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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file partBundle.I
* @author drose
* @date 1999-02-22
* Returns the AnimPreloadTable associated with the PartBundle. This table,
* if present, can be used for the benefit of load_bind_anim() to allow
* asynchronous binding.
INLINE CPT(AnimPreloadTable) PartBundle::
get_anim_preload() const {
return _anim_preload.get_read_pointer();
* Returns a modifiable pointer to the AnimPreloadTable associated with the
* PartBundle, if any.
INLINE PT(AnimPreloadTable) PartBundle::
modify_anim_preload() {
return _anim_preload.get_write_pointer();
* Replaces the AnimPreloadTable associated with the PartBundle.
INLINE void PartBundle::
set_anim_preload(AnimPreloadTable *anim_preload) {
_anim_preload = anim_preload;
* Removes any AnimPreloadTable associated with the PartBundle.
INLINE void PartBundle::
clear_anim_preload() {
_anim_preload = nullptr;
* Defines the algorithm that is used when blending multiple frames or
* multiple animations together, when either anim_blend_flag or
* frame_blend_flag is set to true.
* See partBundle.h for a description of the meaning of each of the BlendType
* values.
INLINE void PartBundle::
set_blend_type(PartBundle::BlendType bt) {
nassertv(Thread::get_current_pipeline_stage() == 0);
CDWriter cdata(_cycler);
cdata->_blend_type = bt;
* Returns the algorithm that is used when blending multiple frames or
* multiple animations together, when either anim_blend_flag or
* frame_blend_flag is set to true.
INLINE PartBundle::BlendType PartBundle::
get_blend_type() const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
return cdata->_blend_type;
* Returns whether the character allows multiple different animations to be
* bound simultaneously. See set_anim_blend_flag().
INLINE bool PartBundle::
get_anim_blend_flag() const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
return cdata->_anim_blend_flag;
* Specifies whether the character interpolates (blends) between two
* sequential frames of an active animation, showing a smooth intra-frame
* motion, or whether it holds each frame until the next frame is ready,
* showing precisely the specified animation.
* When this value is false, the character holds each frame until the next is
* ready. When this is true, the character will interpolate between two
* consecutive frames of animation for each frame the animation is onscreen,
* according to the amount of time elapsed between the frames.
* The default value of this flag is determined by the interpolate-frames
* Config.prc variable.
* Use set_blend_type() to change the algorithm that the character uses to
* interpolate matrix positions.
INLINE void PartBundle::
set_frame_blend_flag(bool frame_blend_flag) {
nassertv(Thread::get_current_pipeline_stage() == 0);
CDWriter cdata(_cycler);
cdata->_frame_blend_flag = frame_blend_flag;
* Returns whether the character interpolates (blends) between two sequential
* animation frames, or whether it holds the current frame until the next one
* is ready. See set_frame_blend_flag().
INLINE bool PartBundle::
get_frame_blend_flag() const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
return cdata->_frame_blend_flag;
* Specifies the transform matrix which is implicitly applied at the root of
* the animated hierarchy.
INLINE void PartBundle::
set_root_xform(const LMatrix4 &root_xform) {
nassertv(Thread::get_current_pipeline_stage() == 0);
CDWriter cdata(_cycler);
cdata->_root_xform = root_xform;
cdata->_anim_changed = true;
* Applies the indicated transform to the root of the animated hierarchy.
INLINE void PartBundle::
xform(const LMatrix4 &mat) {
nassertv(Thread::get_current_pipeline_stage() == 0);
CDWriter cdata(_cycler);
cdata->_root_xform = cdata->_root_xform * mat;
do_xform(mat, invert(mat));
cdata->_anim_changed = true;
* Returns the transform matrix which is implicitly applied at the root of the
* animated hierarchy.
INLINE const LMatrix4 &PartBundle::
get_root_xform() const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
return cdata->_root_xform;
* Returns the number of PartBundleNodes that contain a pointer to this
* PartBundle.
INLINE int PartBundle::
get_num_nodes() const {
return _nodes.size();
* Returns the nth PartBundleNode associated with this PartBundle.
INLINE PartBundleNode *PartBundle::
get_node(int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_nodes.size(), nullptr);
return _nodes[n];
* Sets the amount by which the character is affected by the indicated
* AnimControl (and its associated animation). Normally, this will only be
* zero or one. Zero indicates the animation does not affect the character,
* and one means it does.
* If the _anim_blend_flag is not false (see set_anim_blend_flag()), it is
* possible to have multiple AnimControls in effect simultaneously. In this
* case, the effect is a weight that indicates the relative importance of each
* AnimControl to the final animation.
void PartBundle::
set_control_effect(AnimControl *control, PN_stdfloat effect) {
nassertv(Thread::get_current_pipeline_stage() == 0);
CDWriter cdata(_cycler);
do_set_control_effect(control, effect, cdata);
* Returns the amount by which the character is affected by the indicated
* AnimControl and its associated animation. See set_control_effect().
INLINE PN_stdfloat PartBundle::
get_control_effect(AnimControl *control) const {
CDReader cdata(_cycler);
return do_get_control_effect(control, cdata);
* Specifies the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that should elapse
* between any two consecutive updates. This is normally used by
* Character::set_lod_animation(), and should not be called directly.
INLINE void PartBundle::
set_update_delay(double delay) {
_update_delay = delay;