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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file geomNode.I
* @author drose
* @date 2002-02-23
* Sets the "preserved" flag. When this is true, the GeomNode will be left
* untouched by any flatten operations.
INLINE void GeomNode::
set_preserved(bool value) {
_preserved = value;
* Returns the "preserved" flag. When this is true, the GeomNode will be left
* untouched by any flatten operations.
INLINE bool GeomNode::
get_preserved() const {
return _preserved;
* Returns the number of geoms in the node.
INLINE int GeomNode::
get_num_geoms() const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
return cdata->get_geoms()->size();
* Returns the nth geom of the node. This object should not be modified,
* since the same object might be shared between multiple different GeomNodes,
* but see modify_geom().
INLINE CPT(Geom) GeomNode::
get_geom(int n) const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
CPT(GeomList) geoms = cdata->get_geoms();
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)geoms->size(), nullptr);
return (*geoms)[n]._geom.get_read_pointer();
* Returns the nth geom of the node, suitable for modifying it. If the nth
* Geom has multiple reference counts to it, reassigns it to an identical copy
* first, and returns the new copy--this provides a "copy on write" that
* ensures that the Geom that is returned is unique to this GeomNode and is
* not shared with any other GeomNodes.
* Note that if this method is called in a downstream stage (for instance,
* during cull or draw), then it will propagate the new list of Geoms upstream
* all the way to pipeline stage 0, which may step on changes that were made
* independently in pipeline stage 0. Use with caution.
INLINE PT(Geom) GeomNode::
modify_geom(int n) {
CDWriter cdata(_cycler, true);
PT(GeomList) geoms = cdata->modify_geoms();
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)geoms->size(), nullptr);
return (*geoms)[n]._geom.get_write_pointer();
* Returns the RenderState associated with the nth geom of the node. This is
* just the RenderState directly associated with the Geom; the actual state in
* which the Geom is rendered will also be affected by RenderStates that
* appear on the scene graph in nodes above this GeomNode.
INLINE const RenderState *GeomNode::
get_geom_state(int n) const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
CPT(GeomList) geoms = cdata->get_geoms();
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)geoms->size(), nullptr);
return (*geoms)[n]._state;
* Changes the RenderState associated with the nth geom of the node. This is
* just the RenderState directly associated with the Geom; the actual state in
* which the Geom is rendered will also be affected by RenderStates that
* appear on the scene graph in nodes above this GeomNode.
* Note that if this method is called in a downstream stage (for instance,
* during cull or draw), then it will propagate the new list of Geoms upstream
* all the way to pipeline stage 0, which may step on changes that were made
* independently in pipeline stage 0. Use with caution.
INLINE void GeomNode::
set_geom_state(int n, const RenderState *state) {
CDWriter cdata(_cycler, true);
PT(GeomList) geoms = cdata->modify_geoms();
nassertv(n >= 0 && n < (int)geoms->size());
(*geoms)[n]._state = state;
* Removes the nth geom from the node.
INLINE void GeomNode::
remove_geom(int n) {
CDWriter cdata(_cycler);
PT(GeomList) geoms = cdata->modify_geoms();
nassertv(n >= 0 && n < (int)geoms->size());
geoms->erase(geoms->begin() + n);
* Removes all the geoms from the node at once.
INLINE void GeomNode::
remove_all_geoms() {
CDWriter cdata(_cycler);
cdata->set_geoms(new GeomList);
* Returns the default into_collide_mask assigned to new GeomNodes.
INLINE CollideMask GeomNode::
get_default_collide_mask() {
return default_geom_node_collide_mask;
* Increments the count for the indicated InternalName.
INLINE void GeomNode::
count_name(GeomNode::NameCount &name_count, const InternalName *name) {
std::pair<NameCount::iterator, bool> result =
name_count.insert(NameCount::value_type(name, 1));
if (!result.second) {
* Returns the count for the indicated InternalName.
INLINE int GeomNode::
get_name_count(const GeomNode::NameCount &name_count, const InternalName *name) {
NameCount::const_iterator ni;
ni = name_count.find(name);
if (ni != name_count.end()) {
return (*ni).second;
return 0;
* Returns an object that can be used to walk through the list of geoms of the
* node. When you intend to visit multiple geoms, using this is slightly
* faster than calling get_geom() directly on the GeomNode, since this object
* avoids reopening the PipelineCycler each time.
* This object also protects you from self-modifying loops (e.g. adding or
* removing geoms during traversal), since a virtual copy of the geoms is made
* ahead of time. The virtual copy is fast--it is a form of copy-on-write, so
* the list is not actually copied unless it is modified during the traversal.
INLINE GeomNode::Geoms GeomNode::
get_geoms(Thread *current_thread) const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler, current_thread);
return Geoms(cdata);
INLINE GeomNode::GeomEntry::
GeomEntry(Geom *geom, const RenderState *state) :
INLINE GeomNode::CData::
CData() :
_geoms(new GeomNode::GeomList)
* Returns a read-only pointer to the _geoms list.
INLINE CPT(GeomNode::GeomList) GeomNode::CData::
get_geoms() const {
return _geoms.get_read_pointer();
* Returns a modifiable, unique pointer to the _geoms list.
INLINE PT(GeomNode::GeomList) GeomNode::CData::
modify_geoms() {
return _geoms.get_write_pointer();
* Replaces the _geoms list with a new list.
INLINE void GeomNode::CData::
set_geoms(GeomNode::GeomList *geoms) {
_geoms = geoms;
INLINE GeomNode::Geoms::
Geoms() {
INLINE GeomNode::Geoms::
Geoms(const GeomNode::CData *cdata) :
INLINE GeomNode::Geoms::
Geoms(const GeomNode::Geoms &copy) :
INLINE void GeomNode::Geoms::
operator = (const GeomNode::Geoms &copy) {
_geoms = copy._geoms;
INLINE GeomNode::Geoms::
Geoms(GeomNode::Geoms &&from) noexcept :
INLINE void GeomNode::Geoms::
operator = (GeomNode::Geoms &&from) noexcept {
_geoms = std::move(from._geoms);
* Returns the number of geoms of the node.
INLINE int GeomNode::Geoms::
get_num_geoms() const {
nassertr(!_geoms.is_null(), 0);
return _geoms->size();
* Returns the nth geom of the node. This object should not be modified,
* since the same object might be shared between multiple different GeomNodes.
INLINE CPT(Geom) GeomNode::Geoms::
get_geom(int n) const {
nassertr(!_geoms.is_null(), nullptr);
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_geoms->size(), nullptr);
return (*_geoms)[n]._geom.get_read_pointer();
* Returns the RenderState associated with the nth geom of the node. This is
* just the RenderState directly associated with the Geom; the actual state in
* which the Geom is rendered will also be affected by RenderStates that
* appear on the scene graph in nodes above this GeomNode.
INLINE const RenderState *GeomNode::Geoms::
get_geom_state(int n) const {
nassertr(!_geoms.is_null(), nullptr);
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_geoms->size(), nullptr);
return (*_geoms)[n]._state;