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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file memoryUsage.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-05-25
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "typedObject.h"
#include "memoryInfo.h"
#include "memoryUsagePointerCounts.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "memoryHook.h"
class ReferenceCount;
class MemoryUsagePointers;
* This class is used strictly for debugging purposes, specifically for
* tracking memory leaks of reference-counted objects: it keeps a record of
* every such object currently allocated.
* When compiled with NDEBUG set, this entire class does nothing and compiles
* to a stub.
class EXPCL_PANDA_EXPRESS MemoryUsage : public MemoryHook {
ALWAYS_INLINE static bool get_track_memory_usage();
INLINE static void record_pointer(ReferenceCount *ptr);
INLINE static void record_pointer(void *ptr, TypeHandle type);
INLINE static void update_type(ReferenceCount *ptr, TypeHandle type);
INLINE static void update_type(ReferenceCount *ptr, TypedObject *typed_ptr);
INLINE static void update_type(void *ptr, TypeHandle type);
INLINE static void remove_pointer(ReferenceCount *ptr);
// These are not marked public, but they can be accessed via the MemoryHook
// base class.
virtual void *heap_alloc_single(size_t size);
virtual void heap_free_single(void *ptr);
virtual void *heap_alloc_array(size_t size);
virtual void *heap_realloc_array(void *ptr, size_t size);
virtual void heap_free_array(void *ptr);
virtual void mark_pointer(void *ptr, size_t orig_size, ReferenceCount *ref_ptr);
#if (defined(WIN32_VC) || defined(WIN64_VC)) && defined(_DEBUG)
static int win32_malloc_hook(int alloc_type, void *ptr,
size_t size, int block_use, long request,
const unsigned char *filename, int line);
INLINE static bool is_tracking();
INLINE static bool is_counting();
INLINE static size_t get_current_cpp_size();
INLINE static size_t get_total_cpp_size();
INLINE static size_t get_panda_heap_single_size();
INLINE static size_t get_panda_heap_array_size();
INLINE static size_t get_panda_heap_overhead();
INLINE static size_t get_panda_mmap_size();
INLINE static size_t get_external_size();
INLINE static size_t get_total_size();
INLINE static int get_num_pointers();
INLINE static void get_pointers(MemoryUsagePointers &result);
INLINE static void get_pointers_of_type(MemoryUsagePointers &result,
TypeHandle type);
INLINE static void get_pointers_of_age(MemoryUsagePointers &result,
double from, double to);
INLINE static void get_pointers_with_zero_count(MemoryUsagePointers &result);
INLINE static void freeze();
INLINE static void show_current_types();
INLINE static void show_trend_types();
INLINE static void show_current_ages();
INLINE static void show_trend_ages();
MAKE_PROPERTY(tracking, is_tracking);
MAKE_PROPERTY(counting, is_counting);
MAKE_PROPERTY(current_cpp_size, get_current_cpp_size);
MAKE_PROPERTY(total_cpp_size, get_total_cpp_size);
MAKE_PROPERTY(panda_heap_single_size, get_panda_heap_single_size);
MAKE_PROPERTY(panda_heap_array_size, get_panda_heap_array_size);
MAKE_PROPERTY(panda_heap_overhead, get_panda_heap_overhead);
MAKE_PROPERTY(panda_mmap_size, get_panda_mmap_size);
MAKE_PROPERTY(external_size, get_external_size);
MAKE_PROPERTY(total_size, get_total_size);
virtual void overflow_heap_size();
MemoryUsage(const MemoryHook &copy);
INLINE static MemoryUsage *get_global_ptr();
static void init_memory_usage();
void ns_record_pointer(ReferenceCount *ptr);
void ns_record_pointer(void *ptr, TypeHandle type);
void ns_update_type(void *ptr, TypeHandle type);
void ns_update_type(void *ptr, TypedObject *typed_ptr);
void ns_remove_pointer(ReferenceCount *ptr);
void ns_record_void_pointer(void *ptr, size_t size);
void ns_remove_void_pointer(void *ptr);
size_t ns_get_total_size();
int ns_get_num_pointers();
void ns_get_pointers(MemoryUsagePointers &result);
void ns_get_pointers_of_type(MemoryUsagePointers &result,
TypeHandle type);
void ns_get_pointers_of_age(MemoryUsagePointers &result,
double from, double to);
void ns_get_pointers_with_zero_count(MemoryUsagePointers &result);
void ns_freeze();
void ns_show_current_types();
void ns_show_trend_types();
void ns_show_current_ages();
void ns_show_trend_ages();
void consolidate_void_ptr(MemoryInfo *info);
void refresh_info_set();
static MemoryUsage *_global_ptr;
// We shouldn't use a pmap, since that would be recursive! Actually, it
// turns out that it doesn't matter, since somehow the pallocator gets used
// even though we don't specify it here, so we have to make special code
// that handles the recursion anyway.
* This table stores up to two entiries for each MemoryInfo object: one for
* the void pointer (the pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory
* block), and one for the ReferenceCount pointer. For a particular object,
* these two pointers may be the same or they may be different. Some objects
* may be stored under both pointers, while others may be stored under only
* one pointer or the other. We don't store an entry for an object's
* TypedObject pointer.
typedef std::map<void *, MemoryInfo *> Table;
Table _table;
// This table indexes the individual MemoryInfo objects, for unique
// iteration.
typedef std::set<MemoryInfo *> InfoSet;
InfoSet _info_set;
bool _info_set_dirty;
int _freeze_index;
int _count;
size_t _current_cpp_size;
size_t _total_cpp_size;
size_t _total_size;
class TypeHistogram {
void add_info(TypeHandle type, MemoryInfo *info);
void show() const;
void clear();
// Cannot use a pmap, since that would be recursive!
typedef std::map<TypeHandle, MemoryUsagePointerCounts> Counts;
Counts _counts;
TypeHistogram _trend_types;
class AgeHistogram {
void add_info(double age, MemoryInfo *info);
void show() const;
void clear();
int choose_bucket(double age) const;
enum { num_buckets = 5 };
MemoryUsagePointerCounts _counts[num_buckets];
static double _cutoff[num_buckets];
AgeHistogram _trend_ages;
bool _track_memory_usage;
bool _startup_track_memory_usage;
bool _count_memory_usage;
bool _report_memory_usage;
double _report_memory_interval;
double _last_report_time;
static bool _recursion_protect;
#include "memoryUsage.I"