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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file pnmImage.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-06-14
#ifndef PNMIMAGE_H
#define PNMIMAGE_H
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "pnmImageHeader.h"
#include "pnmBrush.h"
#include "stackedPerlinNoise2.h"
#include "convert_srgb.h"
#include "luse.h"
class PNMReader;
class PNMWriter;
class PNMFileType;
* The name of this class derives from the fact that we originally implemented
* it as a layer on top of the "pnm library", based on netpbm, which was built
* to implement pbm, pgm, and pbm files, and is the underlying support of a
* number of public-domain image file converters. Nowadays we are no longer
* derived directly from the pnm library, mainly to allow support of C++
* iostreams instead of the C stdio FILE interface.
* Conceptually, a PNMImage is a two-dimensional array of xels, which are the
* PNM-defined generic pixel type. Each xel may have a red, green, and blue
* component, or (if the image is grayscale) a gray component. The image may
* be read in, the individual xels manipulated, and written out again, or a
* black image may be constructed from scratch.
* A PNMImage has a color space and a maxval, the combination of which defines
* how a floating-point linear color value is encoded as an integer value in
* memory. The functions ending in _val operate on encoded colors, whereas
* the regular ones work with linear floating-point values. All operations
* are color space correct unless otherwise specified.
* The image is of size XSize() by YSize() xels, numbered from top to bottom,
* left to right, beginning at zero.
* Files can be specified by filename, or by an iostream pointer. The
* filename "-" refers to stdin or stdout.
* This class is not inherently thread-safe; use it from a single thread or
* protect access using a mutex.
class EXPCL_PANDA_PNMIMAGE PNMImage : public PNMImageHeader {
explicit PNMImage(const Filename &filename, PNMFileType *type = nullptr);
INLINE explicit PNMImage(int x_size, int y_size, int num_channels = 3,
xelval maxval = 255, PNMFileType *type = nullptr,
ColorSpace color_space = CS_linear);
INLINE PNMImage(const PNMImage &copy);
INLINE void operator = (const PNMImage &copy);
INLINE xelval clamp_val(int input_value) const;
INLINE xelval to_val(float input_value) const;
INLINE xelval to_alpha_val(float input_value) const;
INLINE float from_val(xelval input_value) const;
INLINE float from_alpha_val(xelval input_value) const;
void clear();
void clear(int x_size, int y_size, int num_channels = 3,
xelval maxval = 255, PNMFileType *type = nullptr,
ColorSpace color_space = CS_linear);
void copy_from(const PNMImage &copy);
void copy_channel(const PNMImage &copy, int src_channel, int dest_channel);
void copy_channel_bits(const PNMImage &copy, int src_channel, int dest_channel, xelval src_mask, int right_shift);
void copy_header_from(const PNMImageHeader &header);
void take_from(PNMImage &orig);
INLINE void fill(float red, float green, float blue);
INLINE void fill(float gray = 0.0);
void fill_val(xelval red, xelval green, xelval blue);
INLINE void fill_val(xelval gray = 0);
INLINE void alpha_fill(float alpha = 0.0);
void alpha_fill_val(xelval alpha = 0);
INLINE void set_read_size(int x_size, int y_size);
INLINE void clear_read_size();
INLINE bool has_read_size() const;
INLINE int get_read_x_size() const;
INLINE int get_read_y_size() const;
INLINE ColorSpace get_color_space() const;
BLOCKING bool read(const Filename &filename, PNMFileType *type = nullptr,
bool report_unknown_type = true);
BLOCKING bool read(std::istream &data, const std::string &filename = std::string(),
PNMFileType *type = nullptr,
bool report_unknown_type = true);
BLOCKING bool read(PNMReader *reader);
BLOCKING bool write(const Filename &filename, PNMFileType *type = nullptr) const;
BLOCKING bool write(std::ostream &data, const std::string &filename = std::string(),
PNMFileType *type = nullptr) const;
BLOCKING bool write(PNMWriter *writer) const;
INLINE bool is_valid() const;
INLINE void set_num_channels(int num_channels);
void set_color_type(ColorType color_type);
void set_color_space(ColorSpace color_space);
INLINE void add_alpha();
INLINE void remove_alpha();
INLINE void make_grayscale();
void make_grayscale(float rc, float gc, float bc);
INLINE void make_rgb();
BLOCKING void premultiply_alpha();
BLOCKING void unpremultiply_alpha();
BLOCKING void reverse_rows();
BLOCKING void flip(bool flip_x, bool flip_y, bool transpose);
BLOCKING void set_maxval(xelval maxval);
// The *_val() functions return or set the color values in the range
// [0..get_maxval()]. This range may be different for different images!
// Use the corresponding functions (without _val()) to work in the
// normalized range [0..1]. These return values in the image's stored color
// space.
INLINE xel &get_xel_val(int x, int y);
INLINE xel get_xel_val(int x, int y) const;
INLINE void set_xel_val(int x, int y, const xel &value);
INLINE void set_xel_val(int x, int y, xelval r, xelval g, xelval b);
INLINE void set_xel_val(int x, int y, xelval gray);
INLINE xelval get_red_val(int x, int y) const;
INLINE xelval get_green_val(int x, int y) const;
INLINE xelval get_blue_val(int x, int y) const;
INLINE xelval get_gray_val(int x, int y) const;
INLINE xelval get_alpha_val(int x, int y) const;
INLINE void set_red_val(int x, int y, xelval r);
INLINE void set_green_val(int x, int y, xelval g);
INLINE void set_blue_val(int x, int y, xelval b);
INLINE void set_gray_val(int x, int y, xelval gray);
INLINE void set_alpha_val(int x, int y, xelval a);
xelval get_channel_val(int x, int y, int channel) const;
void set_channel_val(int x, int y, int channel, xelval value);
float get_channel(int x, int y, int channel) const;
void set_channel(int x, int y, int channel, float value);
PixelSpec get_pixel(int x, int y) const;
void set_pixel(int x, int y, const PixelSpec &pixel);
// The corresponding get_xel(), set_xel(), get_red(), etc. functions
// automatically scale their values by get_maxval() into the range [0..1],
// and into the linear color space.
INLINE LRGBColorf get_xel(int x, int y) const;
INLINE void set_xel(int x, int y, const LRGBColorf &value);
INLINE void set_xel(int x, int y, float r, float g, float b);
INLINE void set_xel(int x, int y, float gray);
INLINE LColorf get_xel_a(int x, int y) const;
INLINE void set_xel_a(int x, int y, const LColorf &value);
INLINE void set_xel_a(int x, int y, float r, float g, float b, float a);
INLINE float get_red(int x, int y) const;
INLINE float get_green(int x, int y) const;
INLINE float get_blue(int x, int y) const;
INLINE float get_gray(int x, int y) const;
INLINE float get_alpha(int x, int y) const;
INLINE void set_red(int x, int y, float r);
INLINE void set_green(int x, int y, float g);
INLINE void set_blue(int x, int y, float b);
INLINE void set_gray(int x, int y, float gray);
INLINE void set_alpha(int x, int y, float a);
INLINE float get_bright(int x, int y) const;
INLINE float get_bright(int x, int y, float rc, float gc,
float bc) const;
INLINE float get_bright(int x, int y, float rc, float gc,
float bc, float ac) const;
INLINE void blend(int x, int y, const LRGBColorf &val, float alpha);
void blend(int x, int y, float r, float g, float b, float alpha);
void copy_sub_image(const PNMImage &copy, int xto, int yto,
int xfrom = 0, int yfrom = 0,
int x_size = -1, int y_size = -1);
void blend_sub_image(const PNMImage &copy, int xto, int yto,
int xfrom = 0, int yfrom = 0,
int x_size = -1, int y_size = -1,
float pixel_scale = 1.0);
void add_sub_image(const PNMImage &copy, int xto, int yto,
int xfrom = 0, int yfrom = 0,
int x_size = -1, int y_size = -1,
float pixel_scale = 1.0);
void mult_sub_image(const PNMImage &copy, int xto, int yto,
int xfrom = 0, int yfrom = 0,
int x_size = -1, int y_size = -1,
float pixel_scale = 1.0);
void darken_sub_image(const PNMImage &copy, int xto, int yto,
int xfrom = 0, int yfrom = 0,
int x_size = -1, int y_size = -1,
float pixel_scale = 1.0);
void lighten_sub_image(const PNMImage &copy, int xto, int yto,
int xfrom = 0, int yfrom = 0,
int x_size = -1, int y_size = -1,
float pixel_scale = 1.0);
void threshold(const PNMImage &select_image, int channel, float threshold,
const PNMImage &lt, const PNMImage &ge);
BLOCKING void fill_distance_inside(const PNMImage &mask, float threshold, int radius, bool shrink_from_border);
BLOCKING void fill_distance_outside(const PNMImage &mask, float threshold, int radius);
void indirect_1d_lookup(const PNMImage &index_image, int channel,
const PNMImage &pixel_values);
void rescale(float min_val, float max_val);
void copy_channel(const PNMImage &copy, int xto, int yto, int cto,
int xfrom = 0, int yfrom = 0, int cfrom = 0,
int x_size = -1, int y_size = -1);
void render_spot(const LColorf &fg, const LColorf &bg,
float min_radius, float max_radius);
void expand_border(int left, int right, int bottom, int top,
const LColorf &color);
// The bodies for the non-inline *_filter() functions can be found in the
// file pnm-image-filter.cxx.
BLOCKING INLINE void box_filter(float radius = 1.0);
BLOCKING INLINE void gaussian_filter(float radius = 1.0);
BLOCKING void unfiltered_stretch_from(const PNMImage &copy);
BLOCKING void box_filter_from(float radius, const PNMImage &copy);
BLOCKING void gaussian_filter_from(float radius, const PNMImage &copy);
BLOCKING void quick_filter_from(const PNMImage &copy,
int xborder = 0, int yborder = 0);
void make_histogram(Histogram &hist);
BLOCKING void perlin_noise_fill(float sx, float sy, int table_size = 256,
unsigned long seed = 0);
void perlin_noise_fill(StackedPerlinNoise2 &perlin);
void remix_channels(const LMatrix4 &conv);
BLOCKING INLINE void gamma_correct(float from_gamma, float to_gamma);
BLOCKING INLINE void gamma_correct_alpha(float from_gamma, float to_gamma);
BLOCKING INLINE void apply_exponent(float gray_exponent);
BLOCKING INLINE void apply_exponent(float gray_exponent, float alpha_exponent);
BLOCKING INLINE void apply_exponent(float red_exponent, float green_exponent, float blue_exponent);
BLOCKING void apply_exponent(float red_exponent, float green_exponent, float blue_exponent, float alpha_exponent);
LRGBColorf get_average_xel() const;
LColorf get_average_xel_a() const;
float get_average_gray() const;
void do_fill_distance(int xi, int yi, int d);
// Provides an accessor for reading or writing the contents of one row of
// the image in-place.
INLINE size_t size() const;
INLINE LColorf operator[](int x) const;
INLINE void __setitem__(int x, const LColorf &v);
INLINE xel &get_xel_val(int x);
INLINE void set_xel_val(int x, const xel &v);
INLINE xelval get_alpha_val(int x) const;
INLINE void set_alpha_val(int x, xelval v);
INLINE Row(PNMImage &image, int y);
PNMImage &_image;
int _y;
// Provides an accessor for reading the contents of one row of the image in-
// place.
INLINE size_t size() const;
INLINE LColorf operator[](int x) const;
INLINE xel get_xel_val(int x) const;
INLINE xelval get_alpha_val(int x) const;
INLINE CRow(const PNMImage &image, int y);
const PNMImage &_image;
int _y;
INLINE Row operator [] (int y);
INLINE CRow operator [] (int y) const;
// Know what you are doing if you access the underlying data arrays
// directly.
INLINE xel *get_array();
INLINE const xel *get_array() const;
INLINE xelval *get_alpha_array();
INLINE const xelval *get_alpha_array() const;
INLINE xel *take_array();
INLINE xelval *take_alpha_array();
void set_array(xel *array);
void set_alpha_array(xelval *alpha);
INLINE void allocate_array();
INLINE void allocate_alpha();
INLINE xel *row(int row) const;
INLINE xelval *alpha_row(int row) const;
INLINE void setup_sub_image(const PNMImage &copy, int &xto, int &yto,
int &xfrom, int &yfrom, int &x_size, int &y_size,
int &xmin, int &ymin, int &xmax, int &ymax);
INLINE static void compute_spot_pixel(LColorf &c, float d2,
float min_radius, float max_radius,
const LColorf &fg, const LColorf &bg);
void setup_rc();
void setup_encoding();
PNMImage operator ~() const;
INLINE PNMImage operator + (const PNMImage &other) const;
INLINE PNMImage operator + (const LColorf &other) const;
INLINE PNMImage operator - (const PNMImage &other) const;
INLINE PNMImage operator - (const LColorf &other) const;
INLINE PNMImage operator * (const PNMImage &other) const;
INLINE PNMImage operator * (float multiplier) const;
INLINE PNMImage operator * (const LColorf &other) const;
void operator += (const PNMImage &other);
void operator += (const LColorf &other);
void operator -= (const PNMImage &other);
void operator -= (const LColorf &other);
void operator *= (const PNMImage &other);
void operator *= (float multiplier);
void operator *= (const LColorf &other);
friend class Row;
friend class Texture;
xel *_array;
xelval *_alpha;
float _default_rc, _default_gc, _default_bc;
int _read_x_size, _read_y_size;
bool _has_read_size;
// The reciprocal of _maxval, as an optimization for from_val.
float _inv_maxval;
// These method pointers contain the implementation for to_val and from_val,
// respectively, dependent on the maxval and color space.
ColorSpace _color_space;
// The following enum determines which code path we should take in the
// set_xel and get_xel methods.
enum XelEncoding {
} _xel_encoding;
#include "pnmImage.I"