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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file bamCache.h
* @author drose
* @date 2006-06-09
#ifndef BAMCACHE_H
#define BAMCACHE_H
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "bamCacheRecord.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "filename.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include "reMutex.h"
#include "reMutexHolder.h"
#include <time.h>
class BamCacheIndex;
* This class maintains a cache of Bam and/or Txo objects generated from model
* files and texture images (as well as possibly other kinds of loadable
* objects that can be stored in bam file format).
* This class also maintains a persistent index that lists all of the cached
* objects (see BamCacheIndex). We go through some considerable effort to make
* sure this index gets saved correctly to disk, even in the presence of
* multiple different processes writing to the same index, and without relying
* too heavily on low-level os-provided file locks (which work poorly with C++
* iostreams).
class EXPCL_PANDA_PUTIL BamCache {
INLINE void set_active(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_active() const;
INLINE void set_cache_models(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_cache_models() const;
INLINE void set_cache_textures(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_cache_textures() const;
INLINE void set_cache_compressed_textures(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_cache_compressed_textures() const;
INLINE void set_cache_compiled_shaders(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_cache_compiled_shaders() const;
void set_root(const Filename &root);
INLINE Filename get_root() const;
INLINE void set_flush_time(int flush_time);
INLINE int get_flush_time() const;
INLINE void set_cache_max_kbytes(int max_kbytes);
INLINE int get_cache_max_kbytes() const;
INLINE void set_read_only(bool ro);
INLINE bool get_read_only() const;
PT(BamCacheRecord) lookup(const Filename &source_filename,
const std::string &cache_extension);
bool store(BamCacheRecord *record);
void consider_flush_index();
void flush_index();
void list_index(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
INLINE static BamCache *get_global_ptr();
INLINE static void consider_flush_global_index();
INLINE static void flush_global_index();
MAKE_PROPERTY(active, get_active, set_active);
MAKE_PROPERTY(cache_models, get_cache_models, set_cache_models);
MAKE_PROPERTY(cache_textures, get_cache_textures, set_cache_textures);
MAKE_PROPERTY(cache_compressed_textures, get_cache_compressed_textures,
MAKE_PROPERTY(cache_compiled_shaders, get_cache_compiled_shaders,
MAKE_PROPERTY(root, get_root, set_root);
MAKE_PROPERTY(flush_time, get_flush_time, set_flush_time);
MAKE_PROPERTY(cache_max_kbytes, get_cache_max_kbytes, set_cache_max_kbytes);
MAKE_PROPERTY(read_only, get_read_only, set_read_only);
void read_index();
bool read_index_pathname(Filename &index_pathname,
std::string &index_ref_contents) const;
void merge_index(BamCacheIndex *new_index);
void rebuild_index();
INLINE void mark_index_stale();
void add_to_index(const BamCacheRecord *record);
void remove_from_index(const Filename &source_filename);
void check_cache_size();
void emergency_read_only();
static BamCacheIndex *do_read_index(const Filename &index_pathname);
static bool do_write_index(const Filename &index_pathname, const BamCacheIndex *index);
PT(BamCacheRecord) find_and_read_record(const Filename &source_pathname,
const Filename &cache_filename);
PT(BamCacheRecord) read_record(const Filename &source_pathname,
const Filename &cache_filename,
int pass);
static PT(BamCacheRecord) do_read_record(const Filename &cache_pathname,
bool read_data);
static std::string hash_filename(const std::string &filename);
static void make_global();
bool _active;
bool _cache_models;
bool _cache_textures;
bool _cache_compressed_textures;
bool _cache_compiled_shaders;
bool _read_only;
Filename _root;
int _flush_time;
int _max_kbytes;
static BamCache *_global_ptr;
BamCacheIndex *_index;
time_t _index_stale_since;
Filename _index_pathname;
std::string _index_ref_contents;
ReMutex _lock;
#include "bamCache.I"