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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file pgItem.h
* @author drose
* @date 2002-03-13
#ifndef PGITEM_H
#define PGITEM_H
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "pgMouseWatcherRegion.h"
#include "pgFrameStyle.h"
#include "pgItemNotify.h"
#include "pandaNode.h"
#include "nodePath.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "textNode.h"
#include "plane.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "lightReMutex.h"
#include "lightReMutexHolder.h"
#include "audioSound.h"
class PGTop;
class MouseWatcherParameter;
class AudioSound;
class ClipPlaneAttrib;
class ScissorAttrib;
* This is the base class for all the various kinds of gui widget objects.
* It is a Node which corresponds to a rectangular region on the screen, and
* it may have any number of "state" subgraphs, one of which is rendered at
* any given time according to its current state.
* The PGItem node must be parented to the scene graph somewhere beneath a
* PGTop node in order for this behavior to work.
class EXPCL_PANDA_PGUI PGItem : public PandaNode {
explicit PGItem(const std::string &name);
virtual ~PGItem();
INLINE void set_name(const std::string &name);
PGItem(const PGItem &copy);
virtual PandaNode *make_copy() const;
virtual void transform_changed();
virtual void draw_mask_changed();
virtual bool cull_callback(CullTraverser *trav, CullTraverserData &data);
virtual bool is_renderable() const;
virtual void compute_internal_bounds(CPT(BoundingVolume) &internal_bounds,
int &internal_vertices,
int pipeline_stage,
Thread *current_thread) const;
virtual void r_prepare_scene(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg,
const RenderState *node_state,
GeomTransformer &transformer,
Thread *current_thread);
virtual void xform(const LMatrix4 &mat);
bool activate_region(const LMatrix4 &transform, int sort,
const ClipPlaneAttrib *cpa,
const ScissorAttrib *sa);
INLINE PGMouseWatcherRegion *get_region() const;
virtual void enter_region(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
virtual void exit_region(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
virtual void within_region(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
virtual void without_region(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
virtual void focus_in();
virtual void focus_out();
virtual void press(const MouseWatcherParameter &param, bool background);
virtual void release(const MouseWatcherParameter &param, bool background);
virtual void keystroke(const MouseWatcherParameter &param, bool background);
virtual void candidate(const MouseWatcherParameter &param, bool background);
virtual void move(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
static void background_press(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
static void background_release(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
static void background_keystroke(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
static void background_candidate(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
INLINE void set_notify(PGItemNotify *notify);
INLINE bool has_notify() const;
INLINE PGItemNotify *get_notify() const;
INLINE void set_frame(PN_stdfloat left, PN_stdfloat right, PN_stdfloat bottom, PN_stdfloat top);
INLINE void set_frame(const LVecBase4 &frame);
INLINE const LVecBase4 &get_frame() const;
INLINE bool has_frame() const;
INLINE void clear_frame();
INLINE void set_state(int state);
INLINE int get_state() const;
virtual void set_active(bool active);
INLINE bool get_active() const;
virtual void set_focus(bool focus);
INLINE bool get_focus() const;
void set_background_focus(bool focus);
INLINE bool get_background_focus() const;
INLINE void set_suppress_flags(int suppress_flags);
INLINE int get_suppress_flags() const;
int get_num_state_defs() const;
void clear_state_def(int state);
bool has_state_def(int state) const;
INLINE NodePath &get_state_def(int state);
MAKE_SEQ(get_state_defs, get_num_state_defs, get_state_def);
NodePath instance_to_state_def(int state, const NodePath &path);
PGFrameStyle get_frame_style(int state);
void set_frame_style(int state, const PGFrameStyle &style);
INLINE const std::string &get_id() const;
INLINE void set_id(const std::string &id);
INLINE static std::string get_enter_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_exit_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_within_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_without_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_focus_in_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_focus_out_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_press_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_repeat_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_release_prefix();
INLINE static std::string get_keystroke_prefix();
INLINE std::string get_enter_event() const;
INLINE std::string get_exit_event() const;
INLINE std::string get_within_event() const;
INLINE std::string get_without_event() const;
INLINE std::string get_focus_in_event() const;
INLINE std::string get_focus_out_event() const;
INLINE std::string get_press_event(const ButtonHandle &button) const;
INLINE std::string get_repeat_event(const ButtonHandle &button) const;
INLINE std::string get_release_event(const ButtonHandle &button) const;
INLINE std::string get_keystroke_event() const;
INLINE LMatrix4 get_frame_inv_xform() const;
void set_sound(const std::string &event, AudioSound *sound);
void clear_sound(const std::string &event);
AudioSound *get_sound(const std::string &event) const;
bool has_sound(const std::string &event) const;
static TextNode *get_text_node();
INLINE static void set_text_node(TextNode *node);
INLINE static PGItem *get_focus_item();
void play_sound(const std::string &event);
void reduce_region(LVecBase4 &clip, PGItem *obscurer) const;
void reduce_region(LVecBase4 &frame, PN_stdfloat px, PN_stdfloat py) const;
LVecBase4 get_relative_frame(PGItem *item) const;
LPoint3 mouse_to_local(const LPoint2 &mouse_point) const;
virtual void frame_changed();
NodePath &do_get_state_def(int state);
void slot_state_def(int state);
void update_frame(int state);
void mark_frames_stale();
INLINE static PN_stdfloat compute_area(const LVecBase4 &frame);
INLINE static void compare_largest(const LVecBase4 *&largest,
PN_stdfloat &largest_area,
const LVecBase4 *new_frame);
typedef pvector<LVecBase2> ClipPoints;
bool clip_frame(ClipPoints &source_points, const LPlane &plane) const;
LightReMutex _lock;
PGItemNotify *_notify;
bool _has_frame;
LVecBase4 _frame;
int _state;
enum Flags {
F_active = 0x01,
F_focus = 0x02,
F_background_focus = 0x04,
int _flags;
PT(PGMouseWatcherRegion) const _region;
LMatrix4 _frame_inv_xform;
class StateDef {
INLINE StateDef();
NodePath _root;
PGFrameStyle _frame_style;
NodePath _frame;
bool _frame_stale;
typedef pvector<StateDef> StateDefs;
StateDefs _state_defs;
typedef pmap<std::string, PT(AudioSound) > Sounds;
Sounds _sounds;
static PT(TextNode) _text_node;
static PGItem *_focus_item;
typedef pset<PGItem *> BackgroundFocus;
static BackgroundFocus _background_focus;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "PGItem",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
#include "pgItem.I"