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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file texturePool.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-04-26
* @author fperazzi, PandaSE
* @date 2010-04-29
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "filename.h"
#include "config_gobj.h"
#include "loaderOptions.h"
#include "pmutex.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "textureCollection.h"
class TexturePoolFilter;
class BamCache;
class BamCacheRecord;
* This is the preferred interface for loading textures from image files. It
* unifies all references to the same filename, so that multiple models that
* reference the same textures don't waste texture memory unnecessarily.
class EXPCL_PANDA_GOBJ TexturePool {
INLINE static bool has_texture(const Filename &filename);
INLINE static bool verify_texture(const Filename &filename);
BLOCKING INLINE static Texture *load_texture(const Filename &filename,
int primary_file_num_channels = 0,
bool read_mipmaps = false,
const LoaderOptions &options = LoaderOptions());
BLOCKING INLINE static Texture *load_texture(const Filename &filename,
const Filename &alpha_filename,
int primary_file_num_channels = 0,
int alpha_file_channel = 0,
bool read_mipmaps = false,
const LoaderOptions &options = LoaderOptions());
BLOCKING INLINE static Texture *load_3d_texture(const Filename &filename_pattern,
bool read_mipmaps = false,
const LoaderOptions &options = LoaderOptions());
BLOCKING INLINE static Texture *load_2d_texture_array(const Filename &filename_pattern,
bool read_mipmaps = false,
const LoaderOptions &options = LoaderOptions());
BLOCKING INLINE static Texture *load_cube_map(const Filename &filename_pattern,
bool read_mipmaps = false,
const LoaderOptions &options = LoaderOptions());
INLINE static Texture *get_normalization_cube_map(int size);
INLINE static Texture *get_alpha_scale_map();
INLINE static void add_texture(Texture *texture);
INLINE static void release_texture(Texture *texture);
INLINE static void release_all_textures();
INLINE static void rehash();
INLINE static int garbage_collect();
INLINE static void list_contents(std::ostream &out);
INLINE static void list_contents();
INLINE static Texture *find_texture(const std::string &name);
INLINE static TextureCollection find_all_textures(const std::string &name = "*");
INLINE static void set_fake_texture_image(const Filename &filename);
INLINE static void clear_fake_texture_image();
INLINE static bool has_fake_texture_image();
INLINE static const Filename &get_fake_texture_image();
INLINE static PT(Texture) make_texture(const std::string &extension);
static void write(std::ostream &out);
typedef Texture::MakeTextureFunc MakeTextureFunc;
void register_texture_type(MakeTextureFunc *func, const std::string &extensions);
void register_filter(TexturePoolFilter *filter);
MakeTextureFunc *get_texture_type(const std::string &extension) const;
void write_texture_types(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
static TexturePool *get_global_ptr();
bool ns_has_texture(const Filename &orig_filename);
Texture *ns_load_texture(const Filename &orig_filename,
int primary_file_num_channels,
bool read_mipmaps,
const LoaderOptions &options);
Texture *ns_load_texture(const Filename &orig_filename,
const Filename &orig_alpha_filename,
int primary_file_num_channels,
int alpha_file_channel,
bool read_mipmaps,
const LoaderOptions &options);
Texture *ns_load_3d_texture(const Filename &filename_pattern,
bool read_mipmaps,
const LoaderOptions &options);
Texture *ns_load_2d_texture_array(const Filename &filename_pattern,
bool read_mipmaps,
const LoaderOptions &options);
Texture *ns_load_cube_map(const Filename &filename_pattern,
bool read_mipmaps,
const LoaderOptions &options);
Texture *ns_get_normalization_cube_map(int size);
Texture *ns_get_alpha_scale_map();
void ns_add_texture(Texture *texture);
void ns_release_texture(Texture *texture);
void ns_release_all_textures();
int ns_garbage_collect();
void ns_list_contents(std::ostream &out) const;
Texture *ns_find_texture(const std::string &name) const;
TextureCollection ns_find_all_textures(const std::string &name) const;
PT(Texture) ns_make_texture(const std::string &extension) const;
void resolve_filename(Filename &new_filename, const Filename &orig_filename,
bool read_mipmaps, const LoaderOptions &options);
void try_load_cache(PT(Texture) &tex, BamCache *cache,
const Filename &filename, PT(BamCacheRecord) &record,
bool &compressed_cache_record,
const LoaderOptions &options);
void report_texture_unreadable(const Filename &filename) const;
// Methods to invoke a TexturePoolFilter.
PT(Texture) pre_load(const Filename &orig_filename,
const Filename &orig_alpha_filename,
int primary_file_num_channels,
int alpha_file_channel,
bool read_mipmaps, const LoaderOptions &options);
PT(Texture) post_load(Texture *tex);
void load_filters();
static TexturePool *_global_ptr;
Mutex _lock;
struct LookupKey {
Filename _fullpath;
Filename _alpha_fullpath;
int _primary_file_num_channels = 0;
int _alpha_file_channel = 0;
Texture::TextureType _texture_type = Texture::TT_2d_texture;
INLINE bool operator < (const LookupKey &other) const;
typedef pmap<LookupKey, PT(Texture)> Textures;
Textures _textures;
typedef pmap<Filename, Filename> RelpathLookup;
RelpathLookup _relpath_lookup;
Filename _fake_texture_image;
PT(Texture) _normalization_cube_map;
PT(Texture) _alpha_scale_map;
typedef pmap<std::string, MakeTextureFunc *> TypeRegistry;
TypeRegistry _type_registry;
typedef pvector<TexturePoolFilter *> FilterRegistry;
FilterRegistry _filter_registry;
#include "texturePool.I"