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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file collisionEntry.h
* @author drose
* @date 2002-03-16
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "collisionTraverser.h"
#include "collisionSolid.h"
#include "collisionNode.h"
#include "collisionRecorder.h"
#include "transformState.h"
#include "typedWritableReferenceCount.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "pandaNode.h"
#include "nodePath.h"
#include "clipPlaneAttrib.h"
* Defines a single collision event. One of these is created for each
* collision detected by a CollisionTraverser, to be dealt with by the
* CollisionHandler.
* A CollisionEntry provides slots for a number of data values (such as
* intersection point and normal) that might or might not be known for each
* collision. It is up to the handler to determine what information is known
* and to do the right thing with it.
class EXPCL_PANDA_COLLIDE CollisionEntry : public TypedWritableReferenceCount {
INLINE CollisionEntry();
CollisionEntry(const CollisionEntry &copy);
void operator = (const CollisionEntry &copy);
INLINE const CollisionSolid *get_from() const;
INLINE bool has_into() const;
INLINE const CollisionSolid *get_into() const;
INLINE CollisionNode *get_from_node() const;
INLINE PandaNode *get_into_node() const;
INLINE NodePath get_from_node_path() const;
INLINE NodePath get_into_node_path() const;
INLINE void set_t(PN_stdfloat t);
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_t() const;
INLINE bool collided() const;
INLINE void reset_collided();
INLINE bool get_respect_prev_transform() const;
INLINE void set_surface_point(const LPoint3 &point);
INLINE void set_surface_normal(const LVector3 &normal);
INLINE void set_interior_point(const LPoint3 &point);
INLINE bool has_surface_point() const;
INLINE bool has_surface_normal() const;
INLINE bool has_interior_point() const;
INLINE void set_contact_pos(const LPoint3 &pos);
INLINE void set_contact_normal(const LVector3 &normal);
INLINE bool has_contact_pos() const;
INLINE bool has_contact_normal() const;
LPoint3 get_surface_point(const NodePath &space) const;
LVector3 get_surface_normal(const NodePath &space) const;
LPoint3 get_interior_point(const NodePath &space) const;
bool get_all(const NodePath &space,
LPoint3 &surface_point,
LVector3 &surface_normal,
LPoint3 &interior_point) const;
LPoint3 get_contact_pos(const NodePath &space) const;
LVector3 get_contact_normal(const NodePath &space) const;
bool get_all_contact_info(const NodePath &space,
LPoint3 &contact_pos,
LVector3 &contact_normal) const;
void output(std::ostream &out) const;
void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(from_solid, get_from);
MAKE_PROPERTY(into_solid, get_into);
MAKE_PROPERTY(from_node, get_from_node);
MAKE_PROPERTY(into_node, get_into_node);
MAKE_PROPERTY(from_node_path, get_from_node_path);
MAKE_PROPERTY(into_node_path, get_into_node_path);
MAKE_PROPERTY(t, get_t, set_t);
MAKE_PROPERTY(respect_prev_transform, get_respect_prev_transform);
INLINE CPT(TransformState) get_wrt_space() const;
INLINE CPT(TransformState) get_inv_wrt_space() const;
INLINE CPT(TransformState) get_wrt_prev_space() const;
INLINE const LMatrix4 &get_wrt_mat() const;
INLINE const LMatrix4 &get_inv_wrt_mat() const;
INLINE const LMatrix4 &get_wrt_prev_mat() const;
INLINE const ClipPlaneAttrib *get_into_clip_planes() const;
INLINE void test_intersection(CollisionHandler *record,
const CollisionTraverser *trav) const;
void check_clip_planes();
CPT(CollisionSolid) _from;
CPT(CollisionSolid) _into;
PT(CollisionNode) _from_node;
PT(PandaNode) _into_node;
NodePath _from_node_path;
NodePath _into_node_path;
CPT(ClipPlaneAttrib) _into_clip_planes;
PN_stdfloat _t;
enum Flags {
F_has_surface_point = 0x0001,
F_has_surface_normal = 0x0002,
F_has_interior_point = 0x0004,
F_respect_prev_transform = 0x0008,
F_checked_clip_planes = 0x0010,
F_has_contact_pos = 0x0020,
F_has_contact_normal = 0x0040,
int _flags;
LPoint3 _surface_point;
LVector3 _surface_normal;
LPoint3 _interior_point;
LPoint3 _contact_pos;
LVector3 _contact_normal;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "CollisionEntry",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
friend class CollisionTraverser;
friend class CollisionHandlerFluidPusher;
INLINE std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const CollisionEntry &entry);
#include "collisionEntry.I"