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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file sceneGraphReducer.h
* @author drose
* @date 2002-03-14
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "transformState.h"
#include "renderAttrib.h"
#include "renderState.h"
#include "accumulatedAttribs.h"
#include "geomTransformer.h"
#include "pStatCollector.h"
#include "pStatTimer.h"
#include "typedObject.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "graphicsStateGuardianBase.h"
class PandaNode;
* An interface for simplifying ("flattening") scene graphs by eliminating
* unneeded nodes and collapsing out unneeded state changes and transforms.
* This class is designed so that it may be inherited from and specialized, if
* needed, to fine-tune the flattening behavior, but normally the default
* behavior is sufficient.
class EXPCL_PANDA_PGRAPH SceneGraphReducer {
INLINE explicit SceneGraphReducer(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg = nullptr);
INLINE ~SceneGraphReducer();
enum AttribTypes {
TT_transform = 0x001,
TT_color = 0x002,
TT_color_scale = 0x004,
TT_tex_matrix = 0x008,
TT_clip_plane = 0x010,
TT_cull_face = 0x020,
TT_apply_texture_color = 0x040,
TT_other = 0x080,
enum CombineSiblings {
CS_geom_node = 0x001,
CS_within_radius = 0x002,
CS_other = 0x004,
CS_recurse = 0x008,
enum CollectVertexData {
// If set, two GeomVertexDatas with different names will not be collected
// together.
CVD_name = 0x001,
// If set, a ModelNode begins a subgraph of nodes whose GeomVertexDatas
// will not be collected with nodes outside the subgraph.
CVD_model = 0x002,
// If set, a non-identity transform begins a subgraph of nodes whose
// GeomVertexDatas will not be collected with nodes outside the subgraph.
CVD_transform = 0x004,
// If set, GeomVertexDatas with any usage_hint other than UH_static will
// not be collected with any other Geoms in a different GeomNode.
// However, two different dynamic Geoms within the same node might still
// be collected together.
CVD_avoid_dynamic = 0x008,
// If set, only those GeomVertexDatas within the same node might be
// collected together.
CVD_one_node_only = 0x010,
// If set, two GeomVertexDatas with different formats will not be
// collected together. If not set, GeomVertexDatas of different formats
// may be combined by expanding all GeomVertexDatas to the union of all
// defined columns.
CVD_format = 0x020,
// If set, two GeomVertexDatas with different usage hints (for instance,
// UH_static vs. UH_dynamic) will not be collected together.
CVD_usage_hint = 0x040,
// If set, GeomVertexDatas with unanimated vertices will not be combined
// with GeomVertexDatas with animated vertices.
CVD_animation_type = 0x080,
enum MakeNonindexed {
// If set, only composite primitives such as tristrips and trifans will be
// made nonindexed; simple primitives such as triangles will be left
// indexed.
MN_composite_only = 0x001,
// If set any GeomVertexData with any animation indication will not be
// adjusted, whether the animation is to be performed on the CPU or on the
// graphics pipe.
MN_avoid_animated = 0x002,
// If set, any GeomVertexData or Geom with a usage_hint other than
// UH_static will not be made nonindexed.
MN_avoid_dynamic = 0x004,
void set_gsg(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg);
void clear_gsg();
INLINE GraphicsStateGuardianBase *get_gsg() const;
INLINE void set_combine_radius(PN_stdfloat combine_radius);
INLINE PN_stdfloat get_combine_radius() const;
INLINE void apply_attribs(PandaNode *node, int attrib_types = ~(TT_clip_plane | TT_cull_face | TT_apply_texture_color));
INLINE void apply_attribs(PandaNode *node, const AccumulatedAttribs &attribs,
int attrib_types, GeomTransformer &transformer);
int flatten(PandaNode *root, int combine_siblings_bits);
int remove_column(PandaNode *root, const InternalName *column);
int make_compatible_state(PandaNode *root);
INLINE int make_compatible_format(PandaNode *root, int collect_bits = ~0);
void decompose(PandaNode *root);
INLINE int collect_vertex_data(PandaNode *root, int collect_bits = ~0);
INLINE int make_nonindexed(PandaNode *root, int nonindexed_bits = ~0);
void unify(PandaNode *root, bool preserve_order);
void remove_unused_vertices(PandaNode *root);
INLINE void premunge(PandaNode *root, const RenderState *initial_state);
bool check_live_flatten(PandaNode *node);
void r_apply_attribs(PandaNode *node, const AccumulatedAttribs &attribs,
int attrib_types, GeomTransformer &transformer);
int r_flatten(PandaNode *grandparent_node, PandaNode *parent_node,
int combine_siblings_bits);
int flatten_siblings(PandaNode *parent_node,
int combine_siblings_bits);
bool consider_child(PandaNode *grandparent_node,
PandaNode *parent_node, PandaNode *child_node);
bool consider_siblings(PandaNode *parent_node, PandaNode *child1,
PandaNode *child2);
bool do_flatten_child(PandaNode *grandparent_node,
PandaNode *parent_node, PandaNode *child_node);
PandaNode *do_flatten_siblings(PandaNode *parent_node,
PandaNode *child1, PandaNode *child2);
PT(PandaNode) collapse_nodes(PandaNode *node1, PandaNode *node2,
bool siblings);
void choose_name(PandaNode *preserve, PandaNode *source1,
PandaNode *source2);
int r_remove_column(PandaNode *node, const InternalName *column,
GeomTransformer &transformer);
int r_make_compatible_state(PandaNode *node, GeomTransformer &transformer);
int r_collect_vertex_data(PandaNode *node, int collect_bits,
GeomTransformer &transformer, bool format_only);
int r_make_nonindexed(PandaNode *node, int collect_bits);
void r_unify(PandaNode *node, int max_indices, bool preserve_order);
void r_register_vertices(PandaNode *node, GeomTransformer &transformer);
void r_decompose(PandaNode *node);
void r_premunge(PandaNode *node, const RenderState *state);
PT(GraphicsStateGuardianBase) _gsg;
PN_stdfloat _combine_radius;
GeomTransformer _transformer;
static PStatCollector _flatten_collector;
static PStatCollector _apply_collector;
static PStatCollector _remove_column_collector;
static PStatCollector _compatible_state_collector;
static PStatCollector _collect_collector;
static PStatCollector _make_nonindexed_collector;
static PStatCollector _unify_collector;
static PStatCollector _remove_unused_collector;
static PStatCollector _premunge_collector;
#include "sceneGraphReducer.I"