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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file pStatStripChart.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-07-15
#include "pandatoolbase.h"
#include "pStatGraph.h"
#include "pStatMonitor.h"
#include "pStatClientData.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "vector_int.h"
#include "pmap.h"
class PStatView;
* This is an abstract class that presents the interface for drawing a basic
* strip-chart, showing the relative value over an interval of time for
* several different collectors, differentiated by bands of color.
* This class just manages all the strip-chart logic; the actual nuts and
* bolts of drawing pixels is left to a user-derived class.
class PStatStripChart : public PStatGraph {
PStatStripChart(PStatMonitor *monitor, PStatView &view,
int thread_index, int collector_index, int xsize, int ysize);
virtual ~PStatStripChart();
void new_data(int frame_number);
void update();
bool first_data() const;
INLINE PStatView &get_view() const;
INLINE int get_collector_index() const;
void set_collector_index(int collector_index);
INLINE void set_horizontal_scale(double time_width);
INLINE double get_horizontal_scale() const;
INLINE void set_vertical_scale(double value_height);
void set_default_vertical_scale();
void set_auto_vertical_scale();
INLINE double get_vertical_scale() const;
INLINE void set_scroll_mode(bool scroll_mode);
INLINE bool get_scroll_mode() const;
INLINE void set_average_mode(bool average_mode);
INLINE bool get_average_mode() const;
int get_collector_under_pixel(int xpoint, int ypoint);
INLINE int timestamp_to_pixel(double time) const;
INLINE double pixel_to_timestamp(int x) const;
INLINE int height_to_pixel(double value) const;
INLINE double pixel_to_height(int y) const;
std::string get_title_text();
bool is_title_unknown() const;
class ColorData {
unsigned short _collector_index;
unsigned short _i;
double _net_value;
typedef pvector<ColorData> FrameData;
typedef pmap<int, FrameData> Data;
static void accumulate_frame_data(FrameData &fdata,
const FrameData &additional, double weight);
static void scale_frame_data(FrameData &fdata, double factor);
const FrameData &get_frame_data(int frame_number);
void compute_average_pixel_data(PStatStripChart::FrameData &result,
int &then_i, int &now_i, double now);
double get_net_value(int frame_number) const;
double get_average_net_value() const;
void changed_size(int xsize, int ysize);
void force_redraw();
void force_reset();
virtual void update_labels();
virtual void normal_guide_bars();
virtual void clear_region();
virtual void copy_region(int start_x, int end_x, int dest_x);
virtual void begin_draw(int from_x, int to_x);
virtual void draw_slice(int x, int w, const FrameData &fdata);
virtual void draw_empty(int x, int w);
virtual void draw_cursor(int x);
virtual void end_draw(int from_x, int to_x);
virtual void idle();
INLINE bool is_label_used(int collector_index) const;
void draw_frames(int first_frame, int last_frame);
void draw_pixels(int first_pixel, int last_pixel);
void clear_label_usage();
void dec_label_usage(const FrameData &fdata);
void inc_label_usage(const FrameData &fdata);
int _thread_index;
PStatView &_view;
int _collector_index;
bool _scroll_mode;
bool _average_mode;
Data _data;
int _next_frame;
bool _first_data;
int _cursor_pixel;
int _level_index;
double _time_width;
double _start_time;
double _value_height;
bool _title_unknown;
typedef vector_int LabelUsage;
LabelUsage _label_usage;
#include "pStatStripChart.I"