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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file eggPrimitive.h
* @author drose
* @date 1999-01-16
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "eggNode.h"
#include "eggAttributes.h"
#include "eggVertex.h"
#include "eggTexture.h"
#include "eggMaterial.h"
#include "eggRenderMode.h"
#include "pt_EggTexture.h"
#include "pt_EggMaterial.h"
#include "vector_PT_EggVertex.h"
#include "vector_PT_EggTexture.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include <algorithm>
class EggVertexPool;
* A base class for any of a number of kinds of geometry primitives: polygons,
* point lights, nurbs patches, parametrics curves, etc. Things with a set of
* vertices and some rendering properties like color.
* An EggPrimitive is an STL-style container of pointers to EggVertex's. In
* fact, it IS a vector, and can be manipulated in all the ways that vectors
* can. However, it is necessary that all vertices belong to the same vertex
* pool.
class EXPCL_PANDA_EGG EggPrimitive : public EggNode, public EggAttributes,
public EggRenderMode
// This is a bit of private interface stuff that must be here as a forward
// reference. This allows us to define the EggPrimitive as an STL
// container.
typedef vector_PT_EggVertex Vertices;
// Here begins the actual public interface to EggPrimitive.
enum Shading {
// The order here is important. The later choices are more specific than
// the earlier ones.
INLINE explicit EggPrimitive(const std::string &name = "");
INLINE EggPrimitive(const EggPrimitive ©);
INLINE EggPrimitive &operator = (const EggPrimitive ©);
INLINE ~EggPrimitive();
virtual EggPrimitive *make_copy() const=0;
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_alpha_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_depth_write_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_depth_test_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_visibility_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_depth_offset();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_draw_order();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_bin();
INLINE std::string get_sort_name() const;
virtual Shading get_shading() const;
INLINE void clear_connected_shading();
INLINE Shading get_connected_shading() const;
INLINE void set_texture(EggTexture *texture);
INLINE bool has_texture() const;
INLINE bool has_texture(EggTexture *texture) const;
INLINE EggTexture *get_texture() const;
INLINE void add_texture(EggTexture *texture);
INLINE void clear_texture();
INLINE int get_num_textures() const;
INLINE EggTexture *get_texture(int n) const;
MAKE_SEQ(get_textures, get_num_textures, get_texture);
INLINE void set_material(EggMaterial *material);
INLINE void clear_material();
INLINE EggMaterial *get_material() const;
INLINE bool has_material() const;
INLINE void set_bface_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_bface_flag() const;
MAKE_PROPERTY(sort_name, get_sort_name);
MAKE_PROPERTY(shading, get_shading);
MAKE_PROPERTY(connected_shading, get_connected_shading);
MAKE_SEQ_PROPERTY(textures, get_num_textures, get_texture);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(material, has_material, get_material, set_material, clear_material);
MAKE_PROPERTY(bface_flag, get_bface_flag, set_bface_flag);
void copy_attributes(const EggAttributes &other);
void copy_attributes(const EggPrimitive &other);
bool has_vertex_normal() const;
bool has_vertex_color() const;
virtual void unify_attributes(Shading shading);
virtual void apply_last_attribute();
virtual void apply_first_attribute();
virtual void post_apply_flat_attribute();
virtual void reverse_vertex_ordering();
virtual bool cleanup();
void remove_doubled_verts(bool closed);
void remove_nonunique_verts();
virtual bool has_primitives() const;
virtual bool joint_has_primitives() const;
virtual bool has_normals() const;
// The EggPrimitive itself appears to be an STL container of pointers to
// EggVertex objects. The set of vertices is read-only, however, except
// through the limited add_vertexremove_vertex or inserterase interface.
// The following implements this.
#if defined(WIN32_VC) || defined(WIN64_VC)
typedef PT_EggVertex *pointer;
typedef PT_EggVertex *const_pointer;
typedef Vertices::const_pointer pointer;
typedef Vertices::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef Vertices::const_reference reference;
typedef Vertices::const_reference const_reference;
typedef Vertices::const_iterator iterator;
typedef Vertices::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef Vertices::const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef Vertices::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
typedef Vertices::size_type size_type;
typedef Vertices::difference_type difference_type;
INLINE iterator begin() const;
INLINE iterator end() const;
INLINE reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
INLINE reverse_iterator rend() const;
INLINE bool empty() const;
INLINE size_type size() const;
INLINE EggVertex *operator [] (int index) const;
INLINE iterator insert(iterator position, EggVertex *x);
INLINE iterator erase(iterator position);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
INLINE void replace(iterator position, EggVertex *vertex);
iterator find(EggVertex *vertex);
INLINE void clear();
EggVertex *add_vertex(EggVertex *vertex);
EggVertex *remove_vertex(EggVertex *vertex);
void remove_vertex(size_t index);
void copy_vertices(const EggPrimitive &other);
// These are shorthands if you don't want to use the iterators.
INLINE size_t get_num_vertices() const;
INLINE EggVertex *get_vertex(size_t index) const;
INLINE void set_vertex(size_t index, EggVertex *vertex);
INLINE void insert_vertex(size_t index, EggVertex *vertex);
MAKE_SEQ(get_vertices, get_num_vertices, get_vertex);
INLINE EggVertexPool *get_pool() const;
MAKE_SEQ_PROPERTY(vertices, get_num_vertices, get_vertex, set_vertex, remove_vertex, insert_vertex);
MAKE_PROPERTY(pool, get_pool);
virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const=0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void test_vref_integrity() const;
void test_vref_integrity() const { }
#endif // _DEBUG
Vertices _vertices;
// Don't try to use these private functions. User code should add and
// remove vertices via add_vertex()remove_vertex(), or via the STL-like
// push_back()pop_back() or insert()erase(), above.
virtual void prepare_add_vertex(EggVertex *vertex, int i, int n);
virtual void prepare_remove_vertex(EggVertex *vertex, int i, int n);
void write_body(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
virtual bool egg_start_parse_body();
virtual void r_transform(const LMatrix4d &mat, const LMatrix4d &inv,
CoordinateSystem to_cs);
virtual void r_flatten_transforms();
virtual void r_apply_texmats(EggTextureCollection &textures);
void do_apply_flat_attribute(int vertex_index, EggAttributes *attrib);
void set_connected_shading(Shading shading, const EggAttributes *neighbor);
class ConnectedShadingNode {
Shading _shading;
const EggAttributes *_neighbor;
typedef pvector<ConnectedShadingNode> ConnectedShadingNodes;
void r_set_connected_shading(int depth_count,
Shading shading, const EggAttributes *neighbor,
ConnectedShadingNodes &connected_nodes);
typedef vector_PT_EggTexture Textures;
Textures _textures;
PT_EggMaterial _material;
bool _bface;
Shading _connected_shading;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "EggPrimitive",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
friend class EggTextureCollection;
#include "eggPrimitive.I"