163 lines
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163 lines
4.2 KiB
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file sceneGraphAnalyzer.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-07-02
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "typedObject.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "pset.h"
#include "bitArray.h"
#include "indirectCompareTo.h"
class PandaNode;
class GeomNode;
class Geom;
class GeomVertexData;
class GeomVertexFormat;
class GeomVertexArrayData;
class Texture;
* A handy class that can scrub over a scene graph and collect interesting
* statistics on it.
class EXPCL_PANDA_PGRAPHNODES SceneGraphAnalyzer {
enum LodMode {
INLINE void set_lod_mode(LodMode lod_mode);
INLINE LodMode get_lod_mode(LodMode lod_mode) const;
void clear();
void add_node(PandaNode *node);
void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
INLINE int get_num_nodes() const;
INLINE int get_num_instances() const;
INLINE int get_num_transforms() const;
INLINE int get_num_nodes_with_attribs() const;
INLINE int get_num_lod_nodes() const;
INLINE int get_num_geom_nodes() const;
INLINE int get_num_geoms() const;
INLINE int get_num_geom_vertex_datas() const;
INLINE int get_num_geom_vertex_formats() const;
INLINE size_t get_vertex_data_size() const;
INLINE int get_num_vertices() const;
INLINE int get_num_normals() const;
INLINE int get_num_colors() const;
INLINE int get_num_texcoords() const;
INLINE int get_num_tris() const;
INLINE int get_num_lines() const;
INLINE int get_num_points() const;
INLINE int get_num_patches() const;
INLINE int get_num_individual_tris() const;
INLINE int get_num_tristrips() const;
INLINE int get_num_triangles_in_strips() const;
INLINE int get_num_trifans() const;
INLINE int get_num_triangles_in_fans() const;
INLINE int get_num_vertices_in_patches() const;
INLINE size_t get_texture_bytes() const;
INLINE int get_num_long_normals() const;
INLINE int get_num_short_normals() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_total_normal_length() const;
void collect_statistics(PandaNode *node, bool under_instance);
void collect_statistics(GeomNode *geom_node);
void collect_statistics(const Geom *geom);
void collect_statistics(Texture *texture);
void collect_statistics(const GeomVertexArrayData *vadata);
void collect_prim_statistics(const GeomVertexArrayData *vadata);
class VDataTracker {
BitArray _referenced_vertices;
typedef pmap<PandaNode *, int> Nodes;
typedef pmap<CPT(GeomVertexData), VDataTracker> VDatas;
typedef pset<CPT(GeomVertexFormat) > VFormats;
typedef pset<CPT(GeomVertexArrayData) > VADatas;
typedef pmap<const GeomVertexData *, int, IndirectCompareTo<GeomVertexData> > UniqueVDatas;
typedef pmap<const GeomVertexArrayData *, int, IndirectCompareTo<GeomVertexArrayData> > UniqueVADatas;
typedef pmap<Texture *, int> Textures;
LodMode _lod_mode;
Nodes _nodes;
VDatas _vdatas;
VFormats _vformats;
VADatas _vadatas;
VADatas _prim_vadatas;
UniqueVDatas _unique_vdatas;
UniqueVADatas _unique_vadatas;
UniqueVADatas _unique_prim_vadatas;
Textures _textures;
int _num_nodes;
int _num_instances;
int _num_transforms;
int _num_nodes_with_attribs;
int _num_lod_nodes;
int _num_geom_nodes;
int _num_geoms;
int _num_geom_vertex_datas;
int _num_geom_vertex_formats;
size_t _vertex_data_size;
size_t _prim_data_size;
int _num_vertices;
int _num_vertices_64;
int _num_normals;
int _num_colors;
int _num_texcoords;
int _num_tris;
int _num_lines;
int _num_points;
int _num_patches;
int _num_individual_tris;
int _num_tristrips;
int _num_triangles_in_strips;
int _num_trifans;
int _num_triangles_in_fans;
int _num_vertices_in_patches;
size_t _texture_bytes;
int _num_long_normals;
int _num_short_normals;
PN_stdfloat _total_normal_length;
#include "sceneGraphAnalyzer.I"