFM(dReal val) {
nassertv( _id != 0 );
dJointSetHingeParam(_id, dParamStopCFM, val);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_lo_stop() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamLoStop);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_hi_stop() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamHiStop);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_vel() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamVel);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_f_max() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamFMax);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_fudge_factor() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamFudgeFactor);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_bounce() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamBounce);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_CFM() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamCFM);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_stop_ERP() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamStopERP);
INLINE dReal OdeHingeJoint::
get_param_stop_CFM() const {
nassertr( _id != 0, 0 );
return dJointGetHingeParam(_id, dParamStopCFM);