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Raw Normal View History

2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file eggTexture.I
* @author drose
* @date 1999-01-18
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_texture_type(TextureType texture_type) {
_texture_type = texture_type;
bool pattern_filename =
(_texture_type == TT_3d_texture || _texture_type == TT_cube_map);
INLINE EggTexture::TextureType EggTexture::
get_texture_type() const {
return _texture_type;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_format(Format format) {
_format = format;
INLINE EggTexture::Format EggTexture::
get_format() const {
return _format;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_compression_mode(CompressionMode mode) {
_compression_mode = mode;
INLINE EggTexture::CompressionMode EggTexture::
get_compression_mode() const {
return _compression_mode;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_wrap_mode(WrapMode mode) {
_wrap_mode = mode;
INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
get_wrap_mode() const {
return _wrap_mode;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_wrap_u(WrapMode mode) {
_wrap_u = mode;
* Returns the amount specified for U wrap. This may be unspecified, even if
* there is an overall wrap value.
INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
get_wrap_u() const {
return _wrap_u;
* Determines the appropriate wrap in the U direction. This is different from
* get_wrap_u() in that if the U wrap is unspecified, it returns the overall
* wrap value.
INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
determine_wrap_u() const {
return (_wrap_u == WM_unspecified) ? get_wrap_mode() : get_wrap_u();
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_wrap_v(WrapMode mode) {
_wrap_v = mode;
* Returns the amount specified for V wrap. This may be unspecified, even if
* there is an overall wrap value.
INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
get_wrap_v() const {
return _wrap_v;
* Determines the appropriate wrap in the V direction. This is different from
* get_wrap_v() in that if the V wrap is unspecified, it returns the overall
* wrap value.
INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
determine_wrap_v() const {
return (_wrap_v == WM_unspecified) ? get_wrap_mode() : get_wrap_v();
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_wrap_w(WrapMode mode) {
_wrap_w = mode;
* Returns the amount specified for W wrap. This may be unspecified, even if
* there is an overall wrap value.
INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
get_wrap_w() const {
return _wrap_w;
* Determines the appropriate wrap in the W direction. This is different from
* get_wrap_w() in that if the W wrap is unspecified, it returns the overall
* wrap value.
INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
determine_wrap_w() const {
return (_wrap_w == WM_unspecified) ? get_wrap_mode() : get_wrap_w();
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_minfilter(FilterType type) {
_minfilter = type;
INLINE EggTexture::FilterType EggTexture::
get_minfilter() const {
return _minfilter;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_magfilter(FilterType type) {
_magfilter = type;
INLINE EggTexture::FilterType EggTexture::
get_magfilter() const {
return _magfilter;
* Sets the degree of anisotropic filtering for this texture. 1 is off;
* higher levels indicate filtering in effect.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_anisotropic_degree(int anisotropic_degree) {
_anisotropic_degree = anisotropic_degree;
_flags |= F_has_anisotropic_degree;
* Removes the specification of anisotropic filtering from the texture.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_anisotropic_degree() {
_anisotropic_degree = 0;
_flags &= ~F_has_anisotropic_degree;
* Returns true if a value for the anisotropic filtering degree has been
* specified for this texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_anisotropic_degree() const {
return (_flags & F_has_anisotropic_degree) != 0;
* Returns the anisotropic filtering degree that has been specified for this
* texture, or 0 if nothing has been specified.
INLINE int EggTexture::
get_anisotropic_degree() const {
// note: _anisotropic_degree of 0 and 1 are equivalent (no anisotropic
// filtering to be done by gsg)
return _anisotropic_degree;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_env_type(EnvType type) {
_env_type = type;
INLINE EggTexture::EnvType EggTexture::
get_env_type() const {
return _env_type;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_combine_mode(CombineChannel channel, CombineMode cm) {
nassertv((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels);
_combiner[channel]._mode = cm;
INLINE EggTexture::CombineMode EggTexture::
get_combine_mode(CombineChannel channel) const {
nassertr((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels, CM_unspecified);
return _combiner[channel]._mode;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_combine_source(CombineChannel channel, int n, CombineSource cs) {
nassertv((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels);
nassertv(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices);
_combiner[channel]._ops[n]._source = cs;
INLINE EggTexture::CombineSource EggTexture::
get_combine_source(CombineChannel channel, int n) const {
nassertr((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels, CS_unspecified);
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices, CS_unspecified);
return _combiner[channel]._ops[n]._source;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_combine_operand(CombineChannel channel, int n, CombineOperand co) {
nassertv((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels);
nassertv(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices);
_combiner[channel]._ops[n]._operand = co;
INLINE EggTexture::CombineOperand EggTexture::
get_combine_operand(CombineChannel channel, int n) const {
nassertr((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels, CO_unspecified);
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices, CO_unspecified);
return _combiner[channel]._ops[n]._operand;
* Sets the saved_result flag. When this is true, the output of this stage is
* not part of the normal pipeline--that is, it will not be supplied as the
* "previous" source for the next texture stage--but it will instead be
* supplied as the "last_saved_result" source for any future stages, until the
* next TextureStage with a saved_result set true is encountered.
* This can be used to reuse the results of this texture stage as input to
* more than one stage later in the pipeline.
* The last texture in the pipeline (the one with the highest sort value)
* should not have this flag set.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_saved_result(bool saved_result) {
_saved_result = saved_result;
* Returns the current setting of the saved_result flag. See
* set_saved_result().
INLINE bool EggTexture::
get_saved_result() const {
return _saved_result;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_tex_gen(TexGen tex_gen) {
_tex_gen = tex_gen;
INLINE EggTexture::TexGen EggTexture::
get_tex_gen() const {
return _tex_gen;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_quality_level(QualityLevel quality_level) {
_quality_level = quality_level;
INLINE EggTexture::QualityLevel EggTexture::
get_quality_level() const {
return _quality_level;
* Specifies the particular TextureStage this texture will be rendered on by
* name. If this is omitted, the texture will be rendered on the default
* TextureStage, unless some other stage-specific property is specificied, in
* which case the texture will be rendered on a TextureStage with the same
* name as the tref. This is in support of multitexturing.
* Each different TextureStage in the world must be uniquely named.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_stage_name(const std::string &stage_name) {
_stage_name = stage_name;
_flags |= F_has_stage_name;
* Removes the named TextureStage specification.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_stage_name() {
_stage_name = std::string();
_flags &= ~F_has_stage_name;
* Returns true if a stage name has been explicitly specified for this
* texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_stage_name() const {
return (_flags & F_has_stage_name) != 0;
* Returns the stage name that has been specified for this texture, or the
* tref name if no texture stage has explicitly been specified.
INLINE const std::string &EggTexture::
get_stage_name() const {
return has_stage_name() ? _stage_name : get_name();
* Sets the importance of this texture with respect to other textures also
* applied on the same geometry. This is only meaningful in the presence of
* multitexturing.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_priority(int priority) {
_priority = priority;
_flags |= F_has_priority;
* Removes the specification of multitexture priority from the texture. The
* default priority value is 0.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_priority() {
_priority = 0;
_flags &= ~F_has_priority;
* Returns true if a priority value for multitexture importance has been
* specified for the texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_priority() const {
return (_flags & F_has_priority) != 0;
* Returns the multitexture importance value that has been specified for the
* texture, or 0 if no priority value has been specified.
INLINE int EggTexture::
get_priority() const {
return _priority;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_color(const LColor &color) {
_color = color;
_flags |= F_has_color;
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_color() {
_color.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
_flags &= ~F_has_color;
* Returns true if a blend color has been specified for the texture.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_color() const {
return (_flags & F_has_color) != 0;
* Returns the blend color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 1)
* otherwise.
INLINE const LColor &EggTexture::
get_color() const {
return _color;
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_border_color(const LColor &border_color) {
_border_color = border_color;
_flags |= F_has_border_color;
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_border_color() {
_border_color.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
_flags &= ~F_has_border_color;
* Returns true if a border color has been specified for the texture.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_border_color() const {
return (_flags & F_has_border_color) != 0;
* Returns the border color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 1)
* otherwise.
INLINE const LColor &EggTexture::
get_border_color() const {
return _border_color;
* Specifies the named set of texture coordinates that this texture will use
* when it is applied to geometry. Geometry may have multiple sets of texture
* coordinates defined, by name.
* If this is not specified for a particular texture, the default set of
* texture coordinates will be used.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_uv_name(const std::string &uv_name) {
if (uv_name == "default" || uv_name.empty()) {
} else {
_uv_name = uv_name;
_flags |= F_has_uv_name;
* Removes the restriction to a particular named set of texture coordinates
* and restores the texture to using the default texture coordinates.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_uv_name() {
_uv_name = std::string();
_flags &= ~F_has_uv_name;
* Returns true if a texcoord name has been explicitly specified for this
* texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_uv_name() const {
return (_flags & F_has_uv_name) != 0;
* Returns the texcoord name that has been specified for this texture, or the
* empty string if no texcoord name has explicitly been specified.
INLINE const std::string &EggTexture::
get_uv_name() const {
return _uv_name;
* Sets an additional factor that will scale all three r, g, b components
* after the texture has been applied. This is used only when a combine mode
* is in effect.
* The only legal values are 1, 2, or 4.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_rgb_scale(int rgb_scale) {
_rgb_scale = rgb_scale;
_flags |= F_has_rgb_scale;
* Removes the rgb_scale from the texture and restores it to the default value
* of 1.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_rgb_scale() {
_rgb_scale = 1;
_flags &= ~F_has_rgb_scale;
* Returns true if an rgb_scale has been specified for the texture, false
* otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_rgb_scale() const {
return (_flags & F_has_rgb_scale) != 0;
* Returns the rgb_scale value that has been specified for the texture, or 1
* if no rgb_scale value has been specified.
INLINE int EggTexture::
get_rgb_scale() const {
return _rgb_scale;
* Sets an additional factor that will scale the alpha component after the
* texture has been applied. This is used only when a combine mode is in
* effect.
* The only legal values are 1, 2, or 4.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_alpha_scale(int alpha_scale) {
_alpha_scale = alpha_scale;
_flags |= F_has_alpha_scale;
* Removes the alpha_scale from the texture and restores it to the default
* value of 1.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_alpha_scale() {
_alpha_scale = 1;
_flags &= ~F_has_alpha_scale;
* Returns true if an alpha_scale has been specified for the texture, false
* otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_alpha_scale() const {
return (_flags & F_has_alpha_scale) != 0;
* Returns the alpha_scale value that has been specified for the texture, or 1
* if no alpha_scale value has been specified.
INLINE int EggTexture::
get_alpha_scale() const {
return _alpha_scale;
* Specifies a separate file that will be loaded in with the 1- or 3-component
* texture and applied as the alpha channel. This is useful when loading
* textures from file formats that do not support alpha, for instance jpg.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_alpha_filename(const Filename &alpha_filename) {
_alpha_filename = alpha_filename;
_alpha_fullpath = alpha_filename;
_flags |= F_has_alpha_filename;
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_alpha_filename() {
_alpha_filename = Filename();
_alpha_fullpath = Filename();
_flags &= ~F_has_alpha_filename;
* Returns true if a separate file for the alpha component has been applied,
* false otherwise. See set_alpha_filename().
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_alpha_filename() const {
return (_flags & F_has_alpha_filename) != 0;
* Returns the separate file assigned for the alpha channel. It is an error
* to call this unless has_alpha_filename() returns true. See
* set_alpha_filename().
INLINE const Filename &EggTexture::
get_alpha_filename() const {
nassertr(has_alpha_filename(), _alpha_filename);
return _alpha_filename;
* Returns the full pathname to the alpha file, if it is known; otherwise,
* returns the same thing as get_alpha_filename().
* This function simply returns whatever was set by the last call to
* set_alpha_fullpath(). This string is not written to the egg file; its main
* purpose is to record the full path to the alpha filename if it is known,
* for egg structures that are generated in-memory and then immediately
* converted to a scene graph.
INLINE const Filename &EggTexture::
get_alpha_fullpath() const {
return _alpha_fullpath;
* Records the full pathname to the file, for the benefit of
* get_alpha_fullpath().
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_alpha_fullpath(const Filename &alpha_fullpath) {
_alpha_fullpath = alpha_fullpath;
* If a separate alpha-file is specified, this indicates which channel number
* should be extracted from this file to derive the alpha channel for the
* final image. The default is 0, which means the grayscale combination of r,
* g, b. Otherwise, this should be the 1-based channel number, for instance
* 1, 2, or 3 for r, g, or b, respectively, or 4 for the alpha channel of a
* four-component image.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_alpha_file_channel(int alpha_file_channel) {
_alpha_file_channel = alpha_file_channel;
_flags |= F_has_alpha_file_channel;
* Removes the specification of a particular channel to use from the alpha-
* file image.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_alpha_file_channel() {
_alpha_file_channel = 0;
_flags &= ~F_has_alpha_file_channel;
* Returns true if a particular channel has been specified for the alpha-file
* image, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_alpha_file_channel() const {
return (_flags & F_has_alpha_file_channel) != 0;
* Returns the particular channel that has been specified for the alpha-file
* image, or 0 if no channel has been specified. See
* set_alpha_file_channel().
INLINE int EggTexture::
get_alpha_file_channel() const {
return _alpha_file_channel;
* Sets the multiview flag.
* If multiview is true, the filename should contain a hash mark ('#'), which
* will be filled in with the view number; and a multiview texture will be
* defined with a series of images, one for each view.
* A multiview texture is most often used for stereo textures, but other uses
* are also possible, such as for texture animation.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_multiview(bool multiview) {
_multiview = multiview;
* Returns the current setting of the multiview flag. See set_multiview().
INLINE bool EggTexture::
get_multiview() const {
return _multiview;
* When loading a 3-D multiview texture, this parameter is necessary to
* specify how many views will be expected. The z size is determined
* implicitly from the number of images loaded.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_num_views(int num_views) {
_num_views = num_views;
_flags |= F_has_num_views;
* Removes the specification of the number of views for a 3-D multiview
* texture.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_num_views() {
_num_views = 0;
_flags &= ~F_has_num_views;
* Returns true if the number of views has been specified for the 3-D
* multiview texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_num_views() const {
return (_flags & F_has_num_views) != 0;
* Returns the specified number of views specified for the 3-D multiview
* texture. See set_num_views().
INLINE int EggTexture::
get_num_views() const {
return _num_views;
* Sets the read_mipmaps flag.
* If read_mipmaps is true, the filename should contain a hash mark ('#'),
* which will be filled in with the mipmap level number; and the texture will
* be defined with a series of images, one for each mipmap level.
* If the filename is of a type that already requires a hash mark, such as a
* cube map or a 3-d texture, then the filename should now require two hash
* marks, and the first one indicates the mipmap level number, while the
* second indicates the face number or 3-d level number.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_read_mipmaps(bool read_mipmaps) {
_read_mipmaps = read_mipmaps;
* Returns the current setting of the read_mipmaps flag. See
* set_read_mipmaps().
INLINE bool EggTexture::
get_read_mipmaps() const {
return _read_mipmaps;
* Sets the minimum mipmap level that may be sampled.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_min_lod(double min_lod) {
_min_lod = min_lod;
_flags |= F_has_min_lod;
* Removes the specification of a minimum mipmap level from the texture.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_min_lod() {
_min_lod = -1000;
_flags &= ~F_has_min_lod;
* Returns true if a value for the minimum mipmap level has been specified for
* this texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_min_lod() const {
return (_flags & F_has_min_lod) != 0;
* Returns the minimum mipmap level that has been specified for this texture.
INLINE double EggTexture::
get_min_lod() const {
return _min_lod;
* Sets the maximum mipmap level that may be sampled.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_max_lod(double max_lod) {
_max_lod = max_lod;
_flags |= F_has_max_lod;
* Removes the specification of a maximum mipmap level from the texture.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_max_lod() {
_max_lod = 1000;
_flags &= ~F_has_max_lod;
* Returns true if a value for the maximum mipmap level has been specified for
* this texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_max_lod() const {
return (_flags & F_has_max_lod) != 0;
* Returns the maximum mipmap level that has been specified for this texture.
INLINE double EggTexture::
get_max_lod() const {
return _max_lod;
* Sets the mipmap level bias that is added to the mipmap level to be sampled.
INLINE void EggTexture::
set_lod_bias(double lod_bias) {
_lod_bias = lod_bias;
_flags |= F_has_lod_bias;
* Removes the specification of a maximum mipmap level from the texture.
INLINE void EggTexture::
clear_lod_bias() {
_lod_bias = 1000;
_flags &= ~F_has_lod_bias;
* Returns true if a value for the maximum mipmap level has been specified for
* this texture, false otherwise.
INLINE bool EggTexture::
has_lod_bias() const {
return (_flags & F_has_lod_bias) != 0;
* Returns the maximum mipmap level that has been specified for this texture.
INLINE double EggTexture::
get_lod_bias() const {
return _lod_bias;
* Returns an integer that represents the depth to which this texture is
* layered on all other textures in the egg file. In general, if texture A is
* layered over texture B, then sort(A) > sort(B). If texture A is never
* layered over any other texture, then sort(A) == 0. More than that is
* difficult to guarantee.
INLINE int EggTexture::
get_multitexture_sort() const {
return _multitexture_sort;
INLINE EggTexture::SourceAndOperand::
SourceAndOperand() :
INLINE EggTexture::Combiner::
Combiner() :
INLINE UniqueEggTextures::
UniqueEggTextures(int eq) : _eq(eq) {
INLINE bool UniqueEggTextures::
operator ()(const EggTexture *t1, const EggTexture *t2) const {
return t1->sorts_less_than(*t2, _eq);