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Raw Normal View History

2024-01-16 11:20:27 -06:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file spriteParticleRenderer.h
* @author charles
* @date 2000-07-13
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include "baseParticleRenderer.h"
#include "baseParticle.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "geom.h"
#include "geomVertexData.h"
#include "geomPoints.h"
#include "colorInterpolationManager.h"
#include "geomVertexWriter.h"
#include "textureCollection.h"
#include "nodePathCollection.h"
#include "vector_int.h"
#include "pStatCollector.h"
class NodePath;
* Helper class used by SpriteParticleRenderer to keep track of the various
* GeomVertexWriters associated with each geom created in
* SpriteParticleRenderer::init_geoms().
class SpriteWriter {
SpriteWriter() {
SpriteWriter(const SpriteWriter &copy):
aspect_ratio(copy.aspect_ratio) {
void clear() {
GeomVertexWriter vertex;
GeomVertexWriter color;
GeomVertexWriter rotate;
GeomVertexWriter size;
GeomVertexWriter aspect_ratio;
* Helper class used by SpriteParticleRenderer to keep track of its textures
* and their respective UVs and source types.
class SpriteAnim : public ReferenceCount{
enum SourceType {
void set_source_info(const std::string &tex) {
_source_type = ST_texture;
_source_tex = tex;
void set_source_info(const std::string &model, const std::string &node) {
_source_type = ST_from_node;
_source_model = model;
_source_node = node;
SourceType get_source_type() const {
return _source_type;
std::string get_tex_source() const {
return _source_tex;
std::string get_model_source() const {
return _source_model;
std::string get_node_source() const {
return _source_node;
int get_num_frames() const {
return textures.size();
SpriteAnim(Texture* t, LTexCoord ll, LTexCoord ur) {
SpriteAnim(const TextureCollection &t, const pvector< LTexCoord > &lls, const pvector< LTexCoord > &urs) :
ur(urs) {
for (int i = 0; i < t.get_num_textures(); ++i) {
void set_ll(const int n, LTexCoord c) {
ll[n] = c;
void set_ur(const int n, LTexCoord c) {
ur[n] = c;
Texture *get_frame(const int n) const {
return textures[n];
LTexCoord get_ll(const int n) const {
return ll[n];
LTexCoord get_ur(const int n) const {
return ur[n];
pvector< PT(Texture) > textures;
pvector< LTexCoord > ll,ur;
SourceType _source_type;
std::string _source_tex,_source_model,_source_node;
* Renders a particle system with high-speed nasty trick sprites.
class EXPCL_PANDA_PARTICLESYSTEM SpriteParticleRenderer : public BaseParticleRenderer {
explicit SpriteParticleRenderer(Texture *tex = nullptr);
SpriteParticleRenderer(const SpriteParticleRenderer &copy);
virtual ~SpriteParticleRenderer();
virtual BaseParticleRenderer *make_copy();
void set_from_node(const NodePath &node_path, bool size_from_texels = false);
void set_from_node(const NodePath &node_path, const std::string &model, const std::string &node, bool size_from_texels = false);
void add_from_node(const NodePath &node_path, bool size_from_texels = false, bool resize = false);
void add_from_node(const NodePath &node_path, const std::string &model, const std::string &node, bool size_from_texels = false, bool resize = false);
INLINE void set_texture(Texture *tex, PN_stdfloat texels_per_unit = 1.0f);
INLINE void add_texture(Texture *tex, PN_stdfloat texels_per_unit = 1.0f, bool resize = false);
INLINE void remove_animation(const int n);
INLINE void set_ll_uv(const LTexCoord &ll_uv);
INLINE void set_ll_uv(const LTexCoord &ll_uv, const int anim, const int frame);
INLINE void set_ur_uv(const LTexCoord &ur_uv);
INLINE void set_ur_uv(const LTexCoord &ur_uv, const int anim, const int frame);
INLINE void set_size(PN_stdfloat width, PN_stdfloat height);
INLINE void set_color(const LColor &color);
INLINE void set_x_scale_flag(bool animate_x_ratio);
INLINE void set_y_scale_flag(bool animate_y_ratio);
INLINE void set_anim_angle_flag(bool animate_theta);
INLINE void set_initial_x_scale(PN_stdfloat initial_x_scale);
INLINE void set_final_x_scale(PN_stdfloat final_x_scale);
INLINE void set_initial_y_scale(PN_stdfloat initial_y_scale);
INLINE void set_final_y_scale(PN_stdfloat final_y_scale);
INLINE void set_nonanimated_theta(PN_stdfloat theta);
INLINE void set_alpha_blend_method(ParticleRendererBlendMethod bm);
INLINE void set_alpha_disable(bool ad);
INLINE void set_animate_frames_enable(bool an);
INLINE void set_animate_frames_rate(PN_stdfloat r);
INLINE void set_animate_frames_index(int i);
INLINE Texture *get_texture() const;
INLINE Texture *get_texture(const int anim, const int frame) const;
INLINE int get_num_anims() const;
INLINE SpriteAnim *get_anim(const int n) const;
MAKE_SEQ(get_anims, get_num_anims, get_anim);
INLINE SpriteAnim *get_last_anim() const;
INLINE ColorInterpolationManager* get_color_interpolation_manager() const;
INLINE LTexCoord get_ll_uv() const;
INLINE LTexCoord get_ll_uv(const int anim, const int frame) const;
INLINE LTexCoord get_ur_uv() const;
INLINE LTexCoord get_ur_uv(const int anim, const int frame) const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_width() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_height() const;
INLINE LColor get_color() const;
INLINE bool get_x_scale_flag() const;
INLINE bool get_y_scale_flag() const;
INLINE bool get_anim_angle_flag() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_initial_x_scale() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_final_x_scale() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_initial_y_scale() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_final_y_scale() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_nonanimated_theta() const;
INLINE ParticleRendererBlendMethod get_alpha_blend_method() const;
INLINE bool get_alpha_disable() const;
INLINE bool get_animate_frames_enable() const;
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_animate_frames_rate() const;
INLINE int get_animate_frames_index() const;
virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const;
virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
pvector< pvector< PT(Geom) > > _sprite_primitive;
pvector< pvector< PT(GeomPoints) > > _sprites;
pvector< pvector< SpriteWriter > > _sprite_writer;
pvector< pvector< PT(GeomVertexData) > > _vdata;
pvector< PT(SpriteAnim) > _anims; // Stores texture references and UV info for each geom.
LColor _color;
PN_stdfloat _height;
PN_stdfloat _width;
PN_stdfloat _initial_x_scale;
PN_stdfloat _final_x_scale;
PN_stdfloat _initial_y_scale;
PN_stdfloat _final_y_scale;
PN_stdfloat _theta;
PN_stdfloat _base_y_scale;
PN_stdfloat _aspect_ratio;
PN_stdfloat _animate_frames_rate;
int _animate_frames_index;
bool _animate_x_ratio;
bool _animate_y_ratio;
bool _animate_theta;
bool _alpha_disable;
bool _animate_frames;
bool _animation_removed;
ParticleRendererBlendMethod _blend_method;
PT(ColorInterpolationManager) _color_interpolation_manager;
LVertex _aabb_min;
LVertex _aabb_max;
int _pool_size;
virtual void birth_particle(int index);
virtual void kill_particle(int index);
virtual void init_geoms();
virtual void render(pvector< PT(PhysicsObject) > &po_vector,
int ttl_particles);
virtual void resize_pool(int new_size);
int extract_textures_from_node(const NodePath &node_path, NodePathCollection &np_col, TextureCollection &tex_col);
vector_int _anim_size; // Holds the number of frames in each animation.
pvector<int*> _ttl_count; // _ttl_count[i][j] holds the number of particles attached to animation 'i' at frame 'j'.
vector_int _birth_list; // Holds the list of particles that need a new random animation to start on.
static PStatCollector _render_collector;
#include "spriteParticleRenderer.I"