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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
"""This module defines a widget used to display a graphical overview of the
scene graph using the tkinter GUI system.
Requires Pmw."""
__all__ = ['SceneGraphExplorer', 'SceneGraphExplorerItem', 'explore']
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import *
from .Tree import *
import Pmw
# changing these strings requires changing DirectSession.py SGE_ strs too!
'Update Explorer',
'Expand All',
'Collapse All',
'Select', 'Deselect',
'Fit', 'Flash', 'Isolate', 'Toggle Vis', 'Show All',
'Set Reparent Target', 'Reparent', 'WRT Reparent',
'Place', 'Set Name', 'Set Color', 'Explore',
class SceneGraphExplorer(Pmw.MegaWidget, DirectObject):
"Graphical display of a scene graph"
def __init__(self, parent = None, nodePath = None, isItemEditable = True, **kw):
if nodePath is None:
nodePath = base.render
# Define the megawidget options.
optiondefs = (
('menuItems', [], Pmw.INITOPT),
self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)
# Initialise superclass
Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)
# Initialize some class variables
self.nodePath = nodePath
# Create the components.
# Setup up container
interior = self.interior()
interior.configure(relief = GROOVE, borderwidth = 2)
# Create a label and an entry
self._scrolledCanvas = self.createcomponent(
(), None,
Pmw.ScrolledCanvas, (interior,),
hull_width = 200, hull_height = 300,
usehullsize = 1)
self._canvas = self._scrolledCanvas.component('canvas')
self._canvas['scrollregion'] = ('0i', '0i', '2i', '4i')
self._scrolledCanvas.pack(padx = 3, pady = 3, expand=1, fill = BOTH)
self._canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-2>', self.mouse2Down)
self._canvas.bind('<B2-Motion>', self.mouse2Motion)
lambda e, sc = self._scrolledCanvas:
self.interior().bind('<Destroy>', self.onDestroy)
# Create the contents
self._treeItem = SceneGraphExplorerItem(self.nodePath, isItemEditable)
self._node = TreeNode(self._canvas, None, self._treeItem,
DEFAULT_MENU_ITEMS + self['menuItems'])
self._parentFrame = Frame(interior)
self._label = self.createcomponent(
(), None,
Label, (interior,),
text = 'Active Reparent Target: ',
anchor = W, justify = LEFT)
self._label.pack(fill = X)
# Add update parent label
def updateLabel(nodePath = None, s = self):
s._label['text'] = 'Active Reparent Target: ' + nodePath.getName()
self.accept('DIRECT_activeParent', updateLabel)
# Add update hook
self.accept('SGE_Update Explorer',
lambda np, s = self: s.update())
# Check keywords and initialise options based on input values.
# [gjeon] to set childrenTag and fModeChildrenTag of tree node
def setChildrenTag(self, tag, fModeChildrenTag):
self._node.setChildrenTag(tag, fModeChildrenTag)
# [gjeon] to set fSortChildren of tree node
def setFSortChildren(self, fSortChildren):
def update(self, fUseCachedChildren = 1):
""" Refresh scene graph explorer """
def mouse2Down(self, event):
self._width = 1.0 * self._canvas.winfo_width()
self._height = 1.0 * self._canvas.winfo_height()
xview = self._canvas.xview()
yview = self._canvas.yview()
self._left = xview[0]
self._top = yview[0]
self._dxview = xview[1] - xview[0]
self._dyview = yview[1] - yview[0]
self._2lx = event.x
self._2ly = event.y
def mouse2Motion(self, event):
newx = self._left - ((event.x - self._2lx)/self._width) * self._dxview
newy = self._top - ((event.y - self._2ly)/self._height) * self._dyview
self._2lx = event.x
self._2ly = event.y
self._left = self._canvas.xview()[0]
self._top = self._canvas.yview()[0]
def onDestroy(self, event):
# Remove hooks
self.ignore('SGE_Update Explorer')
def updateSelection(self, searchKey):
# [gjeon] update SGE selection with directSession
sceneGraphItem = self._node.find(searchKey)
if sceneGraphItem:
class SceneGraphExplorerItem(TreeItem):
"""Example TreeItem subclass -- browse the file system."""
def __init__(self, nodePath, isItemEditable = True):
self.nodePath = nodePath
self.isItemEditable = isItemEditable
def GetText(self):
type = self.nodePath.node().getType().getName()
name = self.nodePath.getName()
return type + " " + name
def GetKey(self):
return hash(self.nodePath)
def IsEditable(self):
# All nodes' names can be edited nowadays.
return self.isItemEditable
#return issubclass(self.nodePath.node().__class__, NamedNode)
def SetText(self, text):
except AttributeError:
def GetIconName(self):
return "sphere2" # XXX wish there was a "file" icon
def IsExpandable(self):
return self.nodePath.getNumChildren() != 0
def GetSubList(self):
sublist = []
for nodePath in self.nodePath.getChildren():
item = SceneGraphExplorerItem(nodePath, self.isItemEditable)
return sublist
def OnSelect(self):
messenger.send('SGE_Flash', [self.nodePath])
def MenuCommand(self, command):
messenger.send('SGE_' + command, [self.nodePath])
def explore(nodePath = None):
if nodePath is None:
nodePath = base.render
tl = Toplevel()
tl.title('Explore: ' + nodePath.getName())
sge = SceneGraphExplorer(parent = tl, nodePath = nodePath)
sge.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both')
return sge