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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file fltHeader.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-08-24
#include "pandatoolbase.h"
#include "fltBeadID.h"
#include "fltVertex.h"
#include "fltMaterial.h"
#include "fltTexture.h"
#include "fltLightSourceDefinition.h"
#include "fltEyepoint.h"
#include "fltTrackplane.h"
#include "fltInstanceDefinition.h"
#include "pathReplace.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "filename.h"
#include "dSearchPath.h"
#include "distanceUnit.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include "pset.h"
#include "pmap.h"
* This is the first bead in the file, the top of the bead hierarchy, and the
* primary interface to reading and writing a Flt file. You always read a Flt
* file by creating a header and calling read_flt(), which fills in its
* children beads automatically; you write a Flt file by creating a header,
* adding its children, and calling write_flt().
class FltHeader : public FltBeadID {
FltHeader(PathReplace *path_replace);
virtual void apply_converted_filenames();
void set_path_replace(PathReplace *path_replace);
PathReplace *get_path_replace();
const PathReplace *get_path_replace() const;
Filename convert_path(const Filename &orig_filename,
const DSearchPath &additional_path = DSearchPath());
void set_flt_filename(const Filename &flt_filename);
const Filename &get_flt_filename() const;
FltError read_flt(Filename filename);
FltError read_flt(std::istream &in);
FltError write_flt(Filename filename);
FltError write_flt(std::ostream &out);
enum AttrUpdate {
void set_auto_attr_update(AttrUpdate attr);
AttrUpdate get_auto_attr_update() const;
enum Units {
U_meters = 0,
U_kilometers = 1,
U_feet = 4,
U_inches = 5,
U_nautical_miles = 8
enum Flags {
F_save_vertex_normals = 0x80000000
enum ProjectionType {
PT_flat_earth = 0,
PT_trapezoidal = 1,
PT_round_earth = 2,
PT_lambert = 3,
PT_utm = 4
enum VertexStorageType {
VTS_double = 1
enum DatabaseOrigin {
DO_open_flight = 100,
DO_dig = 200,
DO_es_ct6 = 300,
DO_psp = 400,
DO_ge_civ = 600,
DO_es_gdf = 700,
enum EarthModel {
EM_wgs84 = 0,
EM_wgs72 = 1,
EM_bessel = 2,
EM_clarke_1866 = 3,
EM_nad27 = 4
int _format_revision_level;
int _edit_revision_level;
std::string _last_revision;
int _next_group_id;
int _next_lod_id;
int _next_object_id;
int _next_face_id;
int _unit_multiplier;
Units _vertex_units;
bool _texwhite_new;
unsigned int _flags;
ProjectionType _projection_type;
int _next_dof_id;
VertexStorageType _vertex_storage_type;
DatabaseOrigin _database_origin;
double _sw_x, _sw_y;
double _delta_x, _delta_y;
int _next_sound_id;
int _next_path_id;
int _next_clip_id;
int _next_text_id;
int _next_bsp_id;
int _next_switch_id;
double _sw_lat, _sw_long;
double _ne_lat, _ne_long;
double _origin_lat, _origin_long;
double _lambert_upper_lat, _lambert_lower_lat;
int _next_light_id;
int _next_road_id;
int _next_cat_id;
EarthModel _earth_model;
int _next_adaptive_id;
int _next_curve_id;
double _delta_z;
double _radius;
int _next_mesh_id;
int get_flt_version() const;
void set_flt_version(int version);
static int min_flt_version();
static int max_flt_version();
bool check_version() const;
DistanceUnit get_units() const;
// Accessors into the instance pool.
bool has_instance(int instance_index) const;
FltInstanceDefinition *get_instance(int instance_index) const;
void clear_instances();
void add_instance(FltInstanceDefinition *instance);
void remove_instance(int instance_index);
// Accessors into the vertex palette.
int get_num_vertices() const;
FltVertex *get_vertex(int n) const;
void clear_vertices();
void add_vertex(FltVertex *vertex);
FltVertex *get_vertex_by_offset(int offset);
int get_offset_by_vertex(FltVertex *vertex);
// Accessors into the color palette. This is read-only; why would you want
// to mess with building a new color palette?
int get_num_colors() const;
LColor get_color(int color_index) const;
LRGBColor get_rgb(int color_index) const;
bool has_color_name(int color_index) const;
std::string get_color_name(int color_index) const;
int get_closest_color(const LColor &color) const;
int get_closest_rgb(const LRGBColor &color) const;
int get_num_color_entries() const;
int get_num_color_shades() const;
// These functions are mainly used behind-the-scenes to decode the strange
// forest of color options defined for faces and vertices.
LColor get_color(int color_index, bool use_packed_color,
const FltPackedColor &packed_color,
int transparency);
LRGBColor get_rgb(int color_index, bool use_packed_color,
const FltPackedColor &packed_color);
// Accessors into the material palette.
bool has_material(int material_index) const;
FltMaterial *get_material(int material_index) const;
void clear_materials();
void add_material(FltMaterial *material);
void remove_material(int material_index);
// Accessors into the texture palette.
bool has_texture(int texture_index) const;
FltTexture *get_texture(int texture_index) const;
void clear_textures();
void add_texture(FltTexture *texture);
void remove_texture(int texture_index);
// Accessors into the light source palette.
bool has_light_source(int light_index) const;
FltLightSourceDefinition *get_light_source(int light_index) const;
void clear_light_sources();
void add_light_source(FltLightSourceDefinition *light_source);
void remove_light_source(int light_index);
// Accessors into the eyepointtrackplane palette.
bool got_eyepoint_trackplane_palette() const;
void set_eyepoint_trackplane_palette(bool flag);
int get_num_eyepoints() const;
FltEyepoint *get_eyepoint(int n);
int get_num_trackplanes() const;
FltTrackplane *get_trackplane(int n);
// Instance subtrees. These are standalone subtrees, which may be
// referenced by various points in the hierarchy, stored by instance ID
// number.
typedef pmap<int, PT(FltInstanceDefinition)> Instances;
Instances _instances;
// Support for the vertex palette.
int update_vertex_lookups();
typedef pvector<PT(FltVertex)> Vertices;
typedef pset<FltVertex *> UniqueVertices;
typedef pmap<int, FltVertex *> VerticesByOffset;
typedef pmap<FltVertex *, int> OffsetsByVertex;
Vertices _vertices;
UniqueVertices _unique_vertices;
VerticesByOffset _vertices_by_offset;
OffsetsByVertex _offsets_by_vertex;
bool _vertex_lookups_stale;
// This is maintained while the header is being read, to map the vertices to
// their corresponding offsets in the vertex palette.
int _current_vertex_offset;
// Support for the color palette.
bool _got_color_palette;
typedef pvector<FltPackedColor> Colors;
typedef pmap<int, std::string> ColorNames;
Colors _colors;
ColorNames _color_names;
// Support for the material palette.
bool _got_14_material_palette;
typedef pmap<int, PT(FltMaterial)> Materials;
Materials _materials;
int _next_material_index;
// Support for the texture palette.
AttrUpdate _auto_attr_update;
typedef pmap<int, PT(FltTexture)> Textures;
Textures _textures;
int _next_pattern_index;
// Support for the light source palette.
typedef pmap<int, PT(FltLightSourceDefinition)> LightSources;
LightSources _light_sources;
// Support for the eyepointtrackplane palette.
bool _got_eyepoint_trackplane_palette;
FltEyepoint _eyepoints[10];
FltTrackplane _trackplanes[10];
// This pointer is used to resolve references in the flt file.
PT(PathReplace) _path_replace;
Filename _flt_filename;
virtual bool extract_record(FltRecordReader &reader);
virtual bool extract_ancillary(FltRecordReader &reader);
virtual bool build_record(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
virtual FltError write_ancillary(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
bool extract_vertex(FltRecordReader &reader);
bool extract_color_palette(FltRecordReader &reader);
bool extract_material(FltRecordReader &reader);
bool extract_14_material_palette(FltRecordReader &reader);
bool extract_texture(FltRecordReader &reader);
bool extract_texture_map(FltRecordReader &reader);
bool extract_light_source(FltRecordReader &reader);
bool extract_eyepoint_palette(FltRecordReader &reader);
FltError write_vertex_palette(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
FltError write_color_palette(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
FltError write_material_palette(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
FltError write_texture_palette(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
FltError write_light_source_palette(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
FltError write_eyepoint_palette(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "FltHeader",
static TypeHandle _type_handle;