142 lines
2.8 KiB
142 lines
2.8 KiB
\ tag: misc useful functions
\ Misc useful functions
\ Copyright (C) 2003 Samuel Rydh
\ See the file "COPYING" for further information about
\ the copyright and warranty status of this work.
\ compare c-string with (str len) pair
: comp0 ( cstr str len -- 0|-1|1 )
comp ?dup if >r 3drop r> exit then
nip + c@ 0<> if 1 else 0 then
\ returns 0 if the strings match
: strcmp ( str1 len1 str2 len2 -- 0|1 )
rot over <> if 3drop 1 exit then
comp if 1 else 0 then
: strchr ( str len char -- where|0 )
1- dup 0>=
( str len )
over c@ r@ = if r> 2drop exit then
swap 1+ swap
r> 3drop 0
: cstrlen ( cstr -- len )
begin dup c@ while 1+ repeat
swap -
: strdup ( str len -- newstr len )
dup if
dup >r
dup alloc-mem dup >r swap move
r> r>
2drop 0 0
: dict-strdup ( str len -- dict-addr len )
dup here swap allot null-align
swap 2dup >r >r move r> r>
\ -----------------------------------------------------
\ string copy and cat variants
\ -----------------------------------------------------
: tmpstrcat ( addr2 len2 addr1 len1 tmpbuf -- buf len1+len2 tmpbuf+l1+l2 )
\ save return arguments
dup 2 pick + 4 pick + >r ( R: buf+l1+l2 )
over 4 pick + >r
dup >r
\ copy...
2dup + >r
swap move r> swap move
r> r> r>
: tmpstrcpy ( addr1 len1 tmpbuf -- tmpbuf len1 tmpbuf+len1 )
swap 2dup >r >r move
r> r> 2dup +
\ -----------------------------------------------------
\ number to string conversion
\ -----------------------------------------------------
: numtostr ( num buf -- buf len )
swap rdepth -rot
( rdepth buf num )
base @ u/mod swap
\ dup 0< if base @ + then
dup a < if ascii 0 else ascii a a - then + >r
?dup 0=
rdepth rot - 0
( buf len cnt )
r> over 4 pick + c!
1+ 2dup <=
: tohexstr ( num buf -- buf len )
base @ hex -rot numtostr rot base !
: toudecstr ( num buf -- buf len )
base @ decimal -rot numtostr rot base !
: todecstr ( num buf -- buf len )
over 0< if
swap negate over ascii - over c! 1+
( buf num buf+1 )
toudecstr 1+ nip
\ -----------------------------------------------------
\ string to number conversion
\ -----------------------------------------------------
: parse-hex ( str len -- value )
base @ hex -rot $number if 0 then swap base !
\ -----------------------------------------------------
\ miscellaneous functions
\ -----------------------------------------------------
: rot13 ( c - c )
dup upc [char] A [char] M between if d# 13 + exit then
dup upc [char] N [char] Z between if d# 13 - then
: rot13-str ( str len -- newstr len )
strdup 2dup bounds ?do i c@ rot13 i c! loop