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386 lines
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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file pointerToArray.h
* @author drose
* @date 1999-01-14
* This file defines the classes PointerToArray and ConstPointerToArray (and
* their abbreviations, PTA and CPTA), which are extensions to the PointerTo
* class that support reference-counted arrays.
* You may think of a PointerToArray as the same thing as a traditional
* C-style array. However, it actually stores a pointer to an STL vector,
* which is then reference-counted. Thus, most vector operations may be
* applied directly to a PointerToArray object, including dynamic resizing via
* push_back() and pop_back().
* Unlike the PointerTo class, the PointerToArray may store pointers to any
* kind of object, not just those derived from ReferenceCount.
* Like PointerTo and ConstPointerTo, the macro abbreviations PTA and CPTA are
* defined for convenience.
* Some examples of syntax: instead of:
* PTA(int) array(10); int *array = new int[10];
* memset(array, 0, sizeof(int) * 10); memset(array, 0, sizeof(int) * 10);
* array[i] = array[i+1]; array[i] = array[i+1];
* num_elements = array.size(); (no equivalent)
* PTA(int) copy = array; int *copy = array;
* Note that in the above example, unlike an STL vector (but like a C-style
* array), assigning a PointerToArray object from another simply copies the
* pointer, and does not copy individual elements. (Of course, reference
* counts are adjusted appropriately.) If you actually wanted an
* element-by-element copy of the array, you would do this:
* PTA(int) copy(0); // Create a pointer to an empty vector.
* copy.v() = array.v(); // v() is the STL vector itself.
* The (0) parameter to the constructor in the above example is crucial. When
* a numeric length parameter, such as zero, is given to the constructor, it
* means to define a new STL vector with that number of elements initially in
* it. If no parameter is given, on the other hand, it means the
* PointerToArray should point to nothing--no STL vector is created. This is
* equivalent to a C array that points to NULL.
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "pointerToArrayBase.h"
#if (defined(WIN32_VC) || defined(WIN64_VC)) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// disable mysterious MSVC warning for static inline PTA::empty_array method
// need to chk if vc 7.0 still has this problem, would like to keep it enabled
#pragma warning (disable : 4506)
template <class Element>
class ConstPointerToArray;
* A special kind of PointerTo that stores an array of the indicated element
* type, instead of a single element. This is actually implemented as an STL
* vector, using the RefCountObj class to wrap it up with a reference count.
* We actually inherit from NodeRefCountObj these days, which adds node_ref()
* and node_unref() to the standard ref() and unref(). This is particularly
* useful for GeomVertexArrayData; other classes may or may not find this
* additional counter useful, but since it adds relatively little overhead
* (compared with what is presumably a largish array), we go ahead and add it
* here, even though it is inherited by many different parts of the system
* that may not use it.
template <class Element>
class PointerToArray : public PointerToArrayBase<Element> {
// By hiding this template from interrogate, we would improve compile-time
// speed and memory utilization. However, we do want to export a minimal
// subset of this class. So we define just the exportable interface here.
typedef typename pvector<Element>::size_type size_type;
INLINE PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
INLINE static PointerToArray<Element> empty_array(size_type n, TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
INLINE PointerToArray(const PointerToArray<Element> ©);
EXTENSION(PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source));
INLINE void clear();
INLINE size_type size() const;
INLINE void push_back(const Element &x);
INLINE void pop_back();
INLINE const Element &get_element(size_type n) const;
INLINE void set_element(size_type n, const Element &value);
EXTENSION(const Element &__getitem__(size_type n) const);
EXTENSION(void __setitem__(size_type n, const Element &value));
EXTENSION(PyObject *get_data() const);
EXTENSION(void set_data(PyObject *data));
EXTENSION(PyObject *get_subdata(size_type n, size_type count) const);
INLINE void set_subdata(size_type n, size_type count, const std::string &data);
INLINE int get_ref_count() const;
INLINE int get_node_ref_count() const;
INLINE size_t count(const Element &) const;
EXTENSION(int __getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags));
EXTENSION(void __releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const);
#else // CPPPARSER
// This is the actual, complete interface.
typedef typename PointerToArrayBase<Element>::To To;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::value_type value_type;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::reference reference;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::iterator iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::size_type size_type;
INLINE PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
INLINE static PointerToArray<Element> empty_array(size_type n, TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
INLINE PointerToArray(size_type n, const Element &value, TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
INLINE PointerToArray(const Element *begin, const Element *end, TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
INLINE PointerToArray(const PointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE PointerToArray(PointerToArray<Element> &&from) noexcept;
INLINE explicit PointerToArray(pvector<Element> &&from, TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
// Duplicating the interface of vector. The following member functions are
// all const, because they do not reassign the pointer--they operate only
// within the vector itself, which is non-const in this class.
INLINE iterator begin() const;
INLINE iterator end() const;
INLINE typename PointerToArray<Element>::reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
INLINE typename PointerToArray<Element>::reverse_iterator rend() const;
// Equality and comparison operators are pointerwise for PointerToArrays,
// not elementwise as in vector.
INLINE size_type size() const;
INLINE size_type max_size() const;
INLINE bool empty() const;
INLINE void clear();
// Functions specific to vectors.
INLINE void reserve(size_type n);
INLINE void resize(size_type n);
INLINE size_type capacity() const;
INLINE reference front() const;
INLINE reference back() const;
INLINE iterator insert(iterator position, const Element &x);
INLINE void insert(iterator position, size_type n, const Element &x);
// We don't define the insert() method that accepts a pair of iterators to
// copy from. That's problematic because of the whole member template
// thing. If you really need this, use pta.v().insert(...); if you're doing
// this on a vector that has to be exported from the DLL, you should use
// insert_into_vector(pta.v(), ...).
INLINE void erase(iterator position);
INLINE void erase(iterator first, iterator last);
#if !defined(WIN32_VC) && !defined (WIN64_VC)
INLINE reference operator [](size_type n) const;
INLINE reference operator [](int n) const;
INLINE void push_back(const Element &x);
INLINE void pop_back();
INLINE void make_empty();
INLINE operator Element *() const;
INLINE Element *p() const;
INLINE pvector<Element> &v() const;
INLINE ReferenceCountedVector<Element> *v0() const;
// Methods to help out Python and other high-level languages.
INLINE const Element &get_element(size_type n) const;
INLINE void set_element(size_type n, const Element &value);
INLINE std::string get_data() const;
INLINE void set_data(const std::string &data);
INLINE std::string get_subdata(size_type n, size_type count) const;
INLINE void set_subdata(size_type n, size_type count, const std::string &data);
// These functions are only to be used in Reading through BamReader. They
// are designed to work in pairs, so that you register what is returned by
// get_void_ptr with BamReader and when you are setting another PTA with
// what is returned by BamReader, you set it with set_void_ptr. If you used
// the provided macro of READ_PTA, this is done for you. So you should
// never call these functions directly
INLINE void *get_void_ptr() const;
INLINE void set_void_ptr(void* p);
INLINE int get_ref_count() const;
INLINE void ref() const;
INLINE bool unref() const;
INLINE int get_node_ref_count() const;
INLINE void node_ref() const;
INLINE bool node_unref() const;
INLINE size_t count(const Element &) const;
#endif // CPPPARSER
// Reassignment is by pointer, not memberwise as with a vector.
INLINE PointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (ReferenceCountedVector<Element> *ptr);
INLINE PointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (const PointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE PointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (PointerToArray<Element> &&from) noexcept;
TypeHandle _type_handle;
// This static empty array is kept around just so we can return something
// meaningful when begin() or end() is called and we have a NULL pointer.
// It might not be shared properly between different .so's, since it's a
// static member of a template class, but we don't really care.
static pvector<Element> _empty_array;
friend class ConstPointerToArray<Element>;
* Similar to PointerToArray, except that its contents may not be modified.
template <class Element>
class ConstPointerToArray : public PointerToArrayBase<Element> {
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
// By hiding this template from interrogate, we would improve compile-time
// speed and memory utilization. However, we do want to export a minimal
// subset of this class. So we define just the exportable interface here.
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(const PointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(const ConstPointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE void clear();
typedef typename pvector<Element>::size_type size_type;
INLINE size_type size() const;
INLINE const Element &get_element(size_type n) const;
EXTENSION(const Element &__getitem__(size_type n) const);
EXTENSION(PyObject *get_data() const);
EXTENSION(PyObject *get_subdata(size_type n, size_type count) const);
INLINE int get_ref_count() const;
INLINE int get_node_ref_count() const;
INLINE size_t count(const Element &) const;
EXTENSION(int __getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const);
EXTENSION(void __releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const);
#else // CPPPARSER
// This is the actual, complete interface.
typedef typename PointerToArrayBase<Element>::To To;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::value_type value_type;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_reference reference;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_iterator iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_iterator const_iterator;
#if defined(WIN32_VC) || defined(WIN64_VC)
// VC++ seems to break the const_reverse_iterator definition somehow.
typedef typename pvector<Element>::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename pvector<Element>::size_type size_type;
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(const Element *begin, const Element *end, TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(const PointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(const ConstPointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray<Element> &&from) noexcept;
INLINE ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray<Element> &&from) noexcept;
INLINE explicit ConstPointerToArray(pvector<Element> &&from, TypeHandle type_handle = get_type_handle(Element));
// Duplicating the interface of vector.
INLINE iterator begin() const;
INLINE iterator end() const;
INLINE typename ConstPointerToArray<Element>::reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
INLINE typename ConstPointerToArray<Element>::reverse_iterator rend() const;
// Equality and comparison operators are pointerwise for PointerToArrays,
// not elementwise as in vector.
INLINE size_type size() const;
INLINE size_type max_size() const;
INLINE bool empty() const;
INLINE void clear();
// Functions specific to vectors.
INLINE size_type capacity() const;
INLINE reference front() const;
INLINE reference back() const;
#if !defined(WIN32_VC) && !defined(WIN64_VC)
INLINE reference operator [](size_type n) const;
INLINE reference operator [](int n) const;
INLINE operator const Element *() const;
INLINE const Element *p() const;
INLINE const pvector<Element> &v() const;
INLINE const ReferenceCountedVector<Element> *v0() const;
INLINE PointerToArray<Element> cast_non_const() const;
// Methods to help out Python and other high-level languages.
INLINE const Element &get_element(size_type n) const;
INLINE std::string get_data() const;
INLINE std::string get_subdata(size_type n, size_type count) const;
INLINE int get_ref_count() const;
INLINE void ref() const;
INLINE bool unref() const;
INLINE int get_node_ref_count() const;
INLINE void node_ref() const;
INLINE bool node_unref() const;
INLINE size_t count(const Element &) const;
#endif // CPPPARSER
// Reassignment is by pointer, not memberwise as with a vector.
INLINE ConstPointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (ReferenceCountedVector<Element> *ptr);
INLINE ConstPointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (const PointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE ConstPointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (const ConstPointerToArray<Element> ©);
INLINE ConstPointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (PointerToArray<Element> &&from) noexcept;
INLINE ConstPointerToArray<Element> &
operator = (ConstPointerToArray<Element> &&from) noexcept;
TypeHandle _type_handle;
// This static empty array is kept around just so we can return something
// meangful when begin() or end() is called and we have a NULL pointer. It
// might not be shared properly between different .so's, since it's a static
// member of a template class, but we don't really care.
static pvector<Element> _empty_array;
friend class PointerToArray<Element>;
// And the brevity macros.
#define PTA(type) PointerToArray< type >
#define CPTA(type) ConstPointerToArray< type >
#include "pointerToArray.I"